International peak draft


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012


Draft rules

1.1 Players has to have played in one of the available tournaments. Managers must before every game specify which tournament version of their player that they are using. Their peak will be rated solely on what they did in that specific tournament. There is no rules on exactly how many matches the player has to have played, but obviously the more the merrier and the primary goal is impact to the teams performance overall in the tournament.

You must include the tournament and year you chose both in the formation picture and the write up.

I.e Pele from '58 played just 3 games, which means in half of the games he had 0 impact. It doesn't mean you can't use that Pele if you want, but you at least then know that it will seriously affect his value here.

1.2 There won't be any ranking between the different tournaments based on their name so keep an open mind. Quality of opposition may be questioned, in which case you should argue your case as a manager if you disagree.

1.3 If you want to pick a player from an odd tournament setup like the Euro of 1960 which just included four teams then ask me and I will help set out a more fair rule for it. For the Euro '60 it would most likely be to include the qualifying rounds as well which in total saw the teams play a round of 16th a quarter and then "the final tournament" of the semis and the final.

2. This is a traditional Snake draft - all picks will be made from top to bottom and back, one pick at a time. Manager's position will be assigned randomly.

3. The initial drafting will end when the 14th round finishes, every manager will have 14 players in his team at that point.

4. Every manager has 8 hours to make his pick. The countdown starts after the previous manager made his pick and tagged the next manager. After 8 hours had passed, the next in line is free to make his pick. Due to the difficulty level of this draft in the later stages, a manager who comes online with his time about to go - or having just ran out will be able to pause the draft for 1 hour so he can make his pick. You have to post in this thread and state that you are there researching a pick for this to be valid.

5. Reinforcements are going to be held in a snake format, from the opposite side of the list (so, from the bottom in the first reinforcement round etc.). Every manager will have 2 picks from an open pool (both eliminated and unpicked players) before the quarters and the semi-finals and 1 last pick before the final.

6. All names should be spellchecked before posting. Names should be posted in a format like this: L. Messi, Z. Ibrahimović, M. Fellaini. This is done to make ctrl+F search more effective, considering the amount of unforced mistakes in the last drafts. For that reason, officially there isn't any difference between, say, "c" and "ć", as the search engine sees them as one. The aesthetic preference is to make everything authentic though.

7. After the draw is done, the managers should attempt to schedule matches as early as possible to keep the draft moving along.

8. Send an admin the write-up at least half an hour prior to the start date.

Matches will last for 24 hours.

2.2 Three Substitutions will be allowed after 60 minutes(16 h) of the game has been played to make sure a manager making a crucial mistake can't come back while regular subs are commendable.

2.4 Players who had more than one great tournament can be used in different way between matches, but in matches it will count as a substitution to replace '70 Pele with '58 Pele. Which can't be made prior to the 60 minute mark.(16 h)

2.5 There won't be a character limit on the write up, but gifs and videos are not allowed. Even in spoilers they should be posted in the thread, with the exception of tactical .gifs that shows a gif of how you'd play in different phases or situations. Those will be placed in spoilers in the write up.

2.6 Do not make player profiles or comment/post your/others formations in the draft thread, save it all for discussion in the match thread or for the writeup in the OP. Arbitrary information can be posted in the draft thread for entertainment.

2.7 Please do your research the best you can as others can't be expected to. So it is up to you to have a detailed write up that covers everything that matters. I.e players match per match performances etc.


  • World Cup
  • Olympics
  • UEFA European Championship
  • South American Championship
  • Copa América
  • Africa Cup of Nations
  • AFC Asian Cup

  1. EAP
  2. Sjor
  3. Isotope
  4. 2Mufc0
  5. Tuppet
  6. Pat Mustard
  7. Skizzo
  8. P-Nut/Enigma
  9. Onenil
  10. Mazhar
  11. Joga Bonito
  12. Gio
  13. Raees/Invictus
  14. Annahnomoss
  15. Moby
  16. DownCast
  17. Harms
Moderators: Annah, Green_smiley
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Or third..

Thanks for the invite, Annah!
Or third..

Thanks for the invite, Annah!

:lol:Thanks for participating, did you see your draft number?(And EAP's)

Balu: Here you go @Annahnomoss :

There were 16 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. EAP
  2. Sjor
  3. Isotope
  4. 2Mufc0
  5. Tuppet
  6. Pat Mustard
  7. Skizzo
  8. P-Nut/Enigma
  9. Onenil
  10. Mazhar
  11. Joga Bonito
  12. Gio
  13. Raees/Invictus
  14. Annahnomoss
  15. Moby
  16. DownCast

Timestamp: 2017-03-12 15:13:36 UTC
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Anyhow guys, please read the rules so we can discuss them and clarify it all here so we are ready for when the other draft ends. No stress obviously.
We can swap place if you want to. Just the benefit of an OP. Seriously, I don't mind.

:D Thanks for the offer mate but I don't think it is allowed! This draft should be quite good to be at the top in as well. Is the OP alright? Easy to read and not too disturbingly ugly for being made with paint?
:D Thanks for the offer mate but I don't think it is allowed! This draft should be quite good to be at the top in as well.
None on the rules to say it isn't allowed ;). Just take it like a real man, mate. Think what @antohan would do. :D
2.6 Do not make player profiles or comment/post your/others formations in the draft thread, save it all for discussion in the match thread or for the writeup in the OP. Arbitrary information can be posted in the draft thread for entertainment.

