SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

You sure based on what? Show me the numbers.

How many cannabis daily smokers are sick?

Based on Italy (heavy nicotine consumers), I can safely deduce that nicotine does nothing to save you.

I’m sure based on the same data that has France giving nicotine patches to HCWs. Did you even read the link that @balaks posted?

I have no idea how many daily cannabis smokers are sick. I haven’t seen any data. Please do share whatever you’ve seen.
I’m sure based on the same data that has France giving nicotine patches to HCWs. Did you even read the link that @balaks posted?

I have no idea how many daily cannabis smokers are sick. I haven’t seen any data. Please do share whatever you’ve seen.

I used to be a heavy weed smoker man, and I have never met one in my life who had healthy lungs. Nicotine is shit, we all know that, but inhaling exhaust-pipe levels of ANY kind of smoke into your fecking lungs is NOT healthy despite what the most ardent of stoners will bleat on about. It's certainly not as bad as smoking cigs, but you know what's better again for your lungs and health? Not smoking at all. At a push, I would entertain the idea that smokers and weed smokers might not be as susceptible due to having damaged lungs that the virus struggles to get a grip on. If that's considered protection, then yeah maybe they are protected.
I’m sure based on the same data that has France giving nicotine patches to HCWs. Did you even read the link that @balaks posted?

I have no idea how many daily cannabis smokers are sick. I haven’t seen any data. Please do share whatever you’ve seen.

Yes, and they kept saying "hypothesis".

Mine is also an hypothesis.
I used to be a heavy weed smoker man, and I have never met one in my life who had healthy lungs. Nicotine is shit, we all know that, but inhaling exhaust-pipe levels of ANY kind of smoke into your fecking lungs is NOT healthy despite what the most ardent of stoners will bleat on about. It's certainly not as bad as smoking cigs, but you know what's better again for your lungs and health? Not smoking at all. At a push, I would entertain the idea that smokers and weed smokers might not be as susceptible due to having damaged lungs that the virus struggles to get a grip on. If that's considered protection, then yeah maybe they are protected.

100% agree. And I am also an ex smoker (weed and fags). The smoking protection thing is interesting because there is evidence that smokers are getting much less sick than you would expect, based on their inevitably shitty lungs.

The theory is that nicotine causes you to express less of the ACE receptors in your airways that SARS-CoV2 binds to. It’s all very theoretical though.
Pretty sure most stoners simply say that pot is safer than tobacco, but it obviously doesn't improve your health or somnething, unless they were using it for pain relief or some other medical purpose. Even vaping isn't that great for your lungs, it' s just a bit easier on them than combustion.
Pretty sure most stoners simply say that pot is safer than tobacco, but it obviously doesn't improve your health or somnething, unless they were using it for pain relief or some other medical purpose. Even vaping isn't that great for your lungs, it' s just a bit easier on them than combustion.

You’d be surprised. There’s a lot of stoners out there who literally think smoking weed cures cancer. And most other ailments you can think of. Looks like we might have one of them in this thread!
I thought it was the tar and chemicals from cigarettes and smoking that protected the lungs or some shit from the virus rather than nicotine.

Been so bored that I'm hoping the government might just legalise stuff anyway.
I used to be a heavy weed smoker man, and I have never met one in my life who had healthy lungs. Nicotine is shit, we all know that, but inhaling exhaust-pipe levels of ANY kind of smoke into your fecking lungs is NOT healthy despite what the most ardent of stoners will bleat on about. It's certainly not as bad as smoking cigs, but you know what's better again for your lungs and health? Not smoking at all. At a push, I would entertain the idea that smokers and weed smokers might not be as susceptible due to having damaged lungs that the virus struggles to get a grip on. If that's considered protection, then yeah maybe they are protected.

I have noticed that you say 'man' a lot. Like, wow maaaan.

Part of the reason I never gotr into weed in California was because I quit smoking in 1998 and didn't want to start inhaling smoke of any kind again.
You sure based on what? Show me the numbers.

How many cannabis daily smokers are sick?

Based on Italy (heavy nicotine consumers), I can safely deduce that nicotine does nothing to save you.

There is some evidence to suggest smokers are less likely to be hospitalised than non smokers.

The evidence in Italy suggests that if a smoker does get hospitalised, they're in trouble. The health authorities have said it more doubles the risk of requiring intensive care.

