Club Sale | It’s done!

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New Member
May 11, 2023
Every single poster in here knows more about this takeover and the intricate details than some bellend called Nick Speed on Twitter.

I'd genuinely take updates from 26 year old Fish and Chips paper than him.
Some of his previous posts have been spot on though.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
You are completely missing the basis here. You are making it out like I aim it at those take a stand on isolated issues - I'm not. Only those that force their stand on others by being patronising.
I'm not sure I am, I understand what you're are saying but the point is flawed in any context.

Sorry mate I don't mean to sound like a dick, but I just hate that argument.

Real Name

Full Member
Oct 21, 2020
Well let's look on the bright side.

When all these patronising whingers that don't want Qatar for their owners feck off and stop supporting United, at least this website will speed up a bit.

Every cloud....
Just quoting this so it doesnt go unnoticed.


Full Member
Aug 31, 2006
Ultimately which owner we would ‘prefer’ is irrelevant given we have no say in the matter.

What we have a say in is whether we continue to support the club regardless who the owners are.

Given this is a lifelong club to most of us, no one should be crititicised for supporting the club, whoever it is owned by. Supporting a club doesn’t mean you support or endorse the actions of its owners. If anything walking away from a football club is far harder than walking away from a certain product that you have moral issues with.
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Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
People are ready to swear against the Qatar takeover because of their human rights issues, I get that, but then where will progress come from? you think Qatar give two ships about amnesty? realistically the only way change will take place is following a civil uprising, which is unlikely, massive UN embargos which would be undermined by other nations and would never happen due to the west's dependency on oil from the middle east, or maybe instead through assimilation, the more we isolate and and disengage then we miss out on conversations.

Most people, myself included are happily oblivious to what occurs outside their bubble, look at the world cup and even the just the possibility of takeover has raised awareness with millions of people, engagement is the best way to influence change, face it there is a high probability we get bought by Qatar, this will bring more scrutiny on Qatar, surely that is actually a good thing
The the idea that integrating other countries into western society will somehow spark change within them hasn't really panned out with Russia or China to be fair. If anything the opposite has been true, the West turned a blind eye to Russian aggression for years to keep the Gas flowing and Western entertainment among other industries have been bending over backwards and bowing to China's demands to get access to their market.

And if the World Cup was any sort of indicator then Qatar doesn't seem interested or ready to progress as you put it.
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Full Member
Apr 15, 2009
Well let's look on the bright side.

When all these patronising whingers that don't want Qatar for their owners feck off and stop supporting United, at least this website will speed up a bit.

Every cloud....
Ironically these same posters would probably stop watching us if we stopped competing, and even fell to the championship. Which long term could happen under Glazers.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2008
▲ You Are Here
I admire your beliefs.

Just out of interest, who would you go on and support if it wasn't United? Would you quit Prem teams altogether and go lower league? Wrexham?
Like I said, I think I'd walk away from football. I can't imagine ever loving another club as much I loved Utd - maybe if I lived in the UK still I'd watch my local lower league team, but I live in Australia these days so I'd probably just try and get into Aussie rules instead


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Ironically these same posters would probably stop watching us if we stopped competing, and even fell to the championship. Which long term could happen under Glazers.
So are you saying that the folks oposed to the Qatar takeover are Glory Hunters?


New Member
May 18, 2023
Pages and pages of drivel and the same people making the same, tired arguments to support their view.

This takeover is more tedious than watching cricket.
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Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
England UK!
Surprises me that they haven’t released the new shirt yet. Maybe they are waiting for the sale to happen as they know shirt sales will rocket with Qatar. Clutching here guys.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2010
Ultimately which owner we would ‘prefer’ is irrelevant given we have no say in the matter.

What we have a say in is whether we continue to support the club regardless who the owners are.

Given this is a lifelong club to most of us, no one should be crititicised for supporting the club, whoever it is owned by. Supporting a club doesn’t mean you support or endorse the actions of its owners. If anything walking away from a football club is far harder than walking away from a certain product that you have moral issues with.
Great Post


Full Member
Oct 3, 1999
My guess is, why pay more when you can just do what the Glazers have done.

They have majority control. They control the board, can pay for executive jets for useless travel without any consequences.

