Club Sale | It’s done!

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This sale process has been a farce from the very beginning. There’s no other way to the describe it.

Whatever the outcome will be there must be raised serious questions to the the Raine Group how they has handled their role when taking into consideration that both the club and their supporters has felt treated in a disrespectful way because of the the lack of clarity and public communication. United’s main sponsors and other business partners isn’t blind either. See what happened to Bud Light when their PR department misread their customers and took them for ignorant hillbillies.

The Glazers should also be careful. Their reputation has also been damaged.

Something tells me that someone has overplayed their cards and starting to realize that it comes with consequences. The silence creates speculations and right now that’s counterproductive for the value of the club. The Glazers should be careful with their next step because if both buyers starts to hesitate then this bidding process can fast go downhill with serious financial complications.
Raine is doing what their clients, the Glazers, want them to do. They're not the ones responsible for ongoing communication.
It's sad that after all this time people still come out with this idiocy. The amount is not the point. The point is how it was spent and why.
Allowing the club to spend a proportion of its own income is the absolute bare minimum expected. In fact that sentence sounds ridiculous reading it back.

The focus on the transfer spending seems to have really played into the Glazers hands when it comes to deceiving football fans. Their stewardship of the club has been about as bad as you could imagine. They’ve not Invested anywhere near enough in the club as a whole, but have managed to convince a few by throwing large transfer fees about without adequate structure or planning in place (see Jamie Redknapp).
Allowing the club to spend a proportion of its own income is the absolute bare minimum expected. In fact that sentence sounds ridiculous reading it back.

The focus on the transfer spending seems to have really played into the Glazers hands when it comes to deceiving football fans. Their stewardship of the club has been about as bad as you could imagine. They’ve not Invested anywhere near enough in the club as a whole, but have managed to convince a few by throwing large transfer fees about without adequate structure or planning in place (see Jamie Redknapp).
I'm not a fan of theirs but I feel you are greatly underrating the powers of my imagination here.

I'm to an extent on board with the broader point that the expenditure on personnel has helped hide the negligence elsewhere and in edge cases has seemingly distracted some easily distracted folk from the incompetence.

What did Jamie say? I'm a pretty big hater, so always up for hearing he's said something particularly dumb.
I'm not a fan of theirs but I feel you are greatly underrating the powers of my imagination here.

I'm to an extent on board with the broader point that the expenditure on personnel has helped hide the negligence elsewhere and in edge cases has seemingly distracted some easily distracted folk from the incompetence.

What did Jamie say? I'm a pretty big hater, so always up for hearing he's said something particularly dumb.
I was agreeing with you. Jamie is a pundit that has tried to defend them due to their transfer spend in the past.

Edit: ignore the start of my post. Confusion/inebriation on my part.
I was agreeing with you. Jamie is a pundit that has tried to defend them due to their transfer spend in the past.
I'm hoping you have me confused with the person you originally quoted, rather than somehow reading my thoughts before I'd posted them...
Glazers are going to chase the absolute maximum they can get and aren’t bothered how it affects the club or it’s fans

I’ll happily predict that we’ll enter July without a preferred bidder announced

Yeah those leeches couldn't give a shite about how much it delays our transfer plans
I'm hoping you have me confused with the person you originally quoted, rather than somehow reading my thoughts before I'd posted them...
See my edit :lol: But anyway, I still feel some fans (both united and opposition) see the transfer figures and assume united fans are spoilt when they complain about the ownership.
I remember back when it was all "looking to sell by the end of Q1", those were the days!
The state of Qatar also affect the environment in a negative way. So SJR is better overall since he doesnt oppress women and put his political opponents in jail.

That's a daft comparison. The state of Qatar is a country, SJR is just a single person. Two completely different entities and at the opposite ends of the scale to one another. Its like comparing a guy with a shotgun who's only killed one person to the US military who's killed millions. Its a bit one sided.
You could easily argue that SJRs green credentials have contributed to killing loads of people worldwide or given them long term health conditions. Just because it's not as black and white doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.

It's never as simple as one is better than the other. Dig deep enough and you'll find dirt on anyone.
That's a daft comparison. The state of Qatar is a country, SJR is just a single person. Two completely different entities and at the opposite ends of the scale to one another. Its like comparing a guy with a shotgun who's only killed one person to the US military who's killed millions. Its a bit one sided.
You could easily argue that SJRs green credentials have contributed to killing loads of people worldwide or given them long term health conditions. Just because it's not as black and white doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.

