David Moyes West Ham Manager | Gone (pedantic sod Sarni)


Freaky fly day
Aug 10, 2009
Kid Kanto I believe ya :lol:, unless they changed his name from cunto>kanto>moyes.
He hardly posts anymore, shame, I quite enjoyed his stuff.
:lol: Yeah, I'd actually forgotten it was indeed Kanto first before re-christened Cunto. I guess the mods must really have had it in for him with all these names changes.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Yeah I can't argue with that but they're all the same. You think Mourinho blames himself for his final season at Chelsea? Not one bit I'd imagine.
No idea if he does, but i also don't remember him doing interviews on a regular basis blaming other people and/or circumstances for his failures. He may have done a few but certainly not on a monthly sometimes weekly basis like Moyes.

Just seems unfair to single out Moyes for a characteristic nearly all managers have.
Lets be honest here Moyes is the worst for it by a country mile though.

As long as Moyes keeps referring to himself in the 3rd person and saying ''I'' did xyz good, but ''the players'' did xyz badly then he deserves all the stick he gets.

Look at last night for another great example. ''I'll put my name to the second half, but not the first'' :wenger: He's the fecking manager who else picked the team and decided their tactics for the first half. His name is on every performance and result of the team he manages.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Formerly KidCunto. Although he was no fan of Moyes but actually entirely the opposite and was one of his earliest and most vocal critics on the Caf. So much so that Moses felt he was going way overboard and changed his name to KidMoyes in order to teach him a lesson of sorts. Turns out it was a misguided attempt at discipline as near everyone ended up in unequivocal agreement that the Moyes appointment was an utter trainwreck.
That's actually quite funny.
David Moyes (and his haters/supporters) keeps providing comic relief.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
That's actually quite funny.
David Moyes (and his haters/supporters) keeps providing comic relief.
It’s funny now but it was truly terrifying when he was our manager. I remember after his appointment being grossly disappointed, then seeing so many people on here happy about it and wondering if I was missing something.

Then he started the job, and not too long after it became obvious that he was a failure, and yet so many people on here and in the media kept defending him, saying he’s doing a good job and needs more time.

During that season I was really wondering if I was going mad and all these people were seeing something I was incapable of seeing in Moyes.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
If he loses all of the next 3 matches (vs City, Arsenal and Chelsea), that will be just 1 point from his first 15. West Ham might have to sack him after that ...

I would say thats a given, Watford and Everton completely outplayed them to the point of embarrassment.

Their one point has come from a home game where Leicester inexplicably took their foot off the gas after they scored.

The have no defensive shape, have literally nothing in midfield and going forward he just has them chucking hopeful crosses into the box and nothing else.
Even on their worst off days those three sides will walk all over West Ham as it stands.


New Member
May 30, 2014
Actually starting to feel sorry for him. It's hard to maintain dislike for something so awful and incompetent.

This run of games is going to be brutal and theyll probably bin him and get pulis in in January to keep them up.


Freaky fly day
Aug 10, 2009
I'd feel bad if he ends up going home at night and crying himself to sleep.

Seven Seas Sardines

Full Member
May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
If he loses all of the next 3 matches (vs City, Arsenal and Chelsea), that will be just 1 point from his first 18. West Ham might have to sack him after that ...

I think he'll last until Christmas. Dildo Brothers will let him try against Stoke and Newcastle since the big guns are untouchable. If(as expected) he's still below 5/24 points and out of the league cup, he'll be on his arse. Next step, tell the media that even Einstein would've struggled teaching the players anything, and that Swansea haven't contacted him yet but that he'd be interested.

Rhyme Animal

Thinks Di Zerbi is better than Pep.
Sep 3, 2015
Nonchalantly scoring the winner...
It's like he actually tries to lose the dressing room immediately...

He just rocks up at X club and immediately claims the players aren't up to it, losing the dressing room and gets his pay-off.

Whether it's the reigning PL champions (Utd when he took over), or relegation scrappers or mid table underachievers (Sun/W.Ham), it matters not one iota to old Davey.

