David Moyes West Ham Manager | Gone (pedantic sod Sarni)


Sniffs Erricksson’s diarrhea
Oct 18, 2007
Who are these people? I’d struggle to think of a manager less rated on here.
A couple years ago there were a few people who thought Moyes was hard done by at Utd and thought he should have been given more time. They might have seen sense since though. There was one poster in particular who seemed to be Moyes himself, doing nothing but sticking up for him but I can't remember the username.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Who are these people? I’d struggle to think of a manager less rated on here.
Not many here anymore agreed, though I argued with someone lately that his time at Sociedad was bad and was told 'look where they were before he joined'.

In the media he is still held in high regard for some reason.


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
Oh no just like Sunderland it looks like Moyes has taken on another mission impossible that he won't be able to turn around despite his considerable talent and a courageous effort on his part. He can only do so much on his own i guess.

In reality West Ham have finished 12th, 7th and 11th the last 3 years, that's free fall to you is it?

Sunderland? Have they not just sacked another manager and sitting bottom of the championship? Oh I suppose that is Moyes fault as well. Sunderland have been flirting with relegation for the last 5 years and just like Villa eventually they will go down, how much was that Moyes fault or the clubs - it is hard to pinpoint .

So why was Bilic sacked then? West Ham have been in a state of flux for sometime forget about the freak season when they finished 7th that was more of anomaly than the norm.

Another gem straight out of the Moyes quote library. You must be on a wind up surely?
Was it Moyes fault Lanzini missed the penalty or Hart takes down the striker? These players are the cause of the issue they have already got a manager the sack all I am saying is Managers need time. All this criticism after 3 games is madness all because he tried and failed at United. I think people need to grow up.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
I despise Moyes for what he did at United and the pure arrogance of the man but he's not as bad a coach as his last few seasons would suggest, surely?

I think wherever he goes now he just brings a massive baggage with him which he doesn't help alleviate with his unwillingness to accept any responsibility for past failures and criticising of players the second he walks through the door. Any team he manages seems to be defeated before they even get on the pitch.
That's his biggest problem, he's still clearly hurt by his complete and utter failure at United. It feeds into all the negative and destructive nonsense he spouts on a regular basis, players clearly don't want play for him. He actually has a negative effect, usually teams get a new manager bounce for a few weeks.

After the United job he should have swallowed his pride held his hands up and admitted he fecked up, took a break to re-evaluate and update his skill set before returning for a fresh start somewhere. Instead he did the complete opposite, refuses to accept blame for anything and doubled down on his old methods which are clearly out of date.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Was it Moyes fault Lanzini missed the penalty or Hart takes down the striker?
Moyes has no problem taking credit for his teams successes so he has to also take blame for their failures. So yes it is at the very least partially his fault.

These players are the cause of the issue they have already got a manager the sack all I am saying is Managers need time. All this criticism after 3 games is madness all because he tried and failed at United. I think people need to grow up.
He gets stick on here for his comments and attitude over the last 4 years, not for 3 games at West Ham and certainly not for failing at United. Van Gaal failed at United also is he as disliked as Moyes, no he is not. Care to speculate as to why?
Last edited:


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
Van Gaal failed at United also is he as disliked as Moyes, no he is not. Care to speculate as to why?
I personally disliked LvG more than Moyes. This probably due to Moyes' endorsement by Sir Alex, and then the realisation soon set in he was just not good enough to be coaching United. LvG was Donald Trump of football. A high regard of himself. He could do no wrong.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Was it Moyes fault Lanzini missed the penalty or Hart takes down the striker? These players are the cause of the issue they have already got a manager the sack all I am saying is Managers need time. All this criticism after 3 games is madness all because he tried and failed at United. I think people need to grow up.
West Ham did not lose the game because of two incidents, they lost 4 fecking nil to a team that barely won a game during last two months. They were pure shite and it's his fault.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
I personally disliked LvG more than Moyes. This probably due to Moyes' endorsement by Sir Alex, and then the realisation soon set in he was just not good enough to be coaching United. LvG was Donald Trump of football.
Thats fair enough mate, Van Gaal had his faults. His football was a chore and he was a bit of a loon. But among United fans he isn't nearly as disliked as Moyes from my experience.

There was a poll on here two years ago that was like 85-90% in favour of Moyes being worse than Van Gaal. A landslide like that was telling as Van Gaal was still in the job at the time and putting people to sleep with dismal football on a weekly basis.

A high regard of himself. He could do no wrong.
That describes Moyes to a T as well.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
After the United job he should have swallowed his pride held his hands up and admitted he fecked up, took a break to re-evaluate and update his skill set before returning for a fresh start somewhere. Instead he did the complete opposite, refuses to accept blame for anything and doubled down on his old methods which are clearly out of date.
This is absolutely what he should have done and it would have regained him loads of respecting in the footballing world.

