Joe Rogan

I like to listen when he has someone interesting on but he has so many repeat guests on these days I find it very samey especially the pseudo intellectuals Harris, Peterstone, Shapiro etc etc but that plays to his base audience and then any number of returning comedians who I generally think are funny but rarely do they say anything interesting because they are on so frequently and the podcasts can be hours long
Its clear Rogan pushes back against people he disagrees with and laughs in agreement with those whose views he aligns with. Therefore his podcast is basically little more than a platform for his own views. Pretty similar to Musk as head of Twitter in this respect.

He's also losing his grip on the podcast market (much as Musk is on EVs) now that podcasting has exploded and there are plenty of competitors in place to gobble up market share.
How is it that every time someone jumps in to valiantly defend the likes of Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, they always make sure to tell us they don't even really listen to/read/follow them?

We might all be the same person.
I did for a second consider the possibility that it was just you every time, but I think there's a group of you. A cabal, if you will.

Nah, I don't care about JP (anymore) and I think Andrew Tate is a despicable person. I hopefully have 0 posts at Tate's thread. Not worth my time at all.
Its clear Rogan pushes back against people he disagrees with and laughs in agreement with those whose views he aligns with. Therefore his podcast is basically little more than a platform for his own views. Pretty similar to Musk as head of Twitter in this respect.

He's also losing his grip on the podcast market (much as Musk is on EVs) now that podcasting has exploded and there are plenty of competitors in place to gobble up market share.
Sales figures would disagree with you, Model Y is killing it.
Rogan signed huge deal with Spotify, his grip on the market is pretty secure, think he's second highest figures their podcast list. People will eventually move on to other things as his interests are pretty limited, ufo's, MMA, comedy, rinse and repeat.
Sales figures would disagree with you, Model Y is killing it.
Rogan signed huge deal with Spotify, his grip on the market is pretty secure, think he's second highest figures their podcast list. People will eventually move on to other things as his interests are pretty limited, ufo's, MMA, comedy, rinse and repeat.

Tesla is still the leader, just as Rogan is, but the rest are catching up. Model Y and 3 sales may be among the top of EVs but Tesla as a company is rapidly losing EV market share as the others begin rolling out their models. 5 years ago Tesla was largely the only game in town - now there are many. Similarly, Rogan was king when podcasting was still the domain of a select few. Now that its proliferated, others are quickly catching up.
Its clear Rogan pushes back against people he disagrees with and laughs in agreement with those whose views he aligns with. Therefore his podcast is basically little more than a platform for his own views.

100%. When you align with Joe's views, he buys into you without question. Graham Hancock is the biggest conman in the world, but he likes drugs and conspiracy theories and Joe defends him without question. I remember Joe had the Hunting Hitler guy on his show. The guy was big into working out and was ex-speical forces and Joe just ate up everything he was saying without question. The dude was saying the most factually incorrect bull and Joe not only ate it up, but was parroting the same bull to new guests weeks later. He is more than willing to challenge guests, but if Joe wants a story to be true, he will let anyone ramble on without even the slightest pushback (ie, Bob Lazar).

Tbf, I haven't listened since they stopped uploading clips on YouTube, but I am assuming he hasn't got any better at this.
Tesla is still the leader, just as Rogan is, but the rest are catching up. Model Y and 3 sales may be among the top of EVs but Tesla as a company is rapidly losing EV market share as the others begin rolling out their models. 5 years ago Tesla was largely the only game in town - now there are many. Similarly, Rogan was king when podcasting was still the domain of a select few. Now that its proliferated, others are quickly catching up.

Regardless of market share, they're selling more cars every year. The market as a whole has grown massively over the last few years, pretty obvious 1 manufacturer couldn't ramp their production to keep pace. If they can mass produce the 'model 2' or whatever it's going to be called, in 2025 their numbers will explode, but time will tell.

As for Joe obviously his appeal will wane, that's the entertainment industry. I listen to very few of his podcasts, as they're very samey, I do like some of his guests and will make sure I tune in for them. But he's set for life with his Spotify contract, kudos to him.
Regardless of market share, they're selling more cars every year. The market as a whole has grown massively over the last few years, pretty obvious 1 manufacturer couldn't ramp their production to keep pace. If they can mass produce the 'model 2' or whatever it's going to be called, in 2025 their numbers will explode, but time will tell.

As for Joe obviously his appeal will wane, that's the entertainment industry. I listen to very few of his podcasts, as they're very samey, I do like some of his guests and will make sure I tune in for them. But he's set for life with his Spotify contract, kudos to him.

