Westminster Politics

Landlords still have to pay income tax on any rental income. The ‘passive income’ doesn’t avoid income tax.

Agree with the rest of your point though and I’ll add - our economy is geared towards taking on debt to succeed. Which feeds the capitalistic cycle.
Most of the landlords I've rented from (including my current one) have only taken rent in cash. I seriously doubt they're declaring that income.
Most of the landlords I've rented from (including my current one) have only taken rent in cash. I seriously doubt they're declaring that income.
Oh fair enough - yea it’s obviously easier to hide it if you’re receiving cash. There’s not a lot of landlords I know in London that are receiving cash. Most of them have other creative ways of minimising their tax burden which I guess is as effective.
That's probably the most disappointing thing about Sunak, I wasn't expecting a revolutionary PM by any means but I thought we'd atleast finally get some entry level competence.

On another note, when will the uncomfortable truth that the Tories didn't give themselves a majority be addressed?
He’s such a weasel isn’t he? This is meant to be the Tory golden boy
Most of the landlords I've rented from (including my current one) have only taken rent in cash. I seriously doubt they're declaring that income.
I haven't had that in years tbh. Renting our place out now and the agent takes tax out of the rent and it goes straight to HMRC. Quite a few hoops to jump through, eg gas and electric certificates, deposit in escrow etc...Hopefully councils clamp down on the shysters.
Most of the landlords I've rented from (including my current one) have only taken rent in cash. I seriously doubt they're declaring that income.

That’s definitely not a common method of paying your landlord, myself and everyone I’ve known who has rented - i.e. everyone I’ve known - has paid rent through standing order/an agent.

That’s just London, but not sure it’d be different elsewhere.
Oh fair enough - yea it’s obviously easier to hide it if you’re receiving cash. There’s not a lot of landlords I know in London that are receiving cash. Most of them have other creative ways of minimising their tax burden which I guess is as effective.
That’s definitely not a common method of paying your landlord, myself and everyone I’ve known who has rented - i.e. everyone I’ve known - has paid rent through standing order/an agent.

That’s just London, but not sure it’d be different elsewhere.
Yeah I wouldn't say it's common, but there's definitely still landlords who try getting away with it. Should probably add that this is outside London but I know of other people whose landlords only accept rent in cash too.
They were probably racist before Farage got there

Indeed, but the presence of a famous dog whistle hate-monger probably just heightened it in them…

The victims should press charges and make as big a deal as possible - people get fired for less, so these toffs should be booted out of their schools, but unsurprisingly, an apology is all that’s required when it’s the rich abusing the poor.
Indeed, but the presence of a famous dog whistle hate-monger probably just heightened it in them…

The victims should press charges and make as big a deal as possible - people get fired for less, so these toffs should be booted out of their schools, but unsurprisingly, an apology is all that’s required when it’s the rich abusing the poor.

Well in fairness they are presumably children. I think the question should be more on the school here, what standards of behaviour and discourse are they teaching these toff thugs?
They should be expelled, surely?

And they’re gonna be between 13 and 18.

Or, as I call them, children.

I can't see how you can invite a racist grifter bellend to speak at a school and then expel children for being racist but maybe that's just me. It should be a learning experience for the school and students. Doubtless it won't be but not much I can do about that.
Or, as I call them, children.

I can't see how you can invite a racist grifter bellend to speak at a school and then expel children for being racist but maybe that's just me. It should be a learning experience for the school and students. Doubtless it won't be but not much I can do about that.

Are 18 year olds children?

But whatever, they should be expelled is my point.
"A DWP spokesperson said rules had been followed adding: “As the competent state for Mr Peters’ wife is the Netherlands then by extension it is the competent state for Mr Peters as a family member.""

What? So he is british, fought for the british, lives in britain, but because he married a dutch woman the netherlands are now responsible for him? In what universe does that make sense?
It looks like the Tories continue to receive a lot of criticism from the right as well as from the left and centre left, from people who despise both Sunak or Hunt.

In general, I imagine that quite a few previous and regular Tory voters, even if they can't bring themselves to switch to Labour or even the Lib Dems, will just stay at home. And if a reasonable number people on the right want to switch to Richard Tice's Reform party, that's all beneficial in terms of getting the Tories out as well.

Such a weird jibe. Can’t help but think that it’s a bit of a mask slipping moment where Gove forgets his audience isn’t a bunch of out of touch Tory MPs who see Marcus as merely a disruptive nuisance.
I thought the Tories were the party of the armed forces? Every service person I've ever met says they vote Tory because of it. It's really just a legacy from Thatcher*, and this new lot are just pretending to give a shit.

*Just in case anyone mistakes me for a moment; she was a cnut as well.

Google David Clapson.
Such a weird jibe. Can’t help but think that it’s a bit of a mask slipping moment where Gove forgets his audience isn’t a bunch of out of touch Tory MPs who see Marcus as merely a disruptive nuisance.

Such a draft thing to say. Obviously the first stupid thing that came into his head. And you can tell that as soon as he said it, he started wishing he hadn't.
Indeed, she immediately realised she fecked up.

Not just that but they clearly have no real clue about the various schemes or entry requirements at even a broad level.

It's clearly far far too much to ask that these people be expert, or even passingly familiar with the key issues they are responsible for.