No shame in failing at one of the toughest jobs in management but he insisted on blaming it on everyone but himself, and kept this up at every club he's been to since.

He hasn't been helped by all his enabling journalist and pundit pals who stick by him no matter what.


New Member
Sep 2, 2015
Thats fair enough mate, Van Gaal had his faults. His football was a chore and he was a bit of a loon. But among United fans he isn't nearly as disliked as Moyes from my experience.

There was a poll on here two years ago that was like 85-90% in favour of Moyes being worse than Van Gaal. A landslide like that was telling as Van Gaal was still in the job at the time and putting people to sleep with dismal football on a weekly basis.

That describes Moyes to a T as well.
It describes nearly all managers. To do the job you have to believe in yourself to the point of delusion.

Can't believe the stick he's getting in here. Three games. Let it go lads. Go outside, breathe in some air.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
It describes nearly all managers. To do the job you have to believe in yourself to the point of delusion.

Can't believe the stick he's getting in here. Three games. Let it go lads. Go outside, breathe in some air.
Moyes is already way past that point to be fair.

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location
This is absolutely what he should have done and it would have regained him loads of respecting in the footballing world.

No shame in failing at one of the toughest jobs in management but he insisted on blaming it on everyone but himself, and kept this up at every club he's been to since.

He hasn't been helped by all his enabling journalist and pundit pals who stick by him no matter what.
Obviously, for some unfathomable reason, he still has. How else does he still keep pulling up multi million pound jobs?


New Member
Sep 2, 2015
Moyes is already way past that point to be fair.
Yeah possibly.

However I'm yet to see a manager get sacked and say "Yeah fair enough. I was a bit shit."

It doesn't happen, with Moyes or anybody else. They all get very defensive about themselves. They even get defensive when other managers get sacked (unless it opens up a spot for them).


Full Member
May 16, 2010
I personally disliked LvG more than Moyes. This probably due to Moyes' endorsement by Sir Alex, and then the realisation soon set in he was just not good enough to be coaching United. LvG was Donald Trump of football. A high regard of himself. He could do no wrong.
Realisation? So why in every interview since then Moyes has said he needed more time blah blah. Nobody could have done a better job than him after Fergie. He is such a pathetic man. This is why everyone on here still talks about Moyes whilst there is rarely a mention about LVG.

Atleast Van Gaal for most of the time has kept his trap shut. He also only said how his sacking could have been dealt in a better way. Which is totally understandable as finding out few hours after winning a cup wasn’t the best way.


Lights on for Luke
Mar 10, 2010
Voted the best city in the world
Realisation? So why in every interview since then Moyes has said he needed more time blah blah. Nobody could have done a better job than him after Fergie. He is such a pathetic man. This is why everyone on here still talks about Moyes whilst there is rarely a mention about LVG.

Atleast Van Gaal for most of the time has kept his trap shut. He also only said how his sacking could have been dealt in a better way. Which is totally understandable as finding out few hours after winning a cup wasn’t the best way.
I think Sults meant the realization kicked in to Sults, not Moyes. Clearly not Moyesiah :lol:


Jun 24, 2015
Another thread turning into the Van Gaal v Moyes debate. People just have to agree to disagree and just move on. Good riddance to the both of them! The advice that Moyes gave to Usworth was quite ironic though. He really does need to keep his mouth shut and let his football do the talking!


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Fionn WHU said:
The West Ham Way

A wise man once said that the three keys to a healthy relationship are attention, affection and appreciation. A mantra we can bring into all our relationships you would agree? Let me tell you about a relationship in our life.

We haven’t had much luck with relationships one could say. Our previous two relationships could be described as quite tumultuous in the worst sense of the word. We endured a relationship with a man who, looking to do some renovations, asked us to pay a quite significant amount for the ‘right’ to pay for our relationship… He offered us what he called a ‘bond’ which gave us a right to pay for what we could already pay for. Needless to say, we didn’t accept that.

We eventually coped some sense and moved onto our next relationship and we were still searching for love. We thought we’d found our man, an exciting Icelandic sugar daddy who promised us the world and delivered at the start. Then the financial crash happened and it all went sour. We ended up with a broke billionaire who wanted to take a break from us. Our relationship failed yet again.

Third time is charm they said. How could our next relationship get any worse?

In 2010, you came along and self-proclaimed that you were saving us. You proclaimed you were one of us, even though that wasn’t true. Davids Sullivan and Gold, along with their henchwoman Karen Brady. You proclaimed that you were our ‘saviours’ and we would have become extinct if they didn’t arrive.

Some of us believed you, some were sceptical but most thought things couldn’t be much worse than our previous relationships.

Funnily enough, we are slow to learn our lesson and we remained hesitant to walk away from our relationship. Like most relationships, especially when it’s unrequited love, there is usually a break-point however. When was ours?

