Kane goes Awol

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He didn’t know he was wasting it away when he signed a new deal? If he was this desperate to leave why sign a deal? He wanted the additional pay rise a couple of years ago but you can’t be arsed to even come to training?

But they were in a better place then. Pochettino was there and there seemed to be continual progression, and they were regularly in the champions league. A lot has changed since then.
He didn’t know he was wasting it away when he signed a new deal? If he was this desperate to leave why sign a deal? He wanted the additional pay rise a couple of years ago but you can’t be arsed to even come to training?

Yeah, it's this furore that I find surprising. If he were to go to shit in that period, the club would look to sell. Now the club has gone to shit, and he understandably wants to leave. And he won't move if he doesn't make a stink. That's a repeated pattern at Spurs.

I get that he has some glowing media image due to being England captain and not playing for United. But, that doesn't mean it isn't logical for him to do everything in his power to make his career count for something more tangible.
you'd think if anyone had the right to have a dignified exit from a club, it would be Kane. he's given them everything his whole career and Levy is still making it difficult (as he always does). i'm pro Kane on this one.
Don't get the furore from non-Spurs fans. So he's digging his heels in and trying his best to get out of a club that is in free fall. Why the criticism? I understand the criticism when it comes to backing into players who are leaping in the air. I understand it when it comes to the annual sluggish start to the season. And yes, he was daft to sign a 6 year deal, but he's got a very limited time in the game left and he's wasting it away with a club that's being terribly badly run.

It's the audacity of Kane not joining their clubs instead of signing a new contract with Spurs. How dare he not give them more fodder for banter.
you'd think if anyone had the right to have a dignified exit from a club, it would be Kane. he's given them everything his whole career and Levy is still making it difficult (as he always does). i'm pro Kane on this one.

I understand Kane's angle. This is one situation where both sides have valid points.
I want more drama! It would be so anticlimactic if Kane just returns and pretends like nothing happen, possibly scoring a brace to make the supporters forgive him quickly. At the very least have him shave his head as punishment. Or maybe give him a perm and color it in the most disgusting shade of red possible. Kind of like Carrot Top.
you'd think if anyone had the right to have a dignified exit from a club, it would be Kane. he's given them everything his whole career and Levy is still making it difficult (as he always does). i'm pro Kane on this one.
How is Levy making it difficult? City are buying one of the best strikers in the world, from someone in the same league. Spurs have to be compensated appropriately, which thus far City have yet to show they're going to do. Spurs also have no incentive to lower the price as well, as he's on a long contract (which he signed willingly) on a handsome wage. If had such a strong opinion on his price, he should have put some sort of release clause in. I'm pro Levy, for once.
Don't get the furore from non-Spurs fans. So he's digging his heels in and trying his best to get out of a club that is in free fall. Why the criticism? I understand the criticism when it comes to backing into players who are leaping in the air. I understand it when it comes to the annual sluggish start to the season. And yes, he was daft to sign a 6 year deal, but he's got a very limited time in the game left and he's wasting it away with a club that's being terribly badly run.
It's especially funny considering the stick Son was getting in his thread a couple of weeks ago for signing a new contract.
you'd think if anyone had the right to have a dignified exit from a club, it would be Kane. he's given them everything his whole career and Levy is still making it difficult (as he always does). i'm pro Kane on this one.

How is Levy making it difficult? I hate the little scrote but he made Kane the highest paid player at the club. That deal has 3 years to run and Levy wants fair market value to sell him. The attempted buyer has just bid £100m for a player that’s not as good, hasn’t played in the Champions League while being the top scoring player across the last 5 years.

Harry Kane has made his bed. He needs to lay in it. While Spurs fans criticising Levy for not selling Kane would be the most Spursy thing ever…. It won’t happen. He’s lost their support in a pinch. He’s taking the piss out of the fan base by acting like a child.
you'd think if anyone had the right to have a dignified exit from a club, it would be Kane. he's given them everything his whole career and Levy is still making it difficult (as he always does). i'm pro Kane on this one.

Almost no spurs fan would bemoan Kane a dignified exit if it were actually so.

So far, we have one bid, at well below market value, for one of the best players in the league and one of the best strikers in the world. They've just bid the same amount for an inferior player.

