Club Sale | It’s done!

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Yorke to Cole

Full Member
Oct 16, 2020
Happens every time the story seems to slightly move forward. If they are unsure of the “breaking news” or they don’t have it at all then they just say nothing has changed. Not saying Custis is correct but we did have a Times sports reporter try to correct the FT not that long ago.
Anybody can believe what they want but I’d be shocked that deadlock and nothing happening is where we’ve been at for the last 3 months. Personally I don’t think it’s a coincidence that updates dried up when it was revealed Jim’s bid wasn’t even legal.
I have read what Mike Keegan has said in a full transcript. He says the Raine are "working to bridge the gap" between the Glazers and the parties. I have found Keegan's stance quite strange, the past month or so. He was the one who initially said "takeover stalled".

Then Jacobs said it has not. Then a couple a weeks later , the I reporter said what Keegan said "it has stalled". Then a day later, August 2nd (I think), Keegan changed his stance and talks are "on going."

Then it was Custice coming out with information, parallel to saying Greenwood was going to be reintroduced. Maybe, there is something developing. Something has to change, because they need investment for stadium and facilities, I don't think United are guaranteed top 4 or 5 this season and the amount as Adnan said, that are being spent on transfers is off the scale. We can't compete.

It does seem Keegan is mot at the forefront anymore?

Acquire Me

Full Member
Jun 15, 2006
I have read what Mike Keegan has said in a full transcript. He says the Raine are "working to bridge the gap" between the Glazers and the parties. I have found Keegan's stance quite strange, the past month or so. He was the one who initially said "takeover stalled".

Then Jacobs said it has not. Then a couple a weeks later , the I reporter said what Keegan said "it has stalled". Then a day later, August 2nd (I think), Keegan changed his stance and talks are "on going."

Then it was Custice coming out with information, parallel to saying Greenwood was going to be reintroduced. Maybe, there is something developing. Something has to change, because they need investment for stadium and facilities, I don't think United are guaranteed top 4 or 5 this season and the amount as Adnan said, that are being spent on transfers is off the scale. We can't compete.

It does seem Keegan is mot at the forefront anymore?
Looks like that’s the case.


Dawn’s less famous husband
Jun 25, 2009
im not a corporate finance expert - what are the conditions for an agressive take over/buy out?


Full Member
Nov 7, 2021
Ah, I see that the carrot is being dangled once more with club under fire, and the Glazers in particular.


New Member
Oct 25, 2012
While I don’t believe Custis has the sources or the timeline on this.
If Mike Keegan or anyone else reached out to Raine or the interested parties, they would hardly turn round and let out that one has a deal in principle. There are NDA’s for a reason, this should be watertight until it’s announced and the NYSE will need to be notified first if the market is open.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2007
im not a corporate finance expert - what are the conditions for an agressive take over/buy out?
They occur when the acquiring company go directly to the Shareholders against the wishes of the Board of Directors to acquire enough of a share to earn a majority. Since the Board of Directors at the Club are the majority Shareholders, it wouldn't be possible.

Yorke to Cole

Full Member
Oct 16, 2020
This could obviously be wrong, but what stood out for me in Custice's statment is that Jassim "plans to redevelop Old Trafford".

That has coincided with other details about architecture plans going forward from Collette Roche in an interview with the athletic. There is reference to the 92 Foundation's "completed due diligence. "

Yet again we have to wait and see, but Custice providing these details has more weight than Rio Ferdinand just saying "hearing its Qatar".

Also, could it be that 92 Foundation do not want to use Keegan as a outlet, because they do not need to, if due diligence has or is in the process of being completed?


Full Member
May 8, 2018
So Custis says the club will be sold in October.
Ornstein saying there will be a resolution (sale or no sale) after the transfer window closes.
Jassim's dad just put up for sale two properties in London for $500m.
I doubt that he needs to sell two houses to lend his son more money, the family are rumoured to be worth £275 billion, they will have assets as well as liquidity


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
I think the sale has been completed and will be announced when the transfer window is shut. The Glazers boxed themself into a corner running this long a process. Their only play with a scrapped sale is holding out another 3-5 years for a Saudi takeover vs taking the money now with interest rates as high as they are and taking the risks off the table.
Still think this is the case. Lines up with the radio silence since we got the Reuters report in June and now the latest news from Custis. Fingers crossed


New Member
Jul 11, 2023
Can we stop linking these yahoos?

The Glazers will sell the club when they get an offer they actually want.

After you have spent money on your ticket, the Glazers could not care less what you do. Hour-long sit-in? Come on.

Furthermore, who do the 1958 want us to sell up to? Be a much better indication of their own moral character when they provide answers to key questions.

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
I have read what Mike Keegan has said in a full transcript. He says the Raine are "working to bridge the gap" between the Glazers and the parties. I have found Keegan's stance quite strange, the past month or so. He was the one who initially said "takeover stalled".

Then Jacobs said it has not. Then a couple a weeks later , the I reporter said what Keegan said "it has stalled". Then a day later, August 2nd (I think), Keegan changed his stance and talks are "on going."

