EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
Wait...for someone who didnt follow up anything related with pre referendum period. Can someone tell me was there even anything resembled as plan presented by those pushing for leave? Or is it full free fall mode and all will find out where they are after landing? Guess they presented their reasons for leaving but shouldnt be there any pack of actions if their options wins at the end.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
That's one theory but it isn't quite as easy as that. Restricting your own members from trading with the UK, a highly profitable trading partner is hardly going to endear Euro skeptics to its cause is it? If anything, that'll destabilise the EU further.
It won't be sold like that by the major European partier or their press. It'll be sold as "Do we really want to leave and end up like Britain?", the same way Greece was sold to the UK public as having gone to shit solely because of the EU.


Handy with candles and exhausts
Feb 4, 2013
With babyduckzilla.
Same here. I can't believe how many gullible morons there are in the U.k. They e fallen hook line and centre for a campaign of right-wing flag waving and voted a stable future away. I see the pound is already fecked
there will definitely be a domino effect, some people will lose their jobs and watch the NHS still crash and burn.

The amount of people I know who have voted leave is staggering and when I ask why, it's "immigrants stealing all of our jobs" and "my doctors has a 5 day waiting list because of these immigrants"

I digress.

Dr. Funkenstein

Not CAF Geert Wilders
May 20, 2014
Oh, they will do exactly that if it means preventing losing the whole head.

This is not a matter of pride here, it is a matter of self-preservation.

People argued that the EU won´t take a hard stance in the upcoming trade negotiations because the countries won´t do something against their own economica interests, but at least when it comes to the major players of the EU their biggest interest, both in the political and economical sense, is to keep the remaining EU intact. This means keeping their own EU sceptic parties at bay and discourage any EU member following the same path the UK just chose.

If they let off UK easily in the trade talks, this will start a chain reaction of other countries leaving the Union which might put the whole thing at risk. And that is at least from a German perspective a very dangerous thought, as we are both the biggest contributor and profiteur of the whole thing.

The prime interest of the EU is now to keep the stability it still has and the UK has turned itself now into a powder keg. This is not only about economics anymore (and even here the power scale is clearly tipped in the direction of the EU).
The stability in the EU is indeed a problem, but this problem is caused by lack of democracy, it's not just the people of the UK who are fed up with the way the EU treats 'it's' citizens. Of course the non-elected politicians would like to punish the British for beeing democratic and make them less powerfull. But free trade, and I don't mean treaty's like TTIP which are just partly about free trade and more about shifting power to multinational company's, is by nature benificial to both parties.

The EU really needs the popular support on the continent, especially now they've lost it in Britain. It would be very dangerous for the powers in the EU to sacrifice the interests of the remaining people to punish the UK and scare off other populations who might consider an exit.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
there will definitely be a domino effect, some people will lose their jobs and watch the NHS still crash and burn.

The amount of people I know who have voted leave is staggering and when I ask why, it's "immigrants stealing all of our jobs" and "my doctors has a 5 day waiting list because of these immigrants"

I digress.
Because apparently the Tory cuts have nothing to do with these pressures and it's all down to immigration you see.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
It won't be sold like that by the major European partier or their press. It'll be sold as "Do we really want to leave and end up like Britain?", the same way Greece was sold to the UK public as having gone to shit solely because of the EU.
It's not how they'd like it to be sold, it doesn't mean the Euro skeptics aren't going to use it though. 'better together' didn't quite have the impact the Remain party thought it would have.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
Wait...for someone who didnt follow up anything related with pre referendum period. Can someone tell me was there even anything resembled as plan presented by those pushing for leave? Or is it full free fall mode and all will find out where they are after landing? Guess they presented their reasons for leaving but shouldnt be there any pack of actions if their options wins at the end.
No there's isn't a fecking plan at all.

We don't even know who's going to make the plan that doesn't exist yet to lead us through this mess since Cameron had no desire to leave in the first place and his position as PM has taken a massive hit anyway.


Full Member
May 16, 2010
Because people have never closed the door behind them?
So how is it racist?

People being worried about immigration are not racist.

The weak remain campaign was at fault and they didn't discuss immigration. Cameron and Corbyn are at fault for this.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
The people I feel sorry for are one that voted remain. The pain is coming.


Full Member
Jul 7, 2014
Fc Bayern München
Feck it. Let them drag it out if it shows their incompetence.

I'm already convinced they can't do this in 2 years. It will be at least 3 if not longer before they do it.
According to the Lisbon treaty they only have 2 years for that.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Why? Scotland voted in its majority to stay in a United Kingdom. We're now in a corner where we will have to consider position again.
I think that Scotland should be governed by it's own parliament and that parliament alone, the same as England. The current system of Holyrood, Westminster, Brussels is a dysfunctional mess that if it did not already exist, nobody sane would propose it. It does little but make politicians, yours and mine, less accountable and therefore disenfranchises us.

