Has political correctness actually gone mad?

Holding similar views is sharing similar views, views on non binaries and views on people like Jessica Yaniv etc. Sorry I didn't think I had to list each one.
I just pointed out that you made two very different claims with regard to the similarity between your's and White's views.

I suppose being all inclusive you fully support the transgender individual that Blaire is talking about here? Well I guess you must do because you couldn't possibly share similar views with Blaire right?
I have no objection to calling out individuals who cause harm to the community by acting like morons. I have simply objected to condemning a whole group, and especially doing so through spreading disgusting falsehoods.

Also, you seem to be taking this personally, I forgot to ask you your pronouns didn't I? Is that it? Lemme guess, are they 'snow/flake'?
Nothing personal, it doesn't affect me. I'm just equipped with the ability to empathise, and basic human decency, so I try not to shy away from calling out bigotry.

Oh enlighten me on your LGBQT credentials oh wise one. And try to do it without shouting bigot! It's tiresome.
So that you can question and mock my experiences? Nah, I'm good. You see, I have very little faith that you won't trivialise and belittle me for it.
So that you can question and mock my experiences? Nah, I'm good. You see, I have very little faith that you won't trivialise and belittle me for it.

Fair enough, now I just feel bad so I'll leave it, contrary to popular belief I don't think anyone should be belittled but also nothing immune from sceptism. I fight for survival and am militant with it and see the damage done by fetishists who damage all including people they claim to represent but I see how it can be construed. I apologise for causing any offense.
To be honest I don't trust your account of things but subconscious racism is a massive issue in recruitment.

That's fine, you wouldn't know either way ultimately.

And the message isn't wrong, it's how its presented that smacks of political correctness.
Fair enough, now I just feel bad so I'll leave it, contrary to popular belief I don't think anyone should be belittled but also nothing immune from sceptism. I fight for survival and am militant with it and see the damage done by fetishists who damage all including people they claim to represent but I see how it can be construed. I apologise for causing any offense.

You've used this term a lot, could you sometimes be jumping to conclusions about their reasoning? I presume its an odd and confusing transition and some parts of life take a while to figure out how to navigate? I have no idea how to react to the 6 year old personally.
I agree with Vato incidentally. Theres usually a few people to jump into attack mode with an out of place sentence. Often enough for good reason tbf but its probably unnecessary. Give them enough rope to hang themselves.
That pic is fecked.
Please correct me if I'm wrong in summarising the last few pages:

Trans person [rudie] is railing against self determination and self identity, decrying the fetish community as 'dark and twisted and not genuine' and a disgusting problem to trans people and rights. (And I see only using imagery of men doing this when they know full well it's both genders fetishising such stuff)

Basically abusing a subset of their own community, that they don't approve of, because their personal feelings can't handle it.

The rest of people, are putting up with it. Because well, a trans person knows better.

My question: Why should anybody be more tolerant to one group than another? If somebody wants to dress up as a dog because it suits their identity then so fecking be it; why should they get abuse from intolerant swine? Live and let live.

Why should a doctor define being gay or trans any more valid than being into S&M or dressing up as a dog or koala bear or dolphin? As a CIS white male, I see no reason to be less tolerant to a girl dressed as a pony, than to a trans person.
Basically abusing a subset...

I see no reason to be less tolerant to a girl dressed as a pony, than to a trans person.

Wow, so much wrong in one post from someone trying to sound inclusive.

:lol: Lost your whole argument there, anyone dressed up as anything isn't trans or a subset and neither is S&M. Sorry but you've just shown how ignorant you are :wenger:

And I've never said that having a fetish is bad, saying you're transgender because of your fetish or your fetish makes you transgender however is wrong and damages an entire community.
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Wow, so much wrong in one post from someone trying to sound inclusive.

:lol::lol: Lost your whole argument there, a girl dressed isn't trans or a subset and neither is S&M. Sorry but you've just shown how bigoted you are :wenger:

And I've never said that having a fetish is bad, saying you're transgender because of your fetish or your fetish makes you transgender however is.

If they want to be included in a community as you identify with that community, and are told 'sorry you can't be because you don't qualify as I don't recognise your feelings as valid' - surely that's literally the definition of being exclusive, simply because you don't approve of their self identity?