They're selling more cars because the EV market is growing, but overall their market share is going down and will continue to fall in the next couple of years. The only value in owning a Tesla at that point will be the charging infrastructure, which will be quickly addressed as countries build more infrastructure. Rogan is indeed set for life and will probably wind up getting ditched by Spotify after his next misinformation indiscretion. Financially however, he will never need to work again if he doesn't want to.
The above posts probably highlight the issue with Rogan now, he will have a guest on who will say something outlandish and then two sides immediately form, 1 will believe him and the other will say it's nonsense and laugh but the reality is there's some truth in what the guest is saying but Rogan should have got an actual scientist on to speak about it if he wanted to address it properly i.e. there are published studies on man made EMF exposure (Wifi being one of these) and its effect on animals and people and there have been some concerning findings albeit it's so early and unexplored no one can say much about it with any kind of certainty.
The above posts probably highlight the issue with Rogan now, he will have a guest on who will say something outlandish and then two sides immediately form, 1 will believe him and the other will say it's nonsense and laugh but the reality is there's some truth in what the guest is saying but Rogan should have got an actual scientist on to speak about it if he wanted to address it properly i.e. there are published studies on man made EMF exposure (Wifi being one of these) and its effect on animals and people and there have been some concerning findings albeit it's so early and unexplored no one can say much about it with any kind of certainty.

Any links? I've never seen any even vaguely credible evidence that non-ionising radiation does anything bad, though I accept that that might be more through good luck than judgement. I'd still rather not live near a pylon if I could avoid it but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it I don't think.
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Funniest part of that clip is thinking that people use their phones like actual phones and hold them up to their ears any more. Anyone that actually does talk on them still clearly puts it on speaker and shouts into it no matter where they are or what they're doing.
Any links? I've never seen any even vaguely credible evidence that non-ionising radiation does anything bad, though I accept that that might be more through good luck than judgement. I'd still rather not love near a pylon if I could avoid it but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it I don't think.
Possible Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Central Nerve System - PMC (

This will list all sources and goes through in detail - it is balanced (from what I can tell as a non PhD) and will state when there is contrasting evidence i.e. the causation of cancer section. There is a section on what Rogan's guest is talking about and it's factually correct to say that EMF can affect the permeability of blood/brain but if you read that section it is very clear lots of studies are contrasting and it seems much of the theory is based in animal testing. it's worth pointing out you can go on Pubmed and there are hundreds of published articles on this topic but the above is a good overview.

As said, the guest selection is what loses the debate its credibility, it's actually a very interesting topic (I think we would all like to know if holding phones close to our heads, wearing airpods, having wifi everywhere, having 5g everywhere etc. is going to harm us) but unless the person telling us these things is someone with a genuine expertise in the area it's just words & people naturally react as many have done above.
"We have to get rid of wifi.

It causes CANCER!!!"

Apart from this being posted by Joe Rogan are there any science geeks who have an opinion on this.

The above posts probably highlight the issue with Rogan now, he will have a guest on who will say something outlandish and then two sides immediately form, 1 will believe him and the other will say it's nonsense and laugh but the reality is there's some truth in what the guest is saying but Rogan should have got an actual scientist on to speak about it if he wanted to address it properly i.e. there are published studies on man made EMF exposure (Wifi being one of these) and its effect on animals and people and there have been some concerning findings albeit it's so early and unexplored no one can say much about it with any kind of certainty.
Such as?

Edit: Saw it posted after, never mind
So is his podcast still a thing then? Ever since moving to Spotify it's been rather quiet.
Apart from this being posted by Joe Rogan are there any science geeks who have an opinion on this.

I don't know too much about the details in there (I think we do have one or two actual experts on here if you take your question to the science threads), but inflation theory certainly never made any sense to me which is what was needed to explain the formation of the universe if it were 14bn years old.

The idea of energy leaking away to... something from light waves(/particles) sounds much more plausible on the face of it. After all, you can slow light down by passing it through glass/water or whatever so why shouldn't the "empty" universe affect it in some way as well? It's not really empty and who knows perhaps there are quantum effects or something that nab the energy anyway.
So is his podcast still a thing then? Ever since moving to Spotify it's been rather quiet.

I’d advise you to check out the AI generated version of his podcast on Spotify. There is a full interview with Trump that starts out with them discussing the UFC. Fascinating stuff.
I've listened to a couple recently as I've been travelling. Ice Cube, which was really good, and Stephen Meyer which I thought was fantastic (although only listened to first hour so far)..

I never listen to the grifter ones, but I expect it's the same old shit
Who are "they"? And how they did they attempt to kill Rogan? Did they lobby to outlaw elk consumption?

I think the "they" was his employer wasn't it? Spotify removed some of his more conspiratorial content, you know because they like making money from advertisers and stuff like that. Oh and Neil Young.
I am the only one who's not impressed with the numbers? The so-called number one podcast in the world only has 11 million listeners per episode on average. That may sound like a lot, but that's less than 1% of the English speaking world with internet access. And let's be real, his listeners aren't a very diverse crowd. It's 90% male for instance.
Not really listened to his stuff much, only a few videos with Bill Burr because I think he's funny and Joe sets him up well, but I do find it funny that people want to get him canceled because he gives lunatics a platform and sometimes buys their bullshit. If everyone, including Joe Rogan, just stopped believing every single thing they see or hear on the internet then there's no need to cancel anyone.
It’s almost as if cancel culture doesn’t exist
It exists in the sense that some people will ask for someone or something to get cancelled. Doesn't mean they'll always succeed.

But that in itself isn't really new I think.