Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

Agreed, and Fergie was the master of this too. SAF would say similar after dropping points in games we were expected to win. "He could've killed him", "just a wee club from the north east" etc. Fergie was the pettiest of sore losers, just like Klopp. Rightly so.

He's a knob, but not for what he said today, IMO.
Liverpool fans hated this ferguson for this, the wheel has definitely turned for both clubs
Klopp just exudes a passion for the game and his team. So much so his players would run through a wall if he asked them to.

That passion extends itself outside of his own club…like how he was with Son after the game last night. He’s brilliant.

Just such a shame he’s at the wrong club and the only reason why you can’t like him. Envy
I really don't see what the fuss is about. Other than this being redcafe of course :lol:

How dare a team go to Anfield and not play it into the hands of the dippers!

He’s given about 10 of these interviews after losing points against teams sitting back. This is by no means the worst of them.

It’s strange that he doesn’t seem to comprehend that the other team also has to maximize their chance of getting something from the game.
Basically if he drops any points in a game, his go to rhetoric is to slate the opposition for having the cheek to put up a fight and do what they can to earn a point(s) for their own team. Klopp really is insufferable post match when they drop any points.
Maybe they would play more if they weren’t fouled every time they touched the ball.

Their tactic of overloading the attack and then fouling when they lose the ball is clearly effective, but they can’t then moan than the other team doesn’t play with the ball more. Spurs tried.

This. Why are Liverpool given free reign by referees to foul at will without bookings?
It certainly feels like a conspiracy as they are treated differently to any other team.
I wonder if he considers his team's constant tactical fouls as "anti-football" too? I've got a funny feeling not. There's more than one way to skin a cat, cnut.
Meh, I don’t really have a problem with those quotes. As Alan Johnson said, show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser.
Meh, I don’t really have a problem with those quotes. As Alan Johnson said, show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser.
Whilst I agree with the quote, I think it's the patronising, passive aggressive manner of his comments said through that smile of his, that rub people up the wrong way.
He is such a poor loser, can't wait until they start to struggle a bit the media will love it.
He really isn’t. Sorry.

If we got him when we had the chance, he would be worshipped here.

Yes he is. Do you think Liverpool fans spent 15 years saying “if he was our right back we would love him” about Gary Neville? Did they feck. That’s not how football works pal.

As others have said, the patronising tone of his voice just because his anti-football is different.

Anyone got stats for Alexander-Arnold? I reckon he might have broken his own record for wasted possession
To be fair, I hate the fecker, but he's not saying anything any other manager of a big club wouldn't say. And that's including Fergie when teams used to come to Old Trafford (a long...long time ago) and park the bus. These managers typically don't like it when teams don't just roll over for them. Look how fecking patronizing Pep is when he's just dicked a team 5-0. "Fantastic team. Really tough game. Great coach", etc.

It is pathetic though.
Fergie was never afraid to go directly for a rivals throat - anybody could get some....that fire brought us some great games of football and genuine rivalry. Klopp and Guardiola spend their rivalry rimming each other while condescendingly talking shite about any other team in the league willing to put up a scrap. Wankers.
Fergie also never criticised how a club played. If they put men behind the ball (which Spurs didn’t), he’d respect them for it. That’s why Klopp is a cnut.
Fergie was never afraid to go directly for a rivals throat - anybody could get some....that fire brought us some great games of football and genuine rivalry. Klopp and Guardiola spend their rivalry rimming each other while condescendingly talking shite about any other team in the league willing to put up a scrap. Wankers.

And recently I heard/read somebody gushing over their mutual admiration and it being a sign of football moving on to glorious new pastures or some bollocks, then Klopp demonstrates with fist-pumping and this he's no better than Ferguson, Wenger, or indeed that amber-toothed snarling at the fourth gobshite who used to manage Dortmund: Oh, yeah, Jurgen Klopp. Same goes for Pep and his touchline antics.
Klopp's the king of sour grapes, really. Remember when they lost 6 in a row and he was an abhorrent human towards all the journos? How dare they ask him questions!

As it happens, as a Spurs fan, I really hate possession-style football. We'd had all sorts of varieties, but I think almost everyone enjoyed that quick-counter style under Redknapp. It's simply not entertaining watching players pass sideways and forwards until all 10 men are behind the ball and it's bouncing from flank to flank with nothing happening. Like Rugby for me.

I think Fergie might have said at the time, when I think AVB was with us, something like "they can have as much of the ball as they want - I don't care, as they don't do anything with it".
Just wanna bring up this absolute classic after they drew in the Merseyside derby a few years ago:

He is the most petulant, sore loser of all the top managers. He is never, ever gracious in defeat, always has an excuse and is such a bad sportsman. He is so obnoxious when his team wins and insufferable when they lose.

He is an absolute tosser and suits that detestable club.
So unlikeable.
As it happens, as a Spurs fan, I really hate possession-style football. We'd had all sorts of varieties, but I think almost everyone enjoyed that quick-counter style under Redknapp. It's simply not entertaining watching players pass sideways and forwards until all 10 men are behind the ball and it's bouncing from flank to flank with nothing happening. Like Rugby for me.

Same. I have to admit I find a lot of football boring these days because possession-based play has become so prevalent. It was a more entertaining sport before everyone became obsessed with Barcelona's tiki-taka snoozefest around 2010. I'll take the 4-4-2 counter-attacking pendulum matches of the 90s and 00s any day over the mechanical fidgetry of today's football. I frankly think it has been the most boring decade of football in my lifetime, and I don't say that because we've been shit. Setting aside Messi and Ronaldo's unbelievable careers, this has been a really drab decade of football. Add to this the fact that both the German and Italian leagues were utterly monopolized by a single club each, making only the PL and La Liga relevant.
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The arrogance of demanding opposition teams to just open up and let Liverpool play their game. He's so fecking petulant, you have to earn your title wins and win difficult games like yesterday to get there.
Nothing more boring than two counterattacking teams facing each other for me. It‘s fine for those at the bottom end of the table but usually I‘d applaud those that would still try to bring the game to the opponent despite having a inferior squad.

It‘s reactive at it‘s heart and hence only really works if the opponent plays differently. It‘s effective is all.