Westminster Politics

Just saw that Good Law Project working with Adam Wagner to JR the Met over their handling of Partygate.

Looks like they are instructing Jamie Potter from Bindmans, who I hear will be setting up a firm for GLP to keep holding the government to account.
Politicians, mistresses, dodgy dealings and honours and blowjobs in govt offices, you'd think the daily mail would have their entire paper dedicated to it..but not a sniff.
The amount of sleaze in this Government is truly remarkable.

All stems from having a lying crook conman as PM.
"Sorry, I was a bit pissed"

Seriously, they just know this is a big jolly and a free ride. My idea for a net wealth tracker should be employed. If your net wealth grows each year while you're an MP above a certain percentage, you're sacked.
Raab did Rayner a favour here tbh. As in any normal reality a MP of the party founded by unions, spending her time getting pissed at posh events instead of supporting striking workers would at least make for some bad headlines.

Instead people are defending Rayner and her working class income of £84,000 a year.
I like Raynor but always thought, at what point do you stop being "working class" when earning £84k - year two? Year four? Etc.
The amount of sleaze in this Government is truly remarkable.

All stems from having a lying crook conman as PM.

It doesn't help but that's not where the font of Tory corruption is found. It entirely permeates the party and ultimately the way they conduct themselves comes from their donors. There are rarely consequences unless they go so far as to be utterly obscene. As a consequence most of them are swimming out all the way to that line in the cesspool.
I like Raynor but always thought, at what point do you stop being "working class" when earning £84k - year two? Year four? Etc.

If you keep your principles of having a working class background and trying to support those people that still are, it really doesn’t matter.
If you keep your principles of having a working class background and trying to support those people that still are, it really doesn’t matter.

This. I'm not sure she has mind but that's not the point. Assuming something about someone because of what they earn is daft. It might be a suspicion perhaps, but it's not even close to proof.
Raab did Rayner a favour here tbh. As in any normal reality a MP of the party founded by unions, spending her time getting pissed at posh events instead of supporting striking workers would at least make for some bad headlines.

Instead people are defending Rayner and her working class income of £84,000 a year.

How is the opera a posh event?? Plus where is the evidence that she was "getting pissed"??
Was she drunk?? Again where is the evidence??

Why jump to such conclusions? This is coming across as a sexist post I do have to say.
I like Raynor but always thought, at what point do you stop being "working class" when earning £84k - year two? Year four? Etc.
A lot of people in Britian think class is cultural or
something you get from your parents.

Which leads to things like last week a baroness clamming to be working class or in Rayer case a MP on over £80,000 a year who can’t be arsed to join striking workers. It’s all very stupid and makes no sense.
This is coming across as a sexist post I do have to say.
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the jokes on us isnt it? millions having their quality of life diminshed, tens of thousands of avoidable deaths, all the while a bunch of toffs play politics for fun and fill up their trust funds. in the meantime millions of those on the receiving aid doff their caps lest the commies take over, and god forbid challenge the status quo. Cons +4 next.

Looking good, but the polls are all over the place. I think we are looking at a eight to nine point Labour lead at the minute taking them all into account.
How is the opera a posh event?? Plus where is the evidence that she was "getting pissed"??
Was she drunk?? Again where is the evidence??

Why jump to such conclusions? This is coming across as a sexist post I do have to say.

From what I know of @Sweet Square they'd be saying that whether it were a male or female MP. It's somewhat hypocritical for a Labour MP to be attending events commonly perceived as upper-class instead of supporting workers on a picket line.
A lot of people in Britian think class is cultural or
something you get from your parents.

Which leads to things like last week a baroness clamming to be working class or in Rayer case a MP on over £80,000 a year who can’t be arsed to join striking workers. It’s all very stupid and makes no sense.

I'd say you can have working class roots and have a lot of money now, but still understand what it's like to grow up without money. Rashford obviously has seen what it can be like and is actively trying to help based on that experience but you couldn't consider either him or his family working class now.

That's not to say they can call themselves working class now, but we also shouldn't disregard that they might have some experience of it.
Re: Tony Blair interview on Newsnight last night!