And yes you have; the last few pages you've been ridiculing them.

ps. You need to look up the definition of bigoted. The only group I'm outwardly hostile to is pattern day traders on commodities. Yet I still accept they want to be defined as serious folk, even if they are clowns dressed up as them.
If they want to be included in a community as you identify with that community, and are told 'sorry you can't be because you don't qualify as I don't recognise your feelings as valid' - surely that's literally the definition of being exclusive, simply because you don't approve of their self identity?

And yes you have; the last few pages you've been ridiculing them.

ps. You need to look up the definition of bigoted. The only group I'm outwardly hostile to is pattern day traders on commodities. Yet I still accept they want to be defined as serious folk, even if they are clowns dressed up as them.

Are you serious right now? Because I'm not sure if you are...
So that you can question and mock my experiences? Nah, I'm good. You see, I have very little faith that you won't trivialise and belittle me for it.

To be blunt, you've come off that way in this thread as well. I think its time for you to just take a step back and let things sit instead of continuing. You've made your point, no need to pound it into the ground.

And @Rudie please don't use that snowflake buzzword anymore. It never helps and isn't funny either.
Wow, so much wrong in one post from someone trying to sound inclusive.

:lol::lol: Lost your whole argument there, a girl dressed isn't trans or a subset and neither is S&M. Sorry but you've just shown how bigoted you are :wenger:
I'm going to regret getting involved in this but how can that be a bigoted position? Bigotry requires intolerance which is the precise opposite of the poster's point. You may disagree with the argument made, or the language used, but it is clearly not a bigoted position by definition of the word.
I'm going to regret getting involved in this but how can that be a bigoted position? Bigotry requires intolerance which is the precise opposite of the poster's point. You may disagree with the argument made, or the language used, but it is clearly not a bigoted position by definition of the word.

Lacking a basic understanding of the definition of transgender, believing that being transgender is akin to dressing up, believing that fetishism is a subset, need I go on?
I'm going to regret getting involved in this but how can that be a bigoted position? Bigotry requires intolerance which is the precise opposite of the poster's point. You may disagree with the argument made, or the language used, but it is clearly not a bigoted position by definition of the word.

Crazy thing is this - for years [and still] the Gay community heavily discriminated against the trans community, calling it sick and perverted and not 'real' LGB etc etc. Almost using the exact language and imagery that Rudie is now using. Now the trans community is doing the same thing to others. Heavily belittling others with every word. Literally the kind of bile that causes suicides.

It's also people like this that cause the average Joe to start discriminating more too, simply due to the pure hypocrisy and craziness.

I feel so lucky that I'm a straight guy, but at university we had a trans guy who ended up killing himself due to similar abuse. Under and Post grad at Cambridge, smashing the honours, yet not accepted by his own community, parents, or anybody else. Having to take refuge in the History department in a different college because a group of trans people had decided he wasn't 'proper.' Then the ultimate humiliation at the funeral, the parents insisting the tombstone had the name Emily. I'm sure there are loads of similar stories around the world.

Gonna not get involved further either - people like this make my blood boil.
Lacking a basic understanding of the definition of transgender, believing that being transgender is akin to dressing up, believing that fetishism is a subset, need I go on?
You need not go on, no. You're suggesting the poster is ignorant. That is not the same as bigoted.
Fair enough, now I just feel bad so I'll leave it, contrary to popular belief I don't think anyone should be belittled but also nothing immune from sceptism. I fight for survival and am militant with it and see the damage done by fetishists who damage all including people they claim to represent but I see how it can be construed. I apologise for causing any offense.
No worries, things got heated and I haven't exactly acted civilised, and I apologise for that. We know what we disagree on, and there's no point in us going over it anymore.

