Protests following the killing of George Floyd

If they really cared about racism, they wouldn't be called the 'Redskins'.
This just proves what he see/hear in the media and on facebook/twitter is just not reflective of society as a whole.

This just proves what he see/hear in the media and on facebook/twitter is just not reflective of society as a whole.

Yeah I made the same point in the Trump Presidency thread, this rioting will help him gain voters. That is exactly why he is on the sidelines fanning the flame.
I prefer these ones:

Kreator - Hordes of Chaos
Violent chaos haunting me
Mirror of countless human tragedies
Times of horror, constant lies
Totalitarian autocracy's demise
Fake peace, a necrologue for the elite
Brutality among the weak
While children die for armageddon victory's breed
This necrologue for the elite
Like raging beasts among the sheep
While flags are waving everywhere
They scream

Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos
Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos

Brutal riots left and right
Out to destroy, willing to die
Honour killing in blood is she'd
A cruel reality in empires built in sand
Dark war, more gruesome then ever before
Supports this decadence galore
A tyrants feast on shoulders
Of the poorest of the poor
The necrologue for the elite
The rise of the heartless bourgoise
While flags are waving
Everywhere they scream

Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos
Hordes of chaos
Hordes of chaos
Everyone against everyone - chaos

Ultimate crimes, ultimate hate, ultimate war
Ultimate fear, ultimate pain, ultimate terror!

Ultimate death, ultimate sin, ultimate scorn
The ultimate control of masses of everyone!

Now scream
Now scream! Everyone against everyone!
Chaos! Everyone against everyone!
Chaos! Everyone against everyone!
Chaos! Everyone against everyone!
Everyone against everyone!
Everyone against everyone!
Everyone against everyone!
Everyone against everyone!



Kreator - Civilization Collapse
Let there be darkness
Let there be blood tonight
Let there be riots
Come start the fires tonight
Can't you see our people have got no choice but to fight them back?
Can't you see the change of consciousness demands a total attack?
Total attack
Finally they're swarming in
A long forgotten youth
The cause of inequality
A paradise for few
Superior, inferior
A vast insanity
When justice is tyranny
Anarchy is breaking out
Destruction marks their way
Burning temples turning into
Dark crypts of decay
The mighty are the fallen now
The weak are on the hunt
Battle on many fronts
There will be darkness
There will be blood tonight
Now let the riots begin
Convulsed by protest
At civilization collapse

Monumental terror
Spreading like a pestilence
From suburbs to the center
Of colossal arrogance
Cascade of aggression
Merely harvest seeds of hate
Storming the barricades
Cities of inception
Burn to ashes in one night
Imperators crying at this grand historic sight
Entering a death spiral tonight they see their fate
Doomed to reincarnate

There will be darkness
There will be blood tonight
So let the riots begin
A social unrest
At civilization collapse

and of course

Kreator - People of the Lie
"The words "image, appearance, and "outwardly" are crucial to understanding the morality of the evil. While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their "goodness" is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie. This is why they are the "people of the lie." "

Don't look at me as if i didn't know
Your vanity is all you ever show
What you believe and advocate
Fanatic dogma recycled from yesterday

Got a masterplan
Can't understand
People of the lie

You are to me the waste of flesh and blood
I'd love to see you buried in the mud
And when you die no one will shed a tear
So pass me by don't need your hatred here

Got a masterplan
Can't understand
People of the lie

Eye for an eye

You cannot hide behind those empty claims
Your racist pride is nothing but a game
And you will lose for right is on the side
Of those who choose to fight for humankind

Got a masterplan
Can't understand
People of the lie

You can't believe
Don't be deceived

Teutontic thrash is the best thrash.
Except by that very poll, 44% think Biden would handle the protests better as opposed to only 33% for Trump.

Had the feeling going through Twitter and Reddit, people were pissed about the looting of local businesses. Trump's hard stance against these nefarious activities might actually gain him some votes. Its good to know I might be wrong though and the American people are seeing through Trump's bullshit.
Had the feeling going through Twitter and Reddit, people were pissed about the looting of local businesses. Trump's hard stance against these nefarious activities might actually gain him some votes. Its good to know I might be wrong though and the American people are seeing through Trump's bullshit.

I think this could go many different ways, for sure. I'm also wondering about the poll question about the military, which seems awfully high compared to the number of people who largely support the protestors. I'd bet that they haven't really thought about what bringing the military in would mean. I definitely don't think bringing in the military would be a vote winner for Trump, things could get a lot messier than they are now.
I think this could go many different ways, for sure. I'm also wondering about the poll question about the military, which seems awfully high compared to the number of people who largely support the protestors. I'd bet that they haven't really thought about what bringing the military in would mean. I definitely don't think bringing in the military would be a vote winner for Trump, things could get a lot messier than they are now.
Well the National Guard is part of the military, so calling them in to supplement the police does not make you opposed to the protesters as those two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive. What we have out here are assholes (often white) co-opting this just to be assholes, vandalizing and to a lesser degree looting businesses, even locally owned ones.