I honestly reckon this fella could rock up at Barca and within a few games be whining in post match pressers about how he needs different players - while his media buddies (£) sit bleating about how Messi is a tricky player to get the best out of.

He's almost become a sort of managerial anti-hero or something - how long will he get away with it?

Maybe there are other fields of work he could go into where he takes on a leadership position and then go on to tell everyone that his subjects are crap and that's why he's failing... hmm, perhaps Tory leader might suit him.

Handsome Devil

Full Member
Dec 1, 2016
No, not Lisbon..Lisburn!
It’s funny now but it was truly terrifying when he was our manager. I remember after his appointment being grossly disappointed, then seeing so many people on here happy about it and wondering if I was missing something.

Then he started the job, and not too long after it became obvious that he was a failure, and yet so many people on here and in the media kept defending him, saying he’s doing a good job and needs more time.

During that season I was really wondering if I was going mad and all these people were seeing something I was incapable of seeing in Moyes.
And THAT banner, oh how I wish I could forget that frikkin' Chosen One banner. :(


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
Crystal Palace with one of the worst possible starts are just a point behind West Ham. Relegation is a possibility, especially with Moyes in charge.
The irony is, that by hiring Moyes, they've essentially guaranteed themselves relegation. By the time he's sacked, it will already be too late, and the players will be too demoralised and broken, to turn it around for anyone. They'll be so far adrift of safety that nobody will be able to fix the mess Moyes leaves behind.

If he's out before New Year it must surely mark one of the shortest stints an actual manager (not caretaker/temp) has had in the PL, if not the shortest?

That'll be another record Moyes will have all to himself.
The West Ham Way

Was it when you cut off the season tickets of the legends of our club for cost savings?

Was it when you sacked long standing employees of our club for cost saving purposes yet pay some of our players over £100k a week?

Was it when you tried to renege on an agreed Season Ticket offer with your most loyal fans?

Was it when you have essentially disowned our heritage and not invested and almost abandoned our academy?

Was it when you didn’t invest in our training facilities in your whole ownership era?

Was it when you sold our home without us having a say?

Was it when you sold our soul for corporate greed?

Was it when you moved us to an Athletics stadium, not a football stadium?

Was it when you promised us Champions League football in five years?

Was it when you promised us the next level if we moved ground? By next level, did you mean Championship?:lol:

Was it when you promised us world-class players but signed Jonathan Calleri and Gokhan Tore instead?:lol:

Was it when you sold our best player, Dimitri Payet and replaced him with Robert Snodgrass?:lol:

Was it when you attempted an obvious gentrification of our loyal support base?

Was it when you hired nightclub bouncers and cage fighters to moonlight as stewards so you could forcibly eject season ticket holders that wanted to stand?

Was it when you said you’d help clear our debts but those debt levels remain the same seven years later but have been replaced with your money.

Was it when you started charging us 7% interest on that money you put into the club? Yes, that is 7% interest they are charging the club. 7% per annum on £100 million.

Was it when you introduced a premium phone line for buying tickets, a phone line belonging to a company you owned?

Was it when you made a donation to the Conservative party on the club’s behalf? With the knowledge that our CEO, Karen Brady, is member of said party and received a life peer from that party around the same time?

Was it when you allowed your teenage son to manage our social media output and criticise managers/players in public?

Was it when you organised club plants on fans websites and forums to defend your actions?

Was it when you wanted to play football manager and buy the players you wanted, as opposed to the players the manager wanted?

Was it when you always took the free, cheap and loan option in regards to the above?

Was it when you threatened to sue another club’s owner when he called you up for the liar and shyster you are?

Was it when you constantly undermined all our managers?

Was it when you attempted to discredit and undermine one of the only remaining good things about this club, a decent and honest man, Slaven Bilic?

Was it when you once again took the cheap and easy option, and rewarded failure, by appointing David Moyes?

Was it the constant lies and trying to take us for fools?

Or was it simply a combination of all the above and much, much more?

You know the cost of everything but the value of nothing. You’ve both simultaneously managed to kill our club and our support. When apathy replaces anger, it can be a depressing realisation that this relationship has no future.