Was it when you cut off the season tickets of the legends of our club for cost savings?

Was it when you sacked long standing employees of our club for cost saving purposes yet pay some of our players over £100k a week?

Was it when you tried to renege on an agreed Season Ticket offer with your most loyal fans?

Was it when you have essentially disowned our heritage and not invested and almost abandoned our academy?

Was it when you didn’t invest in our training facilities in your whole ownership era?

Was it when you sold our home without us having a say?

Was it when you sold our soul for corporate greed?

Was it when you moved us to an Athletics stadium, not a football stadium?

Was it when you promised us Champions League football in five years?

Was it when you promised us the next level if we moved ground? By next level, did you mean Championship?

Was it when you promised us world-class players but signed Jonathan Calleri and Gokhan Tore instead?

Was it when you sold our best player, Dimitri Payet and replaced him with Robert Snodgrass?

Was it when you attempted an obvious gentrification of our loyal support base?

Was it when you hired nightclub bouncers and cage fighters to moonlight as stewards so you could forcibly eject season ticket holders that wanted to stand?

Was it when you said you’d help clear our debts but those debt levels remain the same seven years later but have been replaced with your money.

Was it when you started charging us 7% interest on that money you put into the club? Yes, that is 7% interest they are charging the club. 7% per annum on £100 million.

Was it when you introduced a premium phone line for buying tickets, a phone line belonging to a company you owned?

Was it when you made a donation to the Conservative party on the club’s behalf? With the knowledge that our CEO, Karen Brady, is member of said party and received a life peer from that party around the same time?

Was it when you allowed your teenage son to manage our social media output and criticise managers/players in public?

Was it when you organised club plants on fans websites and forums to defend your actions?

Was it when you wanted to play football manager and buy the players you wanted, as opposed to the players the manager wanted?

Was it when you always took the free, cheap and loan option in regards to the above?

Was it when you threatened to sue another club’s owner when he called you up for the liar and shyster you are?

Was it when you constantly undermined all our managers?

Was it when you attempted to discredit and undermine one of the only remaining good things about this club, a decent and honest man, Slaven Bilic?

Was it when you once again took the cheap and easy option, and rewarded failure, by appointing David Moyes?

Was it the constant lies and trying to take us for fools?

Or was it simply a combination of all the above and much, much more?

You know the cost of everything but the value of nothing. You’ve both simultaneously managed to kill our club and our support. When apathy replaces anger, it can be a depressing realisation that this relationship has no future.

Time to leave. And time to leave now.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
Another thread turning into the Van Gaal v Moyes debate. People just have to agree to disagree and just move on. Good riddance to the both of them! The advice that Moyes gave to Usworth was quite ironic though. He really does need to keep his mouth shut and let his football do the talking!
That's the last thing he should do.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
Pure drivel. Your hatred to Moyes is showing. Things do not change around in 3 games. West Ham have been in free fall for a couple of years. He needs at least 10 games before judging. If West Ham score that penalty the dynamics of the game changes. Players need to be more responsible instead of always being the managers fault.
I have no problem with constructive criticism, but that isnt.

Also, me hating Moyes is of no relevance to his performance.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Yeah possibly.

However I'm yet to see a manager get sacked and say "Yeah fair enough. I was a bit shit."

It doesn't happen, with Moyes or anybody else. They all get very defensive about themselves. They even get defensive when other managers get sacked (unless it opens up a spot for them).
There's no possible about it mate, he's full blown delusional. He thinks his time at Sociedad was a success and says if given his time at United over he would do everything exactly the same, even though he knows that would lead to failure again.


New Member
Sep 2, 2015
There's no possible about it mate, he's full blown delusional. He thinks his time at Sociedad was a success and says if given his time at United over he would do everything exactly the same, even though he knows that would lead to failure again.
Yeah I can't argue with that but they're all the same. You think Mourinho blames himself for his final season at Chelsea? Not one bit I'd imagine.

Just seems unfair to single out Moyes for a characteristic nearly all managers have.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Yeah possibly.

However I'm yet to see a manager get sacked and say "Yeah fair enough. I was a bit shit."

It doesn't happen, with Moyes or anybody else. They all get very defensive about themselves. They even get defensive when other managers get sacked (unless it opens up a spot for them).
Implicitly they accept that by keeping quiet, and move on.

Not many manager blabbering excuses when they're sacked. Probably when they're still in the job, but when the axe finally falls they just move on with their lives. And we've seen many better manager got axed for much less.

Luxemburgl fired after winning the champions league, di matteo, etc. They didn't cry foul in the media even when they have a better case to be bitter. Moyes failed miserably and still managed to think he's being hard done.