This is undermining the peaceful protests; how many of those are right wing instigators I couldn’t say. But if I’m seeing it here in flyover country like Tulsa who is calling in the National Guard it has to be worse elsewhere. It’s pushing local police forces to the limit, and when they’re stressed more bad things happen.
Citizens and business owners are already calling for Santa Monica PD chief’s head. Taking a hardline stance on the more violent protests has its own consequences of ugly police force, but so does having a laid back stance and allowing rioters to do damage. The residents and business owners of that city won’t forget this, and it only helps Trump IMO if the destruction continues throughout the country.
I'm so disappointed that many have spun the topic from "police brutality" to "racism" in the Floyd incident.

Spun? What Coolaid have you been drinking? Black people being killed by the police isn't spin. It is straightforward and obvious institutional racism in most cases.
Well the National Guard is part of the military, so calling them in to supplement the police does not make you opposed to the protesters as those two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive. What we have out here are assholes (often white) co-opting this just to be assholes, vandalizing and to a lesser degree looting businesses, even locally owned ones.

This is undermining the peaceful protests; how many of those are right wing instigators I couldn’t say. But if I’m seeing it here in flyover country like Tulsa who is calling in the National Guard it has to be worse elsewhere. It’s pushing local police forces to the limit, and when they’re stressed more bad things happen.

The poll separated military and national guard into their own questions, though to what degree people grasp the difference is anyone's guess.
Spun? What Coolaid have you been drinking? Black people being killed by the police isn't spin. It is straightforward and obvious institutional racism in most cases.
Wibbz -- you didn't notice his nic? If he was honest it should have called it what it was 4Chan.
Citizens and business owners are already calling for Santa Monica PD chief’s head. Taking a hardline stance on the more violent protests has its own consequences of ugly police force, but so does having a laid back stance and allowing rioters to do damage. The residents and business owners of that city won’t forget this, and it only helps Trump IMO if the destruction continues throughout the country.
By all accounts her response on the night they hit Santa Monica was rather pathetic. She was giving news conferences (felt like) every 30mins while lawlessness reigned her city, and in the end they did use heavy tactics against peaceful protesters (firing rubber bullets and teargas into peaceful crowds while looters went wild elsewhere).

To paint her as having failed because of leniency is very misleading.
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By all accounts her response on the night they hit Santa Monica was rather pathetic. She was giving news conferences (felt like) every 30mins while lawlessness reigned her city, and in the end they did use heavy tactics against peaceful protesters (firing rubber bullets and teargas into peaceful crowds while looters went wild elsewhere).

To paint her as having failed because of leniency is very misleading. Those calling for her to resign in that article are still full of shit though.
Yea i was working so wasn’t really following the events live, just hearing secondhand from my partners that SaMo was going to shit and national guard called in.
Why do you think she failed then, if you think she did at all?
I didn’t bother looking into it, but the organizer of that petition sounds like a disgruntled police officer that wasn’t happy with her. It’s a common tactic used by police unions.
Why do you think she failed then, if you think she did at all?
Basically the same mistake that has been repeated every night in most cities I've had an eye on:
-Once the curfew sets in the police get increasingly violent in breaking up the protests (Batons, rubber bullets, tear gas)
-The crowds scatter, thin out, and are all over the city. The police can't tell them from looters or even just non protesting residents that are out past the curfew for whatever reason (also press).
-The looters have an easy job doing whatever they like because everyone has become a criminal to the police. The police from that point on always plays catch up with so many of them tied up in insignificant police matters (beating up people).

She did stand out a bit though with her near constant news conferences while the shit was hitting the fan.

(I was watching it via ABC live stream from their chopper, been looking for youtube videos of the exact moments I'm referring to but can't find it at the moment, however basically the same happened in Hollywood:
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Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

What are you talking about? A murder isn't a rapist because they killed someone and not raped them. Really? I'd never have guessed.

Black people are actually being killed in disproportionate numbers along racial lines. So killings by the police are demonstrably influenced by institutional, and in some cases personal, racism.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.

Well that's ok then. A Netflix doc found something quirky so we should just ignore decades of institutional racism and in many cases state sanctioned (or at least ignored) murder. Got it.
Someone said that protests and riots weren't the answer, and that UKIP account replied saying something like the actions of the protestors were understandable and they haven't been left with any other choice.

So they were either hacked or deleted their own tweet once they discovered it was black lives that mattered.