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2022-23 Performances

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6.4 Season Average Rating
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I worry that his(and many other veteran players) main focus this half of the season will be tuning up for the WC and we won't see the best of him until either late in the season or early next. Which as a personal career goal, designing this season towards peaking at the WC, perfectly understandable, but as Utd fan I hope otherwise.
Since the WC is november shouldnt we see his best this fall?
Since the WC is november shouldnt we see his best this fall?

Definitely possible. Such a strange season with the lack of a proper gap going into the tournament, how do the players deal with it? Roll through the season as normal or look to build to an early peak? Whoever gets it right is going to have a real advantage at the WC.
Just needs to get used to his new surroundings, new league, new country, new teammates, new manager etc etc. Let's have a bit of patience.

Varane was a but shaky at first but he is showing that with time he is improving.
I believe he is still under warranty, if you don't want it, we'll take it back, no questions asked.

If you're now happy with Varane, you will love Casemiro.

Most Madrid fans were happy when Varane left, I was amongst them, but Casemiro is still one of the best if not the best DM in the world, and will remain like that for at least 3 or 4 years, probably more, unless yor "break" him.

That reminds me a joke from Jimmy Carr, it goes something like this:

Jimmy Car is having sex with his girlfriend and he is unable to perform satisfactory.
His girlfriend tells him not to worry, that is normal and that it happens to a lot of guys.
To which Jimmy responds: "First, who are those a lot of guys" and "Second, if it has happend to more than one of us, could it be YOUR fault.

Something to think about...
This is by far weirdest thing which i have read on Caf.
Casemiro was "one of the best dmc in the world" 3 months ago.
3 months later, after one full game "he is finished".

Get a grip, ffs.
I don't get the signing, we needed a de Jong, jorginho type of deep lying playmaker to fit how I assume ten hag wants us to Play unless we are stuck with another counter attacking manager, not a defensive midfielder which has left us with just one guy to rely on midfielder to pull the strings in eriksen who isn't even a natural cm.
I never got why we were linked whilst keeping Fred and McTom. basically Jose type midfielders
It would definitely be uncharacteristics of the Caf not to have written him off after one full game, if anything i would be surprised if no one on here wasn't trying to paint how finished he looked after a handful of games.

Like most have already point out about moving to a new country, new league, new teammate, new manager... it think need to given a bit of time to settle in, he needs games and more trainings with this team. Calm down guys Casemiro would come good!
This is by far weirdest thing which i have read on Caf.
Casemiro was "one of the best dmc in the world" 3 months ago.
3 months later, after one full game "he is finished".

Get a grip, ffs.

The crazy world of fan forums……
Having watched his performance back, there is a lot of good as well some sloppy, his one touch passing is fantastic, he visibly faded though and some mistakes later on, he's clearly lacking match fitness,

a few weeks and he'll be fine
Guys, there's so many responses here and I'm on a 3 posts a day limit due to my newbie status so it's difficult to respond to everybody. How do I make it out of the newbies? Surely I deserve some likes.

Unfortunately, my assessments of previous players were on a different forum where I'm well know for my accurate predictions and judgement of footballing ability. Otherwise I'd quote the evidence here.

One day I'll make it out of the newbies and be able to share my insight more regularly with you all.

Do you have any self awareness of what an arrogant pr^*k you come across as? I’m sure people are more than capable of forming their own opinions based on actually watching players, rather than your assumptions that people know nothing and need to listen to your drivel.

I imagine you are no longer on that ‘other forum’ because people couldn’t stand you? That’s if it’s not BS.

Oh and stop begging for likes, it’s pathetic.

Rant over!
Who can blame him? Arriving into a dressing room riven with disharmony over the loss of ketchup and Coke Zero at lunchtime.
Do you have any self awareness of what an arrogant pr^*k you come across as? I’m sure people are more than capable of forming their own opinions based on actually watching players, rather than your assumptions that people know nothing and need to listen to your drivel.

I imagine you are no longer on that ‘other forum’ because people couldn’t stand you? That’s if it’s not BS.

Oh and stop begging for likes, it’s pathetic.

Rant over!

I appreciate your attempt to attack me in your own desperation for likes and approval. Unfortunately, you missed the fact most of the posts I've made in here have been tongue in cheek. I'm completely self aware as to how my posts would come across, that's half the point.

