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2018-19 Performances

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5.1 Season Average Rating
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Even his coordination has gone,he genuinely looks like a 35yr old Championship player out there. Never want to see him in red again til he hopefully leaves. He'll be starting next game though at least.....
Hope his exit video is of a piano falling on his head as he leaves Old Trafford
He’s not even chasing like he used to anymore.

If he’s still carrying an injury, he needs to declare it and recover properly. I’ve had this niggling thought that he’s rushed himself back because the team has been doing well and he desperately wants a piece of the limelight.

However if this isn’t the case, he needs to go. He offers us nothing.
He looks to have no pace and gives the ball away too much. I'm 95% sure he is finished but will see if he can turn it around until the end of the season
Yes we do. If he has another bad performance that is. Every match that he has a bad performance is just more evidence that he's finished. He's at a point where he needs to step up when his teammates aren't.

Just a scapegoat on here cause most people never really wanted him anyway. No different to Rom and as a consequence, people just jump on the bandwagon even when yesterday is hardly a game he can be criticised for. Maybe it hasn't worked out as we wanted but the guy creates nearly every game he plays in. Weekend should have scored and set up Tom for the header which he should have scored too.

People just need to move on although not sure to where now Fellaini's's like we lost so default to the Sanchez and Rom thread. If I can't get on there Pogs 'not being WC' will do.
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You questioned the attackers we had in the first half and I simply pointed out that no attacker from both teams had played well in the first half

Second half was the time for the attackers to shine as the game opened up more but Sanchez and our other attackers didn't step up

I don't blame him as none of our attackers turned up but I should expect someone of his reputation to do better than he did, simple.

What's better mean? Context please?
. It was Sanchez with his ridiculous turn which lost possession which led to a dangerous shot, which led to the corner kick which led to psg' first goal

What a fecking stretch that is....this is getting ridiculous.
I don't get the Rooney comparisons beyond the big contract and being past his best. Rooney was still far better for us than Sanchez has been, not that that's saying much, mind.

It's not about what they offered each. Rooney was twice the player Sanchez ever was. i'm talking about the similar situation with the big contract and the poor performances and absolutely no way of getting out of it.

The comparison stops there.
Old Trafford is too big a pitch for him. At the end of the day it's the club's fault.
He tries these quick turns and movements which his body can't pull off anymore and he loses possession easily.

He's not at all suitable as a winger anymore because he can't cut inside or beat the fullback with his acceleration. It's like having a worse version of Depay (when he played for us).

If we decide to give him game time it shouldn't be on the wing anymore. I hope we can find a buyer next summer though.
I don't like to criticise players too much, but he looks like a shot boxer does when he fights on too long.

Even Rooney was offering a lot more in his final days at the club.

I was hoping that he was the one being replaced by Lukaku at the end, deserved to be.
What a fecking stretch that is....this is getting ridiculous.

Agreed, that is a stretch.

If anyone is to blame for that first goal it is our defenders (Lindelof and Bailly) who were nowhere near Mbappe when he headed towards goal and it went out for a corner.

You could also blame Matic and/or De Gea for allowing their defender to score from that corner without any pressure.

I have had enough of Sanchez but you can't blame him for that goal.
He looks to have no pace and gives the ball away too much. I'm 95% sure he is finished but will see if he can turn it around until the end of the season
This. I keep thinking he will rediscover his best form at some point, but it looks like an increasingly forlorn hope. He looks slow, awkward and unfit, even his touch is very poor at times, whether it's a confidence issue or he is quite simply just done remains to be seen.
He's done here. It's clear he hasn't got the sharpness anymore, his legs wont do what his brain is telling them to. So many times he turns the right way but by the time he gets where he's going everyone has caught up to him.
Looks like an outsider on top of being a shadow of his former self.

Feels like it's really important we move him on in the summer.
It's time to leave. Nothing can change my mind about that, even if he scores a hattrick against PSG. Im sick and tired of having a bunch of shite players on sky high wages in my team.
Not very useful on the wing anymore.