Time to leave. And time to leave now.
Some of these are hilarious, but the majority of them are disgraceful, and isn't the underlined one illegal? How can they get away with that?

Beings as it's West Ham, it's karma, so nothing to be up in arms about, but I wouldn't even want to imagine how soul-destroying that would be as a supporter of the club. Just watching it go down the tubes in every possible way whilst being utterly helpless.

What's worse with Brady is she has the gall to be berating and chastising others on The Apprentice whilst being part of a group who appointed Moyes.
It's like he actually tries to lose the dressing room immediately...

He just rocks up at X club and immediately claims the players aren't up to it, losing the dressing room and gets his pay-off.

Whether it's the reigning PL champions (Utd when he took over), or relegation scrappers or mid table underachievers (Sun/W.Ham), it matters not one iota to old Davey.

I honestly reckon this fella could rock up at Barca and within a few games be whining in post match pressers about how he needs different players - while his media buddies (£) sit bleating about how Messi is a tricky player to get the best out of.

He's almost become a sort of managerial anti-hero or something - how long will he get away with it?

Maybe there are other fields of work he could go into where he takes on a leadership position and then go on to tell everyone that his subjects are crap and that's why he's failing... hmm, perhaps Tory leader might suit him.
Pointed this out earlier in the thread, and by now, it looks like a legitimate scam by a master scam artist. To gain legal employment, get paid literal millions time and time again for being so incompetent at your job, and then rinse and repeat again and again, is dastardly to the point of being ingenious.

It's absolutely mind-boggling to think he is amassing a fortune by going from club to club to club and getting worse with each appointment.

If he gets another PL gig after West Ham, he might have to be hailed as one of the greatest minds we've ever seen as he will stand alone as the greatest-failure-that-manages-to-get-more-high-profile-work there has been.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
Does anyone know why managers get such huge pay offs when they've been sacked for being shit? Contract related? Being rewarded for failing at your job is baffling to me.

Craig Ward

Full Member
Dec 30, 2016
Took him years to build up a half decent Everton team, every job since he has failed one way or another.

He isn't a short term fix, and these days in footballs that's what it's all about.

West Ham are a difficult team to take over, poorly run, disgruntled fans, confident shot in all the players, ageing defenders, strikers that are never fit. All a bit of a mess really.

Moyes will take the flak, and rightly so, but its hard to see anyone turning west ham around in truth


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Took him years to build up a half decent Everton team, every job since he has failed one way or another.

He isn't a short term fix, and these days in footballs that's what it's all about.

West Ham are a difficult team to take over, poorly run, disgruntled fans, confident shot in all the players, ageing defenders, strikers that are never fit. All a bit of a mess really.

Moyes will take the flak, and rightly so, but its hard to see anyone turning west ham around in truth
Nobody could do a better job than Moyes.

Seriously though Big Sam would have got them out of it, Puils too i reckon.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2014
Dublin, formerly Manchester
Does anyone know why managers get such huge pay offs when they've been sacked for being shit? Contract related? Being rewarded for failing at your job is baffling to me.
There is usually a non -disclosure agreement guaranteeing that - for a defined period they can't run off to the press and say what really went on behind the scenes. Paying for someones silence usually does not come cheap!

The odd thing in Football is that they are subject to normal employment law like you or I, but actually behave more like showbusiness / entertainment in how they hire and fire.

So if i am going to sack you under employment law i need to have held regular 1-2-1's etc where i told you your performance was not meeting specific requirements and put in place things to help you do this. If you don't improve - bang i can get rid of you at no real cost.

Clearly most chairs don't do this - they may have a glass of whiskey with the manager after the match, but they don't have the right mechanisms in place to protect them from a Manager winning at tribunal.

The fact that some Football Chairmen have got.....colourful pasts shall we say, means they are particularly keen for things to be kept out of court / having to disclose documents that maybe show just how much money they are scalping off the fans.

