Westminster Politics


Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
Priti Patel: Fans have right to boo England team taking the knee, it’s ‘gesture politics’
The Home Secretary did not condemn England fans who had booed footballers for taking the knee.

Priti Patel backs England fans booing the team taking the knee at Euro 2020, labelling the act “gesture politics”.
The Home Secretary does not support what she calls a “choice for them” after Gareth Southgate’s side faced jeers from a minority of fans at their first match of the tournament.
It comes after a Number 10 spokesman said that the Prime Minister wants the public to “cheer them on, not boo” at the tournament and explicitly supported those who decide to take part in the protest.

However, Ms Patel took a different stance to Boris Johnson, telling GB News: “I just don’t support people participating in that type of gesture, gesture politics, to a certain extent, as well.”

She claimed the Black Lives Matter protests last summer had a “devastating” impact on policing as she criticised the toppling of the statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol.



She's such an odious woman.

Never mind the obvious 'she's talking out of her ass' comments - England players, staff and manager have all said it is to highlight racial inequality and less specifically to do with the organisation. When they have said why they're doing it then nobody has the right to say otherwise. I could post the James O'Brien clip again but he hits the nail on the head - once they said the reason for it, people who boo have (a) chosen to ignore it and (b) chosen to, by association, against the awareness that they're trying to raise.

Ironically enough the same people will have been cheering like deranged lunatics when Sterling scored no doubt!
May 22, 2017
Never mind the obvious 'she's talking out of her ass' comments - England players, staff and manager have all said it is to highlight racial inequality and less specifically to do with the organisation. When they have said why they're doing it then nobody has the right to say otherwise. I could post the James O'Brien clip again but he hits the nail on the head - once they said the reason for it, people who boo have (a) chosen to ignore it and (b) chosen to, by association, against the awareness that they're trying to raise.

Ironically enough the same people will have been cheering like deranged lunatics when Sterling scored no doubt!
I’m certainly not taking the side of anyone booing the team (as I said earlier) - however you assume that fans have read into the scenario of why the players are doing it. That’s probably one of the issues here. Many won’t. There’s an assumption here that fans are aware of the why.

without trying to stereotype (oh feck it)… if these fans were actually sat down and were taken through the why - there would be significantly less booing (I would hope).


Full Member
Jan 31, 2016
I think it was becoming a thing to do and losing some impact. That was until some racist England fans started booing the team doing it which has given meaning to the action and means they should continue through the whole tournament despite the boos.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days



Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
It's just business as usual as far as the Met is concerned.
Definitely. I mean how can anyone really and truly trust them.
So many failings.
So many inquiries.
So many instances of totally unacceptable behaviours and assurances that lessons have been learnt.
Institutional racism.
Institutional corruption. The list goes on.
The organisation is out of control and I very much doubt that anyone really believes that things will change.
They are a national disgrace.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
Definitely. I mean how can anyone really and truly trust them.
So many failings.
So many inquiries.
So many instances of totally unacceptable behaviours and assurances that lessons have been learnt.
Institutional racism.
Institutional corruption. The list goes on.
The organisation is out of control and I very much doubt that anyone really believes that things will change.
They are a national disgrace.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2013

Wasn't sure where else to put this, it's sort of connected to Westminster politics and incredible.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Never mind the obvious 'she's talking out of her ass' comments - England players, staff and manager have all said it is to highlight racial inequality and less specifically to do with the organisation. When they have said why they're doing it then nobody has the right to say otherwise. I could post the James O'Brien clip again but he hits the nail on the head - once they said the reason for it, people who boo have (a) chosen to ignore it and (b) chosen to, by association, against the awareness that they're trying to raise.

Ironically enough the same people will have been cheering like deranged lunatics when Sterling scored no doubt!
Didn't Mings have a go at her too at the Presser?

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
Does anyone believe anything Cummings says?

It's clear as feck he's just trying to come out of it all smelling of roses, bigging his genius up. He's a bigger twat than Boris and Hancock put together.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Does anyone believe anything Cummings says?

It's clear as feck he's just trying to come out of it all smelling of roses, bigging his genius up. He's a bigger twat than Boris and Hancock put together.
Yes. Yes, I believe the majority of what he's saying, although doubtless he's being selective in aspects of what he chooses to reveal for a variety of reasons.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2013
Not Moskva
I read that Dido Harding was part of a horse-riding set in Oxfordshire, originally with Cameron. I never dreamt the UK would have its own version of that infamous judo club in St Petersburg .


Jan 27, 2004
Liberal Democrats take Tory stronghold with historic win in Chesham and Amersham by-election

The UK's Conservative Party has suffered a by-election defeat as the Liberal Democrats scored a historic win in Chesham and Amersham.

Lib Dem Sarah Green is the UK's newest MP after winning the seat, which had been a Conservative stronghold since its creation in 1974.

Ed Davey, the Lib Dem leader, said the result sent a "shockwave through British politics" by showing that the "Blue Wall" of Tory southern seats could be vulnerable.

The Tories sought to limit the damage, insisting it was difficult for governing parties to win by-elections, but defeated candidate Peter Fleet acknowledged the Conservatives had to rebuild "trust and understanding" with voters.

The contest was triggered by the death of former Cabinet minister Dame Cheryl Gillan, who took the seat with a majority of 16,233 in the 2019 general election - some 55% of the vote.

In a stunning result, Ms Green took 56.7% of the vote to secure a majority of 8,028 over the second-placed Tories.

"This Conservative Party has taken people across the country for granted for far too long," Ms Green said.

The Green Party came third with 1,480 votes, with Labour trailing in fourth with just 622 votes, losing the party's deposit in the process.

In her acceptance speech Ms Green said: "Tonight the voice of Chesham and Amersham is unmistakable. Together we have said, 'Enough is enough, we will be heard and this Government will listen'.

"This campaign has shown that no matter where you live, or how supposedly safe a constituency may appear to be, if you want a Liberal Democrat member of Parliament, you can have a Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament."

She added: "We will continue the work of holding this Government to account for letting Covid rip through the care homes. We will speak up for the three million people excluded from financial support throughout the pandemic and we will challenge Boris Johnson to be far more ambitious in tackling climate change, supporting our frontline workers and backing our small businesses."

The scale of the defeat will ring alarm bells in Conservative Campaign Headquarters.

Major issues in the campaign included the HS2 rail line, which cuts through the constituency, and the Government's proposed planning reforms which have sparked fears about building in the countryside around the seat in the Chilterns.

Mr Fleet said: "Clearly this was a very disappointing result, not the result that I was expecting nor my team."

He added: "It's an absolutely extraordinary result which must take into account the fact that the Liberal Democrat party didn't just throw the kitchen sink at this constituency, I think it was the microwave, the table, the oven, the dishwasher, the dog, the cat and anything else that was lying around as well."

Tory chairwoman Amanda Milling said the "work starts now to show how it's Conservatives that can deliver on the people's priorities and regain their support".

A Conservative source said: "By-elections are always difficult for the governing party, particularly 11 years into government, but there is no getting away from the fact this is a very disappointing result."

The victory caught bookmakers off guard - the Tories were firm favourites and the Lib Dems closed at 4/1 with Ladbrokes.

"Fair to say this was a night for the punters," the firm said.