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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
I think my current favourite leaver response is "it only said 'leave' on the ballot paper". Ignoring all the shite that was promised by the leave campaign that can't be fulfilled now.

Because of course when you're voting at any other time the ballot paper sets out the full manifesto and campaign pledges of each side.
Then you point out the WA is leaving the EU and they say “oh not that kind of leaving”.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Am I the only one curious to know what the benefit beneficiary did next?
I assumed that the banker killed the benefits beneficiary and the builder buried him in some foundations in exchange of one of the biscuits.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
I edited this so it made me feel better and ramped it up to the parody that it should be. That way I can pretend the original article is just one big joke from the Guardian and nobody really thinks this way.

Although not all the small towns and villages that make up the traditional Conservative constituency of Royston Vassey in south Cheshire are strangers to economic hardship, Tarapolygamous, at its heart, looks like a model railway with every stop being filled with trolls half the size and twice as fat as their Hobbit counterparts.

In normal times the Conservative Association, situated in a quaint "British only" gated community, would busy itself with events such as burlesque lunches with Edwina Currie – as happened earlier in the year to a sellout crowd of three. But these are not normal times. The local MP, Antoinette Sandbach, is one of the 21 “rebels” who have been expelled from the parliamentary party for understanding what democracy means. On Friday the association’s doors are locked, its blinds closed and its guard poodle has been forced to chow down on abandoned sardines and Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodles.

If a kind of interspecies warfare has broken out within the Conservative party, then Royston Vassey Conservatives appear, in mafia parlance, to have gone to their mistress's homes to wait out the storm.

The only official who’ll speak is a councillor and former deputy chairman of the association, John Leather.

“I have literally no fecking clue what's going on,” he says, referring to the withdrawal of the whip from Sandbach and the other 20 Tory MPs.

Does he think it has damaged Boris Johnson, a man who had few qualms about voting against his predecessor Theresa May’s government?

“I can’t really give you a view on that,” he says, diplomatically. “but I'm going to anyway and say that we must, at all costs, defeat the giant lizard Jeremy Corbyn before he stomps over our town's award winning rose beds". Leather says he’s in favour of men marrying their cats, but that others in the locality may think differently.

They certainly do.

“They’re all traitors,” says 80-year-old Brian Gale, outside Ginger and Pickles tea rooms on the high street. “I’m pleased all of them were kicked out. Some of them were good MPs but they let the side down with their interspecies malarkey and pandering to political correctness.”

Those good MPs include the former chancellor Philip Hammond, father of the house and also a former chancellor Ken Clarke, and several other household names. Yet there seems to be precious little sympathy for these accomplished Tories, let alone the local MP, in this genteel English village.

A married couple, who ask for their names to be withheld because “it’s a small community and a contentious issue”, say that Sandbach has paid the price for going against her constituents – in the referendum Eddisbury was marginally in favour of Leave. Her more serious sin was more likely going against Johnson.

“She wanted a deal for leaving, which I understand,” says the husband. “But it didn’t say anything about that on the ballot paper.”

He’s a little troubled by the mention that most of the promises made by the Leave Campaign have turned out to be utter bullshit and that people were sold a lie, but he is defiant.

“I think what the country needs is some middle ground that everybody can agree on.” he says, unsure of how to answer and instead resorting to a response that adds nothing to the debate. What, then, had they thought about May’s withdrawal agreement, which, after all, was an attempt to find a middle way?

“Defeat Jeremy Corbyn before he tries to suck my brains through my nose with his tentacled arms” he says, no longer sounding in the mood for compromise.

Another couple, Diana and Peter Ouseley are, if anything, more strident. Diana describes the rebels as “despicable” and is happy that Sandbach, Clarke et al have been lined up against a wall and shot. She doesn't like that this is causing delays in removing EU nationals from the country, she says.

“These are the people I call black people,” says Peter. “I don’t like them.”

Most Conservative voters I speak to in Tarapolygamous express the belief that Johnson is doing a good job in difficult circumstances. The fact that he has forced out MPs for doing the same as he did, by voting against the government, is seen not as a sign of hypocrisy but rather as a mark of strength.

“Whether or not one understands what's going on,” says one, “maybe it’s the way forward. I don't know. DEFEAT JEREMY FECKING CORBYN"

Just two Tories veer from whole-hearted endorsement of Johnson. Mandy Nickson, a sweat shop owner, says it’s “all a mess”. She is keen for the country to get out of the EU but she’s ambivalent about the prime minister’s strategy.

