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2021-22 Performances

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4.2 Season Average Rating
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Yes, it is solely down to massively underperforming & showing no effort. It’s that simple for me. We have an asset we need to cash in on before it drops any further. That’s looking at it objectively, as it should be looked at.

This outlook can also apply to a large number of the squad.

feck me that's fickle as feck mate, the guy is a United fan from Manchester who's been at the club since he was 7. Made 300 appearances, scored almost 100 goals and helped the club win trophies. If any fan wants him out of the club solely because of a period of bad form and lack of confidence then Jesus they should never complain about a player being disloyal.
feck me that's fickle as feck mate, the guy is a United fan from Manchester who's been at the club since he was 7. Made 300 appearances, scored almost 100 goals and helped the club win trophies. If any fan wants him out of the club solely because of a period of bad form and lack of confidence then Jesus they should never complain about a player being disloyal.
If a player wants to feck off & leave, fine; if you’re not performing, I couldn’t give a shit about being from the academy, etc. It’s a results-driven business. There will be more academy projects coming through. The romance is galling at times.

If Rashford’s form improves these last few games, then the calculus has changed slightly, but if it doesn’t & the effort expended doesn’t change, he should be gone in the summer. He shouldn’t get a pass anymore.
If a player wants to feck off & leave, fine; if you’re not performing, I couldn’t give a shit about being from the academy, etc. It’s a results-driven business. There will be more academy projects coming through. The romance is galling at times.

If Rashford’s form improves these last few games, then the calculus has changed slightly, but if it doesn’t & the effort expended doesn’t change, he should be gone in the summer. He shouldn’t get a pass anymore.

Yeah I can imagine that's the case mate
So what is it then?

I don't know I've seen other players play like absolute dogshit for years and criticism of them never reached anywhere near the hysterical levels it has with Rashford.

So it can't solely be about his form on the pitch.
Rashford’s response to the ‘abuse’ and then rewriting the story with his PR team absolutely epitomises his season, and everything wrong with footballers in general.

He stuck the middle finger up and challenged the fan who called him out, and now he’s selling a “woe is me” standpoint on Instagram. “I was showing him my forefinger” FFS :lol: At least own your actions instead of cowering behind a PR agent because your precious reputation might get ruined. He needs to grow a thicker skin and focus on the field, otherwise he’s going to turn into Lukaku Mk II, constantly taking the bait and not being able to back himself up with on-field performances.

He really needs to get his act together, otherwise the club will move on without him. Absolutely stank the place out yesterday.
There should be a separate thread for Rashford's social media. This thread is getting derailed.

Rashford is really bad at football and this has been the case for 14 months. He has also been exposed by numerous posters on here, fans who watch United in the flesh both home and away and recently football pundits alike as not giving any effort in games. He can't even complete the simplest of passes lately. I have zero sympathy for Rashford, he has been giving every opportunity and every excuse under the sun has been made for him. His lazy, entitled attitude deserves criticism. He's rubbish and I wish he was rubbish somewhere else.
Rashford’s response to the ‘abuse’ and then rewriting the story with his PR team absolutely epitomises his season, and everything wrong with footballers in general.

He stuck the middle finger up and challenged the fan who called him out, and now he’s selling a “woe is me” standpoint on Instagram. “I was showing him my forefinger” FFS :lol: At least own your actions instead of cowering behind a PR agent because your precious reputation might get ruined. He needs to grow a thicker skin and focus on the field, otherwise he’s going to turn into Lukaku Mk II, constantly taking the bait and not being able to back himself up with on-field performances.

He really needs to get his act together, otherwise the club will move on without him. Absolutely stank the place out yesterday.

Looks like his PR team may even have them here, the way some here are defending him and trying to recreate stories favourable to Rashford. All he needs is to go out and give all he has for the team. Not stroll around as if he is Berbatov in slippers.
feck me that's fickle as feck mate, the guy is a United fan from Manchester who's been at the club since he was 7. Made 300 appearances, scored almost 100 goals and helped the club win trophies. If any fan wants him out of the club solely because of a period of bad form and lack of confidence then Jesus they should never complain about a player being disloyal.
This is literally the reason why this club is shit. Allowing such mediocrity to survive for periods of time is why this club has won nothing for half a decade now and wont change without a change of mentality. This isnt a charity house where you're giving out 200k a week for fun. There needs to bee a standard in place, you get x amount of money to achieve that standard. If you cant achieve it, then thanks but we go in a different direction.
feck me that's fickle as feck mate, the guy is a United fan from Manchester who's been at the club since he was 7. Made 300 appearances, scored almost 100 goals and helped the club win trophies. If any fan wants him out of the club solely because of a period of bad form and lack of confidence then Jesus they should never complain about a player being disloyal.

