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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Stop having a go at the older generation - I'm 60 and think this is the most stupid decision the British people have made in my lifetime- the stupid ones of the older generation I would accept

They're obviously who I'm referring to. As a whole they have selfishly let us down after reaping the benefits themselves.
Yeah man, being xenophobic (which you pretty much admitted in your previous post) doesn't tend to look good in Western countries. Neither being led by religious nutters who want to ban abort.

Look good in Western countries? You feckin bigot!!! ;)
No, being concerned that a homogenous-through-centuries nation like Polish (who was not homogenous during our times of Union with Lithuania or probably prior to II World War when there were plenty of Jews lived in Poland, with whom we had absolutely no problem asimilating, mind you), who is pretty much alien to the concept of ethnically-diverse society as seen in i.a. GB or France (due to their colonialist history), might not cope with such excellence as already mentioned GB or France is not xenophobic.

And what immigration trouble we have? Now that's something you'd actually hear from somebody as ignorant as you Revan. Ever heard of Ukraine crisis? You think that Ukrainians flee where exactly? Our government has adopted a pretty Ukrainian-friendly policy that helps them, there are plenty of Ukrainians who migrated here in last years and they need help too. This is something that is completly dissembled in the West as it doesn't fit the 'Poland is bad because they don't want immigration!!!' agenda.

And yeah, keep calling names on us, calling us fascists, bigots controlled by religion (which one though? Pope Francis constantly urges everybody to accept all of the immigrants) of hate, talk shit. I couldn't give a shit as you're a pretty sad person in my book.
You do realize that immigration from EU countries is something that gets solved by living EU, not immigration from Syria or Ukraine?

EU doesn't force any country to accept refuges from non EU countries. Sure, Germany wanted to play the nice state this time (maybe as a way of having the legacy as giving to the world this century) and pushed other countries to do the same, but they didn't force it. And in the end, Poland didn't receive any Middle Eastern refugee.

So, EU countries have the individual power of stopping any immigration from outside of EU countries, which in most countries, dwarfs the immigration from EU countries.
Do no ever underestimate the power of lunatics. All they need is a nationalist and/or religious campaign, and they will lose their collective senses ASAP.
Well our current government was purely elected on the base of not being the previous government who was the sole party responsible for people's failures. Generally people here like to shift the blame when things are not going their way, I went to visit family in Ireland lately and they couldn't get over how awesome Ireland was compared to Poland and how in Poland nobody ever could live this good, despite the fact that I make way more than they do in Ireland even if you convert currencies and costs of living are significantly smaller here, and I was starting from the exact same point they were starting from.

There are many lunatics here, I know. I just think on this particular subject they would be outweighed by sane people. I am generally not in favor of full blown democracy because of things like that, I don't want people with zero clue having the same impact on country as educated people with actual knowledge. I wish people had it in their brains to simply not vote on something they do not care and have no clue about.
It certainly will and I think this is probably your biggest problem. London is the financial centre of the EU and probably the most important city in the world aside from New York. Without the EU that simply will not be the case anymore.

It's probably one area Ireland will benefit hugely from though seeing as we're now the only English speaking country left in the EU.

It's a bit of a stretch - but imagine if another major European City decided to make a push to become the "new" financial centre of Europe, and it took off... we'd be royally butt-fecked.

Like I said, it's a stretch, but stranger things have happened... look at this referendum for a start!
Personally I think the best way to have negotiated change was from within and to those who voted on the strength of us having power with a Leave vote might be in for a few surprises.

Cameron's last derisory attempt to do this showed him asking for less than he originally said he'd ask for..... and then not even getting that. So "change from within" was not going to be possible.
It certainly will and I think this is probably your biggest problem. London is the financial centre of the EU and probably the most important city in the world aside from New York. Without the EU that simply will not be the case anymore.

It's probably one area Ireland will benefit hugely from though seeing as we're now the only English speaking country left in the EU.

They are probably already throwing parties in Frankfurt. You should have seen the smug faces of Börse employees on German television the last weeks, they knew they could profit massively.
A summary of the key things I think that will happen:

- Pound will continue to fall but eventually rise a bit and stabilise in a week or two. But similar to the level it is now.
- The disparity in the UK but also within England itself cannot be ignored. In my view Scotland will certainly push for independence and will get it, NI may do something but I just don't know enough about sentiment in NI. Within England... I really don't know. But it's so big that it can't be ignored.
- Multinationals will seriously be considering moving out of London. It is all linked. One of the reasons for London is its access to European markets - gone. Another reason is because of its access to financial services - and they are intrinsically linked.
- Cameron must call a general election and resign. Corbyn should also resign.
- The EU is in trouble. Internal pressure from EU sceptic parties (although I really don't know enough about some of the countries to know how significant sentiment is against the EU in Europe) may cause further similar votes. The economy will suffer because of the potential of such votes.
- We will go into recession for sure.
I can certainly see Northern Ireland doing something, now. For one, their majority voted to stay in the EU, but the implications for them will be huge. Having border control to go from South > North and vice-versa is ludicrous and I imagine the dual-citizenship currently in place simply won't be able to exist anymore.