I do think Casemiro will be a flop but I'm not deluded enough to genuinely think my opinion holds any weight here or that I would be taken seriously when I say I've never been wrong in my judgment of a player. People will make up their own minds about Casemiro, I realise that.
I don't get the signing, we needed a de Jong, jorginho type of deep lying playmaker to fit how I assume ten hag wants us to Play unless we are stuck with another counter attacking manager, not a defensive midfielder which has left us with just one guy to rely on midfielder to pull the strings in eriksen who isn't even a natural cm.
Eriksen has shown, that he can act as the deeplying playmaker and seems physically fit to play a lot of games. A tactical aware, strong tackling, defensive minded and simple yet effective passer like Casemiro is the perfect match for Eriksen and gives him the freedom to roam.

Teams ran way too easy through our midfield over the last years and Casemiro will add much needed steel and positional awareness to our team, which especially will help us to push higher up the pitch and build the foundation for posession based football without being too susceptible against counter attacks.
Do you have any self awareness of what an arrogant pr^*k you come across as? I’m sure people are more than capable of forming their own opinions based on actually watching players, rather than your assumptions that people know nothing and need to listen to your drivel.

I imagine you are no longer on that ‘other forum’ because people couldn’t stand you? That’s if it’s not BS.

Oh and stop begging for likes, it’s pathetic.

Rant over!
Yeah, I agree with you on this. We can’t be expected to take it all in good humour. There’s a few posters who can get away with it but they’ve built up their persona over hundreds or thousands of posts.

Now we’ve been told it was all tongue in cheek, I suppose it’s okay but it was a touch dick-ish at the time.
Eriksen has shown, that he can act as the deeplying playmaker and seems physically fit to play a lot of games. A tactical aware, strong tackling, defensive minded and simple yet effective passer like Casemiro is the perfect match for Eriksen and gives him the freedom to roam.

Teams ran way too easy through our midfield over the last years and Casemiro will add much needed steel and positional awareness to our team, which especially will help us to push higher up the pitch and build the foundation for posession based football without being too susceptible against counter attacks.
Agree with this, every word.
Do you have any self awareness of what an arrogant pr^*k you come across as? I’m sure people are more than capable of forming their own opinions based on actually watching players, rather than your assumptions that people know nothing and need to listen to your drivel.

I imagine you are no longer on that ‘other forum’ because people couldn’t stand you? That’s if it’s not BS.

Oh and stop begging for likes, it’s pathetic.

Rant over!

It’s definitely not worth getting worked up over someone like this. They’re either playing a role or they’re a loon
Guys, there's so many responses here and I'm on a 3 posts a day limit due to my newbie status so it's difficult to respond to everybody. How do I make it out of the newbies? Surely I deserve some likes.

Unfortunately, my assessments of previous players were on a different forum where I'm well know for my accurate predictions and judgement of footballing ability. Otherwise I'd quote the evidence here.

One day I'll make it out of the newbies and be able to share my insight more regularly with you all.
What forum is that? Ill go over and take a look.
I want to let it be known that I have also been quite good at pointing out good/bad ones and even serving as the main unofficial "Couchscout" of Manchester United over the years (this is all volunteer work and not in direct co-operation with the club)
And I could also do with a few more likes.
I appreciate your attempt to attack me in your own desperation for likes and approval. Unfortunately, you missed the fact most of the posts I've made in here have been tongue in cheek. I'm completely self aware as to how my posts would come across, that's half the point.

I do think Casemiro will be a flop but I'm not deluded enough to genuinely think my opinion holds any weight here or that I would be taken seriously when I say I've never been wrong in my judgment of a player. People will make up their own minds about Casemiro, I realise that.
You’ve got me totally wrong, I don’t give two hoots whether I get likes or approval. My attack on you is purely because you’re an arrogant, condescending arse.

You’re one of those types that tries too hard to be funny when you really lack the personality to be.
It’s definitely not worth getting worked up over someone like this. They’re either playing a role or they’re a loon
Fair point. Just people who are belittling or condescending really push my buttons.

I’ll wind it in now, don’t want to get myself banned over someone like that.
Are there many people actually writing him off or is it just a vocal minority.

His form is a bit worrying but can't imagine many have actually declared him a failed signing already.
Are there many people actually writing him off or is it just a vocal minority.

His form is a bit worrying but can't imagine many have actually declared him a failed signing already.

Many absolutely have. This forum is full of absolut morons to be fair. You just have to watch the match day thread when we have a game. It's pathetic really what nonsense some guys on here write all the time.
There is no middle groudn anymore for many it's just black or white but you can see that in many other threads too not just the football forum.

