Protests following the killing of George Floyd

Cool I didn't know that, changes absolutely nothing in what I'm trying to say, did he set up a campaign to bring down capitalism?
I mean, it kind of does. You said we shouldn't be supporting BLM UK unless we're raging socialists because they're campaigning to bring down capitalism. So, using that logic, we shouldn't support Martin Luther King either, as he was a socialist and anti-capitalist.
Yeah he was, then he got shot in Memphis
So if I don't agree with what he says I should follow what he says on the basis
Yeah he was, then he got shot in Memphis
It was a workers sanitation strike, that's not a campaign to bring down capitalism itself.

The basic point is why should I or any person who believes our general western philosophy of capatilism (however problematic it can be) feel compelled to align one's self with a movement that openly states it wants to "bring it down" (I'm assuming with socialism, but with some calls for defunding the police departments maybe some form of anarchy?)
I mean, it kind of does. You said we shouldn't be supporting BLM UK unless we're raging socialists because they're campaigning to bring down capitalism. So, using that logic, we shouldn't support Martin Luther King either, as he was a socialist and anti-capitalist.
No you havnt used the same logic, did MLK specifically campaign to bring capitalism down?
This is completely different to holding a view of it.
No you havnt used the same logic, did MLK specifically campaign to bring capitalism down?
This is completely different to holding a view of it.

Make with the evidence of BLM wanting to “bring capitalism down” or stfu already
So if I don't agree with what he says I should follow what he says on the basis
It was a workers sanitation strike, that's not a campaign to bring down capitalism itself.

The basic point is why should I or any person who believes our general western philosophy of capatilism (however problematic it can be) feel compelled to align one's self with a movement that openly states it wants to "bring it down" (I'm assuming with socialism, but with some calls for defunding the police departments maybe some form of anarchy?)

This is exactly the sort of thinking which justified American-supported coups in Central And South America, as well as in Africa and Asia, and the propping up of brutal dictators. After all, they were opponents of capitalism, and so any injustice was permitted. The Soviet Union did the exact same thing from the other side, but they were the "Evil Empire" and the US was the "leader of the free world".
So if I don't agree with what he says I should follow what he says on the basis
It was a workers sanitation strike, that's not a campaign to bring down capitalism itself.

The basic point is why should I or any person who believes our general western philosophy of capatilism (however problematic it can be) feel compelled to align one's self with a movement that openly states it wants to "bring it down" (I'm assuming with socialism, but with some calls for defunding the police departments maybe some form of anarchy?)

You should go read more about MLK and his beliefs.





We are campaigning to bring children up in a non-bigoted society trapped within systems where racial prejudices and discrimation are learnt early on and continue throughtout life. We are campaigning to rid the UK from systemic and systematic racial discrimation in education, in the work place, in law and in politics. We are working with ordinary people like many of you to break silence and be the catalyst creating a tusami of acknowledgment of white contribution that perpetuates racism, to start the process for social change starting in the home, spreading out within communities and in turn filter through to the voters who will STOP electing white elite leaders who underpin racial discrimination and talk with fork tongue to maintain white privilege in its own interest, the worst epitome of WHITE SILENCE.

We are working, build up with you; individuals, parents, educators, groups, orgs, companies... Those who really have the belly, the hunger for change and we CAN acheive what we ALL need. EQUALITY & JUSTICE

First and foremost we need to work on ending WHITE SILENCE. and White citizens need to stand up and be counted.

A MANTRA for is 'WHITE SILENCE'. Breaking white silence will help bring about a NEW NON-VIOLENT, PEACEFUL REVOLUTION. Where ordinary people come together are open AND ready to acknowledge white privilege, talk about race and acknowledge racism exists and is a plight to human life, overtime and subsequently racist will become extinct so while we have the desire now is the time to break down WHITE SILENCE.

We do not organise or arrange protest, HOWEVER STAND IN SOLIDARITY with the people, coalitions and all allies to create Black & White noise by peaceful protests. United we stand, let's make some black noise and break WHITE SILENCE.

AGAIN to reiterate we support peaceful protest when and where it matters AND it matters more so than ever right now, without protest perpetrators, be it indivdual acts, organised systems and or government services are free to commint acts of injustice, physical harm, even resulting in death, loss of life.

Millions around the world witnessed the murder of George Floyd, a slow tortuous death that lasted 8 saturating minutes and 46 seconds until his life ebbed away before the worlds eyes and we MUST never forget nor ignore acts of misuse of power, abuse and murder that has been going on for to long against black bodies without witness. Now YOU, your kids, you family, your parents, the nation were a witnesses to the murder of a black man.

DURING COVID-19 wherever they is a large gatherings we of course recommend as advise social distancing and where possible wear masks!

