AFTV/AM '17/'18: A New Hope

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They can't offer him 200k a week, which is what we or PSG would offer him. Not sure about the Bayern/Chelsea flexibility but I can see Abramovic pushing the boat out for him more than Gazidi's currently are.

They recently said they can't afford mammoth bids for example, whereas Chelsea apparently offered a sizeable sum for Pogba a year ago.
Transfer fees and wages are two different things. He's saying that if they and Chelsea are after the same player then they can't outbid Chelsea which is true. Sánchez is already an Arsenal player, they can easily give him 200k per week. Their revenue is quite high and healthy. This is the club that has outbid other clubs for teenagers in the past, giving players such as Ramsey and Walcott high wages.

The thing is however that Arsenal won't really offer him that much when they can which is going to be frustrating for a player that knows he can easily get it and knows that in today's market he's worth it.
I think Giroud backing to XI starting will cost Arsenal another useless season. Should be more patient with Sanchez as striker
Transfer fees and wages are two different things. He's saying that if they and Chelsea are after the same player then they can't outbid Chelsea which is true. Sánchez is already an Arsenal player, they can easily give him 200k per week. Their revenue is quite high and healthy. This is the club that has outbid other clubs for teenagers in the past, giving players such as Ramsey and Walcott high wages.

The thing is however that Arsenal won't really offer him that much when they can which is going to be frustrating for a player that knows he can easily get it and knows that in today's market he's worth it.

I agree I used willingness and ability interchangeably in that post.

But you get what I mean, Chelsea or PSG or even we would push the boat for him whereas Wenger can't because Gazidis won't.
2016: Arsenal had 42 points from 20 games. Top by two points.

2017: Arsenal have 41 points from 20 games. Fifth.
Guess Ty has proven it's not just Liverpool fans who have tendency to live off the past.
Ty, a 46 year old man arguing with kids :lol:

I've seen that Ty guy before and thought he was like 15 or something when he said I'm 46 I nearly choked on my breakfast. That is astonishing. I've not laughed so hard in such a long time burst. Especially that second video.
I've seen that Ty guy before and thought he was like 15 or something when he said I'm 46 I nearly choked on my breakfast. That is astonishing. I've not laughed so hard in such a long time burst. Especially that second video.
There's a video from 2004/5 just before United ended their unbeaten run. He was saying that United had no chance and that Arsenal would make it 50 unbeaten.

Strangely enough he didn't look any different back then compared to how he looks now.
There's a video from 2004/5 just before United ended their unbeaten run. He was saying that United had no chance and that Arsenal would make it 50 unbeaten.

Strangely enough he didn't look any different back then compared to how he looks now.

Looked exactly the same, I honestly thought he was about 30. Shocked at him being 46.
The state of that. A 46 year old man dressed like the Arsenal store cargo van unloaded everything they had on him.
Ty, a 46 year old man arguing with kids :lol:

Second video 8 seconds in, that little kid walks through the melee, looks up at the adults pointing and chanting at each other and is clearly thinking "look at these fecking idiots"

What the hell is Ty even doing there? And did Claude just pop along as well as simply to piss him off?

I think it's before the Watford game at the start of the season, because I see Troopz (Aka Blud Fam) in the background too. It's also summer time.
Sometimes I check around on other forums such as redandwhitekop, arsenalmania and theshedend... I have to say that the only ones that seem to be able to be objective and not just say "worst United-team for 10/20/100 years" is the Chelsea fans. Of course the Liverpool forum is by far the worst, 1 out of 100 is able to have some sort of objectivity, arsenalmania is not that far behind which surprised me... the delusion must've spread. Contageous and airborne perhaps?

In my previous job I worked with a Chelsea fan and I had to ask him if it really was like that in England... and he laughed and said that the Liverpool-fans are in a class of their own with their delusion.
Ty is 46 years old? And dressed like that :lol:
Suspect he has some level of autism or something.
I agree I used willingness and ability interchangeably in that post.

But you get what I mean, Chelsea or PSG or even we would push the boat for him whereas Wenger can't because Gazidis won't.
True. That's the big difference.
Ozil's ready to re-sign if Wenger is?

On the Giroud celebrations - I think far too much has been read into them. I remember him scoring against Bayern and doing exactly what people here wanted him to do against Bournemouth. Whether the celebrations were a mistake or not they don't really say much about the nature of Giroud or Arsenal.
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Ozil was always more likely than Sanchez to re-sign. I can't see any top club breaking the bank for him. I can for Alexis.
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