Retired businesswoman Elizabeth Lindop is the sole voice of outright dissent. “It’s disgraceful that the MPs were expelled,” she says. She thinks the Conservatives, as she puts it, have shat the bed. “They don’t have enough MPs for a majority but it's never been their attitude to let facts get in the way of their delusion."

As a consequence, she says she will no longer vote Conservative, and will settle for a more liberal party like the BNP or Charlie and his Orchestra.

But the unavoidable fact remains that in places such as Tarapolygamous there is an increasingly desperate desire among many voters to leave the EU as soon as possible. Although few understand what it means, they shout alot and ignore anyone who tries to get them to calm down, put their shirts back on, and quietly leave the Masonic Lodge.

Among them there is a common belief that, once the UK is out of the EU, the UK will remain the fourth biggest economy in the world despite losing the trade agreement with our biggest buyer or services. But at the moment the rift both within the Tory party and the country at large feels too wide, and almost any resolution too divisive, for that to happen. As Lindop says: “Some say he comes out at nights and steals the ring around your arse. And he's using the rings to build a big arse stealing machine. And then he's going to steal everyone's arse and use them to build some sort of socialist country where people have to give up their arse rings to some nasty tyrant like Groucho Marx or Rita Repulsa from the Power Rangers. I don't know if it's true or not but I definitely don't want Jeremy Corbyn getting the slightest opportunity to take MY arse ring.”

And if the past week is anything to go by, they’re bound to get stranger.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
Seems government strategy is going to be to find a loophole / some legal cover to avoid asking for the extension

I can only assume this strategy has been decided on after receiving legal advice

I think I joked a few years ago brexit was going to end up decided in the European courts... It actually might at this rate


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Then you point out the WA is leaving the EU and they say “oh not that kind of leaving”.
Yeah but but that's not leaving because they won't let us unless we resolve the border.....but Boris is doing a good job he's erm been shouty and stuff and will solve the border next anyway.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Seems government strategy is going to be to find a loophole / some legal cover to avoid asking for the extension

I can only assume this strategy has been decided on after receiving legal advice

I think I joked a few years ago brexit was going to end up decided in the European courts... It actually might at this rate
Can the executive just cancel an extension unilaterally? I feel like this has been discussed before and the answer is no but they clearly think they'll comply in law but not spirit.

Maybe they'll append the request with an unreasonable condition


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
I assumed that the banker killed the benefits beneficiary and the builder buried him in some foundations in exchange of one of the biscuits.
If the banker knew that jet fuel can melt steel beams it means that they were in one of the twin towers on September 11th.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
If the banker knew that jet fuel can melt steel beams it means that they were in one of the twin towers on September 11th.
Damn you, Buster. Damn you for finding the single flaw in my point.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
Can the executive just cancel an extension unilaterally? I feel like this has been discussed before and the answer is no but they clearly think they'll comply in law but not spirit.

Maybe they'll append the request with an unreasonable condition
Not sure what they will do and of course it could be a bluff that if the opposition think the extension is not legally watertight they might be better off going for an early election?

Certainly sound like they will make a legal challenge to it though
. He added: "We will adhere to the law but we will also - because this is such a bad piece of legislation - want to test to the limit what it actually lawfully requires."

. It is thought that Mr Johnson believes he could legally disregard some or all of the bill's requirements.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2015
West Didsbury, Manchester
Where do you think todays legions of pensioner tory voters come from?

They were young once and probably just as nice and idealistic as todays young, but as they grow older their perspective shifts and they realise that nice/idealistic guys tend to finish last, if they finish at all, and that just as much bullshit comes from all across the political spectrum, not just the right, and that standing and shouting in the streets can be exciting but in this country (as opposed to France) it usually achieves jack shit, except of course if you are arrested and then often police/criminal record is established that will follow you forever.

It took me years to realise that some support for left wing causes in my early twenties that saw me out on the streets had been photographed and recorded and years later stopped me getting onto short lists for certain job... obviously that can't happen now, but it did then.

The ageing process generally wears you down and slows you down, but it gives you one big advantage you begin to realise that in your youth, you knew feck all!
The difference is though that today’s pensioners grew up in a totally different environment to today’s youth.