If you invest, i.e. put more money into the club then you’re benefiting all the shareholders in this case the 31% A class shareholders.

Therefore, like the Glazers, there is a danger that you don’t bother investing because it doesn’t benefit you. Every pound spent is like giving away 31p to your silent partners (in theory).

Having read others’ comments, a way around this is to dump loans onto the club, the basis being those can be repaid to you.

However even to be in a position to dump loans onto the club you need the support of the majority, therefore if Sir Jim takes on a simple majority of 51% he would still need the Glazers on board to do anything worthwhile.

For those reasons SJ wants complete control so that he is not benefiting the silent 31% and can basically get on with things immediately.
Ah ok that makes sense.


Full Member
Oct 3, 1999
Because they are relying on finance, I expect they haven’t been given the funding to buy the class A shares because the lenders view buying them as pointless or SJR himself has decided that buying those shares is pointless. Which for him it would be.

The only real value to the Class A shares is if you want to own 100% of the club so you can take it private, delist it from the NYSE and avoid the financial transparency that comes with that.
Ok so they don't intend to take it private. Hmmm.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
So why try and chastise those that will continue to support the club if Qatar do buy us? Is it not their right to make that decision themselves based on what they do or do not know about the owners?

For many stopping watching the club is akin to you not quitting your job over moral objections. Just because you would find it easy to walk away doesn't mean that applies to everyone.
It's absolutely their right to make that decision. And it's other people's right to criticise them for it, just like anyone has the right to criticise anyone's moral positions.

As for why I'd criticise them, it's precisely because of the particularly egregious combination of high moral wrong and extremely low actual impact on them.

Because all I'm expecting from people is to have enough of a sense of moral right/wrong in this situation to decide "I'd generally prefer United wasn't owned by a proxy for the Qatari state, even though I may have moral and practical qualms with the alternative too and my opinion has zero impact on anything".

That's it. Not to stop watching football, not to stop supporting United, not to refrain from criticisng the alternatives, not to actually do anything at all whatsoever that has any sort of real-world impact. Just to think "this is the morally worst outcome and, on balance, I prefer it didn't happen" and continue on as before. It's a very low threshold to meet.

But instead we have posters gleefully revelling in their lack of morality, by which I mean quite literally saying things like "I'm sick of morality" and "I don't care about morals in football". Or opting to make the sort of nonsensical false equivalence arguments I have to believe are disingenuous attempts at sophistry, as it would be very disrespectful to think they're actually stupid enough to believe their own bullshit. And I think those posters and fans fully deserve the criticism they get.


Full Member
Aug 26, 2015
Every so often in this thread some braindead idiot makes some version of the following argument:

"Do you have the same morals in all areas of your life? Or do you use an iphone? Wear Nike clothes? How is your laptop made? Where does the petrol in your car come from?" Etc.

Which is an obviously stupid argument because absolutely nobody with an ounce of common sense thinks the moral standard required to object to someone owning the football club you support should also require you to give up things actually required to live and function in society, or force you into major life decisions. These are not comparable things.

The example of your friends' jobs fall into the same dynamic. They need to work to actually live and function in society. And while they could possibly change jobs to one that isn't in some way connected to oil states, that would be a massive life-commitment to make for moral reasons, and a wildly impractical standard to expect people to live their lives by.

Which means it's not at all comparable to the very minimal moral standards required to take the position (almost totally consequence-free for your actual life) that "Qatari state ownership of Manchester United is bad and we should be against it". It's a very low bar people are failing to meet, which is why they are (and will continue to be) criticised as overly amoral.
This is a load of rubbish. There is nothing in life that is a necessary that can’t be done ethically and morally.

Fact is, people pick and choose when they want to live ethically/morally.

People need to stop lying to themselves and own it.

You don’t need to work for certain employers with ethical issues.

You don’t need to use a smart phone.

You can choose to drive an electric car.

Etc, etc, etc….


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
back to the matter at hand, are we actually any closer to this being resolved?