We obvioulsy would like you to donate to us and join our NEW revolution and be part of change both black, brown and white citizens, All who believe black lives matter, so we can move this forward with the traction and opportunity we currently have before us, we of course would like you to choose us to support, sponsor, do business and donate. There are many groups, organisation that need support and ultimately we are working towards a common goal and that is to help empower black lives.

Black lives matters and we need for people to know the skin is a protection, a wrapping and does not deternime the character of the human it covers, and until we achieve this goal taht black lives matter why should anyones life matter any more?

We only take donations through this website with exception of an official paypal me link
Any other links of fundraising pages be aware do not belong to us.

Thanks for reading and hope we can build your trust to move things forward and get closer to our goal of equality, justice and peace.


Maybe he's confused BLMUK with UKBLM or some other group?

So, if you check the link I posted above, BLMUK states they are not affiliated with UKBLM and do not have a go fund me page.

& Clarity

For the record we would like to put out notice and statement for clarity and transparency we are NOT affiliated with @ukblm coalition who are a combined action group in the UK and can be found on Twitter under @blmuk, they have a gofundme fundraisng page that appears to have been linked with our Twitter handle causing confusion.

NOTE: WE @BLMUK DO NOT have a gofundmepage.

Public are getting confused between us @BLMUK and @ukblm on Twitter; we believe this to because @blmuk and been using our @BLMUK Twitter handle in their Twitter profile that leads people to us and users think they are us, not the case. We suggested that it's a good idea to remove @BLMUK from their Twitter BIO to avoid confusion and provide a web address for their followers and any interested parties to get in directly in touch.
(@blmukhave has since updated bio and put a gap between @ BLMUK so is no longer a link)

Both entities have what is a common is a goal, which is utlimately working to better the lives of black people and to gain JUSTICE AND PEACE.


ukblm (not us):
@ukblm are a coalition of people across the UK believed to be campaigning to bring about political or social change - ukblm do not have an offical website to knowledge.

Our website
BLACK LIVES MATTER UK official websites:

Context to Statment: 4/6/2020 During the past week it came to our attention that an embeded link is being used with our Twitter handle @BLMUK potential subversively for a fundraising page which is associated with @ukblm.

The link with our Twitter handle when clicked takes users to a gofundmepage that has nothing to do with @BLMUK, we do NOT have a gofundme page and never have.

Any link posted with our Twitter handle @BLMUK directing you to to a gofundme fundrasing page is NOT associated with us or this website!

We attempted to alert social media users when posts were occuring over and over again and it appears the tweets are coming from various unknown accounts.

We do undertand errors can occur when writing and posting tweets, but as it was becoming more and more frequent we felt the need to address the confusion and did attempt to put out a tweet ourselves many times.

Unfortunatley every time we tried to post a tweet it failed to send repeatedly and over a number of days. It appeared we had been hacked and prevented from tweeting and or responding directly to the embeded tweets to alert our handle was being used in connection with a gofundmepage.

We eventually found away round to tweet a few times 4/6/2020 to alert Twitter users the next day the same problem occured again.

We did manage to alert Twitter users again on 5/6/2020 actin swiftly to avoid confusion and before we were prevented and blocked as it was getting very confusing for people wanting to donate to us and sad for those who believed we had set up the gofundme page when in fact it was @ukblm who created gofundme page.
When you fire off a round that you weren't planning on firing. Usually when you clear your weapon after range practice. It's why when you clear the weapon you always point it at the ground.

In the old days an ND got you a kicking from an NCO, modern days up on a charge and a fine.

We just call that a misfire.

I remember the chap beside me didn't clear his rounds properly and fired one round into an overhead buffer while we were checking arms at the range. My heart skipped a beat as the debris from the buffer rained down on us.
We just call that a misfire.

I remember the chap beside me didn't clear his rounds properly and fired one round into an overhead buffer while we were checking arms at the range. My heart skipped a beat as the debris from the buffer rained down on us.

The easiest way to avoid this at the range is to shoot all your rounds at the target. When you are clearing the firearm keep your finger out of the trigger guard.
Unless you’re compassionate, empathetic, anti racist or just open to new thoughts and ideas you shouldnt be supporting the 'black lives matter' uk movement
It’s hardly surprising that you’ve gone quiet in this thread after such a ridiculous statement. So I fixed it for you.

If you’re going to make such laughable posts please back them up, rather than just type a few rubbish posts and run as soon as you’re asked for sauce.
It’s hardly surprising that you’ve gone quiet in this thread after such a ridiculous statement. So I fixed it for you.