New player in a new league with a new manager in a system he has never played before needs time to settle in? absolute shocker really
Many absolutely have. This forum is full of absolut morons to be fair. You just have to watch the match day thread when we have a game. It's pathetic really what nonsense some guys on here write all the time.
There is no middle groudn anymore for many it's just black or white but you can see that in many other threads too not just the football forum.

New player in a new league with a new manager in a system he has never played before needs time to settle in? absolute shocker really

But speaking of middle grounds... There are probably a few who have written him off. But then there are those who see a few people vaguely unimpressed with the player and are really quick to jump to the position of "look at the horde who have written him off! WHAT IDIOTS!"
Fair point. Just people who are belittling or condescending really push my buttons.

I’ll wind it in now, don’t want to get myself banned over someone like that.

Oh yeah I can’t imagine you’d be banned over anything like that, the condescension was just dripping off his post. That’s why I figured he had to be taking the piss! If not, I’m sure most other people thought the same as you. I’m just saying even if he was, someone that condescending should be laughed at rather than attacked, simply because his own words do enough damage on his own!
You’ve got me totally wrong, I don’t give two hoots whether I get likes or approval. My attack on you is purely because you’re an arrogant, condescending arse.

You’re one of those types that tries too hard to be funny when you really lack the personality to be.

Fair enough. The point of my previous response was to say, me being arrogant, is an act. I think I better make that clear now seeing as it's annoying several people. I stand by my opinion on Casemiro but the arrogant unconscious persona, that would make it appear I have zero self awareness, was simply playing along after so many criticised my view point on Casemiro.

It's hard for me to respond refuting what you say without it coming across as condescending now but I didn't think this whole thing would be such a big deal. I don't rate Casemiro but at the same time I was partly being a WUM when it came to acting as though I'm the font of all knowledge on footballing ability and judgement of players. Let's leave it at that.
Fair enough. The point of my previous response was to say, me being arrogant, is an act. I think I better make that clear now seeing as it's annoying several people. I stand by my opinion on Casemiro but the arrogant unconscious persona, that would make it appear I have zero self awareness, was simply playing along after so many criticised my view point on Casemiro.

It's hard for me to respond refuting what you say without it coming across as condescending now but I didn't think this whole thing would be such a big deal. I don't rate Casemiro but at the same time I was partly being a WUM when it came to acting as though I'm the font of all knowledge on footballing ability and judgement of players. Let's leave it at that.
Yeah. I hope you’re enjoying the forum by the way.

I think it was a case of the tongue-in-cheek element going past us.
Fair enough. The point of my previous response was to say, me being arrogant, is an act. I think I better make that clear now seeing as it's annoying several people. I stand by my opinion on Casemiro but the arrogant unconscious persona, that would make it appear I have zero self awareness, was simply playing along after so many criticised my view point on Casemiro.

It's hard for me to respond refuting what you say without it coming across as condescending now but I didn't think this whole thing would be such a big deal. I don't rate Casemiro but at the same time I was partly being a WUM when it came to acting as though I'm the font of all knowledge on footballing ability and judgement of players. Let's leave it at that.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Are there many people actually writing him off or is it just a vocal minority.

His form is a bit worrying but can't imagine many have actually declared him a failed signing already.

Half the thread is a private fight here between people bashing him and people supporting him.
As some have said it's going to take a bit of time getting used to the PL especially if you are a midfield player. A player who has been playing in a top side with top world class players.
Better from him, still a long way from his best, but quite active, lot of tackles and simple passes. Some bad moments when it looked as if he was having a competition with Ronaldo for who looks the oldest and stiffest but came on to a decent half by the end.
A couple of good forward passes as soon as he got the ball which is positive play. A couple of lazy and mistimed challenges

But you can certainly see where his fitness is a lot less impressive than McTom's right now.
He's very good at positioning, still a little sloppy but he's definitely a good player.
Poor again. Better passing and interceptions, but gave away possession so many times and committed a bunch of fouls. He is miles off pace.
A few good tackles and interceptions but conceded quite a few free-kicks; surprised he avoided a booking. Passing mostly fine but one awful left-footed pass.
You buy Casemiro for games like City. Given the type of game it is likely to be with City having most of the ball, Casemiro's reading of the game and defensive excellence might be needed. Maybe both of Cas and McT.
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