Maybe the smoking is damaging but the nicotene is protective.
100% agree. And I am also an ex smoker (weed and fags). The smoking protection thing is interesting because there is evidence that smokers are getting much less sick than you would expect, based on their inevitably shitty lungs.

The theory is that nicotine causes you to express less of the ACE receptors in your airways that SARS-CoV2 binds to. It’s all very theoretical though.

You’d be surprised. There’s a lot of stoners out there who literally think smoking weed cures cancer. And most other ailments you can think of. Looks like we might have one of them in this thread!

Same here, cigs also.

I'm glad we're on the same page here - as a former stoner, one of things that really dries me out is 'people that love weed too much'. You know the types - the ones that can't have any kind of social conversation without bringing up how great weed is and how booze is shit, etc etc. The most boring people on the planet and some of them are downright deluded, as well.

The bolded is what I suspected but in much more technically sound terminology, haha.

Funny enough, when I was smoker I would find that sometimes my family would come down with coughs/colds and I'd be the only one who was relatively unaffected by it. I used to jokingly say it was because my lungs were probably used to functioning below standard on a daily basis, haha.
I have noticed that you say 'man' a lot. Like, wow maaaan.

Part of the reason I never gotr into weed in California was because I quit smoking in 1998 and didn't want to start inhaling smoke of any kind again.

Wanna know why? Quick anecdote.

I'm from Wales, in the valleys, we say 'butt' at the end of every sentence, with the meaning being 'mate' or 'friend'.

I went to university in England and after a week or so, realised I had to replace 'butt' because it was causing issues whereby people thought my sentence was going to continue. I didn't want to adopt 'mate' because I didn't like the term at all and 18yr old me associated it with southern English (stupid viewpoint I know, now). So I went for man as my sort of habitual ending to a sentence.
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I would have a few friends that would be the most immune people in Ireland if that was the case.
Yep this came a year too late for me if it proves to be the case.
Lads and lasses, any update regarding Hendrik Streeck's study? Can the virus spread through surfaces?
Tbf, there are multiple teams of scientists who think 12-18 months is much more realistic than 6, and even for that, they urge caution. There is also the fact that the vaccines take 10-15 years to be developed.

Oxford’s team is also not the leading team on this. Moderna from Boston is the leader, and they produced a vaccine two months ago (I am not sure that Oxford’s super optimistic team has even developed the vaccine yet), and administered it on humans a month ago or so. The 12-18 months or so delay is more about doing intensive (though somehow rushed) testing, rather than developing the vaccine. There are already multiple vaccines that seem to be working fine.

What Oxford’s team is proposing looks to me to essentially skip the testing. Which can be dangerous for mass vaccinations and it will likely not get the green permit. And to be fair, I think that they have been advocating to start administering it in doctors and medical staff on fall, not on general population.

I am not really sure where you got this from:

I am aware that most experts think that 12-18 is more realistic than 6, I was just saying that it is incredibly arrogant to completely write off six saying given that some of the people actually working on it think that it can be done in that time. I am not holding my breath and expect it to be six, but, as long as any experts are claiming it is possible, I will be hoping for it.
To be honest even if smoking cigarettes protects you from the Virus, it’s probably still statistically safer to take your chances with healthy lungs than to have the lungs of a smoker over the course of your life. Let’s not forget, the vast majority of people have a minor illness. People treat Covid on here like it’s the Black Plague.

Do I wanna get it? No. Do I wanna damage my health in other ways just because I might get it? No also.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's because smokers are more likely to die before they enter the corona danger zone

That’s a good theory but even the age adjusted rates seem to show smokers doing surprisingly well. From memory it was a bit of a mixed picture. Smokers less likely to die than non-smokers but more likely to end up in hospital. Or something like that. Could be the other way round! Either way, it was massively counter-intuitive because everyone expected smokers to be the worst affected by every metric.

In fact that was the main reason given for Chinese men doing worse than Chinese women. Higher incidence of smoking in Chinese men. Turns out that wasn’t true at all. The latest theory for men doing worse than women is that the virus hides from our immune system by hunkering down in our balls. Seriously. Sneaky little bastard.
Wanna know why? Quick anecdote.

I'm from Wales, in the valleys, we say 'butt' at the end of every sentence, with the meaning being 'mate' or 'friend'.

