SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

So barbers, hairdressers, tattoists, massage therapists, etc . They can’t work from home? Are they returning to work? And If they are how are they supposed to work if people aren’t allowed to see them?
What is going on?

Aren’t the above part of the retail rollout which is July onwards? Boris only mentioned construction and manufacturing but there were no firm details. We will have to see what comes out in the details tomorrow but the communication strategy will lead to inevitable problems as different intpretations of the speech have shown.
All I could take from it was nothing has changed for the foreseeable except for the messaging, which shouldn't have changed.
The other really bizarre thing about this shit speech was that it's pre-recorded.

Did nobody watch it back and think, hold on this doesn't make sense?

Or was that the intention?
Professor David Spiegelhalter was on Andrew Marr this morning. Some Facts:

There are 10 million under 15s in England & Wales how many of those have died and COVID on their death certificate? 2.

There are 17 million under 25s in the country and 26 have died from COVID.

COVID is a microscopic risk to young people. Who will be paying the price for this economic crash.

If Boris doesn't come up with a brand new generational settlement the Tories will be out of power for generations.
The other really bizarre thing about this shit speech was that it's pre-recorded.

Did nobody watch it back and think, hold on this doesn't make sense?

Or was that the intention?

Apparently the Cabinet were just told it was done and only the inner circle signed off. But yeah you would have thought someone would have seen the slogans and the speech were shit.
Professor David Spiegelhalter was on Andrew Marr this morning. Some Facts:

There are 10 million under 15s in England & Wales how many of those have died and COVID on their death certificate? 2.

There are 17 million under 25s in the country and 26 have died from COVID.

COVID is a microscopic risk to young people. Who will be paying the price for this economic crash.

If Boris doesn't come up with a brand new generational settlement the Tories will be out of power for generations.
Put the boomers into concentration camps and let the rest of us roam free.
I’m not defending the messaging, because it’s terrible, but obviously don’t go into work tomorrow if you’re currently furloughed. The scheme hasn’t suddenly been switched off, it’ll be down to your employer to make that call. Businesses will need time to adjust their offices or decide who comes off furlough etc.

In terms of the lockdown, it’s basically finished. The only thing you can’t do is go to someone else’s house. If I wanted to meet up with a group of 10 people in a park, I could, so long as we stay two meters apart. Same with family.

There’s two uni’s where I live, which means a lot of groups of students living together. It’s already impossible to tell who does or doesn’t live in the same household, can’t see how it’ll be policed, considering people were already having BBQ’s this weekend in my local park.
They really should be giving parents a choice. If you feel comfortable then send them in, if not keep them at home.

100% mate. The school year ends the middle of July, so they will be going back for about 6 weeks. They should write the year off and plan for a full re-open in September.
alright all you whinging cafeites what exactly would you do differently?
Surely we have to dip our toe in the water now?
See how it goes?
Or shall we all do a terry waite for the next year or two?
Eh? You do realise with an economic collapse comes a loss of life too?

The problem we are having is weighing up deaths due to covid 19 Vs deaths due to economic collapse.

It's a balancing act at the moment.
Its got nothing to do with that, eventually people wont even be able to afford to eat. Not everybody has savings to dip into do they.

Because of the way we have constructed the economy - you need more of this imaginary 'money' to survive.
Well hope it’s better than the speech today:

Would it have been too sensible to have published this an hour or so before making the speech?
people were furloughed because there was not enough work for them. Rather than make them redundant.
But he literally just said work from home or go back to work?

Ive obviously totally mis understood what he said and would need to watch it again.

Just deleted the post altogether to save any confusion
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How do you mean? Surely depends on what job you've been furloughed from?
Im in ni so it doesnt matter for me, but our accountants office was closed and we were furloughed.

If I lived in England id assume i am supposed to be at work tomorrow based on what he said because we werent working from home
I’m not defending the messaging, because it’s terrible, but obviously don’t go into work tomorrow if you’re currently furloughed. The scheme hasn’t suddenly been switched off, it’ll be down to your employer to make that call. Businesses will need time to adjust their offices or decide who comes off furlough etc.

In terms of the lockdown, it’s basically finished. The only thing you can’t do is go to someone else’s house. If I wanted to meet up with a group of 10 people in a park, I could, so long as we stay two meters apart. Same with family.

There’s two uni’s where I live, which means a lot of groups of students living together. It’s already impossible to tell who does or doesn’t live in the same household, can’t see how it’ll be policed, considering people were already having BBQ’s this weekend in my local park.

How can you say the lockdown has finished when Boris used the phrase this is not the week to end the lockdown? There are just so many mixed messages from what we have heard it’s an absolute shambles. There was no detail to his statements we’ve seen so many different interpretations. Let’s see what the detail brings tomorrow.
Surely it would depend on each employer contacting their employees about coming back to work?
We'll i suppose yea, but he said work from home or go back to work so i duno at all. Maybe im taking it to literal
We'll i suppose yea, but he said work from home or go back to work so i duno at all. Maybe im taking it to literal

Imagine most office workers won't be able to just turn up tomorrow. Most offices are overseen by a managing company and they will have a policy in regards to open hours/office times during lockdown.

Think Boris should probably have mentioned somewhere that most people who work in front of a screen in an office should not meet the necessary requirements of physically going into work. I do worry how some cnuty bosses will interpret this.
alright all you whinging cafeites what exactly would you do differently?
Surely we have to dip our toe in the water now?
See how it goes?
Or shall we all do a terry waite for the next year or two?