I can definitely see a unified Ireland occurring but not as fast as Scotland are likely to leave the UK.
Think it's gonna be a busy day for mods. Remember to use Report function for any posts you all think violate our terms of service. I'll be back later.
You stupid idiots.
No, being concerned that a homogenous-through-centuries nation like Polish (who was not homogenous during our times of Union with Lithuania or probably prior to II World War when there were plenty of Jews lived in Poland, with whom we had absolutely no problem asimilating, mind you), who is pretty much alien to the concept of ethnically-diverse society as seen in i.a. GB or France (due to their colonialist history), might not cope with such excellence as already mentioned GB or France is not xenophobic.

And what immigration trouble we have? Now that's something you'd actually hear from somebody as ignorant as you Revan. Ever heard of Ukraine crisis? You think that Ukrainians flee where exactly? Our government has adopted a pretty Ukrainian-friendly policy that helps them, there are plenty of Ukrainians who migrated here in last years and they need help too. This is something that is completly dissembled in the West as it doesn't fit the 'Poland is bad because they don't want immigration!!!' agenda.

And yeah, keep calling names on us, calling us fascists, bigots controlled by religion (which one though? Pope Francis constantly urges everybody to accept all of the immigrants) of hate, talk shit. I couldn't give a shit as you're a pretty sad person in my book.

Yep and they're mostly amazing employees and fair people. I'm working with several of them on a frequent basis and they're great folks.

The outburst on possibility of having about 10,000 Syrian immigrants who would not stay here long anyway was embarrassing. EU does not create any problems in that matter anyway, it's internal EU immigration that it regulates and it's something Poland have benefited from greatly.
It's a bit of a stretch - but imagine if another major European City decided to make a push to become the "new" financial centre of Europe, and it took off... we'd be royally butt-fecked.

Like I said, it's a stretch, but stranger things have happened... look at this referendum for a start!
Isn't Frankfurt already going that way? Certainly it's not currently near London in that aspect, but definitely on the rise and arguably the financial centre of mainland Europe, at least.

Germany's 'downfall' (phrasing) has always been a lack of a 'super city' like London. They don't have any city with the population or vast reach that London does, but Frankfurt certainly has the capability. A huge airport, big financial district, very well educated workforce and in the largest and most well educated country in the EU. Makes sense to me.
Well Scotland will be out of the U.K. that's for sure. Hope Johnson becomes PM if only to watch him turn into the worst PM in history.
It's a bit of a stretch - but imagine if another major European City decided to make a push to become the "new" financial centre of Europe, and it took off... we'd be royally butt-fecked.

Like I said, it's a stretch, but stranger things have happened... look at this referendum for a start!

Without Britain and it's lobbying for big finance and wall street, we surely will see more financial regulation. It is something which could even make the EU look good in the eyes of the people now, because most have wanted this for a long time. This would mean the UK (or probably just Britain at this point) would lose a major advantage to international finance. You will still need a headquarter inside of the EU and it can't be London anymore. Frankfurt just waited for this, they talked about this for weeks. Probably the only ones in Germany welcoming a Brexit.
He was the candidate you liked but anyone with any sense knew he was unelectable and a disaster for the Labour party.

In political terms he was the worst candidate. Labour now becomes irrelevant and nothing more than the UK's middle class student party whilst UKIP becomes the voice of the working class. There is a very very real chance of that happening if it hasn't already.
I've posted this before but UKIP has just given the working class a single political voice.

As for Corbyn he was clearly the best in the leadership race, who would you rather had won ?

Liz Kendall - She seems like a nice person and all but any sort of political core/beliefs. I couldn't tell you what Liz Kendall stood for or what a UK would look like with a prime minster Kendall and sadly Liz Kendall couldn't tell you either.

Yvette Cooper - ''We shouldn't just talk about the trains,planes and the boy toys'' no need to say anything else.

Andy Burham - The Ed Miliband before there was a Ed Miliband

Corbyn at the very least showed an alternative, a different view point and narrative to mainstream British politics, yes he was was the best of some what bad bunch and is this viewpoint unelectable mostly likely but I can't blame people for voting for it.
Yep and they're mostly amazing employees and fair people. I'm working with several of them on a frequent basis and they're great folks.