It's never as simple as one is better than the other. Dig deep enough and you'll find dirt on anyone.

what the hell are you on about? That reply is completely nonsensical.
Raine is doing what their clients, the Glazers, want them to do. They're not the ones responsible for ongoing communication.

Whilst I agree in general re Raine, just a point of order, Raine are technically advising the club in this process - their client is Manchester United. The Glazers are being advised in this process by Rothschilds (they are long-time advisors of the family and also advised daddy Malc on the takeover in 2005).
One tweet since I last checked and it’s a clip of a badminton game .
I’ll come back in here Tuesday maybe
Whilst I agree in general re Raine, just a point of order, Raine are technically advising the club in this process - their client is Manchester United. The Glazers are being advised in this process by Rothschilds (they are long-time advisors of the family and also advised daddy Malc on the takeover in 2005).
Thanks for this info! Thinking out loud, would this mean that Raine's cut/fee of any potential sale would come out of the clubs books, and not the glazers?
If the Glazers stay in full control, it will be brilliant on here. There is nothing at the moment to suggest anything different.
If the Glazers stay in full control, it will be brilliant on here. There is nothing at the moment to suggest anything different.
I mean, there is. It ain't unequivocal but... there really is.
Allowing the club to spend a proportion of its own income is the absolute bare minimum expected. In fact that sentence sounds ridiculous reading it back.

The focus on the transfer spending seems to have really played into the Glazers hands when it comes to deceiving football fans. Their stewardship of the club has been about as bad as you could imagine. They’ve not Invested anywhere near enough in the club as a whole, but have managed to convince a few by throwing large transfer fees about without adequate structure or planning in place (see Jamie Redknapp).
I repeat myself every year that in the transfer market of the last decade, a billion spent isn’t that much, especially considering the overhaul needed and that city’s squad was already ahead of ours when fergie left.
Look at Chelsea, they spent half a billion in one season on mostly dross.
In the last ten years, average players cost 50m.
We scrimped out of the right players and overspent on the wrong ones, but the amount of money spent was not enough either, in my view.
That’s exactly what I want, never hided it.

But people defending Sir Jim Glazer as if he was a saint without sins is really insane. Both parties are sport washing, one to promote their country and distract for the lack of rights for women and LGBT, and the other to promote their company and distract their business seriously harms the environment. There’s no saint or moral superior here.

I take your point. There are no good billionaires but these are not really comparable, are they? I don't see how Manchester United would be greenwashing for Ineos. Their own strapline begins with "INEOS is a global chemical company". They're not hiding behind what they do and they would likely use Manchester United to promote what they do. The very nature of what they do means it's essential to almost every industry, I don't think they have any interest in lowering their profile and I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting that we stop using things like paint.

As I say, there are no good billionaires and I'm cheerleading for nobody here, but they're not comparable and it's silly to suggest they are, however much you want Neymar.
This sale process has been a farce from the very beginning. There’s no other way to the describe it.

Whatever the outcome will be there must be raised serious questions to the the Raine Group how they has handled their role when taking into consideration that both the club and their supporters has felt treated in a disrespectful way because of the the lack of clarity and public communication. United’s main sponsors and other business partners isn’t blind either. See what happened to Bud Light when their PR department misread their customers and took them for ignorant hillbillies.

The Glazers should also be careful. Their reputation has also been damaged.

Something tells me that someone has overplayed their cards and starting to realize that it comes with consequences. The silence creates speculations and right now that’s counterproductive for the value of the club. The Glazers should be careful with their next step because if both buyers starts to hesitate then this bidding process can fast go downhill with serious financial complications.
Nonsense! This is a multi billion pound business deal with strict NDA’s attached! Really it has nothing to do with the fans so not sure why you’d expect constant communication as to what’s going on!
As much as we all want to have news on who is taking over and we cry out for that info on social media everyday. This is a huge Multi Billion dollar deal for a business (hate saying business as it’s a football club) that takes in millions a year and obviously has some serious activities behind the scenes we are not aware of.
Just like any other business takeover they’re all supposed to be sticking to strict NDA’s which they all seem to be doing. Of course a little news comes out here and there but that’s to keep the drama and nerves going and in turn the spotlight on the club and money rolling in.

