Henrikh Mkhitaryan image 22

Henrikh Mkhitaryan Armenia flag

2017-18 Performances

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5.3 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Have to keep some faith in him - still believe he offers more than Lingard in that role. At least his movement is creating space for the right pass to be made...even if he can't seem to make it.

We're likely to start our usual defend deep trick soon, and having him on the break could still be useful.
Have to keep some faith in him - still believe he offers more than Lingard in that role. At least his movement is creating space for the right pass to be made...even if he can't seem to make it.

We're likely to start our usual defend deep trick soon, and having him on the break could still be useful.

I agree. We are just waiting for one opportunity to catch them.
he is a nothing player. in the el last year he could shine because that is exactly his level. i dont get how this guy can almost start every game as he offers absolutely nothing. he is slow, cant hold a ball and his passing is shit. horrible player and the only one i hope we get rid of.
Mkhi has actually been better than his last few games, still pretty shite.
Simply not good enough! His ball rentention is poor. His vision when in possession is lacking! Always seems to be on the peripheral of games especially against the better sides when we need him controlling games and feeding Lukaku etc.
I dont understand why he plays No.10 for us though? He's a wide playmaker who cuts in, thats where he played for Dortmund in his best season. Theres a reason why Tuchel and Klopp didn't play him as a No.10.
Really awful so far. I understand players occasionally find themselves struggling for form, and it's difficult to get out of that funk, but he doesn't even seem to be making up for it with effort.
Was good in the second half. Not surprising that the narrative has been set already though.
I've said this before, he can't control the game. He's just not good enough to be the main man.
And that's his problem. I still remember the early days when he played CAM for BvB, he was absolutely rubbish (even worse than the recent Performance for us ), Klopp forced Mkhitaryan to replace Gotze and becone the main man of BvB and Micki was so shit because of this. Later on, Tuchel came and put Micki out wide, release him from ball rotation duty, his job was making movement to create space, run as fast as possible to put in a cross (his crossing in 15/16 was really good). He didnt have to participate in ball rotation with Reus and Gundogan (because he's shit at this), all he had to do were making runs, receive the ball, do a 1-2 pass and provide through balls or crosses or making runs in to the box and score. It can even said that he never had to pass the ball backward. In other words, his job was finish the attack or put in a magic moment to assists. He was never good at dictating the game for Dortmund. In fact, he was shit at it.

He's not a 10. He's a RM, that's simple. Even his best performance for us (vs Spurs) came from the right flank.
Much better second half albeit it was just for 15 minutes. Still not enough to be a guaranteed starter yet
Has been poor for few weeks now. His start to the season was really good, but I'm not sure what happened to him since.
Was good in the second half. Not surprising that the narrative has been set already though.
He was decent for about 5/10 minutes immediately after I made my post above, but let's not exaggerate.
Not a great fan of mikhi from the start but i don't understand you guys, really. He is not top class and we can get better players in future( ozil) but with him on no10 something is happening. He dribbles, creates, shoots. Always trying to go direct. Do you see lingard on that position? He barelly touches the ball. Just running around. No10 must play football. Mikhi is trying that.
When i see his post match ratings i am bemused. Apparentley it is better play simple rather to try something.
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He was decent for about 5/10 minutes immediately after I made my post above, but let's not exaggerate.

My post was actually in response to somebody being baffled that he was still playing after 60 minutes. He was bad in the first half, but reactions like that make no sense at all.
The difference between Eriksen at #10 and Mkhi was clear as day. One was composed on the ball and set the team's play up, the other mostly put his head down and dribbled into dead alleys.
Not a grearlt fan of mikhi from the start but i don't understand you guys, really. He is not top class and we can get better players in future( ozil) but with him on no10 something is happening. He dribbles, creates, shoots. Always trying to go direct. Do you see lingard on that position? He barelly touches the ball. Just running around. No10 must play football. Mikhi is trying that.
When i see his post match ratings i am bemused. Apparentley it is better play simple rather to try something.

Sometimes it is, abso-fecking-lutely. That shouldn't even been questioned. And even when he tries his final ball lacks quality so so often.
Was good in the second half. Not surprising that the narrative has been set already though.

Came in here to say exactly that. He was dire in the first half but I was disappointed when he went off. I'm amazed so many people can't seem to see how he upped his game in the second half.
I've gone from...

"Ozil? Ha, no thanks." to...

"Ozil? Maybe if Mkhitaryan doesn't improve" to...

"Please Christ let us get Ozil."
He was a little better in the second half but he's a weak link in this team right now, I wonder if he'd play better if he was in a situation where he was the back-up with less pressure.
It was a weird time to take him off, not that it matters now.

He played very well in the second half.
Think he just needs more support - can't be in charge of our creativity.

Again, didn't see enough of his amazing season to know, but was he getting lots of support from Reus and the midfielders? Auba and Lukaku are similar-ish in that neither is a back-to-goal striker, but maybe Dortmund's system just reduced the responsibility on him so he was able to contribute more.
Frustrating when you see a player you know is capable of so much look so average. More of a slump than a dip, worryingly.
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