And, for what it's worth, I'm aware of the issues facing the trans community, and I'm fully behind you there. I'm aware of the damage trap and sissy fetishism has done to the perception of transwomen, how laws meant to protect you have been abused by weirdos, resulting in backlash against trans rights. Natalie Wynn talked about (and I believe you touched upon it as well) how cis people, attempting to be accommodating and inclusive, start sharing pronouns when she is the only trans person present (because they don't understand that there's a difference between binary and non-binary transgender), making it feel like her identity isn't valid. I can only try to imagine how hard that must be.
To be blunt, you've come off that way in this thread as well. I think its time for you to just take a step back and let things sit instead of continuing. You've made your point, no need to pound it into the ground.
You're entirely correct, of course. I'd say that I've been feeling under the weather and been in a shit mood, but that's just all the more reason not to go on the internet and act like a petty dick.
No worries, things got heated and I haven't exactly acted civilised, and I apologise for that. We know what we disagree on, and there's no point in us going over it anymore.

And, for what it's worth, I'm aware of the issues facing the trans community, and I'm fully behind you there. I'm aware of the damage trap and sissy fetishism has done to the perception of transwomen, how laws meant to protect you have been abused by weirdos, resulting in backlash against trans rights. Natalie Wynn talked about (and I believe you touched upon it as well) how cis people, attempting to be accommodating and inclusive, start sharing pronouns when she is the only trans person present (because they don't understand that there's a difference between binary and non-binary transgender), making it feel like her identity isn't valid. I can only try to imagine how hard that must be.

You're entirely correct, of course. I'd say that I've been feeling under the weather and been in a shit mood, but that's just all the more reason not to go on the internet and act like a petty dick.

I'd love to have an intelligent conversation about non binary identities, as a transsexual (urgh that term is as old fashioned as transvestite, crossdresser etc) I feel an overwhelming sense to have an identity, I think there's a conflict then with non binary individuals who don't want to conform to any or many identities. The two simply aren't compatible or comparable and it's a growing source of discourse within the trans community. Telling a "transsexual" that their natural instinct is just a social construct is hugely damaging, could you imagine telling a gay person that they're only gay because society made them that way?

Even Mermaids admit that "gender" is just another word for "personality" in their tweet below, imagine 8 billion toilets! Or an 8 billion strong pride parade - wouldn't that defeat the object? How about if every crime ever was classed as a "hate crime" because everyone falls under the transgender umbrella? Again, doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a definition for a hate crime?

I do think that transgender kids who need to find their sense of identity in order to seek medical intervention will suffer greatly from the confused definitions, waiting lists are already crazily stupid, when you're told there's an 8 billion long waiting list it becomes self defeating. As someone who has been through that process understanding my identity and getting medical intervention saved my life. Non binary is just as much, if not more, of a social construct as the binary genders. From a very young age Children will know the difference between boys and girls and some will feel an affinity with the opposite. They will not feel like a demi boy polymorphic lesbian.

Also, freedom of self expression has always been there, look at the 80s, this was then eradicated by the lad mag 90s. But it was there and people didn't have a need to label it. In fact, where do goths fit in with all of this? A culture that fits so perfectly into the non binary spectrum yet don't feel the need to use specific pronouns yet are just as valid.

In fact, suicide rates amongst men are the highest of any gender, maybe redefining what it means to be male and cutting out the macho bullshit may start to address this - Why not just stretch the binaries of what it means to be male/female rather than inventing new genders. There's nothing wrong with men wearing makeup, there's nothing wrong with tom boys and girls, new terms will replace the old colloquial ones which had negative connotations and I believe that's what has happened with transgender, a word everyone is fighting for.

Truly am interested in hearing your side without transplaining, I think we're beyond that as a discussion now.

Hope you're feeling less under the weather soon too.
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Crazy thing is this - for years [and still] the Gay community heavily discriminated against the trans community, calling it sick and perverted and not 'real' LGB etc etc. Almost using the exact language and imagery that Rudie is now using. Now the trans community is doing the same thing to others. Heavily belittling others with every word. Literally the kind of bile that causes suicides.

It's also people like this that cause the average Joe to start discriminating more too, simply due to the pure hypocrisy and craziness.

I feel so lucky that I'm a straight guy, but at university we had a trans guy who ended up killing himself due to similar abuse. Under and Post grad at Cambridge, smashing the honours, yet not accepted by his own community, parents, or anybody else. Having to take refuge in the History department in a different college because a group of trans people had decided he wasn't 'proper.' Then the ultimate humiliation at the funeral, the parents insisting the tombstone had the name Emily. I'm sure there are loads of similar stories around the world.

