Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


Full Member
May 15, 2007
So Sam and Bran know the truth about Jon. Nobody will really believe it.

Does this mean Howland reed would possibly be the only person alive that may know the truth? I know Meera went back, so maybe she returns with her dad?


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
Just please let season 8 have a whitewalker back story episode
Think I mentioned this in a post last week. The White Walkers are basically the only characters left that we have no idea about, so I imagine the show will explore their history and intentions in depth.


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
So Sam and Bran know the truth about Jon. Nobody will really believe it.

Does this mean Howland reed would possibly be the only person alive that may know the truth? I know Meera went back, so maybe she returns with her dad?
They need to get Howland Reed into this show and they need to get Brendan Gleeson to play him.


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
So Sam and Bran know the truth about Jon. Nobody will really believe it.

Does this mean Howland reed would possibly be the only person alive that may know the truth? I know Meera went back, so maybe she returns with her dad?
They believed Bran when he spoke about LF but they wont if they speaks about this? Pretty sure he can convince people he is the 3ER and he can see things from the past.


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Think I mentioned this in a post last week. The White Walkers are basically the only characters left that we have no idea about, so I imagine the show will explore their history and intentions in depth.
Hopefully we have time for that. Only six episodes left to still tell a lot.


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
Someone on Reddit speculated (rather well) why Tyrion was looking so concerned at the end.

No, Tyrion is worried about who will rule Westeros after Daenerys. Last episode, he mentioned succession, and seemed to see Daenerys's supposed infertility as an opportunity to truly break the wheel of monarchy and institute some kind of democracy in Westeros. He suggests the forms of voting that the Night's Watch and the Ironborn use to elect their leaders. But if Daenerys has a child, she may easily fall back to the concept of birthright, believing her family could never grow corrupt under the right advisement. He is worried she'll get pregnant.


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
Someone on Reddit speculated (rather well) why Tyrion was looking so concerned at the end.

No, Tyrion is worried about who will rule Westeros after Daenerys. Last episode, he mentioned succession, and seemed to see Daenerys's supposed infertility as an opportunity to truly break the wheel of monarchy and institute some kind of democracy in Westeros. He suggests the forms of voting that the Night's Watch and the Ironborn use to elect their leaders. But if Daenerys has a child, she may easily fall back to the concept of birthright, believing her family could never grow corrupt under the right advisement. He is worried she'll get pregnant.
Good theory, that. I like it. I just don't buy the whole "Tyrion loves Dany" stuff that sprang up when she named him Hand.

Red Stone

Full Member
Jan 30, 2011
I want to see Daenerys reacting to Jon being the rightful heir like football fans react to failed transfer sagas.

Bran: "Jon is Rhaegar Targaryen's legitimate son and his real name is Aegon Targaryen. He's the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."
Dany: "Never wanted it anyway."
Everyone: "What?"
Dany: "It's shite, innit?"


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I want to see Daenerys reacting to Jon being the rightful heir like football fans react to failed transfer sagas.

Bran: "Jon is Rhaegar Targaryen's legitimate son and his real name is Aegon Targaryen. He's the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."
Dany: "Never wanted it anyway."
Everyone: "What?"
Dany: "It's shite, innit?"
House Targaryen: "Next year is our year."


Full Member
May 15, 2007
They believed Bran when he spoke about LF but they wont if they speaks about this? Pretty sure he can convince people he is the 3ER and he can see things from the past.
TBF, LF kinda implicated himself with his reaction at the end. But yeah, I get your point.

Good theory, that. I like it. I just don't buy the whole "Tyrion loves Dany" stuff that sprang up when she named him Hand.
people actually said this? :eek:


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Great episode, there were some parts were i was like "where is teleport/time jump machine when you need it"


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Wait question regarding Bran not knowing that Jon was a Targaryan. In that tower he surely would have heared Lyanna tell Ned that his name is Aegon. Did he not listen to it before? Did he revisit that memory to see what else was spoken and then confirm that the news is indeed true?


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Wait question regarding Bran not knowing that Jon was a Targaryan. In that tower he surely would have heared Lyanna tell Ned that his name is Aegon. Did he not listen to it before? Did he revisit that memory to see what else was spoken and then confirm that the news is indeed true?
He knew, but he thought Jon was a bastard to Lyanna and 'Ragger'.
Sam told him, so Bran went to check the second marriage (implied the annulment happened) and thus hes legit and not a bastard / sand.