Yes I know we all want it done soon especially with our rivals stealing a March on us for players but I feel we will definitely hear something in the next week. Especially with the transfer window opening very soon. The problem I have is I feel Joel and Avram don’t want to give up anything, they want some part to play and that’s just as a shareholder, that and I think most will agree is where the delay is.
I was wondering, with the Arab states investing in clubs like man city, Newcastle and psg, who started from a place of no international appeal to attract top sponsors, they had to do all the sketchy dealings to generate income, to basically cheat their way around FFP.

If Qatar does end up buying United, will they have to invest largely from pocket? or does the club generate enough to run itself, if the owners are not taking out profits to clear personal debt and for personal gain?

I mean besides the investment needed for the stadium revamp and infrastructure, which of course no club can finance for itself im guessing.
I was wondering, with the Arab states investing in clubs like man city, Newcastle and psg, who started from a place of no international appeal to attract top sponsors, they had to do all the sketchy dealings to generate income, to basically cheat their way around FFP.

If Qatar does end up buying United, will they have to invest largely from pocket? or does the club generate enough to run itself, if the owners are not taking out profits to clear personal debt and for personal gain?

I mean besides the investment needed for the stadium revamp and infrastructure, which of course no club can finance for itself im guessing.
I think they'll still pump in some money and the basis for that thought is that they'd want quicker success with a club of the scale and standing of United. They'd not want to be seeing the club fighting for CL qualification perennially after spending 5bn+ to aquire it.

They may not have to fudge sponsors and other such things to achieve that goal though. An initial cash injection plus fully funding infrastructure developments could be enough.
Thanks for this info! Thinking out loud, would this mean that Raine's cut/fee of any potential sale would come out of the clubs books, and not the glazers?

Yes, I'd assume that United will pay Raine's fee and the Glazer family will pay Rothschilds. I'm not in M&A but I'm lead to believe that Raine could make anything from 0.5-1.5% of the transaction value (ie tens of millions).
So is no news good news? Bad news? Or just no news?
Surely it has to be good news for Qatar? If the 11th hour bid wasn’t sufficient then I can’t see why it hasn’t been dismissed by now. It was already an age between the last bids before the new bid went in.
So is no news good news? Bad news? Or just no news?
Surely it has to be bad news for Qatar? If the 11th hour bid was sufficient then I can’t see why it hasn’t been accepted by now. It was already an age between the last bids before the new bid went in.
So is no news good news? Bad news? Or just no news?
Surely it has to be no news for Qatar? If the 11th hour bid was/wasn’t sufficient then I can’t see why it hasn’t been accepted/dismissed by now. It was already an age between the last bids before the new bid went in.
I doubt the lack of news doesn't mean much one way or the other. There's potential for backlash whether it's Jim or Jassim so it makes sense to keep either possibility under wraps until the season is over.

I imagine that things will move very quickly once there's official word.
These owners can't do anything right.
What? Not getting the best deal for THEM?

Just because it’s not as fast as you want doesn’t mean it’s not being done “right”. What is right? Right for them or right for the club? What do you think in their minds is right?
They have allowed the club to spend vast sums on transfers is what he meant.

Not giving our managers money to spend isn't something we can accuse them of doing. They have all been backed.

Everything else is the issue. The debt, not employing the best in class in senior leadership roles etc.

Well tbh it was the period between 2008-2013 that really allowed the rot to set in, yes we won because of SAF, but when he left we had a team with players over 30 in almost every position, they didn't invest the 80m we got from selling Ronaldo and since then we've been playing catchup because of that lack of investment
Well tbh it was the period between 2008-2013 that really allowed the rot to set in, yes we won because of SAF, but when he left we had a team with players over 30 in almost every position, they didn't invest the 80m we got from selling Ronaldo and since then we've been playing catchup because of that lack of investment
Oh come on now.

We've been playing catch-up because we spent a lot money really, really poorly.

Yeah, the transfer business after the Moscow final was mostly disappointing. But in 2023, we can't keep blaming Obertan and Owen for our persistent mediocrity.
Oh come on now.

We've been playing catch-up because we spent a lot money really, really poorly.

Yeah, the transfer business after the Moscow final was mostly disappointing. But in 2023, we can't keep blaming Obertan and Owen for our persistent mediocrity.

Well we did spend poorly but the problem is that in 2013 we basically had 11 positions that needed replacing, this meant we couldn't really buy younger and bed players in, we had to buy players that were ready to go, which meant buying older, which meant having to replace them quicker. While we haven't always spent Well, equally I'm sure there's a few players that haven't went well for us, that would have done fine at City, because they were coming into a settled team
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