Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
Not interested in receiving an explanation from someone who can't form a decent argument and cluelessly resorts to the desperate act of calling people names/racist.
You’re putting words into my mouth, I’d appreciate you stopped and didn’t derail the thread any further.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
One of the problems I have with the importance given to American news on British TV is that UK citizens end up believing they're a part of the same narrative.

We have our own issues that need to be addressed in a different way. The kneeling protest doesn't make sense here.
Yeah, it surprises me. Has there been another incident in the UK or it's all as a result of the one in the US?


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
You’re putting words into my mouth, I’d appreciate you stopped and didn’t derail the thread any further.
You blamed him for implicit racism etc

Best you take such absurd accusations back should you want to retain any credibility here whatsoever.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
You just can't help yourself. :lol:

It does sound though very like a good PR apology.
You know what I mean: it is very unlikely someone will change their views at this age, on a subject they've had views on their entire life. And if they do change their mind, it wouldn't happen so quickly.

This man has said he will seek therapy, so let's see if he does.


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
You blamed him for implicit racism etc

Best you take such absurd accusations back should you want to retain any credibility here whatsoever.
No I did not blame him for implicit racism, no one person is to blame for implicit racism. Wilfully ignoring the reason for the demonstration, one of which IS implicit racism is implicit racism. Noodle may not have intended for that but it is, just because you like someone it doesn’t mean you have to defend everything they say or do.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
US has pretty much opened every business, non essential ones too. Why can saloon's run but not protests? If protestors were defying lockdown, that was a different story. Millions are going to work everyday and are using public transport. Compared to that the protests are just a drop in the ocean.
Protests don’t help the economy. Duh.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
If you knew me, you'd understand, and I'm not going into my whole family history on here. They said to remove it not because it was a lie, but that I shouldn't have to prove I'm not racist by saying I have mixed blood.. I am mixed, but I'm not that dark and am european looking, so I have grown up with my english family, identifying as british and white, but I'm darker skinned, and therefore have had racist experiences of black people and asians calling me a white bastard etc etc and I've had white people calling me evrything from black bastard to eastern european scum, to spanish argentinian bastard etc etc. I grew up with my english family, and I look more european than anything, so thats that. I always identify as white british from growing up, but then get reminders and comments and racism here and there that reminds you that you aren't pure white or english through and through. but thats it.
Fair enough. Sorry for misrepresenting you if that is the case.


No one is a match for his two masters degrees
May 7, 2012
You know what I mean: it is very unlikely someone will change their views at this age, on a subject they've had views on their entire life. And if they do change their mind, it wouldn't happen so quickly.

This man has said he will seek therapy, so let's see if he does.
I know exactly what you think you mean and I've said my piece, you just can't seem to help yourself is perhaps a bit better. :)


Full Member
Feb 11, 2016
People exercise their brains a tiny bit and stay away from these fairly pointless mass protests. Talking just about the UK of course.

People won't like them being referred to as pointless, but they really are. It's just a show of solidarity for most and also clearly looked at as another go at the London riots for quite a few. Many trying to bait the Met into behaving like the NYPD.

We already know black people are more susceptible to Covid. The young people out there marching will probably be fine but their parents and grandparents might not be so lucky.
Hmm I thought you were on about the protests in the US.
You need study history a bit if you think mass protests are pointless. I think they have a right to protest and good on them but yeah I can see your point as well. UK is under lockdown yeah? I can understand if some people have the view that the lockdown shouldnt be defied.


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.
\ These UK protesters very stupid, as virtually all UK police don't carry guns. :wenger:

UK BLM need to localise their message, if it is to have further resonance. Else wont lead to any change in UK.
Thats the thing, as a society the UK is so far ahead of the US, watching whats happening over there, copying it and taking it to the streets during a pandemic, of all times, is basically trying to tackle ignorance with more ignorance


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
If you knew me, you'd understand, and I'm not going into my whole family history on here. They said to remove it not because it was a lie, but that I shouldn't have to prove I'm not racist by saying I have mixed blood.. I am mixed, but I'm not that dark and am european looking, so I have grown up with my english family, identifying as british and white, but I'm darker skinned, and therefore have had racist experiences of black people and asians calling me a white bastard etc etc and I've had white people calling me evrything from black bastard to eastern european scum, to spanish argentinian bastard etc etc. I grew up with my english family, and I look more european than anything, so thats that. I always identify as white british from growing up, but then get reminders and comments and racism here and there that reminds you that you aren't pure white or english through and through. but thats it.
How do your family know what you post on here?


