Anthony Martial image 9

Anthony Martial France flag

2015-16 Performances

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6.6 Season Average Rating
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Doesn't feel right seeing him talking and making facial expressions that aren't stoic and in-the-zone.
His goal against Liverpool is still my moment of the season. Surround this kid with more quality and I can see him really owning this league.
I like the fact he is being played across the front line. The thing with this desperation amongst fans is causing us to ignore he is just a kid that has to be nurtured into a complete footballer.
We can't keep skipping stages in the education of these lads because the team is in need of results. We all know he'll end up a striker but for now let him learn about other roles so he can anticipate situations better.
The fact that he's played across the front line shows how well-rounded he is and his sheer ability is frightening. He has shown instincts on the left, right, through the middle, in the box, etc. I yearn for the days when there was fluidity and uncertainty in the attack, however Martial is a great foundation. If Memphis can continue to mature and have a directness/urgency in his play, we could enjoy watching a proper 9 and a proper 7. If Januzaj knuckles down, then we'll truly have something. Until then, we'll have to make due with what is currently on tap.
I like the fact he is being played across the front line. The thing with this desperation amongst fans is causing us to ignore he is just a kid that has to be nurtured into a complete footballer.
We can't keep skipping stages in the education of these lads because the team is in need of results. We all know he'll end up a striker but for now let him learn about other roles so he can anticipate situations better.
Which club do you support? If you don't mind me asking.
I like the fact he is being played across the front line. The thing with this desperation amongst fans is causing us to ignore he is just a kid that has to be nurtured into a complete footballer.
We can't keep skipping stages in the education of these lads because the team is in need of results. We all know he'll end up a striker but for now let him learn about other roles so he can anticipate situations better.

Correct he doesn't need to play up front regularly yet, playing out wide will benefit his all round game later in his career.
Liverpool 0:1 Man Utd
In a match where you are playing on the counter he'd be 10 times more useful playing on the last man, being wasted in this match on the left
Might develop into a great player.. but offering less than Welbeck used to on the left wing.
Might develop into a great player.. but offering less than Welbeck used to on the left wing.
He definitely is. He's faster, stronger and a better dribbler than Welbeck. He has shown he can actually finish too. Should definitely be played up top though.

He's our only good attacking player.
In a match where you are playing on the counter he'd be 10 times more useful playing on the last man, being wasted in this match on the left
Precisely. Drop Rooney into the #10/take him off and play Martial uptop alone. Sakho and Kolo will shit their pants if he's allowed to run at them.
The run that ended with Sakho blocking his shot was decent. Otherwise he's working off scraps, but making more of them than Rooney or Lingard.
He's our only attacking player we have who actually looks any good. Imagine how impressive he'd be in a decent side. He's being asked to perform miracles in a side that struggles desperately to create anything.
I never said he was a worse player than Welbeck. Just that he is offering less on the left wing. It doesnt matter what his best position is. Blame him, blame the manager, blame no one. Different argument.
I'd love to carry this on, but it's actually quite self explanatory
He was our only threat for best part of the game and any time we looked like scoring it was based off his own work causing their defense problems.
Such an exciting player but his decision making at times is poor.

2-3 times in the second half he had Rooney in decent positions in the box but instead of looking for a pass he turned into a bunch of defenders and tried to dribble thorough them. Needs to work on using his team mates better instead of trying to do it all alone.
Really like him but wow is he greedy; almost no awareness of his team-mates, head down and try to dribble past 3 defenders every time.
Might develop into a great player.. but offering less than Welbeck used to on the left wing.
:lol: Come on. Welbeck was absolute wank on the wing. For all his fancy play everywhere else, he never actually did anything productive and that's why he was sold. Never really dribbled past players, created chances or got in a chance. Martial consistently gets into good positions, goes past players, holds onto the ball better and creates more then Welbeck. There's nothing at all that Welbeck is actually better at then Martial
A constant danger for the Liverpool defense. Perfrom well in nearly every game. Sign a few quality players and he will shine next season.
His touch and close control is insane. We need to build a proper team around him.
Most teams have two, and sometimes three, players marking him. Imagine, if we had just one more quality player in the team... Or, if Memphis would actually turn up one of these days.
Badly needs a rest though, but weve put ourselves in a position where we are reliant on him for counter attacks.

The rest is moreso for long term implications.
He is absolutely useless on the left wing. He only looks decent when he moves central.

:lol: Anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see that isn't true. What did Welbeck ever offer on the left wing? He couldn't dribble half as well as Martial and had zero goal threat so how was he an improvement?
:lol: Anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see that isn't true. What did Welbeck ever offer on the left wing? He couldn't dribble half as well as Martial and had zero goal threat so how was he an improvement?
No amount of :lol: will change the fact that Martial offers very little from the left wing.
He is only playing there because that is the easiest way to shoe horn him in.

For all his fantastic ball carrying ability, he very rarely beats his fullback. He is constantly trying to run inside and runs into people.
He isnt a winger. He isnt doing well as a wide forward.
I really didnt think it was a controversial point. It wasnt even a criticism of Martial. Just saying he is not a great option out wide.

Still enjoying his honeymoon period on the caf by the looks of things.
If we can find another two young players of his ability, we are golden.
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