Full Member
May 26, 2014
Su Mudaerji Fan Club
The best episode of the whole series perhaps? The little finger court scene was just :drool:.

GOT is definitely better than anything I've seen on cbeebies!


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
He knew, but he thought Jon was a bastard to Lyanna and 'Ragger'.
Sam told him, so Bran went to check the second marriage (implied the annulment happened) and thus hes legit and not a bastard / sand.
But surely him hearing his name is Aegon Targaryan should have done something to make him believe he isnt just another bastard. He knew this was THE Rhaegar's son with Lyanna.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
But surely him hearing his name is Aegon Targaryan should have done something to make him believe he isnt just another bastard. He knew this was THE Rhaegar's son with Lyanna.
Then again, hes kinda a kid.
He knew who the parents were. But given everything he heard from his parents especially about Roberts Rebellion, he probably thought / assumed what he thought he knew, that she was kidnapped and then became pregnant. But didnt realise one marriage ended and then another took place.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2015
Long story short, I thought it was some bullsh*t fan theories so I went ahead to see it, and also thought even if it was real, HBO would do something with it given it was a year ago. I thought wrong :(
It's been a particularly horrific year for leaks, I've seen them everywhere on completely unrelated sites and the game of thrones HBO page or whatever has cnuts posting spoilers in the comments sections and entire scripts. Then there's the fecks on here passing off theories/spoilers they've read elsewhere as fact which pretty much have all been spot on. I've always had trouble avoiding spoilers with this show, I like reading reviews and blogs which point out stuff I missed and make connections/add layers of meaning. I've had the red wedding spoiled that way and more or less this entire season although it's still been enjoyable regardless despite my grievances with the story telling.
I have no idea how to circumvent it next year short of avoiding all internet for 6 weeks which isn't feasible.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Loved Littlefinger's death. Though feels weird what they did with him this season. He was pretty much insignificant and then Sansa decides to have him killed because he's still plotting (fair enough). Just weird as he had such a big role before this season and the second they came back to winterfell, he's been pointless.

Next season for the most part is set up perfectly as well. Just the one side plot of Theon and Yara which seems relatively pointless and uninteresting compared to the main.

Man of Leisure

Threatened by women who like sex.
Mar 14, 2014
One Big Holiday
This last episode was similar to how most of the season was for me. Mostly good, some very bad, but all highly entertaining. Littlefinger getting his comeuppance was almost as satisfying as Ramsey's last season. Would never have predicted the dead dragon using its ice/fire breath to bring down the wall.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2015
As for the episode definitely worth the wait although next time I'm going to go with a bacon cheeseburger instead of waffles. Disappointed with Littlefingers end, although it's a testament to his character that it more or less took an all seeing Bran for his deceptions to finally catch up with him. That was one outcome he just couldn't plan for. Still he's the puppet master and the catalyst to the entire show, his manoeuvring and manipulation were the backdrop of all that was strong about the show. The scheming I felt was going to have a big pay off, both Tyrion and Varys felt he was the most dangerous man in Westeros and although i haven't read the books I wouldn't be surprised if he stays alive when GRRM writes the next ones . This death felt too much like a typical Tv show death which is something Got used to be famous for subverting. Brilliant character but an extremely disappointing end, although a tad predictable ,he had no real place in the way they've taken the show which is a shame given how much he encompassed everything which made the show great.

Also speaking of Varys did he have a single scene? Conleth Hill is a fantastic character and it's a criminal underuse of him, hell did he even appear? Think I might have seen him on the boat..not sure though.
Cersei is fantastic but this show has many great actors it truly is a shame that the machinations of them all have been reduced and we get a core 5 with extremely poor material. It's cheapened the show although the finance poured in to it means the visuals will stop it truly descending in to a shit show. Especially more like the marvellous bringing down of the wall, the ice dragon was utterly ridiculous and splendid all at once. Meh bit all over the place in my views it's such a different show to what it was but I still love it.
The Jon/Theon scenes were a bit weird and forced. I like his arc but he feels out of place.
Tad bit miffed we didn't get a Jon/Arya reunion and that they're dragging out his parentage reveal. It's been too long. The Euron twist did get me although it was obvious in hindsight just seemed like a pointless move from Cersei unless they start bringing across the East to fight the Walkers, I do wonder if Essos knows about the white walkers or if they have there own. The Hound a highlight as always. I really need to read the books although I kinda want the fecker to finish writing them so I can read them in one go. The requisite build up and nuance all th way through I'm sure would be a delight to read.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
Won 1 1/3 of my preseason predictions. Decent result.

