General Election 2017 | Cabinet reshuffle: Hunt re-appointed Health Secretary for record third time

How do you intend to vote in the 2017 General Election if eligible?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 80 14.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 322 58.4%
  • Lib Dems

    Votes: 57 10.3%
  • Green

    Votes: 20 3.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 13 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 29 5.3%
  • Independent

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 11 2.0%
  • Other (UUP, DUP, BNP, and anyone else I have forgotten)

    Votes: 14 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

People are having a right old go at you for considering voting tory, but as an additional rate tax payer i think its a no brainer.

If nothing else its interesting to hear the other side
I totally agree that a high earner voting Tory is a no-brainer. What I don't understand is people on low to middle income voting for them.
If Labour voted against the motion in the house, then the snap election would fail. It would only work if Corbyn promised his MPs that he'd resign soon after. But it would be better than going to the country at this point in time with a 20 point gap in the polls.
If Labour voted against the motion in the house, then the snap election would fail. It would only work if Corbyn promised his MPs that he'd resign soon after. But it would be better than going to the country at this point in time with a 20 point gap in the polls.

The tories still have a majority don't they?
About Corbyn-style poicies getting support primarily from college students and not grown-ups - that is not the case for Melenchon, who doesn't benefit from the kind of generational divide that fueled Bernie or even Corbyn. (I think Corbyn's rise was the mixture of young people and old leftist organisers, not like Bernie who was very heavily dependent on under-30s)

it was a bit of a cheap shot anyway. My point is that the majority of voters have no interest in these kinds of political ideology. At the same time people who follow ideologies - be it left-wing, right-wing or others - often think that the populace would buy into it if only they'd understand. I think that is a fundamental misunderstanding and wishful thinking on the part of these groups/parties.
Voters care primarily about good outcomes and they don't give a toss about how to get there. They are not interested in any "class-warfare" stuff, even if they are not particularly wealthy. Listening to someone like Corbyn is not convincing people, even if he tells them "i give you free stuff". Sure, concrete proposals like moderate raises of the minimum wage or increased welfare payments can attract voters, but at the same time increasing taxes spooks others.

(PS: people who share my own ideological outlook make sadly often the same mistake)
I feel completely pointless on the political side of things right now. I think I'd feel even worse if I didn't at least have indyref 2 to cling onto being a Scot. How the hell do left-leaning people down south cope when the outlook is so bleak?
I wish we could have the SNP down here. I'd vote for Nicola Sturgoen to be PM.
Surely it will simply see the Tories into power making all the rest of your post irrelevant posturing and pointless nothingness that nobody will care about a months later when the Tory government continues. They won't give 2 shits that the remain camp will vote towards parties that defend them. They'll laugh at you and tell you to go ahead and do it because it won't make the slightest bit of difference to them when the Lib Dem votes see them into power.

It will happen either way (even if I vote the commie)_
Yeah he is. I mean he's saying he is but so is Donald Trump.
His parents were poor yet he went to private school and pays as much as the government will allow.
Give us your real name... Will Smith?

This is poor form from you. I haven't seen anything on this forum to not trust what Sammsky posts on here. He has his problems, but it doesn't sound like he'll make up shit to have a rant on Redcafe.
Sounds about right for those cnuts. Don't ask any questions or expect any answers peasants, just tick the nice Tory box and let your betters decide what's good for you.
Most people over here just believe what the Murdoch press tell them anyway so why bother with a debate?
I love the idea that Theresa May is shitting herself over having to face someone lower on the PLP's list of 'electability' than Owen Smith and Angela Eagle.

I don't think she's shitting herself, quiet the opposite in fact. Told have made a complete U turn and called a snap election she must be extremely confident she has the beating of Corbyn. I will personally vote Labour as i dont trust anything the conservatives say or do but i do think they will win with a landslide victory. Fair play to May she knows that her opposition is weak and she's pounced.
I wish we could have the SNP down here. I'd vote for Nicola Sturgoen to be PM.

I was literally wondering whether you guys could vote SNP about half an hour ago. What's standing in the way of them running candidates down there or is it simply a lack of interest on their part with Scotland remaining their key focus.
I love the idea that Theresa May is shitting herself over having to face someone lower on the PLP's list of 'electability' than Owen Smith and Angela Eagle.

