Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Full Member
Oct 12, 2013
i hate how signing for united now gets painted as "only caring about money", yes city will likely win the league this year, but we are second in the league and have improved clearly, its not like we're languishing in 5th or 6th ffs

edgar allan

Full Member
May 15, 2017
I agree with your sentiment, the money these guys get is obscene.

We've got so many average players earning big money, at least with Sanchez the signs are that he'd improve us.

I'd guess if you add Mata and Mkhitaryan's wages together you'd come close to paying Sanchez, I'd swap those 2 with their 4 PL goals for Sanchez any day of the week.
I really hope so, it is a given that we will have to pay over the odds wages for top players.
However I haven't been really impressed by him this year in comparison to the last few years which would be a nagging concern.

Seven Seas Sardines

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May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
It's funny, when I stayed in Chile with the cousin of Claudio Bravo's wife during the Summer window, he told me Claudio said 100% Sanchez wasn't coming to City. Seems he might be correct for the January window too!

edgar allan

Full Member
May 15, 2017
It's funny, when I stayed in Chile with the cousin of Claudio Bravo's wife during the Summer window, he told me Claudio said 100% Sanchez wasn't coming to City. Seems he might be correct for the January window too!
Can you phone him up tonight to put this to bed?


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
i hate how signing for united now gets painted as "only caring about money", yes city will likely win the league this year, but we are second in the league and have improved clearly, its not like we're languishing in 5th or 6th ffs
Yeah, and it's not like City was tearing up the league last year. A lot can happen after a summer of spending as City has shown.

Same with Arsenal fans saying they have been better than us since he joined them. Whilst that is true you have to see the current situation for both clubs. Arsenal are on the verge of losing the other great player they have for free, a manager unwilling to spend and a team stocked with players without the talent to match Arsenal's stature as a club. On top of that they don't play that exciting football anymore and are currently situated some way behind the top teams.

Whilst United, despite not being all that in the league the past few years, has shown that the club has the ambition and means to spend "whatever it takes" to reach the summit again.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
It's funny, when I stayed in Chile with the cousin of Claudio Bravo's wife during the Summer window, he told me Claudio said 100% Sanchez wasn't coming to City. Seems he might be correct for the January window too!
Transfer ITKs don't have a great track record on this forum...


Full Member
Jul 21, 2017
Much as he would be a great signing and I'd prefer him over Griezmann, I just don't think he'll go to us when he can pretty much be guaranteed winning the league until the Oil bastards get bored.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
Getting Sanchez, the chances are much higher than Griezmann. Think Griezmann is not on our radar anymore. The Özil interest and Barca interested in Griezmann tell me that this doesnt look too likely to happen now and i dont care much


Full Member
May 11, 2013
Have been really busy the last few days so haven’t managed to follow the transfer sagas as usual. Can anyone update me on what the general consensus is on Sanchez? Is there any hope or is this just us putting our name in the mix to piss City off?

Jamie Shawcross

Full Member
Jan 12, 2018
This Money over Pep thing is downright ridiculous for several reasons. 1) It is well known that money now rules football first and foremost. How the hell does Ballague think City built their squad they've got? Did they all dream of playing for a club in United's shadow and as many titles as Huddersfield when they joined? No. Its common knowledge City dangled a massive financial carrot to get every single one of these players to start their project off. I love how he completely overlooks this fact. 2) Were City going to pay Sanchez in dry roasted peanuts? No, if they do sign him they will pay him absolutely mind boggling figures as every single club does with their top players. 3) We are having our best season since SAF left, and won 2 legitimate pieces of silverware last season. We are hardly a spent force, we just happen to be behind one team in the league who are having an exceptional season! 4) Sanchez to United would surely be a more romantic move than to City for the neutral? Lets compare, City a club funded by an outside source bulldozing their way through the market buying whoever they like because they don't have to worry about finances, or United who are known to generate 100% of their own revenue to spend? I can't believe Ballague can't pick up on this. At one time in the not so distant past these sugar daddy ran clubs used to get stick, now its fashionable to lick their hoops. He is completely hanging out of the back of Guardiola and it makes me sick!