  • They should have locked down hard and early. Closed the borders and enforced 14 days of quarantine at all ports and airports. Use the local empty hotels and get the police to enforce it. Massive fines for flouting the law.
  • Then go on the science and not snippets of the science that suit you neo-liberal agenda. The herd immunity without a vaccine thought bubble was insanity.
  • Have a PM who didn't nearly die from shaking hands with people in a hospital packed with Covid patients. An actual leader rather than this lumbering buffoon who lurches from ill-connected talking point to stupid slogan but does feck all of use. More a confusion generation machine than a PM.
  • Lock down until you have infections and deaths WAY down. Then very very slowly release the lockdown because second and third waves of infection followed by further lock-downs will screw the economy far worse. The ridiculous scenes on VE Day only occurred because of the utter lack of leadership from day 1.
I'm sure there are lots more things these incompetents have done wrong but that is a start.

Now that deaths are starting to reduce - DUE TO THE LOCKDOWN - keep going, lock your borders and get is down low enough so you can slowly reduced restriction so that you don't have multiple waves of infection and lockdowns to get you through to a vaccine which will hopefully be earlier rather than later.
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It’s construction and manufacturing provided you can maintain a safe distance at work. No hairdressers, tattooists, prostitutes etc

it’s the same as before. it’s just weird that he put so much emphasis on it. Maybe just trying to reassure tradesmen that it’s now considered a bit safer. I’ve given up guessing what he’s talking about
I'll be taking on jobs if the phone rings but not because of what Boris has said today (plumber)
Businesses and organisations that must close:
  • All non-essential retailers (exceptions below)
  • Restaurants
  • Cafes, including workplace canteens
  • Hotels, hostels, BnBs, campsites and boarding houses for commercial use
  • Pubs
  • Bars and nightclubs, including bars in hotels and members’ clubs
  • Caravan parks/sites for commercial uses
  • Outdoor and indoor markets
  • Car showrooms
  • Auction houses
  • Libraries
  • Community centres, youth centres and similar
  • Hair, beauty and nail salons, including piercing and tattoo parlours
  • Massage parlours
  • Cinemas, theatres and concert halls
  • Museums and galleries
  • Bingo halls, casinos and betting shops
  • Fitness studios, gyms, swimming pools or other indoor leisure centres
  • Arcades, bowling alleys, soft play centres and similar
  • Hair, beauty and nail salons, including piercing and tattoo parlours
  • Massage parlours
  • Spas
  • Skating rinks

    These are all still closed for now so you can’t work there.
Im in ni so it doesnt matter for me, but our accountants office was closed and we were furloughed.

If I lived in England id assume i am supposed to be at work tomorrow based on what he said because we werent working from home

I’m in NI as well and work in an office in a car dealer, if I was in England I’d know I wouldn’t be back in tomorrow.

It’s all to do with the industry you’re in
the 50/60 page document should make it clearer. I doubt anyone will just turn up at their office tomorrow without any notice from their company.
Herd immunity keeps creeping into the discussion again (I suppose it never left). Is there really any evidence for this though? If the virus mutates then herd immunity will probably kill a lot of people for nothing, right?
Herd immunity keeps creeping into the discussion again (I suppose it never left). Is there really any evidence for this though? If the virus mutates then herd immunity will probably kill a lot of people for nothing, right?

Herd immunity isn’t just about people getting sick. The idea of a vaccine is to give herd immunity too. If you don’t get immune after recovering (or if we don’t get an effective vaccine) then herd immunity is off the table. Which isn’t to say we’re doomed. There’s a good chance repeat infections get milder each time.

An interesting theory I heard recently is that the coronaviruses that cause the common cold were as deadly as this one when they first jumped from animal to man. But that was before we had any means of tracking a pandemic. They then evolved to be more and more benign to the point they’re at now. Causing a runny nose, at worst. SARS-COV2 could end up the same, one day.
I’m not defending the messaging, because it’s terrible, but obviously don’t go into work tomorrow if you’re currently furloughed. The scheme hasn’t suddenly been switched off, it’ll be down to your employer to make that call. Businesses will need time to adjust their offices or decide who comes off furlough etc.

In terms of the lockdown, it’s basically finished. The only thing you can’t do is go to someone else’s house. If I wanted to meet up with a group of 10 people in a park, I could, so long as we stay two meters apart. Same with family.

There’s two uni’s where I live, which means a lot of groups of students living together. It’s already impossible to tell who does or doesn’t live in the same household, can’t see how it’ll be policed, considering people were already having BBQ’s this weekend in my local park.

The 'Lockdown' has been finished for a few days. Anybody can see that roads have been getting busier and in my area people have started having their family and friends around. Which isn't cricket but it's understandable. Separating innocent family, friends, lovers etc for 6 weeks is pretty barbaric.

The modified lockdown is basically impossible police and will totally dissolve when we have a hot weekend.
Herd immunity keeps creeping into the discussion again (I suppose it never left). Is there really any evidence for this though? If the virus mutates then herd immunity will probably kill a lot of people for nothing, right?

The virus isn't mutating fast and wouldn't be expected to as the moment. A vaccine might speed up mutation but vaccinate fast enough and with a high enough % of people getting the shot we should control the virus.

Herd immunity without a vaccine is either going to take a long time or result in mass death and economic destruction. The only sensible tactic is slowing down the spread to a pace that doesn't overwhelm medical services until we have a vaccine (which now seems likely)