F1 2022 Season


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
That’s a bold claim and by no means a formality. Lewis is the more talented driver.
To be fair I didn't necessarily mean when Max reaches Lewis' age, which is how you might interpret what I said.

If Max wins the title this season he'll have won twice as many titles and have 8-14 more race wins than Lewis had by age 25. So if we just compare their trajectories he's ahead.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2014
To get to Lewis, he at the very minimum needs 5.8 race wins for the next 13 years, easy some say and yes given his current car.
Is Max more dominant that Lewis was, yeah maybe he is, but can he sustain it.
Its too early to tell how max's career will progress. F1 is 99% about being in the right car at the right time. Maybe he does an Alonso and doesnt win as many titles as expected. Or a vettel and the wins drop off. Or a Hamilton and win many, many titles.

I think it will be harder to catch and beat hamiltons records only because F1 doesnt want the half decade domination that ferrari had in the early 2000s and mercedes have just had. The racing is closer now and FIA will change the rules on a season basis if need be to stop one team dominating.

Ok, theres the caveat of incompetence of your rivals i.e. ferrari this season. Or getting lured into a design you cant replicate on track i.e. Mercedes this year.

If after vettels 4th title win you said he isnt going to win another wdc in his career. Not many would have bet on that.

F1 is very tough, you need to be in the right car, right team, right place at the right time and also have good luck on your side to get anywhere need schmacher or hamilton records.

Max may do it and surpass them. Or he may not.


Parody Account
Oct 24, 2013
I'm not sure why Max is being elevated to God status in here and talked about as a mythical figure. Looking at the facts, Max and Lewis were dead even last year. During the final race he started on faster tyres, couldn't take the lead. His team mate did God's work to eliminate a gigantic gap for him to take the lead, only for him to lose it again, and then with much much much fresher tyres he was unable to retake the lead. They threw the kitchen sink at him and even then it still took Masi gate to sew it up. That doesn't downplay him, it just shows that he was at most equal to Lewis last year.

This year he hasn't done anything to elevate himself ahead of his peers, Lewis has a garbage car that he's still hitting consecutive podiums with but they're too far off the pace and Ferrari are actively sabotaging themselves week in week out, he has no competition this year. Even when Ferrari's car works perfectly it looks like the Red Bull is (with some exceptions) going to be 2nd best, until ol' reliable Ferrari either crash, have a breakdown or make the most mind boggling pit strategies ever and throw it away. We haven't seen Max do anything yet to show he's grown in his skill, the rest of his competitors just went backwards but there's almost a revisionist view of Max put forward by his supporters. If Mercedes were competitive and Ferrari weren't throwing spanners in their own works and Max was still comfortably beating them then sure you'd have to concede he was a tier above. As it happens, he won a championship that up until a decision that even Red Bull have admitted was a mistake, he was losing and he's had no competition since. He's performing the best this year out of all the drivers, that's absolutely for sure but there's a weird rush to make out he's become a driving God when there reason he's winning by so much is actually painfully obvious.
For many Max is the best driver on the grid right now but it's probably based on a whole lot more than the last dozen races. I haven't read any posts that elevates him to this god status though but I do have some people on ignore so maybe I've missed some posts.

Saying he was equal to Lewis last year is probably a fair shout but to base it on one race where he according to you drove much worse than him is a bit strange, especially when Lewis was in a much faster car at the time. Either way, if he's equal to the guy who had just won 7 of the last 8 WC's and who the majority in here think is the best ever, isn't that a pretty decent level?


Full Member
Mar 7, 2016
:lol: Vettel doing exactly what I’d be doing if I wanted to help but didn’t know how.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I put Seb in my finishers for the first time and look at that, out in Q1.

AM can get fecked.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2021
Perez was never at the pace, felt he would struggle to get into Q3. Traffic didnt help him though


Full Member
Feb 6, 2014
The development of that RB has gone in the opposite direction of where he needs it to go. Not that i blame RB for that. Max is the no1 driver in that team.