I went to university in England and after a week or so, realised I had to replace 'butt' because it was causing issues whereby people thought my sentence was going to continue. I didn't want to adopt 'mate' because I didn't like the term at all and 18yr old me associated it with southern English (stupid viewpoint I know, now). So I went for man as my sort of habitual ending to a sentence.
Tidy :)
In fact that was the main reason given for Chinese men doing worse than Chinese women. Higher incidence of smoking in Chinese men. Turns out that wasn’t true at all. The latest theory for men doing worse than women is that the virus hides from our immune system by hunkering down in our balls. Seriously. Sneaky little bastard.

:lol: Is this really true?
I am not really sure where you got this from:

I am aware that most experts think that 12-18 is more realistic than 6, I was just saying that it is incredibly arrogant to completely write off six saying given that some of the people actually working on it think that it can be done in that time. I am not holding my breath and expect it to be six, but, as long as any experts are claiming it is possible, I will be hoping for it.
Yep, I was not sure. In any case, they seem to be 6 weeks behind Moderna, and a few weeks behind some other companies who are doing testing for a while now.

Nothing to suggest that somehow they will leapfrog the others, especially considering that for most part now it is going to be just testing, and I expect the testing to last more or less the same for every vaccine.
You’d be surprised. There’s a lot of stoners out there who literally think smoking weed cures cancer. And most other ailments you can think of. Looks like we might have one of them in this thread!


Don't take me too seriously.

I'm kinda half joking with the cannabis hypothesis, but just like with tobacco and nicotine, it is certainly possible something similar could happen with cannabis. My personal experience would indicate there is something to it, because I know a lot of smokers, and I'm yet to know of anyone sick. Even though it's probably just coincidence, had to mention it when I read that nicotine article.

The only two stoners I know of living in a covid-19 hotspot (Manhattan in this case), are my brother and his wife, and so far they are ok, thankfully. Im hoping it remains the case, whether by luck or by the mighty THC.
I could be completely wrong but I think it's down to the devolution powers of the Scottish and Welsh governments.

That is correct.

His insiders blame England specific procurement legislation introduced by Cameron's government. As far as I can see some people argue the legislation was introduced to combat against large scale fraud in the sector whilst others argue it's a secret Tory plot to sell off the NHS piecemeal. Fair to say its a politically emotive subject.

My question would be if it is an England specific thing then why are only some hospitals/trusts badly affected, something he acknowledges in the thread. Obviously there will be many variables affecting this but the journalist doesn't explore any of them in anyway but focuses the insiders that blame the procurement issues.

I'm not saying that the insiders are wrong in what they say, only that if there are quite a few anomalies operating under the same rules then the specifics need to be looked at.
I used to be a heavy weed smoker man, and I have never met one in my life who had healthy lungs. Nicotine is shit, we all know that, but inhaling exhaust-pipe levels of ANY kind of smoke into your fecking lungs is NOT healthy despite what the most ardent of stoners will bleat on about. It's certainly not as bad as smoking cigs, but you know what's better again for your lungs and health? Not smoking at all. At a push, I would entertain the idea that smokers and weed smokers might not be as susceptible due to having damaged lungs that the virus struggles to get a grip on. If that's considered protection, then yeah maybe they are protected.

The difference I observed in college was that average pot smokers inhaled less actual puffs of smoke per day than the hardcore cigarette smokers would smoke per cigarette (bong hits of high THC California pot). I counted this back then and the heavy cigarette smokers (1 pack+/day) were inhaling more puffs of smoke in a single day than the average pot smokers would take in 3-4 weeks. Even assuming the smoke is equaling damaging, the cigarette smokers were inhaling exponentially more of it and far more regularly throughout the day.
The difference I observed in college was that average pot smokers inhaled less actual puffs of smoke per day than the hardcore cigarette smokers would smoke per cigarette (bong hits of high THC California pot). I counted this back then and the heavy cigarette smokers (1 pack+/day) were inhaling more puffs of smoke in a single day than the average pot smokers would take in 3-4 weeks. Even assuming the smoke is equaling damaging, the cigarette smokers were inhaling exponentially more of it and far more regularly throughout the day.

A lot of pot smokers don't filter though unlike pre-bought cigarettes and those filters really do take out a lot of the crap.
Lots of pot smokers roll joints with tobacco so the argument isn't exactly apples vs oranges.

depends on the city from my experience. That wasn't really a thing in California, the land of the bong, whereas my NYC friends, would do that all the time. At least the people I knew, there was a huge amount of pot smokers that wouldn't ever smoke tobacco.