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
All you're proving here is that you, and others are willing to bend your morals depending on your needs and wants.
I fully appreciate those entertaining purchases of ethically sourced products. However, many of these poor people have no chance or choice to earn a living besides working for unscrupulous employers. It's a chance to survive and feed themselves and their children. It's desperate out in some countries. This is why people travel to work in such places as UAE, Qatar, and Saudi. It's not a choice but a necessity. You can argue and debate quite rightly these countries have the resources to give their workers better conditions and pay. The other option is to travel and cross many borders and possibly the channel to search for a better quality of life in Europe. Here again, our politicians are on their cases and treated inhumanely.


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
I think fans and media have been too patient with this deal. The Glazers are very obvious in their disregard for anything but maximizing their sale price.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
I think @Marcus means, why are they offering Glazers the chance to stay on.
That I don't know, I can only imagine that's JIm only angle to get ahead of Qatar. Personally though I believe the Galzers are just using him to squeeze Qatar for more money. And it looks like it may have worked.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
This is a load of rubbish. There is nothing in life that is a necessary that can’t be done ethically and morally.

Fact is, people pick and choose when they want to live ethically/morally.

People need to stop lying to themselves and own it.

You don’t need to work for certain employers with ethical issues.

You don’t need to use a smart phone.

You can choose to drive an electric car.

Etc, etc, etc….
If you are arguing that I could do my current job without a smartphone or laptop, then that is objectively stupid.

If you are arguing that the moral threshold required for me to object to state ownership of a football club should equally require me to give up my job, give up my career and retrain into some unspecified profession I identify that in no way relies on any unethical products, then that is subjectively stupid.

I don't particularly care which brand of stupid you're determined to espouse, as either way my response is going to be bolierplate disdain. But you could stop, actually think about what you're arguing for even a second, and understand why it is so patently ridiculous.

Because while there are a lot of bad arguments in this thread, the one you're making is profoundly silly in a way most don't reach.
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Full Member
May 7, 2016
I think fans and media have been too patient with this deal. The Glazers are very obvious in their disregard for anything but maximizing their sale price.
What exactly they can do to be honest , Glazers are the only one making decision ultimately .


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
This is a load of rubbish. There is nothing in life that is a necessary that can’t be done ethically and morally.

Fact is, people pick and choose when they want to live ethically/morally.

People need to stop lying to themselves and own it.

You don’t need to work for certain employers with ethical issues.

You don’t need to use a smart phone.

You can choose to drive an electric car.

Etc, etc, etc….
Personally I couldn't make the living I do without a phone.

I have an Electric car but I'm not entirely convinced it's actually better for the environment.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2013
Location, Location
I think fans and media have been too patient with this deal. The Glazers are very obvious in their disregard for anything but maximizing their sale price.
Unfortunately there’s nothing the fans or anyone else can do, these leeches can take however long they want as they hold all the cards. The only way to hurry this up is if Sheikh Jassim and Ratcliffe threaten to pull out unless a decision is made soon but that’s not going to happen by the looks of things.


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
What exactly they can do to be honest , Glazers are the only one making decision ultimately .
I don't know, protests, social media campaigns etc. Some even tried to attack their residence if I'm not mistaken - which I discommend btw.

glasgow 21

New Member
Apr 27, 2022
But instead we have posters gleefully revelling in their lack of morality, by which I mean quite literally saying things like "I'm sick of morality" and "I don't care about morals in football". Or opting to make the sort of nonsensical false equivalence arguments I have to believe are disingenuous attempts at sophistry, as it would be very disrespectful to think they're actually stupid enough to believe their own bullshit. And I think those posters and fans fully deserve the criticism they get.
We are not was you say " Sick of Morality" what we are sick off is the rinse and repeat of 1684 pages of it as some attempt at indoctrination. What equally laughable is the constant attempts to evaluate each other opinions. Brexit chemical Jim v Gas anti LGBT etc Jassim. By now, the points have been well made and sure members are by now well informed.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
This is a load of rubbish. There is nothing in life that is a necessary that can’t be done ethically and morally.

Fact is, people pick and choose when they want to live ethically/morally.

People need to stop lying to themselves and own it.

You don’t need to work for certain employers with ethical issues.

You don’t need to use a smart phone.

You can choose to drive an electric car.

Etc, etc, etc….
You have no choice but to do many things in desperation. It's not always a choice, but survival. Difficult preaching these morals to people on empty stomachs in such countries as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many parts of Africa.
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