Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th


Jan 14, 2010
Are they voting for current positions to be final?
Yep. They did it by saying 9/12 in the SPL needed to say yes (10 voted yes) - pretty easy to guess who said no (Hearts who are bottom and Rangers who had a good shot at the title in January but fecked it up before Covid-19 hit). Needed 8 in favour in the Championship - they only have 7 at the moment and are waiting for Dundee to decide. Needed 15 in favour in League 1 and 2 and they have 16 in favour.

The overwhelming majority of clubs would prefer to end it and it is only really clubs that will be relegated who don't want it which is completely understandable.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
While thousands of people are dying everyday because of virus I don’t think people will want to protect football at all cost. Lower league clubs will struggle with all the testing and monitoring required to make the games go through and they will be pretty screwed without gate income anyway.
Nevermind the lower leagues, a year without football would have a hugely damaging effect on the big clubs as well.

There's simply no way we won't see games behind closed doors the minute that's even remotely viable.


Nov 22, 2006
For prize money to be paid out the season has to be finished in some way. You cannot void the season and pay out prize money. It's laughable to even suggest this.

In the result of a void what you are essentially saying is that these matches didn't happen. Yes we all know that around 75% of the matches were played but by voiding the season you are removing this, opening the club's up to full refunds. This is exactly why the word curtailed is being used. Curtailed will mean finished in some way though.

The reality is, Fifa and UEFA have accepted that the season will need to be extended. The Premier League and Football league want to finish the season.
The only people talking about scrapping it now are bitter opposition fans and some ex players to fill column inches.

As I've said before, Liverpool's position is safe. They are 1/100 to finish in their current league position. They have dropped 5 points from 87 and were obviously going to win the league months ago. The League is really not about Liverpool now, it's the only position that is nailed on not to change. As United fans you can take comfort in the fact that this season has been overshadowed first by VAR and now by Covid19 is that not enough?
Sorry but that post is utter shite. Subjective bias at its blinding best. The irony to say "it's not about us" then rant on about Liverpool is astonishing!

The only people talking about scrapping leagues are the leading football governing bodies all over the world. The very fact you seem to think the league must be finished to avoid "laughable" legal issues but refuse to accept trying to finish it in a few months time would have any such conatations is very naive and borderline idiotic.

Whatever is decided will create legal issues and whatever is decided will be unprecedented. It's a once in a lifetime global pandemic. There is no rule book or guidance to follow. The sooner you accept literally anything is possible the sooner you'll stop looking silly.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2018
Apparently all teams will be provided with Corona rapid tests. Every player will be tested every three days and should a player become infected, only that player will be sent into quarantine, not the entire team as has been the case up to now.
I do not think businessmen running football in Germany fully understand the difference between proper testing and rapid testing for Covid-19.

Conventional testing involves molecular diagnostics using what is known as Polymerase Chain Reaction. The testing method is labour-intensive and takes several hours to complete (sometimes up to a day in health-constrained environments). Further, real-time PCR requires different kinds of primers and probe sets that are in short supply all across the globe, including in the UK.

So, as an alternative, different companies have come up with what are known as rapid testing kits. Again, there are different kinds of rapid test kits available in the market that make use of either the antigen (virus protein etc.) or the antibody (human response against the virus particles). These tests have significantly shortened the time required for testing Covid-19, but with a big, big caveat - they are only accurate (sensitivity) anywhere from 34 to 80% of the times, according to the WHO.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the WHO has the following recommendations for rapid tests:
  1. Antigen-based rapid testing: NOT recommended for patient care, although research into their performance and potential diagnostic utility is highly encouraged.
  2. Antibody-based rapid testing: NOT recommended for patient care but encouraged to continue using it to establish their usefulness in disease surveillance and epidemiologic research.
Germany has a much better health infrastructure than the UK. It is extremely likely that they will be the first country in Europe to resume their football behind closed doors, but anyone assuming that government authorities will approve of BCD football in just one month relying on rapid point-of-care testing has no clue about this whole thing. The only way football can get going is when the curve of the epidemic has significantly flattened, which again, is difficult to objectify. We are several months away from real football in the UK.
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May 22, 2017
For prize money to be paid out the season has to be finished in some way. You cannot void the season and pay out prize money. It's laughable to even suggest this.

