Rafael da Silva: Van Gaal called me and said "You can leave. The meeting lasted 1 minute"

Van Gaal tore up a title-winning squad and replaced nearly every single player he sold with an even worse one (Rafael > Darmian, Evans > Rojo, Kagawa > Di Maria, Welbeck > Depay, Hernandez > Falcao, Fletcher > Schneiderlin). The only replacements which have you can make a defence of on merit rather than name are Herrera for Cleverley and Shaw for Evra, and neither of those were really his signings (and Evra should have stayed anyway).

Add in the fact that most of those players have either already left the club or have one foot out the door and how anyone can see him as anything other than catastrophic is beyond me.

What a rubbish post. You compare random players. Like welbeck to depay? I suppose comparing him to martial or Rashford would not have suited your agenda. Evans > Rojo is laughable. Evans in his last season was worse than paddy McNair and Tyler Blackett. His team is currently in the relegation zone too. Fletcher is the exact same.
‘In reality’, I’m not really sure where I claimed he didn’t move Valencia to right back?

In Van Gaal’s first year, Rafael was his back up. In his second year Van Gaal decided in all his wisdom it had to be Darmian.

Rafael said he wanted to leave. The reality is he came in and replaced Rafael with Valencia. I would consider this good management. Just depends how you want to spin it
So 6 is higher than 7

didn’t you know that LVG accomplishment nothing according to the cafe and Moyes was a genius.

Bring back Moyes! He’s proven since he’s left us what’s a top quality manager he is.

Ah the old twist what they said to fit your point.

Again even by logic Moyes lasted 7 months and Van Gaal 2 years. I guess he really did trick some of you into his philosophy and the foundations are set now :lol:
A wife you divorce that you never really got along with is way more damaging than dating a complete nut job for a few months.

Moyes was useless and a total disaster. Overall he may not even be half the manager LVG is but my point still stands LVG damaged us more.
Van Gaal really was a big-headed authoritarian prick. Can't believe some fans still feel sorry for the way he was fired.

Yup, cant stand the twat, if i had the choice of one of the two failures, as much as i hate him id have moyes back over that bigheaded arsehole.
I think telling the player straight that he can leave is far more better than freezing him out of 1st team, demoted him to reserve team and even cleared out his locker in 1st team without his acknowledgement. It is also better than taking away a player’s jersey number without formally informing him in advance.

His treatment of values was shocking, of course a fair few eat up the BS that lvg spewed to justify it, even though it made no logical sense what so ever.

The time line.

Lvg brings Valdez’s in to get fit.

Utd offer Valdez a contract.

Valdez plays for the unders in a few games.

Valdez comes on for the injured de gea for the last two games.

So far nothing seems out of the ordinary.

New season starts.

Valdez isn’t going on the tour. Lvg says it was a selection issue, and he already knows what Valdez can do so leaves him behind.

Valdez post a positive message about the up coming season on social media after a training session.

Lvg arrives to a presser in the us, throws Valdez under the bus. Says he’s being sold because he refused to play for the unders.

Now at this point it’s all logical, until lvg says it was the previous year the Valdez refused. So if Valdez refused, which we know he didn’t because he did play for them, then why was he chosen to finish out the pervious season as first choice? Lvg says it was to show him off to other clubs so as to sell him. Which raises two questions, who doesn’t already know what Valdez can do from his years at Barca, and 2nd if the point was to sell him and make him look good why throw him under the bus in such a public fashion? Why take every opportunity to bad mouth a players professionalism if you want to sell him? It makes no sense, it’s like trying to sell a car but putting a sticker on it that says “will cause you nothing but problems”.

The treatment that followed was nothing short of personal attacks, again and again. Very public humiliation, and for what? I suspect that it perhaps went back to their days at Barca together where lvg gave Valdez his big break, and then tried to scape goat him for Barca’s bad season. Lvg got sacked and Valdez went on to have a pretty lengthy career. Valdez himself will admit he’s a strong personality type and can be a bit of a dick. Maybe it was nothing more than a clash of personalities, but they way lvg just kept on at him looked very very personal. Like Valdez had slept with his wife or something.

