Westminster Politics

There is a path here, that's not improbable, where Truss is forced to call a GE to save her skin. With this sort of polling, even with shy Tory syndrome, it should be a comfortable Labour win.

Why would she, or any Tory, call an election before they're forced to considering the current situation?
Why would she, or any Tory, call an election before they're forced to considering the current situation?
I think the only way she calls an election early is if she thinks the party will move against her

At which point she might as well roll the dice on an election and hope labour do something to shoot themselves in the foot (let Corbyn stand for example)
There should be a rule in place that if a governing party are so shit they have to keep changing leaders it should automatically trigger a general election.

Otherwise they can just no confidence her before a GE and get someone more stable in. This way they can't just keep swapping.

This. 100% this.

I actually reckon it’s plausible they’ve done this on purpose for her to take the fall and will then implement a more press savvy leader to ‘change the narrative’ and win the next GE - as with May and Johnson.

The Tories are VERY good at playing the British public and getting voted back in repeatedly - and Truss is TOO bad.
This. 100% this.

I actually reckon it’s plausible they’ve done this on purpose for her to take the fall and will then implement a more press savvy leader to ‘change the narrative’ and win the next GE - as with May and Johnson.

The Tories are VERY good at playing the British public and getting voted back in repeatedly - and Truss is TOO bad.
the plan was for boris to own the blame and truss to swoop in as saviour and win the next GE... the plan is not going well
the plan was for boris to own the blame and truss to swoop in as saviour and win the next GE... the plan is not going well

But it’s years ‘til the next GE.

They’ll saddle her with this Budget, as with Brexit and May, then they’ll play the narrative that the Tories have ‘ousted her due to her awful leadership’ and they’ll put some more PR savvy ghoul like… say… Rees Mogg in who’ll win the next GE using some crude variation of toxic Nationalism and Xenophobia and usher in the next stage of the now trademark ‘we didn’t think it could get any worse but they managed it’ dystopian soap opera that British politics have become.
But it’s years ‘til the next GE.

They’ll saddle her with this Budget, as with Brexit and May, then they’ll play the narrative that the Tories have ‘ousted her due to her awful leadership’ and they’ll put some more PR savvy ghoul like… say… Rees Mogg in who’ll win the next GE using some crude variation of toxic Nationalism and Xenophobia and usher in the next stage of the now trademark ‘we didn’t think it could get any worse but they managed it’ dystopian soap opera that British politics have become.

I would hardly call JRM PR savvy. You only have to look at the way he dresses. Like an overgrown schoolboy.
And he makes no bones about the fact that he thinks that he is oh so much more clever than everyone else.
The guy is a throwback to the Victorian era when they used to send little boys up to clean the chimneys.
He is a typical Tory Toff.
I think the only way she calls an election early is if she thinks the party will move against her

At which point she might as well roll the dice on an election and hope labour do something to shoot themselves in the foot (let Corbyn stand for example)

Yes indeed.
I think the only way she calls an election early is if she thinks the party will move against her

At which point she might as well roll the dice on an election and hope labour do something to shoot themselves in the foot (let Corbyn stand for example)

I think they'll force her into an election personally. There's more chance of them winning now than in a years time and plenty want a long career in politics.

The markets would surely react well to an election being announced and it gives the Tories a chance to try reset their pitch.

The alternative will be a bigger loss and more lasting damage.
Levelling up was a Boris illusion sold to try to convince those in the so called north that the Tories were on their side.
It is about as realistic as the 40 new hospitals. Both will be kicked well into the long grass as today's problems increase especially as government departments are and will be told to cut budgets.

It may have been an illusion for Boris, but for many towns in the North who remained under Labour control, who are now like 'ghost towns' with shopping malls half empty, no proper high street and no new industry startups in over twenty/thirty years, except such as coffee bars and nail bars, etc. that last a year.... maybe only six months, then shut down. These towns need major new investment. Many towns have been living on scraps, either from so called regeneration projects or some were EU funded, but in many cases, it wasn't local industry that got the contracts or the benefit of actually doing the work.