In the result of a void what you are essentially saying is that these matches didn't happen. Yes we all know that around 75% of the matches were played but by voiding the season you are removing this, opening the club's up to full refunds. This is exactly why the word curtailed is being used. Curtailed will mean finished in some way though.
take a holiday please.

You realise we are in extraordinary times - whatever happens has never happened before.

to suggest prize money won’t be paid out to some extent based on how many games we end up playing is absurd - as are the majority of your posts.

it’s clear you are just on the wind up.

If you are UK based is urge you to go and volunteer for the NHS so that you get a dose of reality into your life.

Finn MacCool

New Member
Mar 27, 2016
I saw that the s*n newspaper chose to ignore the 900+ deaths in the uk and celebrate Johnson coming out of intensive care yesterday and describe it as a good friday! It's staggering! If Corbyn and Labour had overseen this mess, the newspapers and bbc would have been laying in to him day in day out and forced the public to turn against him and stop Labour ever getting in power again. The tories will have the perfect excuse for another decade of austerity now and will blame it on covid 19 and even bundle any damage caused by a no deal brexit as a result of covid 19.
Arguing over Brexit seems like something from a bygone age. Apparently as a result of Brexit and the pandemic there is a real possibility that a large amount of UK fruit and veg won't get picked due to lack of a workforce. Some of the bigger companies are chartering planes to fly in workers from eastern Europe. So the UK has gone from "feck off and don't come back" to "hey we need you, we'll charter a plane to bring you back". As you say imagine Labour overseeing this, I think some of the right wing media would have been hospitalised due to apoplectic rage. Still shocked that none of them have tried to tie covid19 to a beetroot on Corbyn's allotment.


Harbinger of new information
Nov 4, 2009
Arguing over Brexit seems like something from a bygone age. Apparently as a result of Brexit and the pandemic there is a real possibility that a large amount of UK fruit and veg won't get picked due to lack of a workforce. Some of the bigger companies are chartering planes to fly in workers from eastern Europe. So the UK has gone from "feck off and don't come back" to "hey we need you, we'll charter a plane to bring you back". As you say imagine Labour overseeing this, I think some of the right wing media would have been hospitalised due to apoplectic rage. Still shocked that none of them have tried to tie covid19 to a beetroot on Corbyn's allotment.
Same as Germany.


Aug 31, 2011
UK projected peak is supposed to be April 17th - @ 1,674 deaths according to the IHME

The overall deaths projected have gone down significantly down to 37k until August 4th, 2020.

I believe everything is getting better and that curve will continue to flatten, we will get back to football being played as long as we are on this positive trajectory, we should have BCD action before July.
Peak means nothing.

As long as 1 person is infected the virus can spread and everything we go through now would have been for nothing.

I expect Boris has a very different view of Coronavirus now he has been through it himself.


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 5, 2015
planet earth
Peak means nothing.

As long as 1 person is infected the virus can spread and everything we go through now would have been for nothing.

I expect Boris has a very different view of Coronavirus now he has been through it himself.
Wasting your time with this guy, he needs a thread ban @Grinner ?

