RAWK Goes Into Meltdown 2016-17 Edition


Shouldn't the line be parallel with the penalty box?
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Mourinho's Unimpressive Fouling Cheats, witnessed by the world - the contrast couldn't have been plainer to see. When will it finally click with the footy establishment that they'd be better off backing teams that play the kind of stuff that people actually want to watch, rather than Scudamore's poster boys.
Have you seen the pic illustrating Valencia being offside, I think he marginally is, but they have a picture with lines that aren't even straight, not even perpendicular to the edge of the box. Also, they have the line of their last man going through the middle of this body and Valencia's to his side. Laughable.
:lol: sounds about right!
How many points behind Liverpool are we now? 5? We can easily make that up. That Zlatan goal was crucial for us.
in para 1 (not all shown) our latest hero is initially gently critical of the BBC for moving to Salford & in particular how this has affected MotD editorial policy, but after noting that Jurgen bravely remains unfazed by this, I am afraid that our Rawkite friend then loses it almost totally - been all about the number of points for a win being changed innit? why weren't we told?

...At least our manager is so dignified and astute to be able to handle this corruption. We are lucky to have him.
We were criticised for earning a lot of penalty's from our attacking dominance. unted bullied and cheated their way their way through the Premier League aided and abetted by the fa and the soft reward of 3 points per win (however gained). They are a joke of a club and their success is a shit stain on a once great sport.
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So good he posted it twice apparently

Forgive me please if I repeat what I said yesterday....but I reckon that it has to be said again..

I basically feel that Manchester United. ( I give them the full name because I reckon calling the c**ts "Man. United". is a bit too familair like calling their centre-forward "Zlaton" or whatever his name is)... are awarded at least 10-12 undeserved points a year.
For at least 25 years the tables have started with the Mancunian twats 15-17 points ahead of the rest for a variety of reasons. These are the reasons.

1) Manc love-in. For historical reasons there is great national sympathy towards them.

2) Referees are swayed by these people. The Manc men in ties sitting up in the stands (we all know who they are) put an awful amount of "unseen" pressure on officials at matches at Old Trafford.

3) Because of this pressure on the officials, they ( referee, linesmen etc.) are unable to give important 2nd decisions! Note the word. "2nd" decisions. They might give a penalty or an off-side against them but they'll NEVER give a second one. Referees might give a penalty or an off-side against Manchester United, but then they spend the rest of the match trying to make amends. and try to get the Mancs back in the game. It's gone on for years. You get a blatent penalty against them and then the referee shits himself for what he's done, and frets for the rest of the game until he gets them back into the game.

4) If , on the other hand, the Mancs' opponents happen to get a second (blatent) penalty, or a 2nd 50-50 decision , there's not a chance on this fecking planet that a referee will give the decision against them. No chance, they're too worried about their careers and they know that the establishment and the MANC hierarchy up in the Prawn Sandwich seats will speak to their FIFA friends and make sure that they'll go no further in heir careers.

That is what we're up against.
RAWK said:
Referees are swayed by these people. The Manc men in ties sitting up in the stands (we all know who they are) put an awful amount of "unseen" pressure on officials at matches at Old Trafford.
Yeah, I've noticed Sir Bobby shooting mind-bending hypnotic rays from his eyes; his glasses are really protective welding goggles.
Didn't they get 3 penalties against us in one game a couple of years ago? And we had a man sent off? On their way to a title they didn't win because of their own mistakes? Kind of blows up his theory.

As others have said, why do they get so invested in something that is as blatantly corrupt as football?
Watched a repeat of the game last night and I was amazed at how dominant we were throughout the match. Didn't think we played well when I watched it live (due to the nerves and everything).

Liverpool were shite. I still don't get Why they feel they deserved more than the point they (luckily) got.

Just realised that Valencia was offside in the build up to the goal... This makes it even better :lol:
You know they're worried when they've started droning on about the officials again. If we were 10+ points behind you can bet their thread wouldn't have a single post about ref decisions, but now we're unbeaten in 16 and have closed the gap to a manageable distance they've started the Fergie era nonsense again.
RAWK on Griezmann:

I know everybody loves Griezmann but personally I think he's an overrated, shitting bottler pussy and will fit in really well with Shittykaryan and Pogshit if they sign him.
How many points behind Liverpool are we now? 5? We can easily make that up. That Zlatan goal was crucial for us.

Pogba's handball was equally as crucial for us.

Ta Pog la . If it wasn't for you it would be two points.
Not actually from RAWK but I did enjoy this..

BBC Sports are doing one of their daily questions, which today was 'Which movie would you take your team to go and see?'. Some pretty funny answers coming out, poking fun at people's own teams, and then..

Aaron Mitchell: I would take Liverpool to see One Night in Istanbul as it is about a previous Liverpool team and it will inspire them

Never let it be said that famous scouse sense of humour isn't alive and kicking.. :lol:
Didn't they get 3 penalties against us in one game a couple of years ago? And we had a man sent off? On their way to a title they didn't win because of their own mistakes? Kind of blows up his theory.

As others have said, why do they get so invested in something that is as blatantly corrupt as football?
Theyve had more penalties at OT than any other premiership side.