Feck him


New Member
May 22, 2017
Just soooooooo bad. Shows no sign of improvement anywhere. When will he start turning everything around and prove all the haters wrong? never i guess


New Member
Sep 2, 2015
Implicitly they accept that by keeping quiet, and move on.

Not many manager blabbering excuses when they're sacked. Probably when they're still in the job, but when the axe finally falls they just move on with their lives. And we've seen many better manager got axed for much less.

Luxemburgl fired after winning the champions league, di matteo, etc. They didn't cry foul in the media even when they have a better case to be bitter. Moyes failed miserably and still managed to think he's being hard done.

Feck him
Agree he should refuse to answer anymore United questions but if you think any manager accepts being sacked after 8 months I'd say think again. They will all think they've been wronged.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
It describes nearly all managers. To do the job you have to believe in yourself to the point of delusion.

Can't believe the stick he's getting in here. Three games. Let it go lads. Go outside, breathe in some air.
He was awful at united but I don't hold that against him, I take genuine offense at the person he has become since - this deluded guy that still believes he should be managing at the highest level but shouldn't be getting anywhere near a PL job.

He's become a symbol of what I hate in football - earning millions despite a terrible track record. Outdated, overpaid and most importantly; blocking younger managers from potentially getting top jobs.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
Just soooooooo bad. Shows no sign of improvement anywhere. When will he start turning everything around and prove all the haters wrong? never i guess
He genuinely doesn't know what he is doing.


New Member
Sep 2, 2015
He was awful at united but I don't hold that against him, I take genuine offense at the person he has become since - this deluded guy that still believes he should be managing at the highest level but shouldn't be getting anywhere near a PL job.

He's become a symbol of what I hate in football - earning millions despite a terrible track record. Outdated, overpaid and most importantly; blocking younger managers from potentially getting top jobs.
Do you want him to turn down highly paid Premier League jobs? Apart from making offended(Really?) fans feel better i cant think why he'd do that.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
Do you want him to turn down highly paid Premier League jobs? Apart from making offended(Really?) fans feel better i cant think why he'd do that.
Of course I don't expect him to turn them down, those big pay days are the norm for him now. More the issue that he's even in the frame. That part is football's fault not his - that's why I said he's become a symbol of what I hate in football.

And yes, he does offend me - I've never seen him act humble despite a glaringly bad recent CV.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
He can't lift a team, I've no idea what Gold and Sullivan were thinking.

How long before he starts blaming everything other than himself?


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Pure drivel. Your hatred to Moyes is showing. Things do not change around in 3 games. West Ham have been in free fall for a couple of years. He needs at least 10 games before judging. If West Ham score that penalty the dynamics of the game changes. Players need to be more responsible instead of always being the managers fault.

Please post some more replies.
I need some comic relief.

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
Gone by Christmas/NYD, I reckon. One of the most irresponsible appointments in recent memory - if your team is facing a relegation battle, you do NOT hire a man incapable of motivating and rallying players.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
A couple years ago there were a few people who thought Moyes was hard done by at Utd and thought he should have been given more time. They might have seen sense since though. There was one poster in particular who seemed to be Moyes himself, doing nothing but sticking up for him but I can't remember the username.
There was a guy who called himself KidMoyes.
I assume he was a huge fan of Moyes.


Freaky fly day
Aug 10, 2009
There was a guy who called himself KidMoyes.
I assume he was a huge fan of Moyes.
Formerly KidCunto. Although he was no fan of Moyes but actually entirely the opposite and was one of his earliest and most vocal critics on the Caf. So much so that Moses felt he was going way overboard and changed his name to KidMoyes in order to teach him a lesson of sorts. Turns out it was a misguided attempt at discipline as near everyone ended up in unequivocal agreement that the Moyes appointment was an utter trainwreck.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Formerly KidCunto. Although he was no fan of Moyes but actually entirely the opposite and was one of his earliest and most vocal critics on the Caf. So much so that Moses felt he was going way overboard and changed his name to KidMoyes in order to teach him a lesson of sorts. Turns out it was a misguided attempt at discipline as near everyone ended up in unequivocal agreement that the Moyes appointment was an utter trainwreck.
Kid Kanto I believe ya :lol:, unless they changed his name from cunto>kanto>moyes.
He hardly posts anymore, shame, I quite enjoyed his stuff.

Seven Seas Sardines

Full Member
May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
This Moyes hate debate is getting old. Every page of this thread has posters rightfully berating him, and others not understanding where the hate comes from..

Read up your Moyes quotes and the apologists don't need to ask why he's generating "hate" every 5th post. This thread is for laughing at him, that he's useless and deluded are old news. I'd like to enjoy that, especially now that we can't laugh at City or Liverpool for a couple of days.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
If he loses all of the next 3 matches (vs City, Arsenal and Chelsea), that will be just 1 point from his first 15. West Ham might have to sack him after that ...