Finn MacCool

New Member
Mar 27, 2016
That suggests its much more to do with covid19 than Brexit. I'm not sure how I feel about this to be honest. On the one hand it's the choice of the workers to take the risk, but the fact they have to make that decision says a lot about how bad things are economically in their own country. Eastern european workers risking their lives (albeit getting paid to do so) to ensure we have our usual food choices. If any of these workers die on farms in Germany, the UK or anywhere else what does it say about us, their own govt and the EU? I know people here are heroically risking their lives everyday and it's making everyone aware of who the really important people are in society but in a way this is outsourcing an element of this deadly risk.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2017
Aston Villa
So mass testing for squads and journalists while the NHS workers get shafted everyday. My wife (NHS Doctor) had symptoms for 12 days (fever, cough, fatigue) and she couldn't get tested because her condition wasn't serious. The situation on the ground regarding tests is very different to what the government is saying. If they can do 100k tests a day, then fair enough but if there aren't enough tests for key workers then testing squads shouldn't be allowed.
Certainly not. When we suggest possibility of football in June/July I imagine we'll all be assuming not just NHS workers and doctors but large parts of population will all be mass tested by that time so it's not acceptable then for sports teams to be tested.

It's another two months away at least. Government is still promising testing ramped up by end of April. They'll be the ones having serious questions to answer by June if it isn't, not sports teams (if that's the situation anyway no BCD fixtures will be taking place regardless).

Sport can only be considered to come back in some form when mass testing is relevant in population (as is the case in Germany).

Finn MacCool

New Member
Mar 27, 2016
Peak means nothing.

As long as 1 person is infected the virus can spread and everything we go through now would have been for nothing.

I expect Boris has a very different view of Coronavirus now he has been through it himself.
Without social distancing one person on average infects 3 people. After 10 sets of infections you end up with 59,000 people infected. The numbers are mind boggling.


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 5, 2015
planet earth

"Unexpectedly, the test result was positive but he remains asymptomatic," the Dalglish family said.
The statement added: "He would like to take this opportunity to thank the brilliant NHS staff, whose dedication, bravery and sacrifice should be the focus of the nation's attention at this extraordinary time. "Prior to his admission to hospital, Sir Kenny had chosen to voluntarily self-isolate for longer than the advised period together with his family. He would urge everyone to follow the relevant government and expert guidance in the days and weeks ahead.
"He looks forward to being home soon. We will provide further updates as and when it is appropriate."

Glad he is asymptomatic. Hopefully it will pass and he recovers so we can continue to enjoy his pashun for the game.
Hopefully it passes with no symptoms.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2012
Germany’s plans to restart in May while other countries are still trying to come up for air strengthens my point earlier in the thread that FIFA need to demonstrate some balls and just ban all football until a vaccine. It’s going to be an absolute mess otherwise where different countries finish at different times, or don’t finish, or start a ‘next season’ at different times, and basically football is fecked at that point.

There’s no sense to every country just going their own way and doing whatever the feck it wants. There needs to be a unified global way forward.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
If FIFA bans football until there's a vaccine (which is something I'm pretty sure it can't do), there's not going to be a lot of football to reinstate.

Countries pretty much do whatever the feck they want already. There's not a FA in the world that's totally in sync with another FA, every country has a different schedule, set of competitions and transfer, occasionally even actual in game, rules. There has always been adjustments and compromises, football is not and has never been completely unified.
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Finn MacCool

New Member
Mar 27, 2016
Yeah I watched that video. Crazy how 1 person can creating such madness.
Makes you think that it could be quite some time before we see supporters packing out football stadiums again.
I think the only way we see fans in stadiums this year is if mass testing shows that large numbers of the public have had the virus asymptomatically (aka Bozo's herd immunity policy). Even then because its a new virus and scientists are working off limited data there is no way yet of knowing how long "immunity" will last.

If lockdowns get lifted too early and have to be reimposed I think we're looking at some serious social unrest. There seems to be groups of people who are unwilling to comply with lockdown and this is still relatively early - imagine what those people will be like in a few months time if the situation hasn't improved or after improving it deteriorates again.

Sections of the right wing political commentariat don't help matters when they push for the lifting of lockdown due to economics. They suggest that the economic damage done now will result in more deaths due to poverty and mental illness in the future. This theory assumes that austerity will be imposed after this is over. But as we've just seen austerity is a political choice and the govt can intervene to protect people's livelihoods and the economy.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong
Apparently all teams will be provided with Corona rapid tests. Every player will be tested every three days and should a player become infected, only that player will be sent into quarantine, not the entire team as has been the case up to now.
Not sure if that's a good idea. We all know how effective the coronavirus is transmitting and footballers are vulnerable (refer to my link above). It's highly possible that his teammates are also infected if a player is tested positive. That's why it's recommended that the entire team and the opponents (if any) have to be isolated.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Makes you think that it could be quite some time before we see supporters packing out football stadiums again.
There's two parts to it, aren't there.