Imagine giving a shit how big of a fan a player was when he refuses to track back or put in a shift at the minimum for the club he supposedly “adores”.

Also a period of bad form is a month or two. Not almost a fecking year and a half.

If you want to be sentimental then go ahead, but don’t get pissy when the club fails yet another season while other clubs lap them for being more ruthless in how they do business and build squads while we are still giving standing ovations for a “local lad” putting in a tackle or two
Also the funniest part is that him playing poorly isn’t the reason for the vitriol. We’ve had plenty of players be shit in recent times. But the blatant lack of effort off the ball while being at a Sunday league level on it will always be unacceptable. Fecking track back and make a tackle, Elanga can have the worst performance ever and he’ll still be better than Rashford because at least comes back to help defend and puts in effort.

Sad really, but I have no pity for the guy anymore. Feck off with your loser mentality and constant PR. Another player will gladly take your place.
This is literally the reason why this club is shit. Allowing such mediocrity to survive for periods of time is why this club has won nothing for half a decade now and wont change without a change of mentality. This isnt a charity house where you're giving out 200k a week for fun. There needs to bee a standard in place, you get x amount of money to achieve that standard. If you cant achieve it, then thanks but we go in a different direction.

Feel sorry for him personally, it’s a bloody horrible situation we’re in as a club. Fans have turned on pretty much the entire squad, coaching staff and anyone in any position in the upper echelons of the hierarchy.

Sad state of affairs in my view.
Some vile abuse of certain players will show em and turn it all around over night :nervous:
Cant wait for an unpopular manager appointment or the signing of a player that a vocal minority don’t like. Such fun times on the Caf :rolleyes:
Imagine giving a shit how big of a fan a player was when he refuses to track back or put in a shift at the minimum for the club he supposedly “adores”.

Also a period of bad form is a month or two. Not almost a fecking year and a half.

And that's the only thing I said was it?

A period of time can be any length mate.

If you want to be sentimental then go ahead, but don’t get pissy when the club fails yet another season while other clubs lap them for being more ruthless in how they do business and build squads while we are still giving standing ovations for a “local lad” putting in a tackle or two

No one would notice if I did mate as it would pale in comparison to the hysterical pissy fits regularly displayed on here every time United have a bad result.
How much can he fetch now if the club sells him tomorrow? Not that the club would because he's a massive name, good PR for the club because of what he does off the pitch and undeniably sells shirts
Apparently he's gone abroad to "clear his head". If this is not evidence of lacking mental strength to be a utd player then nothing is.

It is no surprise that he along with others crumble under pressure.
I'd give him the rest of the season to get his shit together. Its not about playing well its just being somewhat professional and showing some energy and workrate. If he doesn't i'd sell him for whatever we can get.
I'm starting to feel like trust in youth is one more naive, silly, backward notion that hurts us more than helps.
I always find it fascinating that people get angry at those that criticize his on field performance because he does great things off the pitch, I’ve seen it happen so much today on social media.

United fans are the ones who gave him the platform to achieve a lot of the initiative’s that he has gone on to complete. Now obviously he put in the time and effort and he has been rewarded accordingly but without those match going fans that he flipped off and those who spend their hard earned money on jerseys or to watch games, then Rashford wouldn’t be in the position to achieve half of what he has.
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He's going to Dubai again to 'clear his head' with his mate JLingz?

Just nonsensical to send him there again for vacation when it obviously did feck all to others before him. I say going to the wintery countryside in Scandinavia would be far better than fecking Dubai.
You've literally described an imaginary situation. Watch the video again and listen to what was said. Spoiler alert it's mild as feck. Rashford overreacted and knows it hence his PR statement/apology on twitter.
Bet those who defend him and shout "abuse" did not even watch a second of the video. He's just acting like a cnut in that video no way around it.
Read it again.

Last season he got over 20 goals and 13 assists. Does it matter if more came before Christmas or after? Does the golden boot only count goals after Christmas.

What's so difficult to get about that? He finished last season as 2nd in goals and 2nd in assists for us.

He's had a very bad season this year along with 75% of the squad. It can happen.