Gonna not get involved further either - people like this make my blood boil.

Jesus Christ, that’s awful. What a waste.
Almost using the exact language and imagery that Rudie is now using.

What are you trying to imply here? You don't know me or what I stand for. It seems like a clique caused misery for your friend, not because they were "real trans" (and I think you mean transsexuals here) but because they were cnuts.

Trans youngsters deserve better in life, I fight for that and am quite the advocate and have influenced positive changes in perception. Your open assessment that you believe the fetish community is a subset of transgender is laughable and ignorant, perhaps that had a part to play in your friend feeling the way he did? (see we can both go there) and the exact mindset and perception I'm against - being transsexual is not a social construct, it's as natural as being gay, gender is a social construct and challenging gender stereotypes is fine but neither are anything like one and other yet the problem lies because they all fall under the transgender (a word with less stigma attached than say transsexual or transvestite) umbrella.

My assessment is that transgender youngsters need to find their identities, such as your friend, in order to seek medical intervention. They won't find that in a sea of non conforming identities and it could prove harmful for them.

Oh, and most trans people won't find validation from other trans people, they'll find it from society being accepting and they themselves being able to live in their identified gender. For your friend this would have been having a strong male influenced group of friends, perhaps he felt shunned not having this?
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Still love this thread, @Pogue Mahone got aware of this quite early and thanks to it so did I at the time. Now it's mainstream everywhere.

I bumped this because of the Bernardo Silva discussion. It's two sides of the same coin. This "PR gone mad" was borne out of people joining established "causes" but without the wits to understand the small nuances, and hence having disproportionate stances, which lead to perverse results.

Then, predictably, we get it from the other side. People who don't understand what "PR gone mad" is, are using it to justify every wrong stance, because although they failed to grasp the thing, thought it was borne out of people with the same ideas as themselves.

I see no solution to this, it's a new and modern division between people.
Still love this thread, @Pogue Mahone got aware of this quite early and thanks to it so did I at the time. Now it's mainstream everywhere.

I bumped this because of the Bernardo Silva discussion. It's two sides of the same coin. This "PR gone mad" was borne out of people joining established "causes" but without the wits to understand the small nuances, and hence having disproportionate stances, which lead to perverse results.

Then, predictably, we get it from the other side. People who don't understand what "PR gone mad" is, are using it to justify every wrong stance, because although they failed to grasp the thing, thought it was borne out of people with the same ideas as themselves.

I see no solution to this, it's a new and modern division between people.

Cheers. Glad the fecking endless hours I spend on here aren’t completely wasted!

By the way, the latest Bill Burr special on Netflix deals with a lot of the stuff in this thread absolutely brilliantly (IMO). A lot less self righteous than someone like Ricky Gervais and so much funnier as a result. Plus he’s just a much funnier (and nicer) person.

Here’s a review.
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Still love this thread, @Pogue Mahone got aware of this quite early and thanks to it so did I at the time. Now it's mainstream everywhere.

I bumped this because of the Bernardo Silva discussion. It's two sides of the same coin. This "PR gone mad" was borne out of people joining established "causes" but without the wits to understand the small nuances, and hence having disproportionate stances, which lead to perverse results.

Then, predictably, we get it from the other side. People who don't understand what "PR gone mad" is, are using it to justify every wrong stance, because although they failed to grasp the thing, thought it was borne out of people with the same ideas as themselves.

I see no solution to this, it's a new and modern division between people.
PR gone mad:confused:
PR gone mad:confused:

I was a revisor (what's the name of the dude that reviews sheets before printing???) in a newspaper in the past. I ate reporters like you for breakfast. Shoo :lol:

I was a revisor (what's the name of the dude that reviews sheets before printing???) in a newspaper in the past. I ate reporters like you for breakfast. Shoo :lol:
I'm also an editor!
I thought you mostly just got drunk with contacts to extract rumours?
Yep back in the day. Sadly over the last year my internal organs have told me in no uncertain terms that I can't do that anymore.
It's a young person's game. I'm out to pasture now.
I'm also an editor!