Everything happening bar Theon is a bit shit though. He seems quite a talented actor, not that I'm in a position to know...


I pity the poor fool who stinks like I do!
Apr 15, 2015
Next season for the most part is set up perfectly as well. Just the one side plot of Theon and Yara which seems relatively pointless and uninteresting compared to the main.
It won't be a side plot. The Greyjoy boats will be bringing the army from Essos. Theon and Yara Will surely have a role in all of that.


May 1, 2010
LittleFinger's death scene lacked a bit of 'oomph' - the master schemer getting what he deserved, but it just didn't carry the requisite weight imo.


Directionless weirdo who like booze and ganja
Jan 19, 2013
The only bit that I thought was a bit dumb was how quickly the other Ironborn changed there tune as soon as Theon twatted the bearded guy. Other than that it was a very good episode, the dialogue was a lot better than it has been at certain parts of the season.


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
My watch has ended for this thread. feck this thread.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
For some reason at the end of the episode I didn't even contemplate that the Night King would actually be riding the Dragon, and it was literally the best thing ever when it happened.

Excellent finale. I actually though Jamie was toast, and the nod was for the Mountain to kill him and not let him past. I think we do need a shock hero death soon though - the villains have been getting slaughtered for too long now and the hero side is getting stacked.

The pan across the army of the dead made me laugh near the end as there was one entirely normal looking bloke among all the more rotted undead.


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
Baelish will get found out this season and meet a grisly end. I'm going to guess at a timeline.

First couple of episodes: As we've seen in the trailer, Jon and Baelish have a conversation in the crypt - probably about Jon's heritage or that he's not a "proper king" - remember that it was Baelish who told Sansa the story about Rhaegar and Lyanna in season 5. The conversation leads to Jon becoming a bit wound up and pushing Baelish up against the wall, mirroring Ned's first meeting with him in season one outside the King's Landing brothel. Littlefinger will use this chat as an opportunity to get the measure of Jon, to see how easily he can be wound up, and will begin to plant the idea in Sansa's head that she's a more worthy ruler because her temper is cooler and she's a better strategist - "Jon can't be trusted, that's why you didn't tell him about the Knights of the Vale" he'll say to her. Sansa will begin to doubt Jon, and if she's got even the slightest inkling that he's a Targaryen there could be more trouble in the works.

Mid-season: Jon has left Winterfell to go north beyond the Wall, leaving Sansa in charge. Baelish takes this opportunity to show Sansa she can manage the politics of the North by herself, that she could easily step in and do the job if Jon were to die beyond the Wall. Arya and Bran have both arrived back at Winterfell, but the reunion doesn't last long as Baelish immediately sets about causing a rift between the Stark children, playing on the fact that Arya and Sansa never got on in the first place. Cracks begin to appear in the relationship between the Stark children.

Final two/three episodes: Something happens to make Sansa reconsider things. Maybe Brienne says a few wise words. This, I imagine, is where the "The lone wolf dies but the pack survives" speech will come into it, that Sansa, Jon, Arya and Bran need to stick together when the full force of winter arrives. Maybe the show will make it really convenient and wrap it up easily, with Bran looking into the past and seeing that Baelish betrayed Ned, murdered Jon Arryn and that his feelings for Sansa are a mixture of necrophiliac lust for Catelyn and his own desire to take the Iron Throne. He's betrayed a Stark to get what he wants before, and he'll betray a Stark to get what he wants again. With everything out in the wash, Sansa sentences Baelish to death and Arya carries out the deed with his own dagger. Everyone goes home happy.
This is incredible stuff really, feck this.

van der star

newprawn warrior
Dec 2, 2012
San Siro
How and why did Sam arrive at Winterfell? Is he done learning everything at the Citadel? Didn't seem like he came back for a specific purpose.

van der star

newprawn warrior
Dec 2, 2012
San Siro
Oh, and how is undead Viserion flying around with massive holes in it's wings? I get that this is a fantasy show, but that's aerodynamically impossible, they should keep the make believe to a certain extent, and not just blatantly disregard physics all together.