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
@amolbhatia50k if you are composing a further response to me, I have no intent on retorting further. I simply urge you to reread my posts and see that other people have inferred I called @noodlehair a racist, and I did not.


Nov 22, 2006
This is the complete difference in British to US policing...

When the protestors line up in front of the police on their knees (from 1.30 minute mark) "saying hands up dont shoot",they just walk past and confuse them. In the US as we have seen, you get pepper sprayed, tear gassed, dragged to the floor or shot with a rubber bullet..

This is why its so embarrassing attacking police and using copy cat behaviour

It's quite clear there's a group remaining who are intent to escalate tensions within in protest group to try and spark something with the police. They aren't there to protest, they are there to cause trouble. Powerful words from one protester on the ground who was calling them out on it.

Hope no one gets hurt.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
Yeah, it surprises me. Has there been another incident in the UK or it's all as a result of the one in the US?
Stop and search on black men is a controversial issue here and black people are proven to be discriminated against when it comes to sentencing. I think stop and search is employed because cuts to the police force mean that the police here have to use more crude measures. Personally I think we need a lot more police on the streets.

Deaths in custody are pretty rare here but black people are overrepresented in them, although the absolute numbers are so low it isn’t clear that there’s active discrimination there. Police shootings are even rarer.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2012
\ These UK protesters very stupid, as virtually all UK police don't carry guns. :wenger:

UK BLM need to localise their message, if it is to have further resonance. Else wont lead to any change in UK.
The protest I was at today was very much focused on institutionalised racism in all walks of life, rather than the police.


fan of well-known French footballer Fabinho
Oct 16, 2015
Oldham, Greater Manchester
People exercise their brains a tiny bit and stay away from these fairly pointless mass protests. Talking just about the UK of course.

People won't like them being referred to as pointless, but they really are. It's just a show of solidarity for most and also clearly looked at as another go at the London riots for quite a few. Many trying to bait the Met into behaving like the NYPD.

We already know black people are more susceptible to Covid. The young people out there marching will probably be fine but their parents and grandparents might not be so lucky.
So that's rioters and looters you're talking about. Please don't throw protestors in with them.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Stop and search on black men is a controversial issue here and black people are proven to be discriminated against when it comes to sentencing. I think stop and search is employed because cuts to the police force mean that the police here have to use more crude measures. Personally I think we need a lot more police on the streets.

Deaths in custody are pretty rare here but black people are overrepresented in them, although the absolute numbers are so low it isn’t clear that there’s active discrimination there. Police shootings are even rarer.
I mean, discrimination is a horrible thing but it happens everywhere and all the time, and needs to be fought. I was just wondering where the immediate need to protest in the UK in such huge clusters came from.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Yeah, it surprises me. Has there been another incident in the UK or it's all as a result of the one in the US?
All the US.

There have "only" been 53 killings by the UK police in the last 20 years. The last 3 have all been terrorists in the middle of attacks.

There is certainly systemic racism in the UK. There's also profiling done by the cops and the courts. But police brutality is not an issue of the same magnitude because our police don't benefit from immunity from prosecution like American cops do.


New Member
May 15, 2013
I mean, discrimination is a horrible thing but it happens everywhere and all the time, and needs to be fought. I was just wondering where the immediate need to protest in the UK in such huge clusters came from.
People are stupid in general and are basically like sheep. My neighbour went to protest? Well, I guess I should too. I am sure majority of them don't even know why are they doing it and what are they hoping to achieve.