Going out now.


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
I'm very sad here (and angry). The UK will now fall into a black hole of its own making. Disastrous, and the worst thing that's happened to my country in my lifetime.

El Zoido

Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
there will definitely be a domino effect, some people will lose their jobs and watch the NHS still crash and burn.

The amount of people I know who have voted leave is staggering and when I ask why, it's "immigrants stealing all of our jobs" and "my doctors has a 5 day waiting list because of these immigrants"

I digress.
Yeah seriously, so many racists have come out of the woodwork in my circles. I honestly have not met anyone who could give a solid, intelligent reason for leaving, it's all "too many immigrants" and "I don't trust these what these eggheads say" and "I'm fed up of the EU telling us what to do". Then I ask what what the EU tells us to do and they don't really know. They mutter something about bananas or something. I really don't want to be elitist and be all "everyone who voted different to me is an idiot" but literally everyone I know who voted leave doesn't have a damn clue about anything. This much is true with the people I know at least. I would be fine with this if I'd felt the country had made this decision based on sound logic and economic forecasts, but so many clearly have not.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this map not show Remain winning, or having down well, in areas were immigrants actually live and overwhelming Leave majorities in rural and semi-rural locations where immigrants don't live? The only place that doesn't seem true of is Birmingham, but even then its a close to 50/50 split.


'Liverpool are a proper club'
Mar 26, 2015
Stop saying racist.

People from all minorities voted leave, so strange people keep playing the race card.
If you can't see the amount of underlying racism in this vote then your either blind or stupid. People have a right to want to sort out immigration but when you see some people's comments on social media or the like, it clear that race has played a massive part in this vote.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
The markets and the pound have already, in just a few hours, fallen more than they did at the last recession, you have to back decades to find comparable examples. Be a miracle if it doesn't happen.
Of they have, that was expected. And, as expected, they'll bounce back within the foreseeable future.


'Liverpool are a proper club'
Mar 26, 2015
Yeah seriously, so many racists have come out of the woodwork in my circles. I honestly have not met anyone who could give a solid, intelligent reason for leaving, it's all "too many immigrants" and "I don't trust these what these eggheads say" and "I'm fed up of the EU telling us what to do". Then I ask what what the EU tells us to do and they don't really know. They mutter something about bananas or something. I really don't want to be elitist and be all "everyone who voted different to me is an idiot" but literally everyone I know who voted leave doesn't have a damn clue about anything. This much is true with the people I know at least. I would be fine with this if I'd felt the country had made this decision based on sound logic and economic forecasts, but so many clearly have not.
I completely agree with this and match your sentiment. Everyone I have spoken too that is leaving has a view showered in underlying racist views or are simply abit thick and uniformed. It's one of the most frustrating situations I've ever been in to see those people become a majority thought, when I thought Britain was a more intelligent nation that that.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
Explain why we won't go into a recession. Because no one from leave can predict that either.
Exactly. There is a distinct possibly that it could happen, but it's certainly not a sure thing as being claimed.


Grammar Police
Jul 7, 2014


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Feel a bit sick tbh.

I don't share the popular opinion on here of recessions and a ruined economy but I did have a bid accepted on a house which I'm now going to have to withdraw :(


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
If you can't see the amount of underlying racism in this vote then your either blind or stupid. People have a right to want to sort of immigration but when you see some people's comments on social media or the like, it clear that race has played a massive part in this vote.
You don't see the hypocrisy in generalising Leavers as racist?


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this map not show Remain winning, or having down well, in areas were immigrants actually live and overwhelming Leave majorities in rural and semi-rural locations where immigrants don't live? The only place that doesn't seem true of is Birmingham, but even then its a close to 50/50 split.
Scroll down a bit on this - - bottom right chart.

A lot more in the remain half where there's higher numbers born outside the UK.

Clearest correlation by far though is qualifications.

Dr. Funkenstein

Not CAF Geert Wilders
May 20, 2014
The markets and the pound have already, in just a few hours, fallen more than they did at the last recession, you have to back decades to find comparable examples. Be a miracle if it doesn't happen.
A low pound is good for export. If a small part of the money going around in the City would end up as real investment and the English would actually start producing stuff people around the world want to have, that's an advantage.

These 'markets' of yours are people who spend considerable amounts of money to do exit polls so they have the knowlegde a few hours earlier so than can make billions in the time in between. You should wonder how important they really are for your economy.

Bury Red

Backs Fergie, Yells Giggs!
Aug 31, 2001
Nomadic no more
Au revoir connards!

I've read Lord of the Flies and know what goes on when you're trapped on an island with pig head obsessed public schoolboys. Time for an in-company transfer and French or Belgian citizenship.