In the world of showbiz it is more widely accepted to hire and fire as they have obviously got immediate impact of "bums on seats" if a performer is a stinker. There is also no shortage of actors to fill a part or directors to take over a film.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
Thats got to be a negative goal difference of at least 12 surely :lol:
And then they play Chelsea.
Always thought West Ham would be young Franky Lampards first gig in management. This is what West Ham fans stand around saying in pubs. Franky's alright. Give it to Franky. Till the end of the season. See air it gows.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
There is usually a non -disclosure agreement guaranteeing that - for a defined period they can't run off to the press and say what really went on behind the scenes. Paying for someones silence usually does not come cheap!

The odd thing in Football is that they are subject to normal employment law like you or I, but actually behave more like showbusiness / entertainment in how they hire and fire.

So if i am going to sack you under employment law i need to have held regular 1-2-1's etc where i told you your performance was not meeting specific requirements and put in place things to help you do this. If you don't improve - bang i can get rid of you at no real cost.

Clearly most chairs don't do this - they may have a glass of whiskey with the manager after the match, but they don't have the right mechanisms in place to protect them from a Manager winning at tribunal.

The fact that some Football Chairmen have got.....colourful pasts shall we say, means they are particularly keen for things to be kept out of court / having to disclose documents that maybe show just how much money they are scalping off the fans.

In the world of showbiz it is more widely accepted to hire and fire as they have obviously got immediate impact of "bums on seats" if a performer is a stinker. There is also no shortage of actors to fill a part or directors to take over a film.
Okay, interesting, thanks for taking the time to post that.


Feb 17, 2013
He'll sort them out in January buy signing Donald Love, Anichebe, Pienaar, Lescott, Darron Gibson and maybe a couple of other familiar faces.

Seven Seas Sardines

Full Member
May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
He'll sort them out in January buy signing Donald Love, Anichebe, Pienaar, Lescott, Darron Gibson and maybe a couple of other familiar faces.
If we can sign someone versatile like Fabinho in January, I'd be glad for him to get Fellaini for £40m.

After seeing the World Cup draw, I'm quite happy if Moyes manages to stick around til the end of the season. A Chicharito without a game in 6 months can only be good for Sweden!


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
Does anyone know why managers get such huge pay offs when they've been sacked for being shit? Contract related? Being rewarded for failing at your job is baffling to me.
I think his contract is only 6 months - which kind of hints at the lack of faith they have in him.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
Managers tend not to get sacked, they “leave by mutual consent”.

You cant really sack someone for say, getting a string of incorrect refereeing decisions against them that costs them the points that would have kept them up.

Instead, shit managers like Moyes get a juicy pay off to feck off quietly and never darken the clubs doors again.

I say shit managers like Moyes, he actually HAS been sacked from two of his last three jobs because he WAS shit and so the clubs just got rid.

The big pay offs come from the termination clauses these cnuts have in their contract where they get a massive pay off if they are sacked for being shit.
He will have one in this West Ham deal as well, even though its only a six month deal. We will see come December cause thats when he will be gone.


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India
West Ham are a difficult team to take over, poorly run, disgruntled fans, confident shot in all the players, ageing defenders, strikers that are never fit. All a bit of a mess really.

Moyes will take the flak, and rightly so, but its hard to see anyone turning west ham around in truth
There is a toxic atmosphere for sure, but the squad is really not that bad. They could keep themselves up with a half competent manager.

Moyes is not competent.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
I was talking in general. I read that Pulis got £2 million from WBA. Incredible.
Yh, it's nuts. It's the same for players I guess theoretically as well right? I know this never happens but if Man Utd 'sacked' Luke Shaw for example, I guess they'd have to pay off the remaining wages they owe him in full and then he'd immediately become a free agent?

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
Yh, it's nuts. It's the same for players I guess theoretically as well right? I know this never happens but if Man Utd 'sacked' Luke Shaw for example, I guess they'd have to pay off the remaining wages they owe him in full and then he'd immediately become a free agent?
I think it would depend on why he was sacked. If it was for some kind of gross misconduct I'm not sure we'd owe him anything. Remember when Chelsea sacked Mutu, then sued him?


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
'I was hoping it would be a bit easier, to be honest,' Moyes said on Friday. 'In football you just never know. It's a big task and a big job, but it's a good challenge and they have good players here. I think we'll be OK, we have got a good team.'

