Paul Pogba | Undergoing Medical | Helping out the Laundry Ladies

Do you want Pogba for £100 million?

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Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
Yeah all fair points, but we've tried to sign him and he doesn't seem that bothered, otherwise he'd have flown home already. Why not move on?
Exactly. He has been on holiday for nearly 3 weeks now, cutting that short by a day or 2 when we are spending £100mil should be a given.

He obviously won't play in the Charity Shield, but surely you would want him in and around the squad, possibly taking part in some light training over the weekend. Getting ready for a full week before the season starts.

This week is already flying by, and still no official word, I do genuinely expect we should hear something by Friday.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014

two kids from a Youtube startup that follows italian football found pogba in NYC. They asked him to sign a ball, asked him about staying and about winning CL, he just said yes to everything they said when signing the ball. HE was just being diplomatic and didn't want to hang around. Even one of the presenters said he believe pogba was just being diplomatic.
So 2 kids went to get their balls signed. Got themselves, the biggest muppet news of the day. Bollocks!!!


Full Member
May 26, 2010
I remember the Spanish media cornering Neymar on his travels and asked him if he was interested in a move to City.
He answered the very same way just to get out of there. A few weeks later he admitted he hates City more than he hates Madrid.
So yeah....


Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
Your tagline :lol:

friday might not be the day either with the Olympics kicking off (if we go by the 'want pogba to have all the limelight' theory). With the testimonial being today I can see why some journos and La Stampa have guessed thursday.
But there is always going to be something!

We should be more worried about getting him in and around the squad rather than the exposure. Needs to be done by Friday for my money.

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
I had a go at @Randall Flagg for saying something similar but am coming round to the idea he could maybe do a bit more to make this happen. Or at the very least, do a bit more to make sure he's ready for a season that starts much sooner than Serie A.
There are a few alarm bells over the whole thing

But Im hoping it wont matter once he knuckles down.

But I wouldnt be shocked if its another Di Maria situation, and after one year he could be on the move again


Nostrodamus of football
Jan 8, 2002
I remember the Spanish media cornering Neymar on his travels and asked him if he was interested in a move to City.
He answered the very same way just to get out of there. A few weeks later he admitted he hates City more than he hates Madrid.
So yeah....
Why would a lad from Brazil hate City?

Luke Parker

Full Member
Feb 17, 2015
I think the main issue for the impatient one's (like me) is that the journo's with actual links to the deal (Di Marzio et al) released stuff such a long time ago. So much so that it is not even deemed newsworthy by a number of media outlets at the moment. Yet there's still no official announcement.

Agreed that all the evidence points to him ending up in red come the start of the season but some (again like me) can't rest easy until it's all over/signed/announced. Hence why now so many people are saying this whole thing has gotten so tedious and boring. We're talking about the same things over and over again.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
I can't watch video, does he actually say "I am staying at Juve" in a convincing tone?
No, one of the guys says to him "Paul are you going to stay" and he says "yeah, yeah" then the other guy says somethng like "Are you going to win the CL" and Pogba says "Yeah" again.

Sounds to me like he was just trying to get them out the way without being too rude to them. He could see they're Juventus fans, he's hardly going to say he's leaving.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2013
I have to confess I don't watch a lot of European football, although I'd have been delighted to sign Kante (for a third of the price) and Matic would be a great buy as well.

I'm not saying Pogba's a bad player, that's clearly not the case. I just think that with a budget of £100m there must be some alternatives.
The idea that we can buy a different player for the amount we will (hopefully) pay for Pogba came up about 20 times. Each time people give examples of totally different players to Pogba.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
Paul Pogba has his head down, focused on the ball that is autographing, or maybe thinking about who knows what. You just got out of a car, probably after shopping in New York, where is on vacation, and one fan stops him asking, among other things, if they remain at Juve and his response was terse: "Yeah." Yes, in English, he is not particularly persuaded to tell the truth. Paul gives the impression of not listening too closely the fans.
THE SITUATION - The video, released by Italian Football TV, has already been around the world, but the reality is that it does not change too much the state of things: there is no evidence that Pogba has changed his mind, or Juve, that over 100 million of its sale has them already largely reinvested paying the buy-out clause for Gonzalo Higuain. At the end of the holidays it is very likely that Pogba face real medical examinations, but not at Vinovo. Mourinho awaits him at Manchester United.

Seriously, feck the english press. Even GdS doesn't buy into this BULLSHIT.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Why would a lad from Brazil hate City?
For what they represent I suppose.
He was asked if he would like City to win the CL since Barca were eliminated and said he would rather Madrid won it over City.
From a Barca player no less.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2016
I don't mean to sound like a dick, but how much of Pogba have you actually seen? He's nothing like Kante, and he's certainly not even anything similar to Matic. Those two are different players in a different part of the pitch doing a totally different job. You're in for a big surprise of what Pogba is about when he joins.
I'm expecting him to be like Lee Carsley mate. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Everyone questioning why he is still on holiday, it's the same for every France player from what I can tell. Giroud, Griezmann, Lloris etc. have yet to figure in preseason. There's a reason why every club thinks these players need the same amount of rest. Him cutting his holiday short would accomplish nothing.


