Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
That's what I found absolutely hilarious about it all. The Italians complaining about underhand tactics... and the world rallying behind them. You couldn't make it up :lol:
Just because it happened against Italy doesn't make it right either. Instead of making numerous excuses you could simply send him home.

Bearded but no genius

Full Member
Jul 1, 2004
Reports are that the Uruguayan FA are going to claim nothing happened and it is all photoshop.

I don't know how they manage to walk with balls that big.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
There seems to be a few of you underestimating the ramifications of this. My friend works at a school just outside of Manchester and told me three stories about Liverpool "fans" in his school today.


No. 1 was a little young lad in year 7. He'd been supporting Liverpool this year because they play "well good and stuff". He supported Chelsea last year, but comes from a spoiled background and always changes his team. Well guess what. He's changed again. He apparently come in today in a full Man United strip. He said he "couldn't support a team with such abhorrent morals" and that "Suarez exemplifies a child not accustomed to getting his own way" So thanks Suarez, you've just boosted Man United's coffers by 100.00. At a conservative estimate, if one lad per school changes allegiances to United he'll have gained hundreds of thousands of pounds.


No. 2 was a bit older. Just about to start his GCSE's. He doesn't seem that interested in football, but apparently his Dad pushes him into it. His Father has often come to parents evenings in full Liverpool kit an threatened to "Knock out" anyone who claims Lucas isn't the best Brazillian player in the world. Once a little lad went around his house and he had a photo of Suarez hanging in the dining room, this is right after he bit Ivanovic. Well today it was boiling hot apparently yet his boy was the only one with his blazer on. My mate told him to take it off as he was sweating and apparently he looked ridiculous. Eventually he had taken it off to reveal his Dad had written "Suarez - 7" on his back in permanent marker. All of the other kids started laughing. Someone called him a "biting bastard". This lad was popular before and now apparently he's a social outcast. He isn't allowed to stop supporting Liverpool because of his Dad but as a result he's lost all his friends.


No. 3 is the worst. Lovely lad apparently, just finished year 10. Fantastic footballer. School captain and has played for both United and City reserves. Playing football today on the all weather he tried to get around a defender, got tackled and bit him. The other players played on as if it was normal, but the teacher on duty was shocked.

"What do you think you're doing lad?!?!"

"Sir it's ok, we all bite now. If Suarez can do it, why can't we"
Apparently all the other kids agreed. They all thought it was acceptable because Suarez had done it before and not got properly punished. "We only aren't racist because you're here Sir"

Well at this point the teacher was shocked and got the child to go inside. He had to phone home and suspend him. The boy couldn't believe he'd done anything wrong. He watched Suarez on MOTD and assumed it was ok in football. Rumours are he'll be expelled and have to go to a school down the road which specialises in expelled students. A whole life ruined.


And this is from just ONE school. So yeah talk of a 4 match ban is ridiculous. He should be banned for the full 2 years.
:lol: genuinely spat out my coffee.


New Member
Jan 29, 2014
Dentist : Hey Suarez, Lets see how good is your teeth .
Suarez : With Pleasure !!
Den : Look at all that blood , your gum is bleeding ..
Suarez : Nah!! My gums are fine thats the blood of the last guys i bit ..
Den: ????



Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Dentist : Hey Suarez, Lets see how good is your teeth .
Suarez : With Pleasure !!
Den : Look at all that blood , your gum is bleeding ..
Suarez : Nah!! My gums are fine thats the blood of the last guys i bit ..
Den: ????

Amazeballs. You should do stand-up.

Needs this:



Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
I've been surprised that in each situation the victim has continued to play on. I always thought that a bite could lead to serious problems if not treated properly. When i was at school I remember 2 separate incidents, both relatively minor bites that didn't break the skin, where the victim was taken to hospital as a precaution.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Zagreb, Hrvatska
Brazil is afraid of us, they always are. We've beaten them with far worse teams.

You clearly haven't been to Brazil, or their Football Museum in SP. Well worth a visit, you will walk out and realise they are paranoid about two things: Uruguay and the French. The latter is more a cultured observation but they consider them their permanent bogey team while Uruguay is the one that captures the imagination of the masses (where the players emerge from).

The argument is flawed, mind :lol:
Its probably because of 1950 final and all, but as I said what that lawyer said is completely delusional.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Zagreb, Hrvatska
You really really don't understand what little he had to work with in 2006. Where he has got us is a great achievement. Sorry it doesn't meet your tikitaka-meter, but it's what we can serve.