This rule is to avoid having people discuss sides to death before the match up which makes the match itself kind of dull. Also to avoid people from getting an opinion from everybody on their setup/best setup which also takes away some of the match thread fun. No rules on PM:ing people questions, just a gentlemans agreement to not go overboard with it.
For rule 4 can we accelerate picking intervals in the latter half of the draft? For example from turn 10 or 11 go down to 4 hours per person. Helps to keep the momentum going. Think @Enigma_87 suggested something similar.
I play at home! I'm the favourite to win this draft then :cool:
For rule 4 can we accelerate picking intervals in the latter half of the draft? For example from turn 10 or 11 go down to 4 hours per person. Helps to keep the momentum going. Think @Enigma_87 suggested something similar.
Yeah I think we can implement that in snake drafts. Start with 8 hr interval then decrease it by hour until we get to 4 hrs per pick at the end. It's pretty straight forward in latter picks and you can send 2-3 options if you won't be online to the draft master.
Are you not going to include Central European International Cup? @Annahnomoss

We won't for the following reasons. 1. The eastern block completely dominated the Olympics, and have so many exceptional performances there from Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Soviet, Poland etc etc. And the best of these sides faced of in the Olympics together against other sides as well. 2. The tournament was played for up to over five years to decide a single winner.

Italy and Austria also played in the olympics.

We'd then have to include the Nordic Football Championship and 30 other tournaments like that in the world.
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For rule 4 can we accelerate picking intervals in the latter half of the draft? For example from turn 10 or 11 go down to 4 hours per person. Helps to keep the momentum going. Think @Enigma_87 suggested something similar.

What do people think of this? Sign the list if you are for/comment.

List of people for the rule change
2.5 There won't be a character limit on the write up, but gifs and videos are not allowed. Even in spoilers they should be posted in the thread, with the exception of tactical .gifs that shows a gif of how you'd play in different phases or situations. Those will be placed in spoilers in the write up.

Because of the nature of this draft, and the research heavy part it may involved I won't limit the write ups. So voters don't have to scan through the thread to find out why X is a good/bad pick on page 3.
For rule 4 can we accelerate picking intervals in the latter half of the draft? For example from turn 10 or 11 go down to 4 hours per person. Helps to keep the momentum going. Think @Enigma_87 suggested something similar.

Only problem with this is someone's turn coming over night.
Nah, prefer the uniform 8 hrs limits. Managers can always PM their picks early without needing an actual rule change. Also 4 hrs if it's odd time zone will be painful.

What if from round 11 and forward everybody has to PM three picks to someone before they go away for a lot of hours. Also I'd recommend people to have AM's for this draft.
Only problem with this is someone's turn coming over night.
The 4 hrs will come into play at the late stage of the draft(say pick 10-11) when most of the drafters have almost completed their teams and are left with 1-2 positions to fill. In that case they can simply PM the mod or some other guys online to pick for them instead of just waiting for hours for someone to make his pick. If there are managers overlapping(say 1-2 LB's) they can send a preference list of 2-3 players to be picked.
Only problem with this is someone's turn coming over night.
Yeah, this is a problem that I will definitely face, but that's where we can send our first and other (if necessary) options over to another manager/neutral who will be available during that time.
Sent out three golden card requests to Balu, harms and Antohan who I think would add something spectacular to this draft.
Not sure what I can offer though, my knowledge is limited to the Euros and World Cups and it's not that I'm such an expert on them either.
Never was interested in football Olympics, so, despite USSR success in that tournament, I'm not very knowledgable on the matter

I'll follow the draft anyway, obviously
Not in favour of the 4 hrs reduction. 6 maybe but with the time zones and picks falling in the middle of the night it would be unfair. Doesn't really make a huge difference in terms of the duration anyway.
The 4 hrs will come into play at the late stage of the draft(say pick 10-11) when most of the drafters have almost completed their teams and are left with 1-2 positions to fill. In that case they can simply PM the mod or some other guys online to pick for them instead of just waiting for hours for someone to make his pick. If there are managers overlapping(say 1-2 LB's) they can send a preference list of 2-3 players to be picked.

This is the right habit to speed up the pace of a draft.
Harms has been added to the draft. That means that if somebody has to quit then we are still 16, and if not he challenged me to a preliminary game for my spot prior to the tournament start.
Harms has been added to the draft. That means that if somebody has to quit then we are still 16, and if not he challenged me to a preliminary game for my spot prior to the tournament start.

One can pair up with me if nobody drops out.
Not in favour of the 4 hrs reduction. 6 maybe but with the time zones and picks falling in the middle of the night it would be unfair. Doesn't really make a huge difference in terms of the duration anyway.

6 hours seems a fair compromise to me.
If you are planning on adding any of that shite at least put it in the OP so that people can save their time and drop out before hand.

As far as I understand this is a traditional snake draft, nothing else.
Whats this about ? Can we please not have any card/injury randomness in this draft.
No, he just wanted us to play in the draft. It'll not eliminate no one else apart from myself or Annah