Here's an example of what I mean, where I live there were two EU special projects 5th and 6th (in 2007-8 and in 2010) on a list put forward by the local council and with support from the local chamber of commerce that were accepted for EU funding. They involved work in a local park building a kid's playground and improving the gardens/access in two old folk's homes. The total value was around 15000 euros, the local Labour council let both contracts to companies from outside the area. So, although local children and elderly folk eventually saw the benefit, local industry didn't.

'Levelling up' is required and Labour needs to do it properly.
Why would she, or any Tory, call an election before they're forced to considering the current situation?
Because if the party turns on her, which is likely, she can call a GE which would be her last desperate roll of the dice.

Edit: As @sun_tzu put it earlier:

"it seems down to if the conservative MP's will move against her - would seem crazy with such a sort premiership but a bad conference and who knows?
or will she have to call an early GE simply to stop them ousting her"
I would hardly call JRM PR savvy. You only have to look at the way he dresses. Like an overgrown schoolboy.
And he makes no bones about the fact that he thinks that he is oh so much more clever than everyone else.
The guy is a throwback to the Victorian era when they used to send little boys up to clean the chimneys.
He is a typical Tory Toff.

He’s incredibly PR savvy - for all the reasons you’ve just listed.

His image is a careful PR creation, an ‘eccentric’ overly English caricature. A brand.

A novelty figure for the plebs to laugh at while they ravage the country. A bit like… hmm… BORIS JOHNSON.

Trust me, Truss isn’t the PM they’ll go into the next election with, and I very much doubt they ever planned her to be.

It’ll be some ‘personality politician’ like a Johnson, Rees Mogg etc.

And they’ll win.

Thanks for that! I could watch another 20 hours of Sus Truss and Crazy Kwasi getting night soil planted on them.

They denied their mini budget was connected to the bank intervention, and I see now they're hiding. Works in the US, but I was under the impression the British don't put up with that.
It may have passed me by, but has there ever been any coverage of the fact Truss and Kwarteng were once in a relationship?
He’s incredibly PR savvy - for all the reasons you’ve just listed.

His image is a careful PR creation, an ‘eccentric’ overly English caricature. A brand.

A novelty figure for the plebs to laugh at while they ravage the country. A bit like… hmm… BORIS JOHNSON.

Trust me, Truss isn’t the PM they’ll go into the next election with, and I very much doubt they ever planned her to be.

It’ll be some ‘personality politician’ like a Johnson, Rees Mogg etc.

And they’ll win.

JRM is certainly playing the role of the eccentric old-fashioned Toff but he lacks Johnson’s rogueish appeal. However, I never imagined Truss would be PM or that we’d have a Chancellor nicknamed Kamikwaze so I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of JRM being the next circle of hell into which we are forced to descend by the morons who vote for these people.
It may have passed me by, but has there ever been any coverage of the fact Truss and Kwarteng were once in a relationship?
I dont think thats ever been made official so may or may not be Westminster gossip
Kwarteng was in a relationship with Amber Rudd which was public knowledge
as is the fact that Truss had an affair with Mark Field
He’s incredibly PR savvy - for all the reasons you’ve just listed.

His image is a careful PR creation, an ‘eccentric’ overly English caricature. A brand.

A novelty figure for the plebs to laugh at while they ravage the country. A bit like… hmm… BORIS JOHNSON.

Trust me, Truss isn’t the PM they’ll go into the next election with, and I very much doubt they ever planned her to be.

It’ll be some ‘personality politician’ like a Johnson, Rees Mogg etc.

And they’ll win.
They didn't plan anything. The geriatric Tory members voted for Truss against the wishes of the majority of Tory MPS. I agree they will have a new leader though, planned or not.
He’s incredibly PR savvy - for all the reasons you’ve just listed.

His image is a careful PR creation, an ‘eccentric’ overly English caricature. A brand.

A novelty figure for the plebs to laugh at while they ravage the country. A bit like… hmm… BORIS JOHNSON.

Trust me, Truss isn’t the PM they’ll go into the next election with, and I very much doubt they ever planned her to be.