No, that Ghana press conference should have been a bit more about the enirety of the game, the achievement and the game to look forward to and not completely derailed by people screaming murder at the handball incident, as if the red and suspension for the next semi wasn't a huge punishment to pay for a non-existent free kick followed by two offsides before the handball.

Of course he will be pissed off when, after beating both England and Italy, against the odds, the first three questions he gets are in English and banging on about Suarez, again.

Get some perspective FFS, we have less than half the population of London, I can understand the man for being unhappy. You watch Brazilian TV here and they all find time for Suarez but also to repeat, endlessly, how shocking it is that a small country like that keeps getting itself in the mix and punching above their weight. That's a bit more balanced and fair, don't you think? It's not like it isn't a team sport and, frankly, it wasn't Suarez winning that yesterday, there were at least 4-5 players who played better than him.
As for the bolded part I really dont know what are you talking about.
As for the rest, I really admire Uruguay and its achievements especially given its even smaller population than Croatia, but on the other hand of course journalists will ask him about Suarez. Its not so shocking, he's bitten someone and that's completely crazy. What is crazy too is Tabarez and the rest are denying something even happened. It was a great win and all but when you have a nut case in your team anything can happen and now you'll be without him vs Colombia.


Aug 9, 2013
the other Santa Teresa
For doing it the third time really deserves severe punishment. Ban him for about 5-15 international matches with the threat, that he gets a 1-2 year ban for all competitions, if he ever does something extraordinary nasty again.

One of the dirtiest/nastiest player, that players in the top5 leagues. At least he fecked up big time, so nobody will ignore his scummyness anymore.

The comments from the Uruguayan Team/FA/trainer make them look really bad. I am not surprised at all. Rarly seen a team with so much idiots.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
The British press have an agenda against Suarez.

The same British press that voted him their player of the year last year.
Tabarez didnt say British press, he said he hadn't seen the incident but wasn't surprised to once again find "certain sections of the press waiting on the sidelines waiting to pounce on anything Suarez does".

It was very much an "I'd rather talk football than entertain tabloid reporting questions" sort of reply.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Mar 22, 2014
The reaction is going to be funny if FIFA let him off easy, say a three game ban.

At the end of the day, he won't learn nothing. His coach is already defending him, he most likely has his friends and family telling him he's the victim in all this.

Just another day in the life of Suarez. I mean, at least he's at the right club, most of their fans will be bending over backwards to defend him and then he's going to leave them without even giving it a second thought.

At least its been an entertaining summer so far!


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
Tabarez didnt say British press, he said he hadn't seen the incident but wasn't surprised to once again find "certain sections of the press waiting on the sidelines waiting to pounce on anything Suarez does".

It was very much an "I'd rather talk football than entertain tabloid reporting questions" sort of reply.
Come on, you are just arguing on semantics here.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I don't think you get banned for the break, that's kinda irrelevant. It's the tackle, you can break a leg in a fair challenge and nobody gets banned.
The overall point is that smashing a player's leg unfairly usually gets less punishment than is currently being touted for Ratboy.


Nani is crap, I tell you!
Oct 17, 2011
This thread is 40 pages. What are the highlights?
Suarez receives bollocking for his antics (rightfully).

Chiellini claims in an interview for SKY Italia that FIFA will have no balls to ban Suarez.

FIFA pretend to want to do sth about it but apparently there are some elements missing.

Adidas (and some random poker company) held talks whether to continue their sponsorship deal with Suarez.

Uruguay and a few blokes on here claim the bite marks were photoshopped.

Some shithouse of an Uruguayan lawyer says it was casual play and that England, Italy and Brazil have an agenda towards Suarez and that Chiellini's elbow should also undergo investigation (Suarez had a black eye innit).

Finally antohan compares Suarez mental problems to Roy Keane's just because he was an aggresive player who took a revenge on Haaland.

EDIT: Sb calculated how big a risk of getting infected by Suarez's bite is to which Grinner replied that scouse poison is actually incurable.
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Zagreb, Hrvatska
Tabarez didnt say British press, he said he hadn't seen the incident but wasn't surprised to once again find "certain sections of the press waiting on the sidelines waiting to pounce on anything Suarez does".

It was very much an "I'd rather talk football than entertain tabloid reporting questions" sort of reply.
Oh that press waiting for poor Suarez to do something just to gloat on it...