He wants to "rebuild the center of British Politics"

He says "Labour has to convince the electorate that they can govern" (apparently so that some Tory voters will switch to Lib Dems)

Labour cannot support the SNP because they both want something different, ( assume he means Labour has to get its finger out in Scotland)

He does support Starmer

Despite the past, you have to admit most politicians today cannot hold a candle to this man, his method of speaking, his facial expressions, his sideward glances when making a really important point, the 'mind set' that he knows best!
From what I know of @Sweet Square they'd be saying that whether it were a male or female MP. It's somewhat hypocritical for a Labour MP to be attending events commonly perceived as upper-class instead of supporting workers on a picket line.
im sorry but this is patronising nonsense. akin to saying Raynor should know her place.
Re: Tony Blair interview on Newsnight last night!

He wants to "rebuild the center of British Politics"

He says "Labour has to convince the electorate that they can govern" (apparently so that some Tory voters will switch to Lib Dems)

Labour cannot support the SNP because they both want something different, ( assume he means Labour has to get its finger out in Scotland)

He does support Starmer

Despite the past, you have to admit most politicians today cannot hold a candle to this man, his method of speaking, his facial expressions, his sideward glances when making a really important point, the 'mind set' that he knows best!
i cant stand the man, but its without doubt he would wipe the floor with this current govt whether at the dispatch box or on panel shows.
Re: Tony Blair interview on Newsnight last night!

He wants to "rebuild the center of British Politics"

He says "Labour has to convince the electorate that they can govern" (apparently so that some Tory voters will switch to Lib Dems)

Labour cannot support the SNP because they both want something different, ( assume he means Labour has to get its finger out in Scotland)

He does support Starmer

Despite the past, you have to admit most politicians today cannot hold a candle to this man, his method of speaking, his facial expressions, his sideward glances when making a really important point, the 'mind set' that he knows best!

I was a fan of Tony Blair and we must remember that he lead Labour to 3 election wins.
New Labour was a great concept at the time and certainly did a number of very good things.
His legacy is obviously tarnished with Iraq and always will be.
And I have been honest enough to say that I was a supporter of that policy at the time.

I am always a bit concerned when previous PMs in particular keep stepping into public life with their comments and appearances. And because of the strength of feeling still about Iraq, whether he is actually harming the Labour party.

He was a very astute and skillful politician. But I just don't think people are prepared to listen to him anymore.
From what I know of @Sweet Square they'd be saying that whether it were a male or female MP. It's somewhat hypocritical for a Labour MP to be attending events commonly perceived as upper-class instead of supporting workers on a picket line.

Please explain to me how the opera is an upper class event??
It most definitely isn't, it is thankfully open to everyone.
So by trying to portray her going to it, as a negative, is somewhat coming across as sexist.
What events would be okay for her to go to exactly??
Please explain to me how the opera is an upper class event??
It most definitely isn't, it is thankfully open to everyone.
So by trying to portray her going to it, as a negative, is somewhat coming across as sexist.
What events would be okay for her to go to exactly??

I am not saying the opera is not open to everyone. I said it is perceived by many to be something only the upper class people attend, and the same thing would be said if a male Labour MP went to the opera instead of supporting striking workers as a female MP...

It's a free country, she is free to attend any event she wishes. Just don't complain about the optics as a Labour MP who is meant to stand for the working class when she does things that aren't typically associated with the working class.

I personally don't care that she went to the opera but I can see the hypocrisy.
I am not saying the opera is not open to everyone. I said it is perceived by many to be something only the upper class people attend, and the same thing would be said if a male Labour MP went to the opera instead of supporting striking workers as a female MP...

It's a free country, she is free to attend any event she wishes. Just don't complain about the optics as a Labour MP who is meant to stand for the working class when she does things that aren't typically associated with the working class.

I personally don't care that she went to the opera but I can see the hypocrisy.
you dont care, but you can see the hypocrisy?

should ' working class' people stick to the working mens clubs and a pint of mixed?
you dont care, but you can see the hypocrisy?

should ' working class' people stick to the working mens clubs and a pint of mixed?

No, but most 'working class' people aren't MPs in a party which represents the working class. When you want to be elected to government, those sorts of optics matter.

The head of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport; has never said anything even slightly interesting about art or culture, didn't know Channel 4 is not in receipt of public funding and can't be fecking arsed to find out the differences between Union and League when going speaking at a League event. She is easily the worst minister of the crown there has ever been and she's up against some exceedingly stiff competition.
Please explain to me how the opera is an upper class event??
opera is more often patronised by members of the middle, upper middle, and upper classes. that's a sociological fact. doesn't make it an upper class event but does explain why the association exists.
should ' working class' people stick to the working mens clubs and a pint of mixed?
no, but MPs supposed to be representing a working class party largely made up of union support could try supporting unions.
Please explain to me how the opera is an upper class event??
It most definitely isn't, it is thankfully open to everyone.
Btw if you check the festival Rayner went to(Yes I’m actually that bored currently)the average ticket price is over £150. Rayner has a job which pays over £80,000. The fact she went to this festival is good evidence that it’s a upper class event.

