Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Jan 14, 2010
I've looked through the thread a wee bit and picked out some posts to threadmark explanations of what some terms are or the thought processes behind them i.e The arguments about 'white privilege', 'black on black crime', 'systemic racism', 'the UK is a racist country' etc. Just because they are arguments which seem to be looping quite a bit in the thread and it's a bit easier going forward to just reference them sometiems than having to keep explaining it. If you know any other posts to be highlighted that explain things well or reference history or points that people can educate themselves with highlight them and we can add them.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
I’ve been pulled over a dozen times or so over the years and have never seen this line of questioning. They’ve always been professional and friendly.
Lucky you.

In my life, I've twice had to allow police to search my car without a warrant just to prove I wasn't "smuggling illegal aliens" just so I could go about my day without getting harassed further. Once I had to let them search my car because I allegedly "matched the description" of someone stealing car stereos and then another more severe case of false charges.

Oh and I've been in about a half dozen DUI stops although I haven't seen one in the last 8-9 years - they were much more common in the late 90s, early 2000s.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Lucky you.

In my life, I've twice had to allow police to search my car without a warrant just to prove I wasn't "smuggling illegal aliens" just so I could go about my day without getting harassed further. Once I had to let them search my car because I allegedly "matched the description" of someone stealing car stereos and then another more severe case of false charges.

Oh and I've been in about a half dozen DUI stops although I haven't seen one in the last 8-9 years - they were much more common in the late 90s, early 2000s.
One of mine resulted in a search as well (in Texas). It was fairly cold and wet outside, so the guy asked if I wanted to sit in the front seat of his police SUV. He looked around a bit then came back and said I'm good to go, so I drove off. I left with the distinct impression he just wanted to check out the interior features of my then new car. 3 hours later I'm in Oklahoma City and got pulled over again for switching two lanes at once. The guy was again very friendly, ran my license and plates inside his cruiser, and I was off again.
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Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
In the UK police do serve as a deterrent just by being there. The more of them there are, the more visible they are and the more they build community links. I remember growing up we had local police who would always be walking a beat. Now you don't see any and if you do they are in a car, and consequently the public has lost the familiarity with them and now only ever see them in a negative setting. The police numbers are not vastly different to 20 years ago so i can only assume they're now all tied up with extra red tape and paperwork.

I'm not in a position to say there is a link and memes are usually misleading but this image is somewhat interesting as Snopes showed the figures are true. How does UK police training compare?

I find it particularly odd how there are increasing calls to defund the police, considering the same people have spent the last 10 years complaining that it is underfunded.
Just on that first paragraph you posted, it’s a good observation and something a lot of people do complain about, the lack of basic patrolling. It’s rare to randomly walk around patrolling and speak to people but when it happens you do tend to get people saying things like “it’s good to see you guys around for once” etc.
It again shows the difference in perception. I think someone earlier mentioned pro active patrolling should no longer happen. Yet you get a lot of people who live in troublesome areas saying they want to see more police around. And yep it’s just too busy, so much paperwork etc. I’d say more than half of what we do isn’t even crime related.

U.K. training isn’t long enough and should definitely be longer but officers not being given guns so early does help. If officers were given guns here as early as in the states you would see more police killings. Not to the level of America but you would but then it would never happen. And yeah that meme is spot on.


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
what was done by the protestors to maintain social distancing to ensure they're not now spreading 'the virus' to create a second spike? Cause the media spoke about the potential of a second spike like they're experts but who is bemoaning these people now who have comprimised social distancing..Because you can wear a mask but they've repeated 'social distancing' about 1,000,000 times since this happened. Are the people at these events immune? Or maybe covinds a blm supporter?? Are all these people now in quarantine? And what about if anyone was carrying the virus and didn't know, would the shops that got looted be 100% safe? ..

