Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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it's a mute point
Feb 14, 2013
If Sanchez only wanted a transfer to City then this saga would be over long time ago. Pure logic.

As a free agent he can easily sign a pre contract with or without Arsenal’s permission. This pre contract can easily stipulates economical terms if he goes now or in the summer. If he only prefer City then it doesn’t matter when the transfer takes place or if other clubs are interested.

Secondly why would United/Mourinho comment about a player who don’t prefer our club? By mention his name, comment about his ability and making a long rant about respect and other bulls he more or less confirm our interest. And if we’re interested then we have been given encouragements from his agent.

And from experience in every negotiation of this magnitude there are pre talks between the agent and the club. Even if the agent tries to play games United would never enter a bidding war without some sorts of pre contract/letter of intention. Common practice. Why would the club want to be humiliated if they didn’t know they had a chance?

Some of the involved parties was leaking information directly or indirectly to Gianluca Di Marzio. Coincidence?

From my experience this looks like City for various reasons is starting to hesitate about getting Sanchez. Otherwise they would have been more pro active against both Arsenal and the Sanchez camp. Atm all informations is pointing away from them, that’s not a good sign if Sanchez really was a priority.
Not necessarily - he might be set on City, but his agent sure as hell will want to make sure he's getting the best deal from them as possible. If they're seen to be negotiating positively with us, then City - if they really want him - will inevitably up their contractual offer. Also, I don't think pre-contracts can be signed regard 2 EPL teams (not certain on this one). That said, our interest is clearly real in this case, and I'd rather us be snubbed for having tried hard to get him to come here than have just let City have a free run at him. One of those players, as Jose said.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
Straight swap Martial for Sanchez. Offer him a large wage packet. Give him the number 7 shirt.

Yes get rid of a 22 year old super talent and get a 29 super player? What should we pay for this to happen? 50 million?


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
whats this about?
His family flew in to London yesterday. Presumably ahead of his transfer (to us or city). Also it's a "thing" that he loves his dogs, he posted a new years picture collage/album thing and the first one was him with the dogs and second was his wife.

Actually just noticed he's one of those that made an account for his dogs....


New Member
Dec 31, 2014
I don't think Mourinho would have said what he did unless he was confident the deal was going to happen. It's a loss of face for both him and United if Sanchez opts for City after the United manager declares an interest. Nothing is done of course, but I'd be surprised if Mourinho doesn't believe it will be.
No it is not, he has been complaining for some while about not spending enough. He would just consolidate his whining if it turns out to nothing.


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 5, 2015
planet earth
His family flew in to London yesterday. Presumably ahead of his transfer (to us or city). Also it's a "thing" that he loves his dogs, he posted a new years picture collage/album thing and the first one was him with the dogs and second was his wife.

Actually just noticed he's one of those that made an account for his dogs
That is a very strange thing to do.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
When he goes to City, can we maybe pick up one of their 12 players that can play in his position? One of the Silvas, Sane, Sterling, Jesus, De Bruyne etc? I mean, surely City don't need every player?


Full Member
Aug 6, 2015
He’s a dog person, that’s great, you can’t trust cat people.
I applaud all animal people and their dedicated social media accounts. AnimalsBeingDerps > Humans writing anything about themselves on social media.

Can't think of any notable United players with pets other than Memphis. His dog was the best thing about him.

kirk buttercup

Full Member
Oct 20, 2016
When he goes to City, can we maybe pick up one of their 12 players that can play in his position? One of the Silvas, Sane, Sterling, Jesus, De Bruyne etc? I mean, surely City don't need every player?
I know. surely one of them would like to play in a stadium with actual people in it.


Full Member
Jun 23, 2016
I applaud all animal people and their dedicated social media accounts. AnimalsBeingDerps > Humans writing anything about themselves on social media.

Can't think of any notable United players with pets other than Memphis. His dog was the best thing about him.
De Gea often posts his dog. I think it's the same breed as that one Memphis has.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
I applaud all animal people and their dedicated social media accounts. AnimalsBeingDerps > Humans writing anything about themselves on social media.

Can't think of any notable United players with pets other than Memphis. His dog was the best thing about him.
That is a cool dog. Becks is a big dog lover too, he had two Rotties back in the day but not sure what he has now.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I applaud all animal people and their dedicated social media accounts. AnimalsBeingDerps > Humans writing anything about themselves on social media.

Can't think of any notable United players with pets other than Memphis. His dog was the best thing about him.
Smalling always posts pictures of his dogs with funny comments. Him and his wife obviously love their dogs.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2014
This is the fuzziest of logic. Wenger said in his press conference that he can't leave until they have a replacement?! If Sanchez signs for us, it is him walking away from City's offer, nothing else. How are City walking away when they are leaving an offer on the table?
They aren't willing to pay what Arsenal want because they know his contract's expiring in 6 months so are playing hardball


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Fact is that most footballers decline drastically in their thirties. Alexis may only have 2-3 peak years left.
Thing is that we're lacking someone at his level, his type in our attack, and it's a big reason our attack struggles for consistency a lot of times. 3 years of Sanchez is all we need, because hopefully in those 3 years Martial and Rashford will both have stepped their games up another level and in Martial's case, possibly turned into a top class player himself and someone who can then take on the mantle of being the main man in our attack. He's basically that right now, but he's still not there in terms of his ability and consistency. Playing with Sanchez can help take his game up a level and give both him and Rashford time to develop as supporting cast players while still playing regularly and having a big impact.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
They aren't willing to pay what Arsenal want because they know his contract's expiring in 6 months so are playing hardball
Sounds like he has agreed to join us and they are trying to save face if you ask me. They thought he would do anything to play for Pep and were wrong, they overestimated their status, same as with VVD.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
No it is not, he has been complaining for some while about not spending enough. He would just consolidate his whining if it turns out to nothing.
If this is just a shot in the dark, and Mourinho knows Sanchez favours City and is likely to end up there, he's setting United up for a fall. I don't think Ed Woodward, so protective of the club's image, would be too pleased about that. So unless Jose wants to be sacked, he wouldn't do it.


