The principal finding from this investigation was that after MCL injury, 71% of European professional male soccer athletes were able to RTP successfully, missing a median of 33 days and 4 games. The incidence of MCL reinjury was low (3%), and midfielder was the only playing position associated with decreased field time when compared with control athletes 2 seasons after injury. Meanwhile, injured athletes demonstrated equivalent performance metrics after RTP when compared with control athletes. No significant differences in field time or performance metrics were identified in athletes with MCL injuries managed surgically versus nonoperatively.
In this series, 86% of MCL injuries were classified as moderate or severe, whereas only 14% of patients underwent surgery. This is consistent with the current management recommendation for MCL injuries, emphasizing a nonoperative approach for the majority of injuries, even in the case of grade 3 MCL injuries.
38 Current recommendations for MCL rehabilitation propose a recovery period of 1 to 4 weeks for grade 1 or 2 MCL injuries, and 5 to 7 weeks for grade 3 MCL injuries