Premier League Gameweek 3 fixtures (25th - 27th August 2018)

Admittedly only watched the last 10 minutes, but Ruben Neves has been crap.
That was such an obvious dive that the ref was looking directly at.
Should get a retrospective yellow.
I imagine because they're not sure enough. It's one area I want to see improve with VAR (as opposed to just using it for goals).

Maybe if it was used in hindsight, but that would surely slow the game down in real time.
Commentator "David Silva is having much more influence on Cities play at the start of this second half". It's 70 minutes and he's only just got into the game.
Pep is incidently the streetname for meta amphetamins in Dutch.

Just thought Id share that.
Adama Traore.... his hair looks like the isolation you have inside panels. Absolutely terrible
City will somehow manage to win this one. Was hopeful that they would drop 3 points and wanted to see how the media and the "experts" would react. Still time but I'm not hopeful.
If wolves had a decent striker they might actually be a dangerous side this year.

Aye. Was just typing up a post saying Wolves need to replace their #9 asap if they want to win this game and then City score. He kills them; can’t head, can’t hold the ball, just does nothing.
That wasn't the point you replied to it was what they do on the pitch which requires the quality. Anyone can implement the style in Swansea fashion but you need this kind of embarrassment of riches to make it work very well.

We've spent a lot of money and nothing seems to be working for us. Or do we need to spend another 300m.

Fact is, people can talk about how much City have spent, but they definately wouldnt have done what they did last season with any other manager, in my opinion.
Sane has such a dumb fecking haircut. Bothers me greatly for some reason.