Rockets Redglare

New Member
Jun 23, 2015
In four years he’s gone from being given a 6 year contract at United to a 6 month one at West Ham.
Surely that’s got to be one of the biggest falls from grace ever?


Full Member
Jul 14, 2016
Real Madrid

Just read this. :lol:

No, no, no. I'm not having this.

Moyes? At United? Are you sure? This is for real? This isn't some sort of ginger-themed hallucination? It's not a mushroom flashback? Christ.

Look, I'm not a United fan but I know exactly what United are; they're one of the few elite clubs in world football. There is no bigger job than managing them. No bigger profile, no bigger focus, no bigger pressure. And you're going to give this job to someone whose best gig so far has been steering a noble but, in comparison, tiny club on a tight budget? That's the only qualification you needed? Big Sam has done that. So has Tony Pulis, so has Steve McClaren. At least McClaren got his club to a UEFA Cup final. Has Moyes done that? No he hasn't. Just doing OK on a budget is an achievement but it is an achievement that is irrelevant to United. It's like saying you've run a small corner shop well, made a profit every year and then being put in charge of Coca Cola on that basis.

Of course Moyes might do a good job, he might, but then that possibility is true of almost anyone. If you employed the Chuckle Brothers, Orville The Duck or Ozzy Osbourne, they might do a good job. The point is when you're a huge global force, you don't bet the farm on someone who has not even had a sniff of the rarefied air he's about to work in. And you don't do that because you have no idea how he'll handle it. He might be rocking back and forth in a corner with his head in his hands after a month. Seriously. As I wrote yesterday, this job can break a man, just like that. Ferguson could resist critics by waving his CV. Moyes hasn't got a bloody CV, or rather, he's only got one that says: 'I did quite well without much money but didn't win anything, in fact other managers with less resources won things and did better than me and yes I signed Andy van der Meyde but I am Scottish if that helps and I can look cross'.

Not. Good. Enough. Not by a long way. No no no. It's wrong.

Get away with you. This is insane! And made all the more insane by the fact that the best manager in world football is available right now. That's RIGHT NOW! He wants the job. You know he wants the job. If anyone can make United successful in Europe - an arena which Ferguson was never king of - it's Jose Mourinho. And you think David Moyes can achieve what Jose Mourinho can't? It's senseless. It's stupid. If he was that good, Real Madrid would want Moyes to replace Jose. Well do they? Do they bollocks. No elite club in the world would sign Moyes as a manager. No offence Davey but you've done sod all, so you don't get to hold the wheel of the big boys' bus.

Look, look, wanting another long-term manager and hoping Moyes will be that is utter madness. In case no-one was looking the teams that have won most trophies in Europe over the years are clubs like Real Madrid, Inter Milan, Barcelona - they change managers all the time. Even Liverpool's 25-year period of success was across four different managers. This longevity of tenure thing is all rubbish. Ferguson was the exception not the rule. Forget it. It's not relevant. You want the best you can get, you want him now and you can have him. So why Moyes? Why? Why?

No no no. I'm not having this. It's almost immoral. I can't help feeling that somehow it has all been engineered by Rafa Benitez as part of a long-term black ops campaign to undermine Manchester United. If so, well done Rafa. You have won.


Punched the air when Liverpool beat City
Dec 7, 2011

He's a winner. No idea what he's won, but he's a winner.


Woodward’s biggest fan
Apr 29, 2015
Needs to do us a favour the cnut. Ill stop calling him a cnut if he does.


Ole's at the wheel!
Mar 10, 2013
To think the WH board thought this was a good idea. They will lose to City and probably Arsenal and Chelsea as well. Surely they won't sack him that quickly?


New Member
May 28, 2017
The mug will somehow get a draw against City. I can feel it!


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
Can you actually believe it? He's at it again, basically he just straight up said that he doesn't take any responsibility for the first half and the loss, it's all on the players, but everything they did right after half-time was purely down to him.

'It's not tactical and not because we are not running enough' FFS :lol:
So I wonder how he's getting on with Stuart Pearce, who has a bit more of the honesties about him.