I wasn't an editor, I just spell-checked (and fact-checked out of my own volition, despite not being hired for that). Most printed publications in Portugal have a person specifically hired for that. I was unsure of the name of the job in English.
I wasn't an editor, I just spell-checked (and fact-checked out of my own volition, despite not being hired for that). Most printed publications in Portugal have a person specifically hired for that. I was unsure of the name of the job in English.
Sounds like a sub-editor tbh.
Dutch government is looking to ban gender specific toys. While I understand the reasoning behind gender neutral toys, surely we can also still keep the option to buy our little boy stuff that's associated with boys (I wanted to type boy toys, but that's weird) if I promise not to send him to bed without supper if he asks for a barbie doll.

We should force our children in to gender stereotypes, but if your daughter actually likes playing with a little toy iron and cooking furnace that's okay too. Stay at home moms are almost frowned upon in modern society and that's fecking rubbish. My wife would never ever EVER want to be a stay at home mom, but the wife of one of my friends is, and she loves it. Stop forcing this stuff.
I guess it depends what a gender specific toy means. If it means banning that, "for boys 5 and over" type wording from the packaging of board games etc, then yes, I'm in favour.

If it means banning toys/fancy dress etc traditionally associated with a gender - then no. Personally I preferred a meccano set and a football, to an iron and a doll's house - and that didn't rattle my parents - that doesn't mean I would want to see tiaras and toy cookers banned though. Anyone who can pull off wearing a tiara is welcome to do so.
I guess it depends what a gender specific toy means. If it means banning that, "for boys 5 and over" type wording from the packaging of board games etc, then yes, I'm in favour.

If it means banning toys/fancy dress etc traditionally associated with a gender - then no. Personally I preferred a meccano set and a football, to an iron and a doll's house - and that didn't rattle my parents - that doesn't mean I would want to see tiaras and toy cookers banned though. Anyone who can pull off wearing a tiara is welcome to do so.

Cool, a sensible post. So called gender specific toys shouldn't be banned, they should just stop being seen as gender specific, it's simple really. My daughter played with my sons toys all the time when she was younger.
I guess it depends what a gender specific toy means. If it means banning that, "for boys 5 and over" type wording from the packaging of board games etc, then yes, I'm in favour.

If it means banning toys/fancy dress etc traditionally associated with a gender - then no. Personally I preferred a meccano set and a football, to an iron and a doll's house - and that didn't rattle my parents - that doesn't mean I would want to see tiaras and cowboy hats banned though. Anyone who can pull off wearing a tiara is welcome to do so.
Yeah, putting " for boys" on things is a bit obsolete I agree, but this is going a bit further than that as I read it. @Volumiza has the right of it. Don't ban stuff, just make it acceptable to everyone.

It's the same with banning seperate sections for boy and girl clothes. It's inconvenient as feck for parents and who cares that girl and boys dress a bit differently. They don't have to of course, I'm fine with them putting up extremely specific signs in stores, I just don't want to have to sift through 200 square meters of store to find him a Thomas the fecking Tank Engine cap.
Dutch government is looking to ban gender specific toys. While I understand the reasoning behind gender neutral toys, surely we can also still keep the option to buy our little boy stuff that's associated with boys (I wanted to type boy toys, but that's weird) if I promise not to send him to bed without supper if he asks for a barbie doll.

We should force our children in to gender stereotypes, but if your daughter actually likes playing with a little toy iron and cooking furnace that's okay too. Stay at home moms are almost frowned upon in modern society and that's fecking rubbish. My wife would never ever EVER want to be a stay at home mom, but the wife of one of my friends is, and she loves it. Stop forcing this stuff.

You live in Netherlands. Maybe they meant the other sort of toys!
Just need to get the neckbeard incels on 4chan or 8chan or whatever to start waving like the queen.
Sometimes I look at the current climate of everyone's views and opinions and I feel i wouldnt be able to raise my child the way I want to raise it

If it's a boy and I want it to play with toys which would have, in the past, been affiliated with boys then is that wrong? If I want my daughter to remain as a girl then why is that wrong?