"Full Member"
Nov 21, 2014
Chelsea and AFC Wimbledon


Full Member
Feb 11, 2016
People are getting shot in their homes in the UK? While under lockdown? Surely under lockdown this hasn't been happening that much. Obviously racism is a big issue in general, everywhere. But so is Covid and even moreso given the immediacy of the problem.
Yeah, my bad. I thought you were taking about the US.
I understand your view but its very hard to pressure the government into addressing massive problems like institutionalized racism. Its not as bad as the US, the brutality in the UK but from what I've read in these past few days, its still a problem. For the first time in decades people feel like their voices are being heard. If they wait for the pandemic to get over, the momentum will be lost.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2012
Good to hear. How was that expressed?
Speeches by black members of the community for around an hour about their experiences. Of course there was chants for George Floyd, as well as previous victims of the police violence in the UK, but I think it was a good balance.


Nov 22, 2006
All the US.

There have "only" been 53 killings by the UK police in the last 20 years. The last 3 have all been terrorists in the middle of attacks.

There is certainly systemic racism in the UK. There's also profiling done by the cops and the courts. But police brutality is not an issue of the same magnitude because our police don't benefit from immunity from prosecution like American cops do.
It's also worth noting that a number of those within the 53 mentioned were killed lawfully. The link is good as it explains the circumstances and ultimate outcome.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
For people complaining that the protesters should wait until the pandemic is over is either missing the point or being willfully ignorant of the very reason why it's happening right now.
The time for any such thing is extremely important. The murder of Mr. Floyd by the police is what pushed things over the edge
In 3 months time everyone would have forgotten it just like it has to previous murders of innocent people by the police.
That's why it's happening now. The protests around the world is going to have a collective effort in this change.
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Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
Because simply, I grew up with my white english side of the family, and I'm not super dark or heavily featured, so in my life and how I refer to myself, as a white British person. My identity and how I feel about myself is hard, and I chose at a young age, and with my english family to fit in. As I say, I'm more european looking, and do pass for british european etc in my looks. I've never said in my life that I am black, ever. Simple as that. I don't need to explain how difficult it is to feel or look differnt or feel that you don't fit in with even your own family. I've always said as does my family that I'm british and thats that. I am looking like european though. As I say, if you knew me you'd understand. No worries you can believe what you want. I feel like I belong with my english family, and I am not raised any other way.
Hmm okay. Like you said I don’t know you but I just found it convenient that you ID’d as white British up until it was time to do ‘I can’t be racist I’m half Black’


No longer at risk of being mistaken for a Scouser
Oct 2, 2013
All the US.

There have "only" been 53 killings by the UK police in the last 20 years. The last 3 have all been terrorists in the middle of attacks.

There is certainly systemic racism in the UK. There's also profiling done by the cops and the courts. But police brutality is not an issue of the same magnitude because our police don't benefit from immunity from prosecution like American cops do.
Please don't do that.
It's not just a protest about police brutality for one. But if we want to talk about the UK. There has still been no justice for:

Julian Cole
Christopher Adler
Sarah Reed
And others

Separately, there is also a push to push for criminal charges in the case of Belly Mujinga

If you are not part of the protest or organising the protests in the UK then please don't speak on their behalf about that they are protesting about. Take the time to listen to what they are saying first.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Speeches by black members of the community for around an hour about their experiences. Of course there was chants for George Floyd, as well as previous victims of the police violence in the UK, but I think it was a good balance.
Hopefully this can quickly take more precedence within the UK narrative, else it's largely misplaced. Thanks for pointing out.

fergies coat

Full Member
May 10, 2013
Wythenshawe, Manchester
Do half the people there even know what this protest is about. Is about george floyd? Is it about police brutally in the U.S? Or police brutally in the uk? Or all of the above? I'm confused.


Full Member
Sep 17, 2010
It's also worth noting that a number of those within the 53 mentioned were killed lawfully. The link is good as it explains the circumstances and ultimate outcome.
I’d question the accuracy of that source, just browsing through it I can spot one omission that I know of, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s others that have been left out.


No longer at risk of being mistaken for a Scouser
Oct 2, 2013
Do half the people there even know what this protest is about. Is about george floyd? Is it about police brutally in the U.S? Or police brutally in the uk? Or all of the above? I'm confused.
Its an anti-racism protest. So includes all of what you mentioned and some more too.