Then it was Custice coming out with information, parallel to saying Greenwood was going to be reintroduced. Maybe, there is something developing. Something has to change, because they need investment for stadium and facilities, I don't think United are guaranteed top 4 or 5 this season and the amount as Adnan said, that are being spent on transfers is off the scale. We can't compete.

It does seem Keegan is mot at the forefront anymore?
Based on what Keegan has put out in the past, it seems his source is on the INEOS side. If that's the case, it's not surprising that he's not ITK about recent activity on the Qatar side.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Yeh guys let’s do a sit in that’ll show em. Dress code- full kit wankers only ideally with season tickets glued onto foreheads.


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
Carrick FC
Almost all the major journalists following the sale came up to shut down Neil custis. Interesting


likes: servals, breasts, rylan clark and zooey
Aug 11, 2010
Can we stop linking these yahoos?

The Glazers will sell the club when they get an offer they actually want.

After you have spent money on your ticket, the Glazers could not care less what you do. Hour-long sit-in? Come on.

Furthermore, who do the 1958 want us to sell up to? Be a much better indication of their own moral character when they provide answers to key questions.
Who gives a feck about their moral character? They are trying to get rid of the Glazers. Stop slagging them off and support the fact they're actually trying to do something.

We all know you're anti Qatar but you don't have to turn every comment around to tell us that!
Also if people are sitting in SOMEONE has to pay the stewards/police for extra time which if it's done consistently will be noticed.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Do they not realise a sit 'out' would be way more effective and embarrassing for the owners?


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Based on what Keegan has put out in the past, it seems his source is on the INEOS side. If that's the case, it's not surprising that he's not ITK about recent activity on the Qatar side.
He was publishing press releases almost verbatim from Hannover (Qatar's PR firm) earlier this year! Most of the early Qatar info came through him, including the exclusive on their 'take it or leave it' final offer with a Friday deadline (in June). I mean, look at the state of this fluff piece:

Obviously, that's just the tip of the iceberg - he was writing almost continuously about Qatar (3-4 articles a week) for nearly three months on end.
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New Member
Feb 15, 2023
Smoke and mirrors at play? if its a brief to deflect from the Greenwood fiasco then they are just digging themselves further and further into a pit,
I suspect Custis is right though.


Pogfamily Mafia
Feb 25, 2014
I love that protests are planned. Once again this needs bringing into the focus with the threat of more and worse to come. Glazer communications for 18 years have been abysmal. They promised to improve that after the protests around the super league and this process has been an utter disgrace.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2013
Who gives a feck about their moral character? They are trying to get rid of the Glazers. Stop slagging them off and support the fact they're actually trying to do something.

We all know you're anti Qatar but you don't have to turn every comment around to tell us that!
Also if people are sitting in SOMEONE has to pay the stewards/police for extra time which if it's done consistently will be noticed.


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
Who gives a feck about their moral character? They are trying to get rid of the Glazers. Stop slagging them off and support the fact they're actually trying to do something.

We all know you're anti Qatar but you don't have to turn every comment around to tell us that!
Also if people are sitting in SOMEONE has to pay the stewards/police for extra time which if it's done consistently will be noticed.
You wouldn't say this if they were advocating a sale to Elon Musk, would you?


New Member
Jul 11, 2023
Who gives a feck about their moral character? They are trying to get rid of the Glazers. Stop slagging them off and support the fact they're actually trying to do something.
They're claiming a moral basis for the Glazer's obviation. So, yes, their own moral character matters a great deal.

It's imperative all supporters, especially those uninvolved with their **** and still anti-Glazer, are not confused with such ignorance.

Or naïveté. As far as the latest protest is concerned, the Glazers have it covered. Nobody is particularly 'slagging them off'. Just evincing the inanity of their method.

We do need to concern ourselves with who rules post-Glazer. Another Qatari owned franchise saw its supporters mob a tourist (playfully) at the airport and pretend it was their summer signing. PSG are going through yet another reset. This is before we arrive at the moral implications of Qatari state rule.

Do they not realise a sit 'out' would be way more effective and embarrassing for the owners?

However, most matches are already sold to capacity this season, so probably not. I've been trying to get a seat for Forest Saturday and prices are reaching £200. Average resale £50. It'll sell, too.

I love that protests are planned. Once again this needs bringing into the focus with the threat of more and worse to come. Glazer communications for 18 years have been abysmal. They promised to improve that after the protests around the super league and this process has been an utter disgrace.
They have improved. They are just still utterly abysmal. But why try harder?

Protestors are pumping money into Operation Glazer and sitting down in the hope the BBC will highlight their 'moral crusade' of 'getting our club back'.

The Glazers must be wetting themselves laughing.

With good reason.
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New Member
Feb 15, 2023
Imagine the outrage if they decide to stay after all this, I suspect things will get extremely volatile, games cancelled, anarchy outside the ground, and to be honest,
they will absolutely deserve every bit of it.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2013
FC United
Imagine the outrage if they decide to stay after all this, I suspect things will get extremely volatile, games cancelled, anarchy outside the ground, and to be honest,
they will absolutely deserve every bit of it.
No offence but that's never going to happen again.

