Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

What makes him think that he gets to have a say in where his fine money goes or gets spent/distributed by the FA?
3 match ban for Casemiro incoming..
He has basically come out and taken the piss out of his punishment in a press conference.
Obviously feels he is untouchable which points to friends in higher places/corruption. It’s a total farce
Any other manager gets probably a 3 match ban for what he did. He gets a slap on the wrist. 100% a Debbie Hewitt influenced decision but you expect that when a lifelong scouser is the chair of the FA

Not at all surprised that a Liverpool fan is chair of the FA.
Should be a total neutral if that’s possible.
All we ever get is Scousers banging on about Howard Webb influencing everything for United, when it is complete codswallop.
Liverpool fans are the most deluded creatures on the planet
Sir Alex would get two match bans, with none suspended, for doing a third of what Klopp did (usually yelling at the ref).

How screaming in the 4th officials face in celebration (which suggests he was gloating, which in turn suggeste he really did think the refs were on Villa's side), questioning Tierny's impartiality and lying about Tierny saying nasty things to him only ends in a two match ban, with one suspended, is a question only the bent FA can answer.
Sir Alex would get two match bans, with none suspended, for doing a third of what Klopp did (usually yelling at the ref).

How screaming in the 4th officials face in celebration (which suggests he was gloating, which in turn suggeste he really did think the refs were on Villa's side), questioning Tierny's impartiality and lying about Tierny saying nasty things to him only ends in a two match ban, with one suspended, is a question only the bent FA can answer.

He did get a five match ban for something similar, but he already had a suspended two match ban, similar to Klopp now. There’s no point pretending he wasn’t the same, apart from running and celebrating in front of the fourth official. That was cringey as hell.

I still think Klopp’s ban should have been bigger, and they also need to consider how to stop managers communicating through the game. It’s a farce that they can effectively do their job as normal from 30 yards away.
He gets off with a little rap on his knuckles and he's still arrogant enough to state that he wants to know where the 70K is going before he pays.
Totally disgusting.
He has basically come out and taken the piss out of his punishment in a press conference.
Obviously feels he is untouchable which points to friends in higher places/corruption. It’s a total farce
Just look at the referee assistance they have had recently. It’s club-wide privileges
He gets off with a little rap on his knuckles and he's still arrogant enough to state that he wants to know where the 70K is going before he pays.
Totally disgusting.
This is all a big pantomime! Don’t fall for it.
Took his team from a Champs League final to Europa League.
Did his rant work then? Obviously they didn't get the result in the end, but they did get the absurd amount of injury time from the ref.
He wont go back to Germany anytime soon but Real Madrid, with the youth players within the squad and the clear need of a new direction, might be a tempting prospect.
I don't see klopp going anywhere anytime soon. He also signed a contract not long ago. This summer if they don't give him the funds to build the team I think we can see him walking next year at seasons end
I mean, 2 big trophies in 8 years is much better than 1 in 25 so I'm sure that Liverpool supporters still are delighted with Klopp.

But when he took over Liverpool they had finished 6th the season before and had a big rebuild ahead. Now they look like finishing 5th and have to do another big rebuild. The difference is that now City has built a genuine dynasty and we actually also seem to be moving in the right direction. Saudi-backed Newcastle is also looking like a big problem. You could therefore argue that Liverpool are in a worse position right now.

Klopp has built a great Liverpool team once so he can do it again, but it must be exhausting to look at the task ahead. It took him about 3 years last time and the circumstances were better then.
He's not the Madrid type coach. If anything, I can see him landing up at Bayern once Tuchel is sacked.
What makes you think that? I don't see big differences between those two clubs in regatd to signing managers.
What makes you think that? I don't see big differences between those two clubs in regatd to signing managers.

For one, he's a long term project manager. Madrid will sack him if he fails to win the CL. He's also not the sort of manager who has had success managing a lot of egos in the team. Madrid is full of them.
For one, he's a long term project manager. Madrid will sack him if he fails to win the CL. He's also not the sort of manager who has had success managing a lot of egos in the team. Madrid is full of them.
And Bayern is as well, that's why I asked where you see the difference between the clubs? In some regards Bayern is even less stable than Real.
He'll see out his contract unless he gets fired at some point. He'd never walk away from them because he buys into the nauseous cult of manager they have for him
Don't worry lads, inhalers are back next year after the off-cycle. Klopp isn't going anywhere.
He'll see out his contract unless he gets fired at some point. He'd never walk away from them because he buys into the nauseous cult of manager they have for him
He’ll never be fired. The fanbase was absolve any responsibility from Klopp while telling us he’s provided them with the best moments in their lives apart from the birth of their kids etc.
I don't know if he has it in him to build another great side at Liverpool, and wouldn't be surprised if he isn't there this time next year

I think this is what separated Fergie from the other greats, his ability to refresh and rebuild again and again
I don't know if he has it in him to build another great side at Liverpool, and wouldn't be surprised if he isn't there this time next year

Are they really that far off? With Luis Diaz coming back, Gakpo looking decent, Salah still being good, and Jota and Nunez as back-ups, I would say their forward looks strong. In defense they still have a world-class GK, really good full-backs along with Konate looking strong and VVD still good, if not at his peak anymore. Midfield is the real worry, and they need two very strong additions and Fabinho to regain his form to be a contender.

But he is not looking at a full rebuild for next season. More like a midfield rebuild and some renewed motivation.
Are they really that far off? With Luis Diaz coming back, Gakpo looking decent, Salah still being good, and Jota and Nunez as back-ups, I would say their forward looks strong. In defense they still have a world-class GK, really good full-backs along with Konate looking strong and VVD still good, if not at his peak anymore. Midfield is the real worry, and they need two very strong additions and Fabinho to regain his form to be a contender.

But he is not looking at a full rebuild for next season. More like a midfield rebuild and some renewed motivation.

I think they are yeah. Midfield is proper shite and needs a complete overhaul. VVD needs replacing and they need a right back.

attack is being carried by a soon to be 31 year old Salah who relies on pace