New Member
Jul 13, 2007
Lou's Fish & Chips
Jose's first presser:
We will get the 4th before the 31st August, then we shall breath.....

As much as I'm bored with this.... I think then he knew it would take time....


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Jul 31, 2015
Mourinho said he wanted quick transfers and now we've had probably the longest transfer saga the world has ever seen. Why can't United ever just get deals done with minimal fuss? The amount of time it's taking coupled with the fact that he's unlikely to be fit for the first portion of the season has killed all the excitement for me.
I hope there is some sort of conclusion soon because it's so boring.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
Everyone questioning why he is still on holiday, it's the same for every France player from what I can tell. Giroud, Griezmann, Lloris etc. have yet to figure in preseason. There's a reason why every club thinks these players need the same amount of rest. Him cutting his holiday short would accomplish nothing.
He is supposedly due back in training on the 7th, there is no reason for him not to fly to Manchester and get all this done by Friday 5th.

Surely he would want time to settle, be around the squad for the Charity Shield, the longer this goes on silent the more it starts to ring alarm bells.


That's a hot jacket, man
Dec 4, 2013
Why is this still not done yet? If it really was that close weeks ago he would be a united player now. We signed other players too. I know those really big moves need more time, but seriously this reminds me so much of Vidal. It was also Juve back then, we had a record breaking thread, the player gave some speculative interviews, that a move can happen, but he never looked like he would push for a move. We also waited all for him to came back from holiday back then and expected something to happen, but it never did despite tons of rumours saying it was close and done etc..., every day was the day where it could be done and announced but it never happened either.
In the end he stayed and joined Bayern the year after, can see the same here but with Barca/Real.
If it isn't done after he is back from holiday I hope we forget him and move on abd don't make the same mistakes again.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
I kind of get the Rooney testimonial thing, but if we don't hear anything by Friday I would be worried.

And no, I couldn't give a feck if he is on holiday, we should be getting this done.
if we don't get him at this point we would end up looking silly


Full Member
Aug 26, 2014
A mate of mine has a good friend who works at United, and he's saying Raiola's fee is still not agreed despite what the papers say. Everything else is done. At least as of a couple of days ago.

It's a 'dads friends dogs uncle said' kind of story I grant you, but better than what most of these journos get.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
What is the reason for the delay?

He's still on holidays
Not wanting to PR bomb Rooney's testimonial
Contract not complete
Having second thoughts
Had head turned by Madrid
Staying at Juve

Have I missed something? Silence is rarely good news so something must be up.


Full Member
Nov 22, 2012
Mourinho said he wanted quick transfers and now we've had probably the longest transfer saga the world has ever seen. Why can't United ever just get deals done with minimal fuss? The amount of time it's taking coupled with the fact that he's unlikely to be fit for the first portion of the season has killed all the excitement for me.
I hope there is some sort of conclusion soon because it's so boring.
It's been 3 weeks since the end of the euros... this doesn't even get in to the top hundred long transfer sagas. For example City only just signed Sane yesterday, despite that they'd supposedly agreed a deal for him back at the beginning of the Euro's and they still haven't signed Stones despite being reported to be negotiating since about the same length as that.

El Zoido

Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
I think the fact it's gone quiet is because it's done. It was settled when we saw Raiola in Florida with him. Now we're just letting him finish his holiday in his own time. No need to panic.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2008
Antwerp, Belgium
Mourinho said he wanted quick transfers and now we've had probably the longest transfer saga the world has ever seen. Why can't United ever just get deals done with minimal fuss? The amount of time it's taking coupled with the fact that he's unlikely to be fit for the first portion of the season has killed all the excitement for me.
I hope there is some sort of conclusion soon because it's so boring.
We've had worse. Berbatov was an excruciating saga going all the way to deadline day. This will be pretty much finished within a week.

Mark McMaw

Full Member
May 19, 2014
Mourinho said he wanted quick transfers and now we've had probably the longest transfer saga the world has ever seen. Why can't United ever just get deals done with minimal fuss? The amount of time it's taking coupled with the fact that he's unlikely to be fit for the first portion of the season has killed all the excitement for me.
I hope there is some sort of conclusion soon because it's so boring.
The bale saga blows this one out of the water it went on for about 2 months and relax Jose came out and said were relaxed so chill it's done Pogba just needs to finish his holiday then he'll fly to Manchester.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2016
Maybe they weren't given as much time of as Pogba? Buffon only came back to training for Juventus about 4 days ago and Italy only made it to the quarter finals.

These players who are back in training, did they play as many minutes as Pogba?

Don't be using Martial and Morgan as examples, Martial played 60 minutes, Morgan played 0.
Evra was given a similar time off to Pogba


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
Mourinho said he wanted quick transfers and now we've had probably the longest transfer saga the world has ever seen. Why can't United ever just get deals done with minimal fuss? The amount of time it's taking coupled with the fact that he's unlikely to be fit for the first portion of the season has killed all the excitement for me.
I hope there is some sort of conclusion soon because it's so boring.
Exaggerating much ? It won't take him long to be fully fit, between 2-3 weeks.