GMP were made fools of for that protest v Liverpool in 2021 and they'll make sure it never happens again.

If, by some miracle, it does, I hope people get their legal representation sorted. How many are willing to potentially go to prison?

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
He was publishing press releases almost verbatim from Hannover (Qatar's PR firm) earlier this year! Most of the early Qatar info came through him, including the exclusive on their 'take it or leave it' final offer with a Friday deadline (in June). I mean, look at the state of this fluff piece:

Obviously, that's just the tip of the iceberg - he was writing almost continuously about Qatar (3-4 articles a week) for nearly three months months on end.
Interesting. Maybe I got mixed up and Keegan is the Qatar guy and somebody else (don't remember who) is the INEOS guy.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
He was publishing press releases almost verbatim from Hannover (Qatar's PR firm) earlier this year! Most of the early Qatar info came through him, including the exclusive on their 'take it or leave it' final offer with a Friday deadline (in June). I mean, look at the state of this fluff piece:

Obviously, that's just the tip of the iceberg - he was writing almost continuously about Qatar (3-4 articles a week) for nearly three months months on end.
Na, he was Qatar heavy at the start but seemed to lose his source.
Since then he’s written articles in conjunction with The Times reporters released at the exact same time containing the exact same information. The Times 100 percent had Jim sources as well.


Resident moaner, hypocrite and moron
Jun 4, 2006
Lifetime vacation
After the positive Mason news, it’s great to see it looking like the Qatari bid has stalled as well. Hopefully, some sense of pride can return.
I will ask you with respect and in good faith why you think what happened to Mason is positive news?

United will lose a young very talented forward for almost nothing. Not to mention the public fiasco that followed this sad saga.

Mason can't anymore play for his boyhood club and has been hanged out to dry by scruple free journalists and a blood thirsty mob on social media. (Guilty or not it's not in proportion to the crime/sin he's accused to have done)
The girlfriend and their son will also be affected. Masons family, the girlfriend's family.

There is no winner whatsoever in this and if you take a step back and reflect for a while it's quite sad from all perspectives.

Hopefully his family, especially his girlfriend and her friends is willing to give him a second chance. They are both young with a newborn son and has their whole life in front of them so their life must go on even if some supporters seems to want him the worst.

I sincerely hope that you, and many others with similar views, one day when everything has calmed down become a bit more empathetic and less rigorous in your judgments. I really believe and hope that most of you will soften with age and one day can go back to this day and say maybe I was a bit harsh. With that said I dont mean that DV or SA is acceptable, my youngest daughter was raped by a young man a couple of years ago so I have experienced all the emotions that follows and know what a process any girl/women has to go through to be whole again. My daughter still has depressions and low self esteem because of her trauma. I just today got a sms from her when she doubted herself and her future. 22 years old and allready with a damaged soul.

I perfectly understand that mow you will never ever admit such a thing to me (reflection and doubts) but I have big hopes in humanity and that also includes you and Mason.

And for the record so their is no misundertanding - I have no intention to either defend or condemn Mason because I don't know the full story around this drama. If he's a d#ckh##D and has beaten his girlfriend I hope this will be a reminder for him that such behavior has consequences, in his case life changing stuffs. If not and his sin was just verbal abuses then the punishment isn't in proportion to his sin and hope he will have the courage to one day forgive and to move on.

Thats the hardest part Wumminator, forgiveness, forget and still love.

Plastic Evra

Full Member
Jul 16, 2023
The Glazers worst crime was to essentially make people happy/beg for Qatari state ownership. How utterly depressing.
The reality is that from a higher moral perspective there is no winning here to be had and United has been turned into a massive corporation a while ago anyway.
The only two hopeful outcomes are either United being better run and / or suddenly being flush with more money to pump in players. That's all largely purely within the tight framework of competing under current "rules" at the very elite level.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Na, he was Qatar heavy at the start but seemed to lose his source.
Since then he’s written articles in conjunction with The Times reporters released at the exact same time containing the exact same information. The Times 100 percent had Jim sources as well.
Ineos had their own London-based PR firm on the payroll. I vaguely recall the story you are referring to, which was published online simultaneously by The Times and The Daily Mail with almost identical content and wording - an Ineos fluff piece, essentially.

I don't believe Keegan ever had contacts anywhere (aside from the respective PR firms calling him up), though. One would guess that neither bidder has much cause to be pumping out PR at the moment, hence the stories largely drying up since June (whether you think that's because the deal has stalled or because it is in the latter stages of completion, is up to you).


Full Member
Jan 11, 2013
FC United
The reality is that from a higher moral perspective there is no winning here to be had and United has been turned into a massive corporation a while ago anyway.
The only two hopeful outcomes are either United being better run and / or suddenly being flush with more money to pump in players. That's all largely purely within the tight framework of competing under current "rules" at the very elite level.
It's not even from a moral perspective. Football clubs shouldn't be owned by states. Ignoring morals for a second, it essentially puts us at the mercy of wider diplomatic issues. Imagine if Qatar ends up at war with "The West".

There's no evidence that being Qatari state owned means we'll be better run. It just means we'll have more money to spend.
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