The outburst on possibility of having about 10,000 Syrian immigrants who would not stay here long anyway was embarrassing.

At no point I implicated they aren't though, have I? Being a student myself it's quite hard not to come across Ukrainian students and I'm studying with them and they are my friends. It's just fecking annoying that this problem gets overlooked in order to try to prove a vain point that we're this or that because we don't want to accept immigrants, while we already are.

As for the 10k you're referring to, the number was never stable, there were plenty of different numbers thrown around and it would probably never stop on just one 'wave' of the immigration as it never does.
Coz this woz covered more than the.rigged election that's why ppl thought it but nope no way round this and yes we are out out out

^ the people that had a major influence on why we're here.
Well now that the brits can't enter the EU to work.... someone will profit from the outflux of British workforce.

And there'll be hell to pay, the rights to negotiate for your own deal doesn't mean you can play hardball, England might not need france or germany, but she sure needs the whole EU to sustain her economy.
Hey Scotland and NI, declare independence and join the EU. Free French wine and Belgian fries for everyone!

Absolutely baffled by the outcome of this.
You do realize that immigration from EU countries is something that gets solved by living EU, not immigration from Syria or Ukraine?

EU doesn't force any country to accept refuges from non EU countries. Sure, Germany wanted to play the nice state this time (maybe as a way of having the legacy as giving to the world this century) and pushed other countries to do the same, but they didn't force it. And in the end, Poland didn't receive any Middle Eastern refugee.

So, EU countries have the individual power of stopping any immigration from outside of EU countries, which in most countries, dwarfs the immigration from EU countries.

I wouldn't bother, his attitude shows he doesn't want to listen.

The EU enforces freedom of movement for EU citizens only and as you say, Germany & Sweden did everything they could to help the Syrian refugees, taking hundreds of thousands, the UK on the other hand took 9,400 :lol:
You again fail to recognise that EU won't last for much longer. It's a domino effect hopefully that will now take place.
Why is that a good thing? What do you want in its place? Just go back to the 19th century?
At no point I implicated they aren't though, have I? Being a student myself it's quite hard not to come across Ukrainian students and I'm studying with them and they are my friends. It's just fecking annoying that this problem gets overlooked in order to try to prove a vain point that we're this or that because we don't want to accept immigrants, while we already are.

As for the 10k you're referring to, the number was never stable, there were plenty of different numbers thrown around and it would probably never stop on just one 'wave' of the immigration as it never does.

But this is not really a problem and it does not get overlooked. Everybody knows they are coming here and there is no issue with that because they are not taking our jobs (mostly) and they are not causing any trouble. It's been a thing for over a decade already, even pre-war, people from Ukraine and Belarus have come here often because we're a better market for them.

None of these 'waves of immigration' would stay here in large numbers though. They needed Poland to get to Europe, that's all. Besides, again, we're talking several thousand people in a 38 million country and nobody would ever force anyone to give them jobs and our social care is not enough to support them without jobs anyways. The entire concept that they'd cause trouble, rape our women and kill our children (which was literally the thing people accused them of during protests) was extremely embarrassing. You can point at cultural differences being an obstacle without accusing people of something they are not. But I don't think this belongs in the above conversation.
I find it strange that there are people in countries like Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic who actually believe that they would benefit from leaving European Union. That's truly bonkers.

The Korwin Mikke movement in Poland is terrible. People literally believe we'd have 20% economic growth if we just opened a free market completely (including legalizing all drugs) and left EU, because Korwin Mikke told them so.

This is Korwin Mikke:


People usually grow out of it by the age of 20. Some don't.
I find it strange that there are people in countries like Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic who actually believe that they would benefit from leaving European Union. That's truly bonkers.
Sense vs national feelings. National feelings have been winning this war for a long time.

It doesn't surprise me at all. Most of the people are idiots.
Why is that a good thing? What do you want in its place? Just go back to the 19th century?

The most advanced cooperation of nations in the World, and a beautiful free movement ideal that has allowed people like me to live in France, UK, Norway & Sweden.

How on Earth is the fall of the EU a thing to celebrate? :(
I find it strange that there are people in countries like Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic who actually believe that they would benefit from leaving European Union. That's truly bonkers.

The Korwin Mikke movement in Poland is terrible. People literally believe we'd have 20% economic growth if we just opened a free market completely (including legalizing all drugs) and left EU, because Korwin Mikke told them so.

This is Korwin Mikke:


People usually grow out of it by the age of 20. Some don't.
Wait, people really think they'd benefit in Poland? Not to sound ignorant but surely given the vast amount of Polish who immigrate to the wealthier EU countries, it would be a disaster if you guys left, no? Or is it seen that without the option to emigrate that it would mean a greater workforce there to proceed forward?