Lance Uppercut

Tabarez didnt say British press, he said he hadn't seen the incident but wasn't surprised to once again find "certain sections of the press waiting on the sidelines waiting to pounce on anything Suarez does".

It was very much an "I'd rather talk football than entertain tabloid reporting questions" sort of reply.
Maybe he should have had a look at the incident beforehand. Which I have no doubt he did.


Aug 9, 2013
the other Santa Teresa
Tabarez didnt say British press, he said he hadn't seen the incident but wasn't surprised to once again find "certain sections of the press waiting on the sidelines waiting to pounce on anything Suarez does".

It was very much an "I'd rather talk football than entertain tabloid reporting questions" sort of reply.
I understand, that his coach or you dont want to talk about it, because its incredible embarrassing. You are caught between the devil and the deep blue see: You either have to throw your best player under the bus or excuse the inexcusable. Its a tough choice.

There wasnt much to talk about anyway. For reasons unknown Italy got a red card, while Suarez didnt get a red card. So what should Tabarez say anyway? We played like shit in a poor game, but the ref helped us to win?

Tabarez shouldnt blame the media for asking the obvious question, but his player for doing the thing. Saying, that he didnt see it, is just a poor excuse.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Suarez receives bollocking for his antics (rightfully).

Chiellini claims in an interview for SKY Italia that FIFA will have no balls to ban Suarez.

FIFA pretend to want to do sth about it but apparently there are some elements missing.

Adidas (and some random poker company) held talks whether to continue their sponsorship deal with Suarez.

Uruguay and a few blokes on here claim the bite marks were photoshopped.

Some shithouse of an Uruguayan lawyer says it was casual play and that England, Italy and Brazil have an agenda towards Suarez and that Chiellini's elbow should also undergo investigation (Suarez had a black eye innit)

Finally antohan compares Suarez mental problems to Roy Keane's just because he was an aggresive player who took a revenge on Haaland.

My quip about scouse having no antidote deserves a mention.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
*dons tinfoil hat*

You all should forgive Suarez for his childish acts of biting... it's his way of showing a sign of affection! Look at him trying to do it to Gerrard!



Not as crap as eferyone thinks
Jul 28, 2010
I've been surprised that in each situation the victim has continued to play on. I always thought that a bite could lead to serious problems if not treated properly. When i was at school I remember 2 separate incidents, both relatively minor bites that didn't break the skin, where the victim was taken to hospital as a precaution.
Who was it that Sterling nearly knocked out. They played on. That shouldn't have been allowed


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
*dons tinfoil hat*

You all should forgive Suarez for his childish acts of biting... it's his way of showing a sign of affection! Look at him trying to do it to Gerrard!

Biting is a symbol of endearment in his culture. We're all just racists, you see.


New Member
Sep 8, 2011
The Batcave, waging a war against boredom
I don't like him. I find him an example of the worst kind of player a sport can offer. He is a cnut. I find his actions both in the game against Italy and the previous ones (the racism row with Evra, the two previous bites and the diving) reprensible and worth of a ban; and in words of a sport journalist from here in Mexico, as the sign that he really needs therapy as something is not fine with him. However I found this article that might explain why he acts the way he does. Not that it justifies him nor exonerates him, just casting some light into the whole issue:

Of the noticeable things of that article, is that it is clear that the football establishment in Uruguay has gone to great lenghts to cuddle and protect him, even if is from his own destructive behaviour; which is apparently is deeply rooted in a very tough childhood. Again, it does not excuse nor defende his actions. He needs to be punished.


Likes to eat cement and rubber but not boogers
Oct 1, 2012
*dons tinfoil hat*

You all should forgive Suarez for his childish acts of biting... it's his way of showing a sign of affection! Look at him trying to do it to Gerrard!

FFS you might be right here :lol:


Full Member
Mar 18, 2012
Eboue's Nightmares
Just had Jim Dowling on SSN talking about it, embarrassed himself a good one with the shit he was coming out with and somehow came to compare it to Beckham with the '98 incident :lol:


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
The overall point is that smashing a player's leg unfairly usually gets less punishment than is currently being touted for Ratboy.
Would they get 3 matches if they had a history of wilfully breaking legs, surely if they admitted that they could be charged criminally. The idea that biting can be compared to kicking or poor tackling on a football pitch escapes me. We've all kicked and been kicked.