When it's allowed again.
And when you as an individual would choose to be in that situation.

Not sure i'd race to get back into a packed stadium.


Full Member
Mar 11, 2016
The overwhelming majority of clubs would prefer to end it and it is only really clubs that will be relegated who don't want it which is completely understandable.
Do they really though because its been widely reported clubs felt they had no option but to vote yes solely as the SPFL were stating they would not receive prize money. Clubs might not survive.

Tom English's viewpoint says it all considering how pro Celtic he is.


New Member
Feb 9, 2007
In a world of my own. People know me here.
There's two parts to it, aren't there.

When it's allowed again.
And when you as an individual would choose to be in that situation.

Not sure i'd race to get back into a packed stadium.
It's also the socializing aspect too. How can you re-open your pub, club, restaurant etc with a view to making a living & also keep people safe in your establishment at the same time ? I think it'll be a long time before me & the missus venture out for a meal or a drink, even when things do get relaxed. I think we're heading for a total reset, not just socially, but with many other things that we generally take for granted. Football will probably be one of them. All this free-time we currently have should make a lot of us re-evaluate our lives, how we've lived, & how we need to change.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
Looks like given the leaks in the press today, premier league and government are talking and latest "plan" will be to restart training from middle of May and take things from there. Mass testing on squads, journalists who cover BCD games, neutral venues possibly, you know the drill by now.
If there’s mass testing for footballers and people present at these games, while healthcare workers for the most part aren’t getting any tests at all, then there should be rioting. Football is an absolutely frivolity in a time like this and the absolute last thing that resources should be squandered on.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Nearly died but didn’t go to hospital.

Nearly 2 million confirmed cases Worldwide now, must be plenty of examples of hospitalised pro sportsmen?
Why would going to hospital override literally nearly dying? If anything he should be criticised for not going when he struggled to breathe, the stupid bald balloon.


Gossip Girl
Sep 19, 2012
There's only one United!
With you on this. I've already made a habit of ignoring his posts. Passing of his clear bias as some great intellectual debate, which is more often than not, garbage. I take solace in the fact that he has limited amounts of posts a day.
Very much a "read name..scroll past" job
I agree with both of you too.

Unfortunately our forum started to get these type of Liverpool supporters lately because of the little bit of success that came their way recently.

But the qualities and intentions of most of these 'new' ones are incomparable to a 'few' of the older scouse fans here who are more genuine.

Where is Niall when you need him !?! :lol:


Gossip Girl
Sep 19, 2012
There's only one United!
take a holiday please.

You realise we are in extraordinary times - whatever happens has never happened before.

to suggest prize money won’t be paid out to some extent based on how many games we end up playing is absurd - as are the majority of your posts.

it’s clear you are just on the wind up.

If you are UK based is urge you to go and volunteer for the NHS so that you get a dose of reality into your life.

Megadrive Man has been an embarrassment in this thread.

Jul 31, 2015
Somewhere out there
Why would going to hospital override literally nearly dying? If anything he should be criticised for not going when he struggled to breathe, the stupid bald balloon.

My bar is set at hospitalised elite athletes. Not bald goalkeepers who get fooled by balloons and sit on their sofa when they can’t breath rather than calling 999.


Full Member
May 26, 2010

My bar is set at hospitalised elite athletes. Not bald goalkeepers who get fooled by balloons and sit on their sofa when they can’t breath rather than calling 999.
To be fair we dont know how many footballers would need an overnight stay if they didnt have first class medical teams behind them. Unless they need a ventilator I cant see why they would go in ala Reina.