Full Member
Mar 25, 2016
There should certainly be some allure for a transfer to United for Sánchez. Sure, the money might be better, but if he goes to City and if they win the title this year, it’ll always be viewed with an asterisk - the league was practically already won before he arrived. Vice versa, if they somehow meltdown and piss their lead away - it would be viewed as the biggest meltdown in Premier League history.

Also, City under Pep are just plain strange sometimes. Seems like they’ve been trying to marginalize Aguero for 2 seasons, but he keeps popping up and winning matches for them. I wouldn’t be too confident of nailing down a spot there, if I was Sánchez.

United, as footballing project, should certainly be more alluring than most on here make out. The negativity around here almost turns some into having an inferiority complex to about the little slice of land the Abu Dhabi royal family bought in Greater Manchester put a football club in, that has a Massive support, in Stockport.
Despite being a United fan, I would say that from a purely footballing point of view, if I were Sanchez, I would go to City just because they are playing wonderful football at the moment and they are dead on to win the title. However, it not all that simple because if Sanchez and his agent have done their homework, they would realize that no one besides De Bruyne and Silva are untouchables in the side. Aguero and Silva play on a rotation system and yes, Sanchez may be used in a striker role from time to time and he also has to compete with Sane and Sterling on the wings who have been playing a lot better than Sanchez has this season and are a lot younger and quicker as well. On the flip side, at United, he won't win the title this year, but he has a really good chance of winning it next year. If we bolster our squad next summer, I think we will be in it to win it. At United, he will most likely be one of the first names on the teamsheet like Pogba and Lukaku. And when it comes to numbers and salaries, United will perhaps pay him a little bit more than what City will pay him. So I would not even consider the money option. The ball is in his court. I'm pretty sure Sanchez at his age would want to play the most amount of football he can instead of warm up the bench. The ball is in his court.


New Member
Nov 29, 2017
I honestly did not know you couldn’t pre contract between clubs in the same league. Now it’s been brought to light for me I can see it would be a massive conflict of interest, morally.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2015


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
My dream signing for the last two years. Would be such a coup as well if Mou can steal him from under the noses of City.


Apr 4, 2010
waiting for everyone else to catch up!!
Do we have anything at all at this stage that even suggests that the board has any serious intent to even attempt to sign Sanchez. Or could it be simply another ploy by Jose to put the board under pressure publicly by implying we should be in for him because he is simply too good an opportunity to miss out upon?

Jose has clearly let his interest be known, and i would think most fans would agree with the logic around signing such a player. So expectations have now been raised. Therefore, if we do not now make a serious effort to get it done, it will be the board who shoulders any blame. Whether intentional or not, Jose has now lifted hopes, alleviated himself from any responsibility, and placed the ball firmly in the court of Woody and those upstairs. So it would appear Jose wins again no matter how events unfold. We now expect the marquis signing we all know we need, and it's all on Woody if we don't get one.

I might be way off, but it does seem to fit quite nicely wirth Jose's usual way of going about things when he doesn't think he is going to get the backing that he wants. Thoughts anyone?


Full Member
Feb 8, 2016
Sounds like he has agreed to join us and they are trying to save face if you ask me. They thought he would do anything to play for Pep and were wrong, they overestimated their status, same as with VVD.
Or perhaps they are so convinced that he wants to go to city that they are happy to let arsenal reject the supposed £20m valuation knowing that he will instead run his contract down and end up going on a free. I hope that isn’t the case of course.

MDFC Manager

Full Member
Dec 26, 2005
Do we have anything at all at this stage that even suggests that the board has any serious intent to even attempt to sign Sanchez. Or could it be simply another ploy by Jose to put the board under pressure publicly by implying we should be in for him because he is simply too good an opportunity to miss out upon?

Jose has clearly let his interest be known, and i would think most fans would agree with the logic around signing such a player. So expectations have now been raised. Therefore, if we do not now make a serious effort to get it done, it will be the board who shoulders any blame. Whether intentional or not, Jose has now lifted hopes, alleviated himself from any responsibility, and placed the ball firmly in the court of Woody and those upstairs. So it would appear Jose wins again no matter how events unfold. We now expect the marquis signing we all know we need, and it's all on Woody if we don't get one.

I might be way off, but it does seem to fit quite nicely wirth Jose's usual way of going about things when he doesn't think he is going to get the backing that he wants. Thoughts anyone?
Sanchez is a marquee signing. If anything Woodward will have his cock out for it, much more than Mourinho.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
He’s (Malcom) coming to Manchester too then?

Did some research and found this:
I was talking to a Chilean restauranteur who had lived in Manchester fro 20 years. I made the obligatory quip about the weather and he told me that half of Chile is ‘brown and yellow’ because there is no rain and that the rain makes England ‘green and beautiful’. He was an optimist I think.
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