LGBT Relationship Lessons in UK Schools

Huh. It's almost like jumping into a thread by claiming it's full of virtue signalling, overly defensive and condescending posts/posters isn't likely to get a positive response. Who'd have thought?
Though in regards to finding it too early to talk to your ten year old about anything to do with sex, how much do you suspect your ten year old (and those in her class) already know?
Oh, probably a lot more than I would want her to know, I'm not deluding myself about that.
I'm genuinely not sure what avoiding a talk on the issue at ten years old is actually protecting them from?
I don't think I'm trying to protect her from anything either, it's just my own conservative upbringing that trickles down I guess.

But I grew up a fine individual, right guys? So I don't think she'll have many problems either in spite of this.
Oh, probably a lot more than I would want her to know, I'm not deluding myself about that.

I don't think I'm trying to protect her from anything either, it's just my own conservative upbringing that trickles down I guess.

But I grew up a fine individual, right guys? So I don't think she'll have many problems either in spite of this.

Maybe we should put that to a caf vote. :p
Holy shit, this thread is like the virtue signaling olympics.

Nothing for you, same as you probably wouldn't see a problem in teaching kids about sex at a pretty early age.

The irony of it all is that they are supposed to be the most open minded people but they can't seem to get their head around the fact that there's people with different opinions on these issues.

Everyone gets so defensive and militant so quickly, it's fecking ridiculous.

My gang mates have already pointed out the irony here. But if you wanted a proper discourse maybe the way you went about it was wrong.

I can see both sides, even though my opinion itself is not sat on the fence. I don’t see anything inherently wrong with making children aware that other relationships exist at a young age, nor do I see anything wrong with letting young kids know that it’s ok to want to wear a dress or do things outside the norms of your biological sex. Those things at a basic level can only do good, and I’ll bet there’s a lot of people reaching adulthood now who wish they’d had access to that sort of reassurance when they were starting out. I certainly wouldn’t align myself with the people who say “what next? Teaching them how to finger properly?”. There’s no actual sex education going on for kids younger than about 10 as far as I’m aware, and I don’t think there’s going to be anytime soon, and as long as it’s kept that way I don’t really see an issue.

However, I definitely see a certain amount of virtue signalling going on too. And no, I don’t think you’re automatically in bed with Ben Shapiro if you use that term, but you can hold your opinion and espouse it without shitting on the guy who came before. For some reason if you aren’t as progressive as the next guy then you’re labelled a dinosaur, or someone who doesn’t know how to raise their kids properly. I mean, does it really need to be that polarised? Surely there are some shades of grey. But no, apparently everyone who isn’t up to their speed is a degenerate 1950s throwback, cursing the gays whilst raising the next congregation of the Westborough Baptist Church.

He jumped in to decry all the virtue signalling (I’ve asked @Vato to point out the guilty posts but he hasn’t delivered, perhaps you can point them out for me?) yet didn’t say a word about the opposite views. It’s tellinng.

Yes, that term is moronic. It doesn’t mean shit. It’s not a well reasoned argument, it doesn’t deconstruct anything, it’s just fluff for people who can’t formulate an argument to back up their oinion. Show me the virtue signalling mate.
My gang mates have already pointed out the irony here. But if you wanted a proper discourse maybe the way you went about it was wrong.
Have you learnt nothing from my posts in here? Half of the things I go about in anything is wrong, and that's being generous! Never claimed I'm without fault.

What makes it worse is that I hadn't even watched the clip in the OP. I'm like that guy who doesn't like that Joker film.
That would be a weird thing to point out, no? Just like it would be weird to just point out a heterosexual couple.

So I'm not sure where you are going with this, mate.

Disclaimer: I don't have any kids and I go out of my way to avoid them so I concede the probability that I don't know what the feck I'm talking about.

Disclaimer2: I grew up in very conservative settings and times so the idea of non-hetero couples did not register to me until probably high school.

That said, I was just wondering if at that age, children notice differences from the norm that is usually in front of them. I was raised by a dad and a mom so that was the norm for me. If I saw 2 guys holding hands on TV, maybe I would point that out as interesting? And in recent years with advances in gay right I think the odds of seeing such couples would increase. I was just asking you, an actual parent, if any of that has occurred with you and your daughter.
Have you learnt nothing from my posts in here? Half of the things I go about in anything is wrong, and that's being generous! Never claimed I'm without fault.

What makes it worse is that I hadn't even watched the clip in the OP. I'm like that guy who doesn't like that Joker film.

Well played, that’s a pretty funny post.
As far as i know, you're born with your sexuality, you're not born religious.
You're born atheist, but taught/forced to be religious by your family and friends.

There's nothing wrong with teaching about sexuality or religion in school, and make kids aware of what's out there, and to respect people however they are, even if they're different than you.
Disclaimer: I don't have any kids and I go out of my way to avoid them so I concede the probability that I don't know what the feck I'm talking about.

Disclaimer2: I grew up in very conservative settings and times so the idea of non-hetero couples did not register to me until probably high school.