And again this is all in her favour because we taking about some shite opera event instead of the fact the deputy leader of the Labour Party isn’t backing striking workers.
I'd say you can have working class roots and have a lot of money now, but still understand what it's like to grow up without money. Rashford obviously has seen what it can be like and is actively trying to help based on that experience but you couldn't consider either him or his family working class now.

That's not to say they can call themselves working class now, but we also shouldn't disregard that they might have some experience of it.
Rashford seems like a nice guy and but tbh he donated money to some food banks/local business and did some tweets criticising the government but that was about it.The whole he is the opposition stuff was a nice bit positivity during the pandemic but it really was just the standard charity shtick from a well paid athlete.

Unless I’ve missed it I’ve haven’t seen him talk about the recent strikes, donate any money unions(Which is really the only way working class people can get true gains)or even criticise the government.

No, but most 'working class' people aren't MPs in a party which represents the working class. When you want to be elected to government, those sorts of optics matter.
Pretty much this. Just on a pure optics level is shite from her and the party.
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He was a very astute and skillful politician. But I just don't think people are prepared to listen to him anymore.

Yes indeed he was; however his 'big tent' concept has had its day, and after Brexit (in particular) politics in the UK is no longer solely about economics. Also the fact that it seems that nobody wants to listen to anything... other than their own echo, is a good example of how left of centre politicians in particular, not only took their eye off the ball, they forgot about the objectives of the game they were playing.
Yes indeed he was; however his 'big tent' concept has had its day, and after Brexit (in particular) politics in the UK is no longer solely about economics. Also the fact that it seems that nobody wants to listen to anything... other than their own echo, is a good example of how left of centre politicians in particular, not only took their eye off the ball, they forgot about the objectives of the game they were playing.

That is a good point about just wanting to listen, watch or read about your own echo.
And it is now so very easy to do just that. I am sure that I do exactly that same thing.
On account of the fact that there is such a wide choice of 24 hour media. You can always find something that chimes with your own viewpoint.

And I do think that this is at least partially responsible for the increasingly binary social beliefs.

And the only political objectives nowadays seem to revolve around self interest.
Power. Not to serve society, but for self gratification and personal gain.
Too many politicians quickly forget their roots and become drunk on the power itself.
Maybe twas ever thus.
From what I know of @Sweet Square they'd be saying that whether it were a male or female MP. It's somewhat hypocritical for a Labour MP to be attending events commonly perceived as upper-class instead of supporting workers on a picket line.
If she's gone to something more working class instead, I dunno a football match, would that have been less hypocritical? Hang on, footy isn't really THAT working class anymore, so maybe the horses? Well, I guess the Queen likes horses, so the dogs maybe. Ah no, I've seen middle class people at the track, so I dunno, the darts? If she's gone to the darts, then how hypocritical would she be then? Let's find a really stereotypical working class thing she could have been doing instead in her free time instead of picketing, since that seems to be the cause of the "outrage" or maybe judging her hobbies through a class based lens is just... really vacuous. (Although I'm not surprised to see it from the Puritans on here, who one thinks secretly would have everyone shot who deviated in their class consciousness).
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Finding this whole conversation very bizarre because if the argument was criticising Starmer for pretending to be working class i can guarantee which posters would be jumping in to proclaim that he had to do it for the optics. I've even seen these people use champagne socialist as a slur many times so the anger at the suggestion Rayner should avoid signs of luxury during strikes is a bit odd. Screams defensive posturing over consistent positions.
He wants to "rebuild the center of British Politics"
the center is always a rerun of the right. less extreme rhetoric but the same consequences. see Biden and nothing substantially changing, except for the worse, in america. center is code for anti-left. he can get fecked basically unless this center is completely different all previous examples of centrisms.
opera is more often patronised by members of the middle, upper middle, and upper classes. that's a sociological fact. doesn't make it an upper class event but does explain why the association exists.

no, but MPs supposed to be representing a working class party largely made up of union support could try supporting unions.

Please could you point me towards such evidence about this fact that you seem to proclaim that it is....