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
Only according to mostly clueless punters who move the odds with their bets. Whether or not we are actually favorites is known only by Alexis and Arsenal.
This is what being "favourite" means. It doesn't mean it will definitely happen. So to say we aren't favourites would be equally groundless. The small amount of information available points to us being favourites now.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2013
Obviously I'd take him, but I've not really become excited/invested about any of this. Get him great, miss out and I'm not that bothered.


Resident moaner, hypocrite and moron
Jun 4, 2006
Lifetime vacation
It’s all about cash, and rightly so.

Alexis Sanchez are in similar position Zlatan was two seasons ago. Maybe his final huge sign on bonus, astronomical wages and the chance to play for one of the biggest and most prestigious club in the world.

From a strict economical and business viewpoint he can’t make a better choice. Maximum media exposure. He will mantle Zlatans role as our star player. Mourinho will probably tailor made his team around him and Pogba and I expect him to have number seven on his back. This isn’t sport related but his Twitter account will probably explode, his personal brand will also be strengthened by being a Manchester United player. City is atm better then us at the pitch but commercially they are midgets.

Sanchez will probably earn £80m brutto in wages with us. Sign on bonus close to £15-25m. A huge increase in commercial incomes, maybe two three times more from what he earns today. All in all a golden economical package.

City can offers a lot. Great club with unlimited funds. Almost guaranteed silverware’s and a chance to win three trophies this season. But from a long term economical perspective this isn’t a contest.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
Question is do I put him into United squad on FIFA and start a career mode. ‘Tis tempting!
A quick summation of events


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
Have been really busy the last few days so haven’t managed to follow the transfer sagas as usual. Can anyone update me on what the general consensus is on Sanchez? Is there any hope or is this just us putting our name in the mix to piss City off?
-DiMarzio claimed yesterday that we were now seriously in the mix
- Guardian started running with it too, using DiMarzio's puppet, FabRomano, as the journo fronting it

- DiMarzio following up from yesterday by saying United now are favourites
- Wenger refuses to comment on it during his press conference
- Pep refusing to comment on it, saying it's not important blah blah
- City briefing the press about Alexis being a money grabber, despite the issue seemingly is that they can't agree a fee with Arsenal
- Mou rounding it off by talking about him despite saying he doesn't want to talk about him, typical of him when he's interested in a player


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
-DiMarzio claimed yesterday that we were now seriously in the mix
- Guardian started running with it too, using DiMarzio's puppet, FabRomano, as the journo fronting it

- DiMarzio following up from yesterday by saying United now are favourites
- Wenger refuses to comment on it during his press conference
- Pep refusing to comment on it, saying it's not important blah blah
- City briefing the press about Alexis being a money grabber, despite the issue seemingly is that they can't agree a fee with Arsenal
- Mou rounding it off by talking about him despite saying he doesn't want to talk about him, typical of him when he's interested in a player
This should be a thread mark.


Full Member
Mar 25, 2016
If Sanchez does come to United, it would be a huge statement by Ed and more importantly, it would mean that we will no longer go in for Bale and Griezmann is Barca bound which I'm completely fine with. For 30m, I think that would be an amazing coup. Sanchez will play at number 10 behind Lukaku.


Sniffs Erricksson’s diarrhea
Oct 18, 2007
This is what being "favourite" means. It doesn't mean it will definitely happen. So to say we aren't favourites would be equally groundless. The small amount of information available points to us being favourites now.
Fair enough, if by favourite we mean "what clueless people think based on information available to general public".


Full Member
Mar 25, 2016
Sanchez for Martial is just so stupid. There's no way in hell we will ever let go of Martial given the way he's raised his game this season. He can take Mhiki or leave it.
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