What he's doing isn't dignified and it's going to burn bridges at the club that made him. This is such a silly way to go about things and he risks burning his legacy at the club to the ground.

Also what do you mean he's given us everything? He's not been doing us a favour? He's a youth player who the club has grown with. He's played in finals and in big league games. He's been one of the highest paid players in the league to boot. He's not being held ransom.
Almost no spurs fan would bemoan Kane a dignified exit if it were actually so.

So far, we have one bid, at well below market value, for one of the best players in the league and one of the best strikers in the world. They've just bid the same amount for an inferior player.

What he's doing isn't dignified and it's going to burn bridges at the club that made him. This is such a silly way to go about things and he risks burning his legacy at the club to the ground.

Also what do you mean he's given us everything? He's not been doing us a favour? He's a youth player who the club has grown with. He's played in finals and in big league games. He's been one of the highest paid players in the league to boot. He's not being held ransom.

Agreed, he has went about everything ass about face, first he didn't show up, then he said he would never show up, then it was COVID, then its a misunderstanding then he was handing in a transfer request and now he's returning to training.... all in 2 days.
How is Levy making it difficult? City are buying one of the best strikers in the world, from someone in the same league. Spurs have to be compensated appropriately, which thus far City have yet to show they're going to do. Spurs also have no incentive to lower the price as well, as he's on a long contract (which he signed willingly) on a handsome wage. If had such a strong opinion on his price, he should have put some sort of release clause in. I'm pro Levy, for once.
This …
I completely agree with everyone who says that a 'gentleman's agreement' is worth nothing unless the terms are on a signed contract. However, in the real world, especially in industries driven by people rather than machines (think consulting/investment banking/R&D) there is an element of 'goodwill' shown by an employer to his employees, over and above any legal contract or law.

For example, in the consulting and banking industry it is very common for Principals (equivalent to really senior managers) to let their Associates or Senior Associates quit and join rival consultants/banks or even their clients without much fuss, many times even foregoing the full notice period. The thinking is that a person who is not motivated will not be an asset to the firm and the current consulting company/bank will have a contact (whose had a positive experience) in the rival firm/client for future business dealings.

Another example is Pharmaceutical R&D. Pharmaceuticals is a fairly small, niche industry where after decades of experience its hard to move to other industries. Hence Pharma companies regularly poach talent from each other, especially senior R&D management. In general, as long as the leaving R&D manager, does not take key members of his team, the current Pharma company will not make it hard for the manager to leave. The thinking is again that a person who is not motivated will not be an asset to the firm and the current Pharma company will have a contact (whose had a positive experience) in the rival firm for future R&D collaborations (such collabs happens a lot, especially in the last 20 years due to rising costs of developing a blockbuster drug).

Daniel Levy is essentially in a 'people-drive' business. 100 million at a time when the pandemic has raged for 2 years and continuing, is a fair amount for a top striker that's given Tottenham at least 3 years of his peak.
Don't agree with Kane missing training though.

Are you really a Madrid fan lecturing on business ethics?
I want more drama! It would be so anticlimactic if Kane just returns and pretends like nothing happen, possibly scoring a brace to make the supporters forgive him quickly. At the very least have him shave his head as punishment. Or maybe give him a perm and color it in the most disgusting shade of red possible. Kind of like Carrot Top.
He's a charisma-vacuum with zero personality so of course that's what's gonna happen. Continue like everything's been fine and fans will forgive him because he's one of their all-time greats.
The only thing I’d say different is Grealish is 25 and can easily have two good contract terms with City, Kane probably less so. That might balance the scales slightly in how much City feel Kane is worth.

Shame Lukaku staying. Was hoping Chelsea would get him and clear our way to Harland (bar Real)
There's two years between them. I can see Kane playing longer at a top level - unlike Grealish he doesn't drink or party - and he looks after his body well. In a period where strikers are seemingly prolonging their careers playing at a higher level, I can see him still playing strong and scoring at 34/35. I do see your point though as what I said is purely speculative (certain players playing longer at a higher level, not the bit about their lifestyles as that is a fact) but overall Kane is a higher value with City needing a goalscorer more than a creator.

Bayern will probably be another obstacle for Haaland with Nagelsmann already managing the player in the past.
I feel for Kane. He's at that age where this could be his final shot at making that move. Rarely do you see players with his calibre playing for clubs that aren't competing for anything, and I'm sure he'll get to at least double his salary as well.