That said, I was just wondering if at that age, children notice differences from the norm that is usually in front of them. I was raised by a dad and a mom so that was the norm for me. If I saw 2 guys holding hands on TV, maybe I would point that out as interesting? And in recent years with advances in gay right I think the odds of seeing such couples would increase. I was just asking you, an actual parent, if any of that has occurred with you and your daughter.
Oh ok. No, not really. I don't think she finds it even strange or anything. It's all normal for kids growing up nowadays, like it should be too.

I think even kids that grow up in religious homes nowadays are more accepting than a few decades ago, but I could be wrong.
Oh ok. No, not really. I don't think she finds it even strange or anything. It's all normal for kids growing up nowadays, like it should be too.

I think even kids that grow up in religious homes nowadays are more accepting than a few decades ago, but I could be wrong.

Not every religious family is backwards. Some can be archaicly backward, but there are also lots that can balance between rational thinking and keeping up with the time.

Off couse there are always the extreme end of each spectrums
There’s a teacher I think in this thread suggesting kids should be taught where babies come from or how they’re made in year 5 or 6 (I disagree with that) I think that obviously has to talk about sex, unless they mean tell them the stalk story. So I can see where people are getting confuse with the age appropriate thing.

That’s me.

Yes, pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 are taught where babies come from. Both in science and in PSHE. It’s more detailed in Year 6 than in Year 5. Of course the phrase sexual intercourse is used. Sperm meets the egg and this happens through sexual intercourse between man and woman. The baby grows inside the womb etc, etc. We get it, I hope...

This is age-appropriate science here, not some sort of indoctrination into pornography. Any questions pupils pose regarding sexual intercourse are met with a polite response that the lesson isn’t about the act itself and that any further questions are more appropriate for parents. As that information wouldn’t be age-appropriate. You’re essentially disagreeing with statutory primary curriculum coverage in most schools here. With all due respect, I’d question how qualified you are to do that.

Honestly, we can’t be sending our children into Year 7 without being able to explain how babies are made. It isn’t embarrassing, it isn’t offensive and it isn’t going to ‘strip children of their innocence’ (insert whatever buzzword parental phrase you like here instead). As I have discussed earlier in the thread, there are pupils that begin periods as early as Year 4. Physical attraction can begin even earlier in a child’s development. Neglecting children of this information is, to be frank, a safeguarding risk, especially when you consider the amount of pupils within the UK that are exposed to extremely challenging environments. The only information they may ever receive about puberty or sex will be from a teacher. We can’t neglect these pupils because some adults like to wrap up their kids in cotton wool.
Nothing for you, same as you probably wouldn't see a problem in teaching kids about sex at a pretty early age.

My daughter is 10 now, and both my missus and me still find it way too early to talk about anything sex-related. Which I'm sure most people in this thread will find ridiculous and old fashioned.

Thing is though, not everyone is as progressive as the people of northern europe and the US.

The irony of it all is that they are supposed to be the most open minded people but they can't seem to get their head around the fact that there's people with different opinions on these issues.

Everyone gets so defensive and militant so quickly, it's fecking ridiculous.

Lost my virginity to a 13 year old girl. No condom used. Used the coitus interruptus technique.

So many things could have gone wrong, life changing situations.

But yeah, let's keep them kids unaware of real life, basic biology and psychology...

That's the very reason the government has to take these issues under their tutelage. Parenting done right is a very rare situation.
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I agree with @Kag here. Times have changed, kids know more about "adult" things than many of us ever did when we were 10 or 11 years old. At 12, kids need to know about basic human reproduction and puberty changes. These things are normal, it's not about values or morals, it's just about them as human beings becoming adolescents. Whether or not they are told about the development of secondary sexual characteristics, those changes will happen to their bodies and they shouldn't be alarmed or misinformed.

When I was a teenager at secondary school (aged about 14), we had a lesson on human reproduction as part of our biology classes. We were all girls, the teacher was a young woman and she struggled with it, for some reason. That's just silly, really.
Dunno what to tell you tbh.
Your correct that there are lots of people who aren't as progressive as some on here but you can't be calling other posters fecking bonkers for no reason and expect it not to cause a bit of a pile on.

One of the issues with these types of threads is that overall the forum has a undertone of homophobia & transphobia running through it. There have been posters arguing that its natural for people to want their kids to be heterosexual because of some potential future grandkids(Life isn't a James Cameron movie), posters saying homophobia isn't a thing anymore when it clearly still is(I remember a poster trying to put forward the idea that the two lesbian women attacked in London could potentially be a conspiracy), in another thread I have seen people say that idea of sleeping with someone of the same sex or a trans person disgust them to their core.

This sort of stuff has a effect. We end up with a percentage of this forum saying - I'm not homophobic, I just want my kids to be straight because its 'natural. I'm not homophobic, I just find the idea of sleeping with a person of the same sex sicking. 'I'm not homophobic and anyways gays have it mostly pretty great in todays world(They could be lying if they say otherwise). And now its at even the most basics of human decency(Teaching children about others)- 'I'm not homophobic but don't teach my kids that homosexual relationships are real and ok'.