Living through or shortly after world wars plus the Cold War is bound to have made them suspicious of foreigners

Pre-Internet, pre-Social media, pre-cheap global travel, pre the real boom of a globalised, partially homogenised culture etc....generally meant that their world view was always likely to be quite narrow in comparison to young people today

Also, people don’t get significantly more intelligent as they get older. So this notion that the elderly are somehow wiser is likely to be unsupported by any evidence at all, since modern populations generally get better educated with each generation

The above is what gives me hope for the future


Full Member
Nov 27, 2013
I can do what I like because you also did something else completely unrelated.

What a pathetic argument.
No, it shows that a Tory who voted to remain is still a Tory, with all the horrible views that entails.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
I do not think even Boris believes half of the stuff he spouts. He couldn't care less if the UK was in the EU or not so long as he gets to be PM. But now he has been boxed into a corner by Cummings and Mogg and needs saving. It it is utterly ridiculous to try to get a vote of no confidence by the government against the government. That seems to be the only choice for him as I am sure he is not going to commit suicide in a ditch.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Gove has got to be sharpening some knives. It will be interesting to see if he tries to keep some distance from Boris in the coming days.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
What was the point?! I’m lost :lol:
Oh you poor sod, please take a seat. No, not that one. That one. THAT ONE. That's right, the beanbag.

Now - please look at the presentation and not directly at me. STOP IT. Good. Now, my name is M.R. P.I.G.E.O.N. and if there's one thing that's certain about this universe it's that I usually have very little to add to the conversations other than keep comment numbers up. Understand now?

Good. Now please give me ten pounds and leave.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Oh you poor sod, please take a seat. No, not that one. That one. THAT ONE. That's right, the beanbag.

Now - please look at the presentation and not directly at me. STOP IT. Good. Now, my name is M.R. P.I.G.E.O.N. and if there's one thing that's certain about this universe it's that I usually have very little to add to the conversations other than keep comment numbers up. Understand now?

Good. Now please give me ten pounds and leave.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Guardain said:
Beleaguered Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised under-fire colleagues a revival in fortunes as he unveiled an alliance with popular high street bakery Greggs. Johnson told the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg that 'everyone loves Greggs' and that the collaboration will prove especially beneficial in the North, where the campaigning PM plans to wear a coat covered in sausage rolls and steak bake trousers.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Jeezuz...this from Sky:
Chatter tonight over whether Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings could declare a national emergency by using part 2 (Emergency Powers) of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to scrap the European Union (Withdrawal) (No6) Act 2019 and thereby avoid having to apply for extension?


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Oh you poor sod, please take a seat. No, not that one. That one. THAT ONE. That's right, the beanbag.

Now - please look at the presentation and not directly at me. STOP IT. Good. Now, my name is M.R. P.I.G.E.O.N. and if there's one thing that's certain about this universe it's that I usually have very little to add to the conversations other than keep comment numbers up. Understand now?

Good. Now please give me ten pounds and leave.
We found the Boris Johnson account on Redcafe! Perfect amount of cogency and negotiating skill combined.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
No great musician ever wrote a good album over 50.

Apart from David Bowie. And he died for it.
They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom for trying to change the system from within.


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
Of course we need a WA. I have never claimed otherwise. No deal is a moronic concept.

Sadly our parliament, for whatever reasons they have, disagreed 3 times with that, the EU are unwilling to accept any changes to something they have all agreed to and nobody on the UK side is offering an alternative.

Which leave us with only the nuclear option.

And yes, trade deals will take time. Our only advantage over other third party trading partners is that we have previously had trade with the EU, and have the foundations in place. Which should reduce the time somewhat. It will still take years to conclude.
Because the WA proposed was fecking awful, how is this complicated for you to grasp?


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Because the EU don't give a feck if we leave with a deal or not, they are happy to just say bye at this point.

Imagine if your kid said he's going to threaten you with not eating his chocolate in order to get better chocolate, you'd laugh in his face and say ok good luck.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
We found the Boris Johnson account on Redcafe! Perfect amount of cogency and negotiating skill combined.

Jeezuz...this from Sky:
I'd say that it'll be interesting to see how they spin that one but, to be honest, they won't lose any votes for it even if they turned up in clown costumes and said "to hell with democracy, all hail your new Emperor BoJo."


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
They've tried that, chief.