But with that many people, I would have thought, they are now a risk of spreading a virus in a time of a pandemic.....isn't that why people cannot all go back into stadiums? What if we all protest to go back into stadiums? And then go back into stadiums? It's pretty amusing really. I know viruses mutate, but viruses that let people vent isn't all so bad really. All it would take is one being infected for it to spread, so how exactly are they allowed to protest? Once can be done out of ignorance but when you have it happen a number of times and it spreading....then I call bs. Because if you want to stop it, you say you have a right to protest, but if you protest now there will be a spike in covid cases...right?...Isn't that a good enough reason for people to engage their brain? You don't hear it enough and it's because they're full of bleep.
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New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
I don't think that it's a good idea, they need to reorganize themselves philosophically with the same resources that they currently have that's what the NYPD example shows, they increased work on investigative department which logically has an effect on major crimes, defunding the police will reduce the resources allocated to investigative departments. As for the second point in my opinion it's a bit stupid to target the police when the actual issue with the US is your military budget which unlike policing budget is totally crazy, you spend 636bn$ on the DoD alone which is almost four times what you spend on education and HHS, on top of that you can add nearly 200bn$ that are spent on defense related spendings.
This "reorganization" by police has been proposed for decades and it's never been implemented. The police simply will not police themselves. They still operate under the broken window theory and police unions have no incentive to reduce the amount of work/jobs for its members by reducing proactive policing. Again, much of the crimes they investigate (even violent crimes) happen due to the lack of social safety nets in these communities, which is correlated with welfare spending. Here is an economic study in 2008 about the inverse relationship between welfare payments and crimes. There are many more examples.

The military budget AND the police budget should be slashed. I posted this previously to a poster who was talking absolute nonsense:
At $5.9 billion in the current fiscal year, the NYPD has the third-largest budget of all city agencies after the Department of Education and Department of Social Services.
The $5.9 billion in direct operating funding for the department doesn’t nearly cover what the police cost in New York City. Pension contributions and fringe benefits cost about another $5 billion in the 2020 fiscal year.
Though the mayor’s budget included significant planned cuts at many city agencies, the NYPD emerged relatively unscathed, with only $23.8 million in planned reductions. And unlike other agencies that had to find large savings under the mayor’s $2.1 billion Program to Eliminate the Gap, the NYPD only found about $25 million in FY2020 and $16 million in FY2021.
At the same time, the mayor slashed planned funding for education, youth employment, and after school programs. The Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) saw a 32% cut in its proposed budget, entirely eliminating the Summer Youth Employment Program that provided summer jobs to 70,000 young people, many from low-income communities of color, last year.

The above is utterly shameful in a first-world democratic society that prides itself on human rights. And this is only in NYC. I'm sure you will find similar data across the US. If you still don't believe police departments don't need to be funded, I advise you to read Michelle Alexander's book The New Jim Crow. It will have anyone with a functioning moral compass seething and demanding widespread police defunding.
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New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
What does it have anything to do that I am in Spain...?
It just goes to show how out of touch you and your comments are with what's going on.

Where did I say "abolish"? I know what defund means so I don't need your lessons, thank you. Governments must find money to keep these social programs running without defunding the police (until at least we see a clear proof that these programs work, i.e. decrease in crime rate but even then I am not sure). You call me ignorant but thinking that taking away money from police and giving it to something else will solve anything is just as ignorant but go ahead poster from NY.
I call you willfully ignorant b/c you making claims about "propaganda against cops" and claiming the movement to defund police is "retarded" and "stupid' without even bothering to give a shred of empirical evidence or cite any studies. So yes poster from Spain who likes to weigh in on US issues with a smug tone and no evidence, you are willfully ignorant.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
what was done by the protestors to maintain social distancing to ensure they're not now spreading 'the virus' to create a second spike? Cause the media spoke about the potential of a second spike like they're experts but who is bemoaning these people now who have comprimised social distancing..Because you can wear a mask but they've repeated 'social distancing' about 1,000,000 times since this happened. Are the people at these events immune? Or maybe covinds a blm supporter?? Are all these people now in quarantine? And what about if anyone was carrying the virus and didn't know, would the shops that got looted be 100% safe? ..

But with that many people, I would have thought, they are now a risk of spreading a virus in a time of a pandemic.....isn't that whypeople cannot all go back into stadiums? What if we all protest to go back into stadiums? And then go back into stadiums? It's pretty amusing really. I know viruses mutate, but viruses that let people vent isn't all so bad really. All it would take is one being infected for it to spread, so how exactly are they allowed to protest? Once can be done out of ignorance but when you have it happen a number of times and it spreading....then I call bs.
When we hashed this out earlier, I came away with the view was it is very high risk but when you have lightning in a bottle you have to act on it when you have a chance to force change on something of this magnitude.

Another thing to consider is that most states are well into opening up, and in the grand scheme of things that will cause more opportunity for transmission than these protests if we have a ‘second wave’ (the first wave was never really over in many places in my opinion, but that’s a topic for the Covid thread).
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Full Member
Aug 26, 2014
Just on that first paragraph you posted, it’s a good observation and something a lot of people do complain about, the lack of basic patrolling. It’s rare to randomly walk around patrolling and speak to people but when it happens you do tend to get people saying things like “it’s good to see you guys around for once” etc.
It again shows the difference in perception. I think someone earlier mentioned pro active patrolling should no longer happen. Yet you get a lot of people who live in troublesome areas saying they want to see more police around. And yep it’s just too busy, so much paperwork etc. I’d say more than half of what we do isn’t even crime related.