Over the 4 previous seasons he's been among our most consistent players. Top scorer for us too in the post Fergie era for what it's worth.

Everyone is saying one thing only, it is not about stats (G+A), posters are criticizing Rashford for his lack of effort.

Bruno is cut some slack, because when he does not score or assist or is in bad form, you can see it in the pitch that he is working his ass off, all game, running non-stop, pressing non-stop, even if nothing is coming off for Bruno, he never stops, people respect hard-work, as it is the bare minimum required, even if quality is lacking.

You can see it with Sancho too, he always maintains defensive shape and does not allow his FB to be doubled up or isolated, Rashford on the other hand, does not track back or even try to maintain a defensive shape and leaves his FB exposed, if you remember the game vs Southampton (he had an assist in that game!) their goal came in part because Rashford didn't bother to track back and help his FB, which caused the entire defensive shape to be shifted to one side to cover spaces.

of course, the team is shite this season because of myriad of reasons, like Ronaldo's lack of effort in terms of pressing or his general play (though at least he scores goals!), Sancho came into good form only in the 2nd half of the season, Bruno has not been consistent this year, Cavani has a questionable fitness record with us, Pogba injured alot and now he is not even fit to last a full game, Greenwood is gone, McFred's usual issues when they play together in midfield, AWB & Shaw being shite FBs, Maguire's calamitous season, and you are right, 75% of the team is shite this season, but all of that does not excuse Rashford's lack of effort and his horrible form.
feck me that's fickle as feck mate, the guy is a United fan from Manchester who's been at the club since he was 7. Made 300 appearances, scored almost 100 goals and helped the club win trophies. If any fan wants him out of the club solely because of a period of bad form and lack of confidence then Jesus they should never complain about a player being disloyal.
Lack of confidence is one thing but lack of effort is something else. Lack of effort cannot be accepted by fans, speecially match going fans who pay very expensive tickets on top of all the travel expenses
Rashford’s response to the ‘abuse’ and then rewriting the story with his PR team absolutely epitomises his season, and everything wrong with footballers in general.

He stuck the middle finger up and challenged the fan who called him out, and now he’s selling a “woe is me” standpoint on Instagram. “I was showing him my forefinger” FFS :lol: At least own your actions instead of cowering behind a PR agent because your precious reputation might get ruined. He needs to grow a thicker skin and focus on the field, otherwise he’s going to turn into Lukaku Mk II, constantly taking the bait and not being able to back himself up with on-field performances.

He really needs to get his act together, otherwise the club will move on without him. Absolutely stank the place out yesterday.
If you pause it at 17 seconds , it’s CLEARLY his forefinger.

Yeah I can imagine that's the case mate

The idea we stick with academy players when it’s clear they’re not even willing to make the effort - quite apart from arguments over whether they’re even good enough in the first place - is such a bastardisation of the ‘United way’ principle that those who espouse it think they’re upholding.

This is why we have 47 year old Jesse Lingard still hanging around who's still treated as a 'kid who'll come good' because it's going against every single thing Sir Alex apparently taught us to have fecking standards in what we expect from players, regardless of whether they come from within the club or not.

The first standard is whether or not a player is good enough. If they come through the club and have its "DNA" then all the better. It doesn't mean coming through the club means we persevere with someone because we think we owe them a £200k a week living. That's so far removed from the principles both Sir Matt and Sir Alex laid down it's pissing on both what they achieved to pretend otherwise.

Honestly some people just hear 'Class of 92' and think Fergie went to a random bus stop and gathered some youths and 7 years later won the Champions League. The standard for playing for United has never been whether someone was around aged 11 to have their photo taken with Bobby Charlton.
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If you pause it at 17 seconds , it’s CLEARLY his forefinger.

Yeah, definitely seems to be his forefinger from that. Are those saying he gave someone the middle finger referring to a different clip?
I'm disappointed we ever sold Clayton Blackmore. Could still do a job now if not for the fickleness of fans. Rashford could do with a captain like Keane. Every time he lost possession he'd run over to the fans and scream to leave him alone and question why they're getting on his back when he could have other things on his mind
If you pause it at 17 seconds , it’s CLEARLY his forefinger.