It’ll be some ‘personality politician’ like a Johnson, Rees Mogg etc.

And they’ll win.
Rees Moog isn't playing a role, he is genuinely like that.

Have it first hand from a Tory MP that he is like that wherever he goes, at home, in the car, at work.

He is most definitely not playing a role.
He’s incredibly PR savvy - for all the reasons you’ve just listed.

His image is a careful PR creation, an ‘eccentric’ overly English caricature. A brand.

A novelty figure for the plebs to laugh at while they ravage the country. A bit like… hmm… BORIS JOHNSON.

Trust me, Truss isn’t the PM they’ll go into the next election with, and I very much doubt they ever planned her to be.

It’ll be some ‘personality politician’ like a Johnson, Rees Mogg etc.

And they’ll win.

That’s just not the case at all, JRM is exactly the Victorian era relic that he appears to be.

Just like Boris is an actual buffoon, and Trump is a moron, and Truss is an IQ vacuum.

These people are not playing 4D chess, they’re just a bunch of fecking cnuts.

This. 100% this.

I actually reckon it’s plausible they’ve done this on purpose for her to take the fall and will then implement a more press savvy leader to ‘change the narrative’ and win the next GE - as with May and Johnson.

The Tories are VERY good at playing the British public and getting voted back in repeatedly - and Truss is TOO bad.
A few months ago people were saying we needed Boris to stay until the next GE because the next Tory PM would steady the ship.

We're far beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel now, who's even left to replace Truss?
Phenomenal polling news and I'm delighted a complete and utter landslide has fallen into the lap of someone who'll make wholesale political changes that will benefit generations to come.
I’ll just take anyone other than the Tories thanks. At least you can be dogmatic and idealistic and it won’t matter this time.
I’ll just take anyone other than the Tories thanks. At least you can be dogmatic and idealistic and it won’t matter this time.
Idealistic? That YouGov poll has them with a majority not seen outside an election organised by Robert Mugabe. On what planet are you settling for the bare minimum in that scenario? Forget calling other people dogmatic or idealistic, if your response to an overnight one party state is complete indifference to what they'll do with it, you're pathetic.

If even the slightest left leaning government imaginable has a quite literal blank cheque, nobody should be homeless or hungry for the next 50 years after that polling day. You're just happy for 'not the Tories'.
Idealistic? That YouGov poll has them with a majority not seen outside an election organised by Robert Mugabe. On what planet are you settling for the bare minimum in that scenario? Forget calling other people dogmatic or idealistic, if your response to an overnight one party state is complete indifference to what they'll do with it, you're pathetic.

If even the slightest left leaning government imaginable has a quite literal blank cheque, nobody should be homeless or hungry for the next 50 years after that polling day. You're just happy for 'not the Tories'.

The trouble is that they won’t get into power with a left wing mandate.

The plan to move the Overton window all the way over to the left in one election isn’t feasible. You need to do what the right did - drag it over one election at a time.
The trouble is that they won’t get into power with a left wing mandate.

The plan to move the Overton window all the way over to the left in one election isn’t feasible. You need to do what the right did - drag it over one election at a time.

This is why the Tories manage to ruin the country, they’re pragmatic whilst the left whine about not having the perfect person to vote for so they’ll stay at home and cry about it rather than working towards an end goal.

It’s the same in the US, with the Bernie bros who voted Harambe because Hillary wasn’t good enough for them so they’ll quietly play a role in Trump getting elected, meanwhile the cuntbag GOP play the long game and over 30 years have taken over the judicial system with bible bashing judges and achieved the goal of overturning Roe.
This is why the Tories manage to ruin the country, they’re pragmatic whilst the left whine about not having the perfect person to vote for so they’ll stay at home and cry about it rather than working towards an end goal.

It’s the same in the US, with the Bernie bros who voted Harambe because Hillary wasn’t good enough for them so they’ll quietly play a role in Trump getting elected, meanwhile the cuntbag GOP play the long game and over 30 years have taken over the judicial system with bible bashing judges and achieved the goal of overturning Roe.
Ding ding ding.