In any case the whole thing just made lvg look unstable. Like the trump of the footballing world. A buffoon that talked too much poo in the press to look tough.
Ah the old twist what they said to fit your point.

Again even by logic Moyes lasted 7 months and Van Gaal 2 years. I guess he really did trick some of you into his philosophy and the foundations are set now :lol:

Van Gaal wasnt United boss for 2 years i think it was more like 21-22 months considering he was with Holland at the World cup. Also as stated previously Moyes wasn't United manager for only 7 months. He was at United for almost a year.

No need to add months to Van Gaals tenure and shave almost half of Moyes off.
Rafael's interviews are always great, always great little stories.

For some reason we have fans who were happy to replace him with Darmian, and are still glad we sold him. You really need to be clueless about football to be happy about selling player who you haven't found replacement even three years after.
With attacking full backs a must have for all the top teams a fit Rafael would have been a great asset in recent years when we have been hampered by the likes of Darmian,Valencia,shaw,young ,he was terrific going forward and absolutely loved the club which is a fantastic asset in these days of money driven mercenaries.
He always gave his all for the club and I was gutted when flat face ( my god I hated that man ) pushed him out and sold him for absolute peanuts. It was also disgusting how he treated Hernandez another lover of the club who would have been happy to remain a squad player and would have still given us a dozen or so goals each season
well 6th from 7th via 4th is still better than champions to 7th but sure you knew that already.

You are ignoring my point. Moyes was the worse manager and we had a worse season with him. I am talking about lasting damage. LVG's damage lasted longer and hurt us more. Time plus the fact that LVG actually did have some good qualities is exactly why he damaged us more.
You are ignoring my point. Moyes was the worse manager and we had a worse season with him. I am talking about lasting damage. LVG's damage lasted longer and hurt us more. Time plus the fact that LVG actually did have some good qualities is exactly why he damaged us more.

The damage started with Fergies no value in the market actually. Dithering Dave didnt exactly fecking help that summer either.
The damage started with Fergies no value in the market actually. Dithering Dave didnt exactly fecking help that summer either.

Yeah he didn't and he was a total mess and we sacked him within a season (there's a guy on here that keeps calling me out for using 7 months. What difference does it make? even if it is 10 months)

We sacked Moyes but with LVG it was always about this foundation he was laying down and that further regressed us. At least Moyes didn't bring in crap that we had to get rid of desperately.
I am pretty sure he had a girl once who cheated on him with a Brazilian beach guy or something like that.
And Van Gaal left us from 7th to 6th :lol:

well 6th from 7th via 4th is still better than champions to 7th but sure you knew that already.

@shamans Van Gaal finished 5th in his 2nd season, level on points with City.

Yeah he didn't and he was a total mess and we sacked him within a season (there's a guy on here that keeps calling me out for using 7 months. What difference does it make? even if it is 10 months)

It seems to make a big difference to you seeing as you keep posting it, even after being informed it wasn't 7 months but closer to 12.

One could suspect you are doing it for the same reason you keep saying Van Gaal was in charge longer than he actually was or why you said he finished 6th instead of 5th.

To make Van Gaal's time in charge look worse, make Moyes look better or both.
I view Van Gaal's time here as missed opportunity to win the league. Premier League was very weak during those years. I think our current team would have won at least one league title during those years. Fergie would have definitely won both.

LVG's record against the top teams if often brought up but the likes of City and Liverpool were average back then. He couldn't beat Chelsea in 4 attempts. He defeated Arsenal and Tottenham but also managed humiliating losses against them. Remember Alexis vs Darmian? Klopp arrived in 2015 and knocked us out of the Europa League. The less said about his sleep inducing Football, the better.