If you’re going to make such laughable posts please back them up, rather than just type a few rubbish posts and run as soon as you’re asked for sauce.
Maybe he’s gone to get it
Breonna’s case is a bit more difficult, as my understanding is they technically had the correct address on the warrant. She had dated the target of the raid some time back, and after having a package delivered there year or so ago they obtained that address.

That in no way absolves those involved, but maybe we should be looking higher up here.

I see both sides. I follow @samswey because I'm a data guy and the idea of data driven policy excites me. So in the interim, given limited resources, the pragmatic thing to do is target policies that have the greatest reduction on police killings. However, the pushback from other activists is rooted in the idea that these methods maintain the current structure which is problematic to begin with. Plus what happens if 72% reduction is achieved.. is that good enough? Someone made a point that it wouldn't be acceptable if a government pledged to reduce terrorist attacks by 72%. But yeah it's an engaging conversation.
I see both sides. I follow @samswey because I'm a data guy and the idea of data driven policy excites me. So in the interim, given limited resources, the pragmatic thing to do is target policies that have the greatest reduction on police killings. However, the pushback from other activists is rooted in the idea that these methods maintain the current structure which is problematic to begin with. Plus what happens if 72% reduction is achieved.. is that good enough? Someone made a point that it wouldn't be acceptable if a government pledged to reduce terrorist attacks by 72%. But yeah it's an engaging conversation.

Honestly what swayed me is seeing some depts that have already implemented so many of those policies and aren't exactly good models of anything (Chicago, Baltimore). Which made me wonder if the rest of the (weak) correlation is due to outside factors.
Honestly what swayed me is seeing some depts that have already implemented so many of those policies and aren't exactly good models of anything (Chicago, Baltimore). Which made me wonder if the rest of the (weak) correlation is due to outside factors.

Yeah it's not the most solid work, statistics wise. Kudos to him for trying! Best case scenario they are missing some factors that are key to the correlations. Worst case scenario... These policies aren't predictive at all!
I’ve seen the 8 can’t wait stuff get posted here and there, and it’s supposed to reduce police killings right? But does it differentiate between unlawful unjustified killings and justified ones? If not then it’s a short-sighted campaign.
Honestly what swayed me is seeing some depts that have already implemented so many of those policies and aren't exactly good models of anything (Chicago, Baltimore). Which made me wonder if the rest of the (weak) correlation is due to outside factors.

I see both sides. I follow @samswey because I'm a data guy and the idea of data driven policy excites me. So in the interim, given limited resources, the pragmatic thing to do is target policies that have the greatest reduction on police killings. However, the pushback from other activists is rooted in the idea that these methods maintain the current structure which is problematic to begin with. Plus what happens if 72% reduction is achieved.. is that good enough? Someone made a point that it wouldn't be acceptable if a government pledged to reduce terrorist attacks by 72%. But yeah it's an engaging conversation.

I think the problem is in organization culture which is almost impossible to change (India's police faces the same problem). Only way may be to destroy and restart.

Maybe take some time out to read the rest of my posts instead of being patronising.

The worst thing about this forum is how people just presume everyone who disagrees with them is uneducated and stupid.

Maybe you should take the time to pause and reflect on your correspondces with @Wolverine and @Sweet Square , who have been addressing your fundamental points, but don't seeem to be getting a response in kind. You either conveniently and completely 'miss it', or replied half-acknowledgingly without having actually conceded the point; like when @Wolverine highlighted all the net positive effects of current UK protests.

You can't then blame people who question your character or motives, because you look disingenuous at best - debating in bad faith at worst.
So you've confused one organisation that's adopted the slogan with the principle that black lives matter, that's brought thousands out on the streets around the world?

Maybe if you try saying it out loud to yourself as, "black lives matter" - rather than seeing the capital letters BLM and looking for loopholes that make it a bad thing - you'll find it easier to understand why people are backing the protests.
Yeah I don't see why not

History books don't glorify bad things they just state what happened, and that fine. If more people read history books a lot of discussions would not be needed. By internet I mean Wikipedia, archived news sites, written records and so on (although social media can be used as a gauge of public sentiment at a certain time)

Are you sure about that, isn't that why BLM are calling for a different slant on history, from the perspective of the slaves, not the masters. Sorry if I've misunderstood I thought present day history books are being accused of glorifying bad things (as you put it!)?
All History is written from a certain perspective, usually from the point of view of the victors not the vanquished, isn't this why there is now this argument that the story from both sides needs to be written to ensure a balance.

The problem with the 'blanking out' in history something you don't like, or society now finds unacceptable, is that this doesn't change what happened, and worse still it doesn't help to understand where modern day values and/or the pain comes from. 'An eye for an eye' leads to a world without sight and understanding and more than anything ensures past mistakes will be repeated.