UK Policing

From the article:

They added: "He was arrested some time ago and when everyone found out it was a huge shock."

Shock my ass. Bet he even had a noncy nickname in the office.
One of the most dystopian headlines I’ve seen in a while

Labour would suspend any police officers accused of rape, party says

Police officers accused of rape or domestic abuse will be immediately suspended under a future Labour government, the party has announced, amid growing concern that other serial sexual abusers will be found in the UK’s forces.

The announcement follows criticisms of the government’s response after the former police officer David Carrick was formally sacked on Tuesday after pleading guilty to 49 charges of sexual assault including dozens of rapes. He had been allowed to continue to work as a police officer despite multiple allegations.

Labour’s proposed change in the rules would bring the police in line with other professions in the public sector such as teaching, where a serious allegation results in an immediate suspension pending an inquiry.

How this wasn’t already in place is incredibly grim.
One of the most dystopian headlines I’ve seen in a while

Labour would suspend any police officers accused of rape, party says

How this wasn’t already in place is incredibly grim.
Truly blows the mind that this isn't just standard practice for any police force. It should be a case of if you get accused of a crime, they should be removed from active duty until cleared. It's not hard, even United managed to do it...
One of the most dystopian headlines I’ve seen in a while

Labour would suspend any police officers accused of rape, party says

How this wasn’t already in place is incredibly grim.
Sunlit uplands.
One of the most dystopian headlines I’ve seen in a while

Labour would suspend any police officers accused of rape, party says

How this wasn’t already in place is incredibly grim.

it used to happen to be fair. Then at some point it was decided that if people get paid to be at home they may as well be paid to be at work.
If it’s any help, they won’t be interacting with public whilst under investigation, but would be in a back office sorting out the property store etc.
it used to happen to be fair. Then at some point it was decided that if people get paid to be at home they may as well be paid to be at work.
If it’s any help, they won’t be interacting with public whilst under investigation, but would be in a back office sorting out the property store etc.

No, that doesn’t offer me any comfort funnily enough.
If you can’t see the difference between a potential rapist being allowed to interact with the public in the most vulnerable moments of their lives, vs being in a small room booking property onto a system and not speaking to anyone then I’m not sure what to say.
If you can’t see the difference between a potential rapist being allowed to interact with the public in the most vulnerable moments of their lives, vs being in a small room booking property onto a system and not speaking to anyone then I’m not sure what to say.

Who said there isn't a difference? I don't want a police officer accused of serious crimes continuing to work for the police in any format until it is sorted.
One of the most dystopian headlines I’ve seen in a while

Labour would suspend any police officers accused of rape, party says

How this wasn’t already in place is incredibly grim.
That isn’t even the worse thing in or rather not in place. Police officers can be sacked by the met but independent legal bodies have the power to reinstate them and that happens. Again the government will have to change that ruling and a lot of other things under police regulations.

A former police officer who abused his position to start sexual relationships with vulnerable women has been jailed.

Another apple.
As someone on Twitter pointed out, they keep wheeling out the “couple of bad apples” defence of the police force but seem to be ignoring that the expression doesn’t mean a couple of bad apples and the rest of the barrel are fine. It means it only takes a couple of bad apples and the entire barrel of apples will soon be rotten too.

So their defence essentially admits that the entire Met is rotten now.
As someone on Twitter pointed out, they keep wheeling out the “couple of bad apples” defence of the police force but seem to be ignoring that the expression doesn’t mean a couple of bad apples and the rest of the barrel are fine. It means it only takes a couple of bad apples and the entire barrel of apples will soon be rotten too.

So their defence essentially admits that the entire Met is rotten now.

It is nothing like the odd bad apple. It is endemic.
Who said there isn't a difference? I don't want a police officer accused of serious crimes continuing to work for the police in any format until it is sorted.
I think when dealing with some insane people, a suspect can just accuse an officer of rape and slow down their own conviction/prosecution and get that officer sat at home. But on the other hand, you need a way for them to be suspended while an investigation takes place.
153,000 officers approximately across the UK.

50,000 are female so they're out.

What's the rate of rape convictions for police officer's compared with the rest of the civilian population? Like per 100,000?
153,000 officers approximately across the UK.

50,000 are female so they're out.

What's the rate of rape convictions for police officer's compared with the rest of the civilian population? Like per 100,000?
No idea on that stat but in America a staggering 40% of cops are domestic abusers.
No idea on that stat but in America a staggering 40% of cops are domestic abusers.
It's an insane stat, and no excusing the genuine scumbags and domestic abusers but I imagine in some circumstances the constant fear of dying day to day and dealing with meth headed people killing people and telling people their children have died, must feck your mind up, PTSD and cause some of this.

That being said, it's no excuse.
It's an insane stat, and no excusing the genuine scumbags and domestic abusers but I imagine in some circumstances the constant fear of dying day to day and dealing with meth headed people killing people and telling people their children have died, must feck your mind up, PTSD and cause some of this.

That being said, it's no excuse.
I would posit that many more have that mindset & are going into the career knowing that they could act on their urges with a large degree of impunity. No doubt some develop such tendencies due to the trauma of the job, but multitudes more have such going in.
I would posit that many more have that mindset & are going into the career knowing that they could act on their urges with a large degree of impunity. No doubt some develop such tendencies due to the trauma of the job, but multitudes more have such going in.
Oh totally agree. I do think it is a minority, most will go in wanting to help people, the nobility of it. Alas it's a fecked up job.
The advertising boards for recruitment that they have on trucks around London are embarassing when you have all this rot going on.
Must be so demoralising to work in the Met at the moment, or the police in general if you are 'one of the good ones'.
I think mostly they will be sympathising with the offending officers because they know how hard they have got it at the moment in terms of overwork and underpay.
I think mostly they will be sympathising with the offending officers because they know how hard they have got it at the moment in terms of overwork and underpay.

Yes. I’m sure those working for the NHS sympathised with serial killers Harold Shipman, and more recently Lucy Letby, for the same reasons.
Why does this thread only get bumped when they do something bad? You never see Texbow posting about the local Brizzo rozzers helping some old lady down some stairs, or giving someone's cat a good old stroke. It's ridiculous.
Why does this thread only get bumped when they do something bad? You never see Texbow posting about the local Brizzo rozzers helping some old lady down some stairs, or giving someone's cat a good old stroke. It's ridiculous.

Maybe senicide and animal abuse an accepted thing in Bristol?
Braverman will probably come out and say we need to stop doing these reports and get on with real policing or something shite as usual.