Think some of those Blairite's are holding out for the return of their savior David Milliband
I was literally wondering whether you guys could vote SNP about half an hour ago. What's standing in the way of them running candidates down there or is it simply a lack of interest on their part with Scotland remaining their key focus.
They're primary goal is Scottish Independence, it would be pointless for every imaginable reason for them to run south of the border.
Aye I wonder if he'd be so proud to show Brendan Cox the Caf now seeing as he's shitting all over everything Jo Cox stood for.
I've been very impressed with Brendan Cox. I believe he'd make an excellent member of parliament.
They're primary goal is Scottish Independence, it would be pointless for every imaginable reason for them to run south of the border.

Yeah as I assumed. But there's nothing technically stopping them - just common sense.
Meanwhile, the Tories have had their third 21-point poll lead in a week.

People are having a right old go at you for considering voting tory, but as an additional rate tax payer i think its a no brainer.

If nothing else its interesting to hear the other side
No people are not having a go at him for possibly voting Tory.

They are having a go at him for saying that there are no poor people in the UK and implying that anyone struggling simply isnt working hard enough.
I was literally wondering whether you guys could vote SNP about half an hour ago. What's standing in the way of them running candidates down there or is it simply a lack of interest on their part with Scotland remaining their key focus.

The party actually stands for Scottish Independence it would be counter intuitive to have candidates in England. Add to that there is a lot of bad felling that they want to leave us(mostly from the people who want to leave the EU. Go figure.). A lot of people didn't vote labor in the last election because the Tories ran a smear campaign saying that Labor was going to form an alliance with the SNP.
Tories are giving themselves a few more years after Brixit comes into effect. If things don't go well they'll have a few more years to stay in power before going back to the electorate. Mrs May would never have made this decision had Labour been stronger.
I don't think the boundary changes have gone through yet. Wales are due to go from 40 seats to 29 if it goes through.
The party actually stands for Scottish Independence it would be counter intuitive to have candidates in England. Add to that there is a lot of bad felling that they want to leave us(mostly from the people who want to leave the EU. Go figure.). A lot of people didn't vote labor in the last election because the Tories ran a smear campaign saying that Labor was going to form an alliance with the SNP.
Which really shows how little people understand the levels of antipathy between the SNP and Labour. It's only slightly more conceivable than a Tory/Labour pact nationally.
Guess it's gonna only be about The Liberal Democrats and The Tories. If you are pro-EU you vote for the former, if not, for the latter. The Labour Party is fecked, unless they can find a difficult agreement with The Liberal Democratic, The Green and the SNP.
Tories are giving themselves a few more years after Brixit comes into effect. If things don't go well they'll have a few more years to stay in power before going back to the electorate. Mrs May would never have made this decision had Labour been stronger.

I think it is that but she also wants the mandate on Brexit as it means there are less sticks to beat her and party with if it goes wrong.
I am nowhere near filthy rich by the way and I know I pay an excessive amount of tax

It feels very unfair and I get frustrated by it. Which is effectively with sammsky was saying

If we cut tax rates in half there will be people complaining they pay too much tax. Fact is the health, education and welfare are struggling for funding, tax needs to go up
Think some of those Blairite's are holding out for the return of their savior David Milliband
Guess it's gonna only be about The Liberal Democrats and The Tories. If you are pro-EU you vote for the former, if not, for the latter. The Labour Party is fecked, unless they can find a difficult agreement with The Liberal Democratic, The Green and the SNP.
So the Tories or the Tories then.
I don't think the boundary changes have gone through yet. Wales are due to go from 40 seats to 29 if it goes through.
Wow, feel like that should have been bigger news
If we cut tax rates in half there will be people complaining they pay too much tax. Fact is the health, education and welfare are struggling for funding, tax needs to go up
Agreed. Voting for tax cuts directly equates to contraction of social services.
What does that project to in terms of seats? Must be a staggering majority.
it all depends on where they get the votes, current polls have conservatives getting 41 percent of the votes, but how that transfers into seats is more complicated.

I mean if you lookk at the last general election Ukip got 12.6% of the vote and the Lib Dem got 7.9, yet the Lib Dem got 8 seats and UKIP (thank fully) only got 1. Also at that election the Green party only got 0.9 percent of the vote less then the SNP yet the green party got 1 seat and the SNP got 56. So a lot depends of how your votes are spread out.

So while it easy to say May will win with that kind of percentage of the vote, saying how much it would increase her majority is really hard to say.
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Cannot believe she's said she won't come and debate. She'll get absolutely crucified
Cannot believe she's said she won't come and debate. She'll get absolutely crucified
she hasn't been doing great in Prime ministers questions, Cameron use to wipe the floor with Corbyn but May has struggled.

So they are probably figuring they wont go, try and appear to be above that kind of thing, as they know that it more likely to hurt them then help them.