He might put in a decent shift in the Lingard role in big games though. He still shows good aggression, and it's a role that asks him to simply keep things ticking over rather than creating on his own.
How long is he stuck here on insane wages?
He reminds me of myself back in the day when i would go play indoor after a good drinking session the night before, when your brain is a second behind everyone else and nothing goes right for you at all.

I starting to think he actually might not come good .. he just keeps giving the ball away way too much
Do you think there an underlying issue with Sanchez that we're all unaware of? I say this because I can honestly say I've never seen a professional footballer (or any sports person for that matter) exhibit such a rapid loss of skill or ability. Generally a person's skill level declines over a period of years, but not weeks / months as is the case with Sanchez.

It's quite staggering how quickly he has regressed. How can anyone with so much talent get so bad so quickly.

There must be a logical explanation behind this. I know this sounds weird but from a purely humane point of view I'm a bit concerned for the guy.

His best season was 6 months before you signed him where he netted 30 times, assisted 13 times and 12 man of the match awards. He played as a false 9 for most of that though. When it was apparent he was leaving he was moved back to the wing but still managed 8 goals and 3 assists and got 3 man of the match awards but he seemingly seemed like he wasn't trying.

The thing is though throughout that time when he was in form he would make loads of braindead decisions. He'd always overdribble or pass to the opposition constantly. But the goals and assists made it forgiveable.

Wenger also allowed him loads of freedom and would commit all of our players in the opposition half pretty much. This meant Sanchez was pushed further forward towards goal and he had more time, space and players to link up with. When he left I said 'he won't play the same under Mourinho'. Then watching a game where he's dribbling in his own half I knew he wouldn't work being so far from goal. If he went to City instead he would have done better. Pep managed him before and knew how to get the best out of him.

So yes he is past his physical prime but the goal he scored against us (arsenal) showed he does still have something left imo. He just needs to have a team built around his strengths.
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He looks finished. But it'd be nice to see him in a team that can actually play functional football. At times, it still seems as if Jose is our manager.
Absolutely horrendous, the idea that Martial's development was impeded by this lemon is so frustrating.
He's Rooney on decline part II, but even worse.

Talking the truth mate.

Hold my hands up, I was one of those saying Alexis would be amazing for us when he signed. Stuck with him all of last season believing it'd change.

Its obvious now that he's a centre forward not a wideman. Anything good he's done for us has come in the six yard box. He's not got the necessaries to do more elsewhere, pace, ability to beat players, its all gone. Plus as a forward in this team...not better than Rashford or even Lukaku. So what do we do with him?
Think he needs to be played up front if anywhere. Still a player in their and he showed that pre-season Ole just needs to figure a way to get the best out of him.
Some may know im Chilean and ive been his fan since he played at 16 at Colo Colo and destroyed defences from early age

Just sell him

Hes past it

Two years of crap football. Not a single MOTM performance in the whole time hes been for us. Absolutely low standard.

Im sorry Alexis. Go to China or come back to Chile

Im so frustrated Arsenal got his peak years. He is a fan of United and we shoulded have bring him after he left barca :mad::(
He’s past it but the way we play exacerbates his weaknesses even more. Sanchez got progressively slower and more selfish at Arsenal, he’s simply no good any more in a foot race against fullbacks and forcing him to play as such will never work. He can still find space for himself but that instance is brief and if he doesn’t get the shot/pass off then the defenders will recover the ball easily.

I can see him getting back a semblance of form in a very aggressive 3-5-2/3-4-1-2 playing as either a striker or the furthest midfielder, that team will leak goals galore though.
That’s quite funny remembering how Utd fans thought they were doing a number on us by taking him. Mind you both clubs got shafted by whichever idiot decided not to accept 60m for him from City in the summer.

I know - we think it's hilarious, :D :D.

I never liked the idea of us getting him, based on nothing, and equally based on nothing I had half an idea it wouldn't work too.

We had & wtill have, more obvious ways to improve the team. If something doesn't look like it makes sense then it...
Think it was against Fulham the other day, there was a counter-attack and he just couldn't keep up. Looked like Mata, he's lost his pace and his explosiveness.

Finished. Ship him to China in the summer.
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