I'm not particularly bothered either way, but if you say that it's clear which finger it from that video you've got better eyes than me. It isn't cleat at all.
feck me that's fickle as feck mate, the guy is a United fan from Manchester who's been at the club since he was 7. Made 300 appearances, scored almost 100 goals and helped the club win trophies. If any fan wants him out of the club solely because of a period of bad form and lack of confidence then Jesus they should never complain about a player being disloyal.
It's nearly a season and a half. That's a long time in football. There's bad form and a club keeping faith during that (as everyone has done with Rashford) buy you have to have a cut off point after which you're basically running your club badly or wishing bad on it. I'm not quite there for Rashford but if he doesn't hit his stride by the end of rhe season we should at least try to loan him out.
Strip everything away and you've a young man who was given far too much far too soon both in terms of money and adulation. Some players handle it well (if they themselves are handled well) and others don't. That combined with the fact he's followed that near-inevitable path that most young players follow in turning out not to be quite as good on the field as many hoped. I don't doubt it's got to him. But he couldn't always be the smiley faced kid with a footballing heritage that meant everyone was grateful to him for simply showing up. At some point the expectation was coming. And he's struggled with that.

It went from: I love watching this lad play, to: right, let's see you go to the next level. And he hasn't been able to and I think his reaction to that has been to throw his toys out of the pram. Football was never this hard for him before, so why is it now? Why am I not getting cheered for running around like aheadless chicken? Why am I no longer the centre of attention?

I think he knows that he's struggling to stay on the same development trajectory that he was once on and what we see on the pitch is a reaction to that. Some players react positively, adapt their game. Some players carry on as they are, accept their limitations but make up for it with hard work and perseverance and often become important players in a squad, if not always regular fixtures in a starting XI. Others, as Rashford has, thinks it's unfair. Blame others. Withdraw. Stop caring. Sulk. Blame fans all you want but this is a guy clearly struggling to come to terms with his own obvious limitations as a footballer. Going from someone spoken about (and paid comparable to) some of the best and biggest players in world football to having your own fans get on your back because you've not contributed feck all for 15 months, will get to you.
It's nearly a season and a half. That's a long time in football. There's bad form and a club keeping faith during that (as everyone has done with Rashford) buy you have to have a cut off point after which you're basically running your club badly or wishing bad on it. I'm not quite there for Rashford but if he doesn't hit his stride by the end of rhe season we should at least try to loan him out.

Normally it would be an age. But the whole club has been a mess over the same time, so it's hard to judge peoples form. His issue has been he's looked disinterested as well as off form.
If a player wants to feck off & leave, fine; if you’re not performing, I couldn’t give a shit about being from the academy, etc. It’s a results-driven business. There will be more academy projects coming through. The romance is galling at times.

If Rashford’s form improves these last few games, then the calculus has changed slightly, but if it doesn’t & the effort expended doesn’t change, he should be gone in the summer. He shouldn’t get a pass anymore.

If you dont care about the players, who even be a fan of the club?

Not necessarily you, but I see so many people comment with this "zero sum" attitude like they are entrepreneurs who only care about ROAS and to hell with people.
I often feel the same as you. I hate the abuse McTominay gets for example - one of our own who gives his all whenever he plays.

But I've got to say, Rashford does invite some of it on himself with his carefully choreographed social media presence. If he's going to turn himself into a high profile brand and profit from the clicks and attention that generates, it's up to him to ensure his performances match up. He can't then be upset that his poor performance is highlighted more than other underperforming players who keep their heads down and find a way to make ends meet with only their salaries and traditional sponsorship deals.

If he wasn't coming out with the nonsense on Twitter and Instagram after every game, I am 100% sure a lot more fans would be showing a lot more patience.
So fans should only back players going through a prolonged run of poor form if they're suitably penitent and silent on social media? It's almost as if people think players can't train and have a PR stick a few lines on twitter now and then at the same time, it's one or the other.

I dunno if it's a class thing, a view that these working class oiks should just keep their heads down, graft and shut up, or stems from the strange level of hate he gets about his charity work. It is like the hatchet jobs we've seen in the DM et al.

Yep of course he's been in a stinking run of form for over a year now, but has also showed he can be absolute quality. Let's see if he can get back on track under a new manager, then ship him out maybe, if not, as others have said. The highly personalised invective he gets from fans is deeply unpleasant. Greenwood seemed to have more supporters in his corner after the allegations against him than Rashford does now.
Rashford being from a working class background in football is as unique as him having two legs. This isn’t rugby. Trying to turn this into a class issue is fairly desperate. I’m sure all the millionaires in the stands should know better than getting on his case.

But yeah the factory lad in the stands on minimum wage is a class fascist because he’s critical of the millionaires workrate
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