His transfers were the worst of all. He sold a number of players for peanuts and replaced them with players of similar (or lesser) quality while spending huge amount of money. His time was a disaster. Mourinho is still cleaning his mess.
Rafael has a mentality that we lack in our squad. Not just him but many others that left after Fergie. How he talks about Fletcher makes me think that we would have been better off keeping him here. Who's doing that kind of captain's job at the club now? I can imagine many of LvG's signings didn't feel the same welcome that the twins experienced.
This revisionism about the late United careers of Rafael, Nani and Hernandez needs to stop. They were busted flushes and most people agreed it was the right decision to get rid of them at the time. Of course they couldn't still do a job at United, just look at the way their careers have pummeled since then.

Still get the occasional poster on here who'd "have them back", van Persie, Evans, Januzaj, and Depay too. Think the campaign to bring back Welbeck has died though.
The only player that has done well that LVG let go is Welbeck, if that.

People seem to forget that LVG wasn't here to build a team that could win the league - he was here to build a team that Giggs could take over and manage.

By the second season we had Rashford, Martial, Lingard, TFM broken through. My opinion is if we had stuck with him - we would be further away from our position now but Tuanzebe & 3 or 4 more youngsters would have broken through ready to be moulded in to a group of 10 players or so that would be able to coordinate to take the next step up.

United won't be the best again until they hire a manager of their own. Experience is not necessary as much as understanding & players at clubs have that. I expect it to happen by 2020; hopefully before we overload some of the youngsters positions with over 30's.
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Yes. Because LVG has a reputation for not being a dictator who takes instant and irrational dislikes to players especially ones who speak up when accused of things they didn't do.

SAF was a dictator, as is Mourinho, so not sure what that has to do with the price of snuff.

Just out of interest like but who did LvG accuse ? And please don't say Valdés
The amazing thing about this is we had LVG at the club for a whole two years, pulling this kind of bullshit, and no one at any point thought it might be a good idea to get rid of him sooner?

Imagine how much damage is done by two entire years of this kind of baffling nonsense. Imagine witnessing or being told of it and just shrugging your shoulders each time, despite the on pitch performances doing absolutely nothing to compensate and in fact raising very loud alarms in their own right.

Now at this point it’s all logical, until lvg says it was the previous year the Valdez refused. So if Valdez refused, which we know he didn’t because he did play for them, then why was he chosen to finish out the pervious season as first choice? Lvg says it was to show him off to other clubs so as to sell him. Which raises two questions, who doesn’t already know what Valdez can do from his years at Barca,

Like the trump of the footballing world. A buffoon that talked too much poo in the press to look tough.

Valdés twice refused to play for the 23s, he was named in the team on the MUTV graphic the first time but walked out of the ground 5 minutes before kick-off without telling anybody, the second time he didn't even bother turning up.

It wasn't about what he'd done previously @ Barca, everybody knew what he could do, it was a chance for Valdés to prove he'd got over a potential career threatening injury and could still perform at first-team level.

What did you expect LvG to say about Valdés, praise his professionalism, and offer him a 5 year contract ??
Valdés twice refused to play for the 23s, he was named in the team on the MUTV graphic the first time but walked out of the ground 5 minutes before kick-off without telling anybody, the second time he didn't even bother turning up.

It wasn't about what he'd done previously @ Barca, everybody knew what he could do, it was a chance for Valdés to prove he'd got over a potential career threatening injury and could still perform at first-team level.

What did you expect LvG to say about Valdés, praise his professionalism, and offer him a 5 year contract ??

What did I expect him to do? Maybe not make things up? You say he didnt play twice when he was supposed to, ok. So why was he first choice keeper while de gea was injured? Why bad mouth the player at every opportunity when you want to sell him? Why bring it up at all? The question was asked and answered before they left on tour. Why bring it up once they got there? Makes no sense to me at all. Oh and you got a little link to that stuff about valdes not playing? Not that I dont believe you, just never seen anything about it, would like to read about it. Thanks.
Guys, don't we need a RB? Let's just resign Rafael.