Some are blaming him for signing a long contract to begin with, but most clubs in Spurs position would cash in. Levy was always going to make it a nightmare.
I feel for Kane. He's at that age where this could be his final shot at making that move. Rarely do you see players with his calibre playing for clubs that aren't competing for anything, and I'm sure he'll get to at least double his salary as well.

Some are blaming him for signing a long contract to begin with, but most clubs in Spurs position would cash in. Levy was always going to make it a nightmare.

How has Levy made it a nightmare?

City have bid 100 million, once and then moved on. They've just bid the same amount for Graelish, an inferior player.

If City had bid progressively higher amounts, including an amount that most people would consider a reasonable amount for an English player, being sold by an English club to another state backed English club, one of the best players in the world (ie at least 150 million) then perhaps I'd feel slightly more sorry for Kane.

I think what some people are missing is that the backlash is not ythe desire to leave (which almost every Spurs fan understands) but the way he's going about it. Bit early to do the old go on strike isn't it? They've put in one bid.
Sports contracts are very weird. I can’t imagine myself ever signing a contract that I can’t even afford to buy myself out of. I mean I everyone can just decide that they don’t want to work for this company anymore because they found a better job somewhere or don’t want to work anymore but with footballers, it’s different. You are basically forced to work and your employer even decides if you are fit to work or not. I guess that’s the price you pay when people pay millions to acquire your services
There is no 'ethics' in this. Its just business sense.

Look at how Varane was let go. Varane didn't want to sign a new contract, so Madrid professionally informed United of a realistic price and United were able to work with that. Even a Madrid that is depleted in defense knows that a demotivated player is useless.

Varane is the same age as Kane, had only 1 year left on his contract and is a French player moving from a Spanish to English club. He is also a centre back. Despite the above, he went for £41 million.

Kane has 3 years left on his contract. He's an English player (captain) who'd be moving from one English club to another. The other English club also happens to be the richest in the world. He's a striker, the current club's best player and would be filling in the other club's most pressing squad position. He's just come off a season where he was both top scorer and top assister in the league. He's one of a select group of players in the world who can pretty much guarantee 20+ goals a season, alongside Messi, Ronaldo, Lewandowski and Mbappe.

So we should sell Kane for a price just over double that of Varane's?

Do you think Real Madrid would have accepted £15 million just because a demotivated player is useless?
There is no 'ethics' in this. Its just business sense.

Look at how Varane was let go. Varane didn't want to sign a new contract, so Madrid professionally informed United of a realistic price and United were able to work with that. Even a Madrid that is depleted in defense knows that a demotivated player is useless.

I’m kidding bud. You do support the most flagrant club on the planet though, your post made me giggle.
Also, demotivated players aren't useless.

Modric put in his best season after we refused to sell him to Chelsea and he had a mini-strop and we then sold him to Madrid instead.

He's welcome.
Some are blaming him for signing a long contract to begin with, but most clubs in Spurs position would cash in. Levy was always going to make it a nightmare.

So…. Why. Sign. The. Contract.

The guy is an idiot with poor representation. It’s not a case of ‘Some’ are blaming him for signing a long contract. EVERYONE is. There was zero reason to do it and it’s among the dumbest moves by a world class player that I can remember.
Today i read that all story is BS and that Kane is in quarantine. What to believe now?
Gary just keeps falling in the list of respectable pundits.

Did you listen to it or just read the clickbait headline?

He said nothing we haven’t all said in Here, while adding details of his personal relationship with Kane suggesting it must be something big to get this kind of reaction.

He’s throwing gasoline on the fire, not water.
Did you listen to it or just read the clickbait headline?

He said nothing we haven’t all said in Here, while adding details of his personal relationship with Kane suggesting it must be something big to get this kind of reaction.

He’s throwing gasoline on the fire, not water.
He said that there’s no excuse for Kane not to show up to training, then went on to make an excuse for him. We all know his criticism would have been much more damning and devoid of empathy for certain other players.
How much more than £100m are Spurs expecting? I do think it’s a reasonable bid, possibly hold out for £110m-120m but any more than that I can’t see it, £150m is dreaming imo.

out of interest how much will his value drop at the end of this season if he doesn’t leave? £70-80m
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