So at a certain point progressive people(Myself included) are going to get fed up with this bigoted shite and be pissed off.
I don't remember ever being taught about relationships in school.

We put a condom on a banana once and I think there was a 30 minute lesson about STDs. I work in domestic abuse and I do think things like this might help kids to grow up with a more healthy outlook on what they should and should not accept in a relationship so why not. Religion certainly doesn't provide that outlook.
People talk about sex age 8? You wot? No they fecking don't. Well, not where Im from at least.

They talk about Pokemon and some silly new phone app that makes videos.
@Synco actually let's not derail the thread any further. It's going no where.

Apologies if I didn't make my point clearly.
I thought we were just starting to get somewhere - but as you like it.

Edit: On a second thought, I have to admit I find it a bit strange. Now that we have finally found a basis that is clear to both and would allow to get to the point, you opt out of the discussion. It's your right and I won't bother you any further, but I can't say I understand it.
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I'll indulge you @Cascarino; What's wrong with not wanting to pollute young kids' brains with sex at an age you don't find it appropriate yet? Not everyone is as progressive as the gang who piled on on Raess in this thread you know?

You seem to have a problem with the word virtue signaling but not much when words like bigot or homophobe are easily thrown around for people having a different opinion. How weird.

And before you say or think so, yes, the religious nutjobs who think homosexuality is a sin are even worse.

In a nutshell, you're all fecking bonkers.


Isn't this about teaching kids about relationship?
There are 2 kids in my three year olds creche with 2 dads.

He asked what the story was and I explained that sometimes kids have 2 dads, but he has a mam and a dad. He was fine with that, he didnt really give a shit.

He asked did they have mams too and I told him they did but sometimes kids live with their 2 dads and not with a mam and a dad like he does. Again, he was ok with that, didn't really give a feck.

Reading this thread, I'm now concerned about when he'll ask me to buy him a pair of arseless chaps and tell me hes moving to Saudi Arabia.
I thought we were just starting to get somewhere - but as you like it.

Edit: On a second thought, I have to admit I find it a bit strange. Now that we have finally found a basis that is clear to both and would allow to get to the point, you opt out of the discussion. It's your right and I won't bother you any further, but I can't say I understand it.

Okay then, seeing as you asked I’ll do you the courtesy.

I made a statement, you said it was homophobic. I asked you as directly as possible why you think that, and your reply was that I’m moving the goal-posts of the discussion before saying ‘okay let’s talk about racism in Alabama then’. So I'm moving the goal-posts by asking about the exact same thing that started the debate. Okay... Clearly, that discussion is heading no where.

It’s just gaslighting at this point. To suggest I’m the one taking it off topic is strange, clearly it won’t convince me I’m doing that and nobody else gives a shit.
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Okay then, seeing as you asked I’ll do you the courtesy.

I made a statement, you said it was homophobic. I asked you as directly as possible why you think that, and your reply was that I’m taking it off topic along with ‘okay let’s talk about racism in Alabama then’. Clearly, that discussion is heading no where.

It’s just gaslighting at this point. To suggest I’m the one taking it off topic is strange, clearly it won’t convince me I’m doing that and nobody else gives a shit.
Reading this, I don't think you understood what I attempted to say at all. And no idea how you think that's an accurate recount of our exchange.
Reading this, I don't think you understood what I said at all. And no idea how you think that's an accurate recount of our exchange.

okay, apologies for the misunderstanding

To clarify, I want to know why you think my statement was homophobic.
okay, apologies for the misunderstanding

To clarify, I want to know why you think my statement was homophobic.
Well yes, that's obviously what needs to be done. See, this is what I said this morning, and nothing has changed for me since then:
I feel with your latest post & your commitment to a stance on the "Alabama" example, there's a basis for further discussion for the first time. But I won't have enough time today, because there's quite a bit to disentangle - both regarding our discussion and the subject as such.
I honestly don't understand what has happened between that post and now, but it's probably best if we just ignore that and move on. That means I'll try to make my point when I have time and tag you.
Well yes, that's obviously what needs to be done. See, this is what I said this morning, and nothing has changed for me since then:

I honestly don't understand what has happened between that post and now, but it's probably best if we just ignore that and move on. That means I'll try to make my point when I have time and tag you.

Its all good - just a misunderstanding. Ultimately though I don't think this is that important to the debate.

I just gave up as it was going no where. My question was on the exact same issue as to why you started quoting me (7 or 8 posts ago and yet I still don't have any answer), why do you think its homophobic? Yet your response was I'm moving the goal-posts.

Bringing racism into it is just dragging it further into the weeds at this point.
Its all good - just a misunderstanding. Ultimately though I don't think this is that important to the debate.

I just gave up as it was going no where. My question was on the exact same issue as to why you started quoting me (7 or 8 posts ago and yet I still don't have any answer), why do you think its homophobic? Yet your response was I'm moving the goal-posts.

Bringing racism into it is just dragging it further into the weeds at this point.
:confused: Did you even read the post you were just quoting?