U.K. training isn’t long enough and should definitely be longer but officers not being given guns so early does help. If officers were given guns here as early as in the states you would see more police killings. Not to the level of America but you would but then it would never happen. And yeah that meme is spot on.
It definitely makes a difference. I live in Italy now and the police are always visible and often just out walking the streets. They are armed but they're not kitted out in all the gear, except for the tax police (who they wan't people to be scared of). Crime is consequently quite a bit lower, despite it being a poorer country than the UK.


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
Haven't seen any in Cali, where I live(d). LA, SF, Oakland, Walnut Creek
I lived in SF and Mountain View and worked in Berkeley a few years ago and Bay Area cops seem less aggressive than cops in Texas (where I lived for most my life). But then again marijuana has been more or less decriminalized there for a while and. places like the Tenderloin exist.

I'm not surprised that's your experience.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Not sure if this has been posted before but even if it has, it deserves to be seen again because it exposes the absurdity of modern policing and how copaganda has turned people's innate critical thinking skills to mush.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
Never seen anything like this in the US. Although I do know Canada (Ontario specifically) have something called the R.I.D.E. program where people cops set up checkpoints (usually on weekend nights) and check people for drinking.
Yeah we do this a fair bit. Mostly around Christmas. They'll usually set up in a place where you can't get out, such as a highway exit, or one way streets.


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
Good luck defunding the police..they'll make the case of subtly refusing to police.

Funding is not the issue. George Floyd was killed by a god given knee. Not some high tech machinery. It's the animal instinct of the perpetrator that's causing his death. Not his training nor his equipment. Defunding the police the a stupid idea.

It's like saying playing behind empty stadium will eradicate racism in football. No. You just choose not to show it.

Anyone think a country like america can survive a week without police is living in a pipe dream
Not sure where you get your information from, but it's misguided. First, places like NYC are already in the process of doing so.

Secondly, by defunding the police local governments can move those funds towards inner-city social welfare programs, which has shown to decrease crime.

Lastly, nobody is saying abolish the police so your last comment is just plain silly.

If they're acting professionally we wont have to defund them in the first place.

The irony is that you defund them because of their wrongdoing yet expect professionallism from them

EDIT: These cops have no problem turning off their bodycam and shoot someone, they have no problem (insert brutality here) in live TV. You'd think they have a problem not answering your call?
This post doesn't make any sense and shows a lack of understanding of the whole defund movement. It's about shifting the priority from over-policing to building social safety nets in these communities. George Floyd's death is simply a symptom of a systemic issue in the US.


Its Baltic!
Oct 20, 2006
Just attending the NHS all-staff-briefing. Simon Stevens talking about the creation of a new centre to investigate the impact of race and ethnicity on people’s health... Also lots of talk about black mental health, black lived experience, health inequalities, workforce race equality, psychological safe spaces... such a huge topic. Ending with a message from a BAME representative: "Don't be racist!".


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
The propaganda against cops is quite something :lol: There even are talks about defunding the police which is borderline retarded. How stupid you have to be to even suggest that? They are underfunded if anything. Jeezus. I mean I am sure all the criminals and looters would be excited but cmon people.
What an abortion of a post.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee

Port Vale Devil

Full Member
Jul 6, 2017
Port Vale
Cannot make out if this is a real person under the knee but either way it is a disgusting thing to do. America is totally divided and the hatred isn’t going to die down anytime soon



all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Sounds like a song title from The Fall.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
What an abortion of a post.
it's another distraction. squirrel!

The focus from the elected officials in govmnt should be on de-funding police and changing the rules on who pays for legal settlements.
Wholesales changes are needed otherwise we'll be here talking about it again next week, next year, in 5 years time.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
This is probably why it should be elevated to first degree murder. They knew eachother and Chauvin, when presented with the possibility, used his police job as a convenient pretext to go after him.

At what point can one pre-meditate murder? That's an interesting question.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
This is probably why it should be elevated to first degree murder. They knew eachother and Chauvin, when presented with the possibility, used his police job as a convenient pretext to go after him.
Yeah probably but there's a higher chance of acquittal and more social unrest. Consciously or unconsciously I'm sure that was a factor