I can't think of any good reason not to bring him home.
SAF was a dictator, as is Mourinho, so not sure what that has to do with the price of snuff.

Just out of interest like but who did LvG accuse ? And please don't say Valdés

SAF was far more complex than a pure dictator. LVG lurched around like a lunatic drunken uncle. What I'd expect is a manager not to accuse a player of disrespect based on nothing, not to explain what was disrespectful when asked and then to sideline, dismiss with a sentence and sell a loyal servant of the club. If he hadn't been so rubbish all round you might have forgiven him some foibles as we did with SAF but he was a disaster who only survived as long as he did because Moyes came before him.
What did I expect him to do? Maybe not make things up? You say he didnt play twice when he was supposed to, ok. So why was he first choice keeper while de gea was injured? Why bad mouth the player at every opportunity when you want to sell him? Why bring it up at all? The question was asked and answered before they left on tour. Why bring it up once they got there? Makes no sense to me at all. Oh and you got a little link to that stuff about valdes not playing? Not that I dont believe you, just never seen anything about it, would like to read about it. Thanks.

Valdés made his only start for United in a meaningless game against Hull City after he'd been told he was to be released, so he was hardly the first choice keeper.

And no I haven't got a link, but I can't believe i'm the only one on the forum that saw his name on the MUTV graphic, and then see the bench keeper(Pereira. O'Hara or Henderson ?) starting the game in his place.
It was also disgusting how he treated Hernandez another lover of the club who would have been happy to remain a squad player and would have still given us a dozen or so goals each season

I'm guessing you missed the numerous comment from Chicharito saying that if he didn't get more starts he'd have to consider his options.

And there's a reason he's at, and still struggling for game-time, at West Ham
Valdés made his only start for United in a meaningless game against Hull City after he'd been told he was to be released, so he was hardly the first choice keeper.

And no I haven't got a link, but I can't believe i'm the only one on the forum that saw his name on the MUTV graphic, and then see the bench keeper(Pereira. O'Hara or Henderson ?) starting the game in his place.

You’re the first person I’ve seen mention it.
SAF was far more complex than a pure dictator. LVG lurched around like a lunatic drunken uncle. What I'd expect is a manager not to accuse a player of disrespect based on nothing, not to explain what was disrespectful when asked and then to sideline, dismiss with a sentence and sell a loyal servant of the club. If he hadn't been so rubbish all round you might have forgiven him some foibles as we did with SAF but he was a disaster who only survived as long as he did because Moyes came before him.

I'm guessing you're talking about Rafael Da Silva there, a lad for all his enthusiasm just wasn't good enough for United, there's a reason approaching 28 he's plying his trade for Olympique Lyonnais, and not one of the bigger clubs in Europe.

One reason LvG lasted so long was because everybody at the club wanted to see if he could match, or better his end of season speech at the players awards. :D
What did LvG accuse Luca Toni of ? Having smaller balls ? And what has that got to do with LvG's time at United ?
As I said, I can't believe i'm the only one that saw the graphic, maybe it's like buses, you wait ages for one to come, then three come along together ;)

The Luca toni thing was in answer to something else, but I’d misread your post. So it had nothing to do with it lol forgot to clear the post before replying again.
What did I expect him to do? Maybe not make things up? You say he didnt play twice when he was supposed to, ok. So why was he first choice keeper while de gea was injured? Why bad mouth the player at every opportunity when you want to sell him? Why bring it up at all? The question was asked and answered before they left on tour. Why bring it up once they got there? Makes no sense to me at all. Oh and you got a little link to that stuff about valdes not playing? Not that I dont believe you, just never seen anything about it, would like to read about it. Thanks.

There were a couple of posters here who are close to united reserves and academy staff who also corroborated whatever lvg said. Maybe @Damien can find those posts.